Doesn't the establishment realize Joe Biden is in absolutely no shape to debate Trump?

Doesn't the establishment realize Joe Biden is in absolutely no shape to debate Trump?

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Yes but Bernie would mean be the end of establishment so there you go, This wont pass easily though, the lefty left are now going to find harder tactics or just die out, and with all the millenial issues dieing out isnt likely

The DNC for some reason prefers 4 more years of Trump to Bernie. They know Biden can’t win

They are willing to throw the election to not permanently cripple the party with an outright commie

better than that leftwing tea party leader.
if he wins, the establishment will have to change in the next elections.
also, it's not the establishment that chose him, it was the US nation.

>A candidate who would get 99% of the 18-40 vote.
>Death of the party.

Yes, so they will do whatever they can to limit Biden's appearances and deny Trump any opportunity to debate him with phony excuses the media will ignore.

it was the boomers, aka NPCs doing what the idiot box says. young people dont want biden

NPCs are a different breed than the boomers.
Young NPCs wants Bernie because school teachers told them that European countries have a better system than the US.

Because the establishment Dems can still win in 2024. If Bernie gets the nomination the establishment is dead and the Dems become the socialist party. Better for them to have 4 more years of Trump than let a socialist take over.

>99% of the vote
He couldn’t even get enough votes to be nominated

Because young people don't know what primaries are.

Oh, don't worry. When these 18-40 years olds will start working, they'll know what "taxes" actually means.

>party=party establishment

If PewDiePie or someone would've helped promote the elections to the zoomers and told them to go out and vote, Bernie Sanders would've won every state. But the Jews are making sure the zoomers and millennials stay politically inactive.

>start working

Most millennials are working 60 hours a week at minimum wage retail jobs and living with 12 other millennials in literal concentration camps.

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>run a psychotic active pedophile as a candidate simply so he won't be prosecuted without crying election interference
>uh guys don't they realize biden won't win!?

Nerds are all outright rightwingers: Pewdiepie, Jshlatt, Pyrocinical, CallmeCarson... zoomers vote for rightwing parties, and they are actually really active too. You are clearly a millenial, so shut up when you speak about zoomers. Millenials are the worse generation since silent gen: ignorant, illogic and pretentious.

I'm talking about career oriented jobs, I'm not talking about jobs that could easily be done by niggers and spics.

They'll drug him up for one last lap around the track, all or nothing. Either he puts on a brilliant chemically induced performance or his brain liquefies and leaks out of his eye sockets.

>zoomers are "right wing" and "based"

not this fucking myth again.

also, t. an 18 years old zoomer
>litteral concentration camps
look, my grandma was in one of them with her sister: her sister died and she was able to survive until the end of the russians came. faggots like you don't know the fuck they are talking about.
>inb4 a jew
I am a slav

They wrote off the election already. They will continue to be the very profitable and validating RESISTANCE™ for 4 more years.

Maybe China unleashed Corona Chan just at this time for a reason

Trump is going to have a medical episode during a debate. Screen cap and check them.

Biden is gonna shake and bake Hillary talladega nights style.

Look, how many zoomers do you know?

close enough to a trip. the chances are huge anyway

>until the end of the russian came
until the end of the war, when the russian came*

>just get a career
>learn to code

>just get a career, go to college
>you idiot no one asked you to go to college now you owe a $500,000 student loan.

I want to see trump bullying biden in the debate, it will be fun.

I don't think they care. They're basically throwing the election with Biden, as long as Bernie's out. I don't think they mind another 4 years of Trump given how the last 4 have gone.

>Doesn't the establishment realize Joe Biden is in absolutely no shape to debate Trump?
They know. That’s why he’ll pull a Nixon and do televised town halls with softball questions.

it's all the got...

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He couldn’t even beat Biden, how would Bernie even have a prayer in the general? Get real!

They dont care, the establishment loves Trump, hes the perfect heel. If trump or biden wins its a win for the establishment.

I’m a lifelong dem and I can say for sure that Biden is going to get his ass whipped in the primary. Still has no platform besides TRUMP BAD and yelling at voters. He won’t offer any olive branch to progressives, he’ll pick Buttgag as his VP and pretend it’s a progressive choice because he’s gay. Progressives and youth will not turn out for him, 2016 Trump voters who were sick of Obama and liked Trump being a political outsider will vote for trump again, we will have four more years of that fat orange embarrassment ramming the country into shit like a toddler behind the wheel of a truck

Obama won by just pretending to be progressive you’d think they’d find someone else who could at least pay it lip service.

You all can have the country, it’s shit

What the fuck would you know about it you ravioli

Not him but shitloads, most of my friends are younger than me

Trump's major opponents so far have been nerdy awkward Jeb, slimy Cruz, two manlets and a bitch. This friendless richie rich kike cock sucking motherfucker won't know what hit him.

It’s not the same pool and he wouldn’t be running against another dem in the general you dip. It’s not like this was a foot race

You’re doubly wrong.

You’re wrong in thinking Biden will lose and you’re wrong in thinking Biden would be a better president. Sucks being dumb doesn’t it?

2020 is about maintaining the balance of power and holding on to the house. Dems know they cant win the presidency. Bernie bros will vote against trump no matter who the nom is. But moderates would sit home if bernie got the nom. Allowing GOP to take back all 3 branches. Biden is a throwaway candidate. If dems actually had a chance, michelle would be running. They are saving her until 2024.

Screencap this shit.

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They prefer Trump winning a term to Bernie winning the RIP the country too fast.

>learn to code
when i was in high school I learned how to code in HTML5, CSS, PHP, mySQL, Visual Basic, and the basics of JavaScript. There were 2 hours each week of lessons and one exercise to do at home. It took 3 years in total to learn all these languages.
When I went to college(6 months ago) I learned on my own C# and Python.
Do you actually think that a fucker that works in a restaurant can't do 2 hours of coding each week? it's like 20 min/day.
no, better get some free shit from bernie and complain about the patriarcal system, amirite?
also, spoiler alert: C# is needed to program games. C++, C, Visual Basic, C# are the same shit repeated over and over again. If you want to go to make a game, you learn one of these and you'll get a job even if you are asked to know a different language.
It's not that difficult, retard.
oh, sorry. do you need a gender studies degree? or a cinema expert degree?

We’ll see in November. Biden will be a shitshow, just a controlled shitshow

>just get a coding degree bro
>gets in line with the 20,000 other coders in line for that one available job

Sure, but they're counting on voter fraud in order to beat trump so it doesn't matter if biden is nominally the "president" as long as he'll sign what they tell him to

>Bernie bros will vote against trump no matter who the nom is
A bunch of them have said they will not and I believe them. They’ll stay home or vote Lib/Green. If they liked Bernie’s trade talk they might even go Trump.

It won’t matter. Retards just want anyone but Trump to win. They like Biden over Trump and they can swallow a Biden Vote but not a Hillary Vote.

I'm going to New York once graduated. I have to learn US customs, in one way or another.
>youger than me
it doesn't prove anything.
it's either someone born after the 2000 or it's not a zoomer.

This is the situation. Anyone with a few braincells to rub together know that Trump has been completely ineffectual as a leader and that it is better to continue fund raising their agenda for another 4 years and then get in a more ideal candidate.

The DNC is just playing the long game

Trump is the perfect goy. Why would they want him to lose

I would've said two weeks ago that Biden can't possibly win, but now ya boi Trump is about to have a recession and a pandemic on his watch. Obviously he didn't cause either, but voters be stupid...

Yeah I’m talking about zoomers mate I know what a zoomer is. College kids. They’re all lib as shit.

The DNC is throwing the election so that progressives don't take over the party infrastructure.

I dunno who you’re talking too, around here Biden’s seen as having all the same problems as Hillary plus being a weird borderline sex pest. My district was 100% Sanders in 2016 though

It's fucking weird, I don't know anyone who voted for Biden. I haven't seen any Biden signs. I see tons of Bernie signs, I've seen a few Bloomberg signs. I even saw a Buttigieg sign. Never did I see anything pro Biden, and yet he won every single county in my state tonight.

It really seems like fraud to me

look nigger. i will spell it out for you once
>Bernie campaigned on A YUGE VOTER TURNOUT
>he is pulling in less voters than he did as a nobody in 2016
>this math checks out less than how he will pass, let alone pay for his platform

Na. They're just pissed at the moment. In November they will fall in line and do what the media tells them, like the cucks they are.

>it's not the establishment that chose him

Shut the fuck up, wop. You don't have any idea what you're talking about. Go die of corona virus, pasta nigger.

>young people dont want biden
Nobody wants Biden. He only got the nomination because all of his 18+ competitors were even bigger embarrassments than he is. To say otherwise is total cope.

>coding degree
yeah, I applied for a part time job in Accenture. they told me they don't hire people with a coding degree. they said that people with a coding degree are much less "flexible" than those who learned coding on their own.
and this is the biggest company in the field.
>20k waiting list

College zoomers? you talk to first graders? holy shit user, how old are you?

I dunno I voted Lib in 2016. I know several people who went Green. I think a lot of them know the threat of them staying home needs to be a credible one.

I honestly hope god smites the two of them on stage during a debate. I’d take Pence over Biden at this point just because I can’t stand his or Trump’s smug self satisfaction. Let the president be someone who tripped and fell into the role.

0:15:00 - Reagan: But truly now, we live in a fortunate time. This is a fortunate time. Time is on our side. A stitch in nine saves time.

0:15:40 - There are your truths and there are my truths. There are known knowns, known unknowns and unknown . Some of them are in the audience right now

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yeah there was clear voter fraud in 2018 and Trump didn't seem to do anything about it, so iunno.

I do think there's a lot of dem voters who aren't enthusiastic about Biden but think he'll be able to beat Trump, but idk I don't pay attention to democrats and barely know any.

user it’s 2020

go back to plebbit. they choose him like they choose trump

What the DNC doesn't want its voter base to know is that they unironically prefer Trump over Bernie.

With Trump, they can at least maintain their presence and status quo by playing political obstructionism and passing it off as "Orange man bad." In all seriousness, Trump has done very little that cannot be reversed as soon as the DNC regains power.

But Bernie would kill the DNC establishment completely. They would all either have to bend the knee to socialist progressives or leave the party, and progressives are not very forgiving so many of them would be forced out anyways.

The policies they claim to stand for come a very far second in priority to staying in power. With Trump, they can at least hang on by a thread.

This is why they are betting on Biden. They know he is less likely to win, and they don't care.

No refunds.

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The dems are in this situation because Obama paid lip service and now their easily manipulated base wants the real thing and won't settle for rhetoric. You can't talk like a progressive and sell something else in place of it and expect that scam to last. That would be like if the Republican party kept promising nationalist policies and never followed through, and then get shocked when people seek to elect real nationalists.

There is probably some fraud taking place but I think you underestimate low information voters. There are literally millions of people who show up on election day not knowing anything about the race and just read the little pamphlets that get handed out and make their decision that way. They see Joe Biden is running and recognize his name because he has been in public life for half a century and vote based on the fact that they recognize his name. This is part of why name recognition is so important in politics. It's frightening how stupid the average person is. Now take that and subtract a standard deviation and that's how stupid the average nigger is.

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thats the idea genius
4 more years of kushner & cia for israel and mossad

I know for a fact that Trump could quite literally shit on any politician in modern times in a debate, regardless of how utterly retarded his words are (such as when he would debate Ben Carson or Ted Cruz)
He could go debate physics theories with Albert Einstein and still be considered the winner just because of his comebacks.
So in a debate with the senile Biden or the submissive Bernie, yeah he would nut on their faces on live TV and lead to meme material for ages, but the media would still portray the Dem as the winner through "facts and common sense".

I generally would assume the winner of a debate should be base on facts and not dumb zingers

We’ve still got a long way to go until November. For all we know, the current issues with the pandemic and the economy could be fixed by then.

I bet Biden will have a psychotic breakdown on live television.

There is no actual voting so it doesn't matter. It's play to keep us distracted.

Our current president got elected entirely from zingers

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He pretty much already has multiple times

Who is this ultra cuck you guys keep mimicing?

> Geriatric Jewish Millionaire Commie who just had a heart attack
> Kamala “I’m not Black but I LARP as one and put actual black people in jail for non-violent drug offenses” Harris
> Fauxcahontas the Screeching Hag
> Closeted Gay Sparticus
> Openly Gay Deep State Mayor with no experience of substance
> Geriatric Jewish Billionaire who hates black people and the working class and also condescends towards everyone
> Token Hispanic nobody’s heard of
> Mystic Yoga Lady
> Lame Asian Guy who literally cries in public for the dumbest shit and squirts whipped cream in dudes mouths in a super-gay way
> Boring Billionaire that can’t dance
> Jewess PTA Harpy
> Magic Surfer Milf
> Creepy, Corrupt, Senile Joe
There. There’s your Democrat Legion of Crap. There’s the full list of the finest clowns and villains your shitty party can offer. I dare any of you to make a case how any of those idiots would make a competent candidate for local dog catcher, let alone challenge Trump for POTUS.

I know Biden supporters. I don't know what region you're from, but I come from an urban environment and it's all old, white wealthy cosmopolitans who basically believe what they are told. So basically the boomer meme regarding Biden is completely true. It's old white liberals who just want things to feel "normal" again.

That's the point. Just like they ran unelectable Hillary.

what can one man do

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Man, you Berniebros are some serious charmers. Wonder what your friends would think if they knew you used terms like that on the internet...

I hate democracy