@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump presents Presidential MoF to Gen Jack Keane 3/10/20
>Pres Trump comments to reporters @US Capitol 3/10/20
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Health Insurance CEOs 3/10/20
>WH Press Brief (VP Pence/Corona-chan Task Force) 3/10/20
>FLotUS Melania @PTA Legislative Conf on BE BEST 3/10/20
>HHSSec Azar @Hatch Center on Biosimilars 3/10/20
twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1OdJrqmrnqzGX (full)
>HHSSec Azar on (((FakeNews))) 3/10/20
>Eric Trump on FoxNews 3/10/20
>Eric Trump on America 1st w/Gorka 3/10/20
>Bannon on JohnFredericksShow 3/10/20
>Corey Lewandowski on JohnFredericksShow 3/10/20
>Trump2020PressSec McEnany on HughHewittShow 3/10/20
>Trump2020Adviser Meister on FoxNews 3/10/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on FoxNews 3/10/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on FBN 3/10/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



Not gonna lie, former Biden voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Biden crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

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>jewish cat.jpg

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How bad was jeff sessions to trump, that he is being dumped so terribly

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Awoo, /ptg/ frens! What news today?

I was working all day

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>But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
You mean the loli codes

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awoo 2bh

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I need to start making anti-Biden shoops.

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>they make more than 25, only part timers don't
you missed this part
> Biden would create a new program that offers $10,000 of undergraduate or graduate student loan debt relief for each year of national or community service, up to five years. If you work in a school, for the government or for a non-profit, you would be automatically enrolled in this student loan forgiveness program. "

So no matter how much they make, they get $10, 000 forgiveness each year for five years. So you're massively incentivized to get a job in those "industries".


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How about recusing yourself from an obvious sham investigation, abandoning the President who appointed you when he needed you the most? How about failing at the one job you had to do? How about never, ever, EVER investigating a single democrat?

Does that clear things up?

>ate steak fajitas and refried beans two days ago
>seriously, can't stop farting, it's like every 5 minutes
>it smells awful
>i've tried to poop, but there is nothing there to poop
>it's just air
>just an endless supply of air



i want that cotton picking elf to win

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I'm telling you
Biden is unstobbably
He will LANDSLIDE Trump

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He was decent at immigration stuff
But he never should've been outside that

same and i'm not even a resident of alabama

eat a grapefruit. youll be shittin out stuff you didn't even know was in your guts.

Sessions seemed like he was going to be the best member of Trump's cabinet: A known immigration hawk, Trump's first endorsement, and his very nomination drove Elizabeth Warren deep into insanity. But then he reclused himself from everything except marijuana.

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>Not gonna lie, former Biden voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Biden crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

it was the one move to recuse. it's like a friend locking you out of your house accidentally but then a fire breaks out and destroys all your stuff and kills your pets. one ordinary seemingly inconsequential mistake leads to disaster. hard to forgive as you replay it over and over.

Haista vittu.

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Hospital bills is the number 1 cause of personal bankruptcy in the USA, this happens no where else.

You're still funding fake wars and giving bailouts and paying up $20,000 a pill.

Your country is so fucking stupid, I actually look forward to seeing global warming destroy it.

Not as healthy as a grapefruit, but..
Iced coffee. Better if its concentrate, and just mix 75% of the normal water serving.
Bye bye guts.

Not gonna lie, former Biden voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Biden crash and burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let this guy sniff the underaged nuclear codes.

Here is a brief history that explains the missteps Trump has been making with regard to the virus outbreak:

>Trump takes initial strong measures to curb the outbreak, banning some flights from the Wuhan area.
>Severe criticism from the left, you can't ban people it's racist.
>Left is downplaying the severity of the outbreak.
>Uh oh, measures weren't strong or soon enough, virus gets in anyway.
>the Trump administration makes a few minor bungles with regard to containment.
>Now the stock market is in jeopardy.
>not good, because Trump made the economy his major selling point, since the only major legislation he passed was some tax reform shit.
>in order to prop up the markets, starts downplaying the virus, literally "it's just a flu bro".
>now the left takes the opposite position, doom and gloom, the sky is falling.
>left wing mayors and governors start declaring states of emergency.
>Governor Cuomo starts personally handing out hand sanitizer to people in theatrical fashion
>retarded Republicans start whining about increase government spending to combat the virus

Imagine if Democrats were still being forced to argue the "racist virus" position, imagine how foolish they'd look. Instead of trying to prop up the stock market, what if Trump actually used this opportunity to take charge as a strong, nationalist leader, and unite the country under him. But no, can't do that, because Shlomo might not like that.

So in the wave of this advancing virus, which is a massive media feeding frenzy, Republicans are forced into the minimizing, backtracking, "it's just a flu bro" talking points. Which is literally retarded, because this thing is going to infect 70% of the nation or more and kill lots of people. So by taking this position Republicans are putting their head in the guillotine, just waiting for it to fall.

I haven't seen this much bungling and misstepping since Jeb Bush. I have no idea what the hell Trump is doing nowadays but he's not the same person he was.

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It would be great hiki bait.

>Hospital bills is the number 1 cause of personal bankruptcy in the USA
you missed the part where Americans use bankruptcy to bounce higher than they were
you must be really simple

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T-t-trust Sessions!

Thanks for clearing everything

>I actually look forward to seeing global warming destroy it.

you won't. your swamp on the other hand...

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Please tell me everyone here will collectively shit on the Corona virus fags when humanity passes this shit and nothing happens
Except for the new laws and (((them))) using it to take more power
The "We're all gonna die fags" are obnoxious as fuck

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Eat a chick-fil-a sandwich

>not providing enough value to society that you can cover the costs of health care services to keep you alive
>having bad genes

>Not dying with honor
>instead begging other people to pay for your healthcare services
>and then defaulting on that debt

stop sucking, is my advice

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I'm sure that after enough practice, piano is as easy as riding a bike.

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He was a cuck, but is Barr really that much better?

Yea I know. The best thing we could ever do is give the government control over the healthcare so that they can weaponize it against right wingers just like Brezhnev and Andropov did in the Soviet Union


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Biden is being manipulated, but just not very well.

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>is Barr really that much better?

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He made Mueller wet himself, so there's that.

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Magic 8 ball, did anything happen today?

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Seconding, anything important happen?

only the Chinese could be so tone-deaf to be doing it

>mummification transformation

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I don't want to blackpill, but I'm kinda worried about the general election
Biden is doing really well in red states, and if he manages to get out the black vote he might swing some key states.
Obviously Trump is gonna wipe the floor with him in the debates, but do that matter? Most voters probably don't watch debates.

uhh bernie basically rage quit.

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It’s happening

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have we proven yet whether the coronavirus is a real disease
or is it something being injected into people when they show up to the hospital with a slight cough and fever (which is normal and happens all the time)
"hello sir can we test you for coronavirus?" what do?

>Recuse yourself!
Alright, you can also investigate the President and his campaign for 2 years. Do whatever you want.

Any questions?

Barr certainly talks a good game. his speeches are great. but until Durham's investigation is complete and released, we really won't know.

is this Bargaining????

these people watch Don Lemon

Bernie dropped out? Are you fucking kidding me?

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Fuck off you fucking chink shill. Don't you need to suck the cum out of Winnie Pooh's dick tonight and leave this godforsaken internet form alone.

its looking that way. wont know for sure for a day or two.

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Not yet. But he went home to Vermont and didn't give a speech tonight. His campaign is basically over.

imagine needing a turban that big

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Holy sheit, watch the bernie tards turn full 1488 after this and help Trump end welfare and SS/medicaid

This should be our new angle. Fuck the low information voters and old people, bring on the pain. If I can't have medicare no one can.

Given your previous expressions of approval with The Lighthouse, I should recommend another film I saw recently that I found brilliant. A little known indie film called Under The Silver Lake.

Fucking wife material right there

>being this much of a normie

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he got destroyed tonight. It's inevitable

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Turbans are basically penises for your head.

That is quite possibly the worst teeth whitening photoshop job I've ever seen.

Coronachan is culling some of the elderly population too. This could be feasible.

>Turbans are basically foreskins for your head.
fixed that for you

No, they’re entering Anger

>Andrew Yang endorses Joe Biden

well he didn't recuse himself for literally no reason
so yeah

At this point, the dems can't have him drop out (unless they're clinically retarded). They can't have Biden be the last man standing in March with all of his gaffs & months for Trump to go on the attack. If anything, Trump appears to be the kind of guy that wants good competition. He'll try to use reverse psychology in baiting tweets to keep the remaining candidates around. I honestly can see him baiting close to the next debate about Tulsi, saying something like:
>"Tulsi Gabbard from the Wonderful state of Hawaii (Same as Barry O!) has failed in every race..so far! Why she continues to run is anybodys' guess! I guess Sleepy Joe needs someone to keep him awake"

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Literally that has got to be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to Yangniggers.