Abolish men.
Abolish men
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College is a joke.
Once more a private college on a capitalist country managed to be an abomination.
its accurate tho
feminism was thought up by communists.
imagine not only posting, but having saved that pic.
imagine thinking any of the info in it is relevant.
imagine using social media.
you're worse than a girl.
>Nooooooo, capitalist must be good, if something bad was created by capitalism, it must be communism.
You should do as USSR and PRC or any other socialist regime, hit feminists until they return being normal girls.
it's opposite of reality, kid.
I thought the those who fight against sexism believed that there no inherent differences in personality between men and women. How is this not sexist?
its funny how when men are subjected to this kind of shit, we just rub it off and only see it as an annoyance but as soon as you do the same shit to women, then they completely lose their shits, they can dish it out but cant take it in.
imagine not knowing the history of feminism.
you win the thread.
Lol @ competition being a flaw. This is a joke, don't take this seriously.
Try learning history through books, not libertarian youtubers, it help.
Man is not driven by Ego. Man is driven by instinct.
Even the very first line is a direct 180 of reality. Women are inherently individualist and cannot grasp the concept of a team or sacrificing for something greater than their immediate surrounding, it is men who do that. Stop falling for feminist propaganda that's trying to warp reality.
I remember when I had a penis
>failing is an incident
Tell that to those people squashed by that foot bridge.
imagine not being old enough to have lived through it.
fuck off, commie.
Found the nigger jew
Ehhh. Communists supported feminism and other cultural Marxist movements in non communist nations. The goal was to break down society until a communist revolution was inevitable. Then they’d all be killed
Imagine being proud of this.
What thots
... i feel like this is very very incorrect on multiple levels
If feminists are going to be killed in a revolution, why not support it? The problem would be solved.
post hole.
we don't allow commie shit to take root at all, asslicker.
Literally everything under "feminine culture" is also a subset of masculine culture apart from more women in management because they can't manage anything including themselves.
Show them tits roastie.
imagine being this fucking deluded.
you vote too, don't you?
Whether it's muh nonwhites, muh wahmen, muh jews, muh faggots, or any other group, Yas Forums is physically unable to acknowledge positives in groups it deems to be an enemy of muh white race.
The men's side isn't *that* bad, but women culture is a much better choice in the vast majority of [non life/society] threatening situations.
Women easily organize into feminist groups to defend their interests, men are trash and always try to compete with each other
The Patriarchy of our conscript fathers is objectively superior based on this slide.
There are no biological differences in personality but there is deeply ingrained toxic masculinity in men
women are vain and fickle but compliant creatures they would never stand up If it meant an army of men coming and busting a cap in their heads. the only reason why feminism is a thing is because we men are letting feminist say the stupid shit feminists say. Thank God we are benevolent overlords and we let feminist say their piece. but even our patience has its limits
>Not money/things
Fucking LOL
Women will literally let the enemy in the gates to avoid seeming rude.
Both sides were pulled out of someone's ass and don't mean anything. There is no masculine or feminine culture or way of doing things.
Indeed, weak western governments are allowing women to behave like animals, maybe when society literally collapse (or is replaced by muslim) you'll learn a lesson.
Bunch of BS. All of whats written on that projection can be applied to both.
Yes there is. Millions.
this is just women lying
you must learn to spot the lies
"Failing is an incident" == things just happen
makes me think about the Florida walking bridge that fell and killed a dozen people. the women thought process is, "it just happens"
Assuming that terrible pic is true (it isn't) the feminine side leads to stagnation, the masculine to innovation. That old quote about how we would still be living in grass huts were women in charge is absolutely true.
>strawman strawman strawman strawman
>the best
wow i can see that university education paid off
>conflict solved through negotiation
Lol no
The only thing we men have asked of women is bare our children prepare the foodstuffs we have harvested and keep our beds warm, but even that you have failed at. and you want to run our countries? fucking lol.
I'm tired of this shit. Just let them take over. We just gonna party and watch society crumble. Let them pickup their own shit.
>Failing is an incident
delusional feminists, women are constantly back stabbing and trying to one up each other.
These brain differences are used for coordination because men have on average bigger bodies
damn. you beat me to it
:) nice work, user
Shutup roastie
Failing is an incident. Failing = not taking responsibility in women's minds too.
>masculine culture
all technological achievements
>feminine culture
none technological achievements
>teamwork and sharing
>conflict solving through negotiation
>Florida bridge incident
Misogynistic Yas Forums myth.
Have sex.
Failing is a disaster, like yourself
I like watching the videos women sharing packages of toilet paper all over social media right now.
women have no conception of honor nor friendship everything to them is competition . that's all you need to know.
pic fucking related:
Feminine culture is just everything in the men's culture with a veneer of compassion
Women only care about possessions and money. Why'd you think they marry men in the first place?
who said anything about this being in a college. Unilever is a massive conglomerate that makes soaps and industrial chemicals
Yep. I once (briefly) worked in an office full of women under a female boss, and the notion that they're all about teamwork and supporting each other is laughable. One girl among several who handed in their notice around the time I was there confessed to me that they needed a man in charge.
Fixed those last two items for feminine culture:
- Failing is expected
- Conflict is not solved
notice it says "culture" not "biology"
Women are just groan children and marriage is just a father getting sick and tired of her teenage drama and leaving the mess to a male he knows won't kill her because of her stupid shit. We just romanticize it as a cope. Am I wrong.
So a capitalist corporation on a capitalist country is doing it wrong, what a surprise... but hey, they're profiting.
What? Feminine culture is waaaaay more ego driven. All they do is try to underhandedly diss one another, beacuse they are afraid to come off as "mean" to others. So it's a never-ending stream of passive-aggressiveness and spite, wrapped in a ton of sugar-coating. Meanwhile, man just say "what you did sucked, do it again" and move on, they have no problem with working with people they don't like or are ambivalent about. Only someone ego-obsessed thinks that any criticizm directed at them is always because of an ego.
social movements were invented by billionare jews to divide the people
so the lower middle class would continue to fight amongst each other as a distraction from the bullshit they are pulling.
not the point faggot
the point is that - not disputed - the company focused on diversity and hiring women to all areas, management, engineering, etc.
then they _FAILED_ and people died. kys
>Money/things on Masculine
Yeah fucking right. Every company knows that women are the biggest spenders. There are tons of fucking articles on this and women flaunt it around as if its something to be proud off.
small government/big government
right wing/left wing