Should public nudity be legalized?

Should public nudity be legalized?

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Only for attractive women

Not with these rising obesity rates.

not if they look like this dios mio

isn't it curious how all these nudists are butt ugly hamplanets that should never be seen naked?

the only correct answer

Why on earth do Lefties, who by nature are horrific to look at, insist on taking their clothes off to protest. It really does nothing for whatever limpdick cause it's about. It's fucking revolting, and so are they. Gah, put your burlap sack back on while i kick your teeth in ffs.

are these typical Bernie fans?

>paw print tat near cooter
White girls fuck dogs

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why would you want to encourage people to allow bugs to crawl on their junk?

>Pawprint tattoo on groin

Heh heh heh

that's clearly a black.


don't look now user... that's no white girl...

NO because the body is usually disgusting

I live near a hot springs that allows nudism and it is straight up just ugly ass people.

That bitch ain't white, are you blind?

not for people over 35 or over 12% bodyfat


Yes, so people could be shamed for having disgusting bodies

I would never get naked unless I looked hot naked. Then I would become a nudist.



only in israel

which makes me think they're coping for their shit bodies instead of working out

>only for attractive white women

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Agreed, nudism seems to mostly attract old ass people and ugly people at least in my state.


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These people are village idiots. The “everything is a social construct” crowd. The correct move it to laugh.

I'll have to work towards getting a naked body that everyone wants to see. People should have to earn the right to get naked.

Based and Space Jew pilled

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> american white

Kys simp

>getting skinny gfs/fuckbuddies in recent years, supposedly living the dream
>now I want cowtit slampigs again
I'll never be content.

I am this feel

Want a skinny gf for the streets and a chubby big tiddy slampig for the sheets

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Yes, but with caveats.

Nude beaches likes Black’s Beach near San Diego will change your mind on this topic. 100%.
It turned me off. Why? It was offensive. But, as I was guest, I merely watched to tick tock of gay men in SoCal. All while have my swanze out. When in Rome. I don’t go to Rome anymore. Twice was enough.

It's almost like it's human nature to desire variety with people you have sex with, instead of marrying one person and only having sex with that one person for the rest of your life.

You allow your wo-man to wear clothes?

Silly hu-mans...


this... these retards really think that everyone has this innate desire to not conform to reasonable societal norms. They don't realize they are mentally ill and that 99.99% of people are cool with wearing clothes / being straight / being male or female etc. They see oppression where there is literally none.

>we have the internet nao! we dont need clothes anymore! CURRENT YEAR HURR DURR

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I disagree, unless speaking in bants.


No. Look at the goblins in that picture and tell me nudity should be legal.

Unironically, only virgins or simps want hot women to walk around naked.
Men enjoy having stuff left to the imagination.

Naturally this passes for white in the USA

No, in fact I like France's rule where it's even illegal to take your shirt off.

Public space is not yours to behave in as you wish. There are rules.

Even in cooming I much prefer photos of attractive women in crop tops and shorts/skirts to nudity.

only if appoved by vote. it should be like the Gong Show with a big gong and hook to pull off anyone who disturbs the people's collective senses.

Little known fact, there is no federal law against nudity.

Literal fucking el goblino.

Naw only the most ugly and detestable cultures filled with shame create a population so ugly and muddled it must hide from itself.

That's a number that's haunted me (in positive and negative ways) for over a decade.
Anyway, sounds to me like you're one of the few straight/non-simp men ITT. As a married man I can't imagine even the hottest women being naked all the time. That would fucking ruin actual exciting nudity (which even itself is kinda simpy, but is fine for the 14 words).


Why is nobody talking about Harvey Weinstein genitals guy 4th from left?

Someone explain just what is going on down there.

No problem with it personally but with everyone walking around naked, the mystery and allure of the female body will be lost as it becomes normalized. I love chasing a new woman and seeing how she crafts her mystique with the sexy outfits she wears. If everyones just walking around naked then that will be all gone.

Yes, youd need to get a license first, renewed every 3 months and your BMI needs to be under a certain level


low effort slide thread

Teach us the art of the coom

All I know is; I find my wife to be beautiful, but when she sits around naked for ages it bothers me because it ruins the allure of sexual nakedness.
Also I'm from Europe, which is way more 'liberal' (for lack of a better term) than the USA in terms of nudity. It ruins the excitement m8, trust me.

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I can bet WHATEVER $199092038129038 the people in that picture are suicidal, into polygamy, open relationships, cuckolding and are pedophiles

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who ever pollarded those trees should be shot

This faggot, in the middle-left, is holding a picture of APOLLON one of the most important of the Olympian deities in classical Greek and Roman religion and Greek and Roman mythology

Its absolutly disgusting to see these degenerates showing 0 respect to the values of the western civilization.

They should be shot in the head immediately
Just to be sure

Attached: apollon.jpg (866x1300, 104.35K)

Based schizopost.
Good luck to you Greekbro.

I think She cute but won’t be attractive or hot as much as other girls when naked

BMI is shit, what about people who work out?

I'M NOT SCHIZOPHRENIC! THAT'S ANOTHER URUGUAYAN GUY. I'm the one turning Ariel into a nazi symbol.

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What happened to the middle dudes dick, looks like he just has balls. Did he only pay for 1/2 a trans surgery?

they appear to be low IQ drug addicts

No? Of course not? Why do you ask?
>legalising nudity
>people make fun of me because I m the only one left not going nude
>not going nude cause my dick is too small and I m ashamed of it
>decide to go nude so normies around me would stop messing up with me
>make fun of my dick instead

So you are gay and retarded

I didn't realize, but at any rate I meant it as a compliment.
I'm sorry, bro.

He had his uncircumcised penis surgically attached to his testicles.

Now that's rude. The retard part, I am gay though, how could you tell?

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It is of the lower animal natural, yes. More on the Dionysiun/Baphomet side of human nature which only leads to a lower quality of a society and civilization.
We must seek the higher nature of man that is closer to divine, an Apollonian society, seeking order, truth, knowledge, real power.
All societies struggle and crumble when embracing the lower side. All of them. Every last one.

It looks like she has a happy merchant tattooed on her side though


Fuck it, yeah, legalize it. But there better be protections for the 1st amendment so that we can tell people they're disgusting and to put on clothes.

Based. Alhamdulilah

That's a 100% pure philipino.

That's David from a different angle, bud.

There is no god. Are you 12?

>American guy calling this woman white

amen to that brother

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That's considered white in muttland.

Mandatory for girls 16-19.

You right user