How much has this sexy little spic cost the US in terms of male productivity hours?
The Ariana Grande Problem
She’s not white, so none from me.
shes not even 1% latina/o/x/bcdef
she is italian not spic
shes actually 100% white she just hates herself
Shes Italian and North African.
She's completely Italian lol. Also, Ari on Victorious will always be best Ari.
t. zoomer
she is
Italian or not, she isn't white.
so less white than originally imagined
She's Italian. She's just had lots of plastic surgery to look like a spic.
>gets a fake tan
>changes name to be more spic
>hates her own race
you know in the west we do a lot of hate towards weebs but not enough towards white girls who want to be/try to be niggers by comparison its kinda sad.
>cost the US in terms of male productivity hours
>producing anything
>tan skin
>obviously some sort of mutt
she's very obviously not white by looking at her, neither are you guys with your 56% skin color
If you're a western male under 40, there's a 0% chance you haven't fapped to this bitch at least once. Your dick doesn't care about your politics. You are only human.
Her race had nothing to do with anything. She is Italian I think instead by the way.
If you're referring to Ariana Grande, then you're right, she does have that phenotype.
I haven't because she isn't attractive.
who fucking cares.
I'm coooooooming.
who do you fap to then?
Normally to white bitches
you mean, masturbating? Wow... you gotta be kidding me dude. You tug your dick like a pathetic sexually frustrated chimp? lmfao dude. Maybe try having sex? LOL
I’m under 40, but I think you mean under 30.. most people my age were too old to know who she was until her bombastic bongblast tour a couple years back
you know people who have sex still fap?
Shut the fuck up dude. you should look up a picture of her from when she was a nickelodeon star. You would not recognize her.
Shes hocked up on drugs.
Her handlers most likely did it.
Americans are so fucking retarded i swear. She looks as ugly as my left foot after a marathon.
Pathetic ass coomers shitting up this board
levels of cringe never before seen
I’m going to need to see that foot
From which point they've been making up for lost time.
Shes not a spic, shes just painted herself brown.
Shes built like a 10 year old
Yes, she is.
Maybe if they can't have sex more than once a week
Literally built for BCC
I'm still in awe how this goofy side character from a Nickolodeon show gave her whole essence to the hollywood zog machine.
America is a nation of simps what did you expect
I pay no attention to her except when someone else brings her up or when looking back at that London bombing. The bomber missed the real target.
I'm not into balding goblinas
Every cunt I've dealt with that has her hair or hair piece on a top knot like that has been a totally demented lying bitch. Pluse she's getting fat and old. Herpes Bill don't give a shit though. He'll stick his scabby dick in any old hole.
Get help.
She's Italian but spraytanned herself to look hispanic.
countless hours
are you really though? no surprises here...
The only way you can account for her fame and popularity is that for some time she looked and acted like a precocious 12 year old. That's her demographic audience; creeps that want to bone a slutty 12 year old.
I hate popular culture so much, inb4 incel.
>tan skin
What is spray tan
remember the bedroom picture with the giant black dildo on the floor and she then said it was powerboard....
a curved powerboard with a head
She's a mediocre looking girl running on autotune and make-up. You're not even fapping to her. You're fapping to stardom, glitz, money, hair stylists, ferraris and paparazzi. Cause that's all you're yearning for in your pathetic little existence. Go back to red dit faggot.
You mean beat my dick to her? Many many times user
Clinton was the first black president
Obama was the first gay president
Ariana Grande is a whore
not me! too old
she's a whore
He's too old and sick to get it up anymore, but he still enjoys watching girls get tortured to death in ritual sacrifices.
>mediocre looking girl
hahahaha what a homo, ariana is a top tier thot and no one can deny that, her body is perfect
You literally just described porn. The US's second biggest productivity zapper after Ari.
Question: how many are they paying you?
She looks more Gypo to me
Mind if I post some Ariana?
>Causes Mac Miller to suicide
>Muslim blows himself up at her concert killing nearly 2 dozen (mostly) children
She's a demon. Death follows her vagina. There's no question her game was gained through blood magic and this is the price being paid
Literally who?
open the borders, NOW!
Who is "you guys"? And why is a Yank poster calling others 56%? BTW, my ancestry is Danish and Scottish, not Italian or spic.
i have not jerked it to this girl, I dont even really know who she is
Beta male soiboys are a lost cause. I know she's with the likes so I don't fap to her. I hope she tries her dumb "let them in" strategy with some mountain Muslims soon though.
I have personally wasted gallons of cum masturbating to her. The hours I’ve spent in bed recovering... I could have made millions
good lord. does this qualify as a hot take?
Some of her grand parents came from Greece to Italy
about to be 10 more mins now
wtf are those dog filters for? covertly normalizing bestiality?
Just a reminder, this guy creampied her regularly for five months.
Retards. How the fuck do you ever expect to get people on your side when you cannot even get over the semantics of what it mean to be White. If you have 100% European DNA, regardless of
>Nordcuck or Med
>Slav or Celt
you are White. If you want to advocates for Whites as a socio-cultural class (which we really aren't: there are many differences between White subgroups) then you're going to need to get over this retarded semantics autism. If you want to claim any form of cultural achievement from European antiquity, then Italians/Greeks are White. Sorry.
>lol seething mutt
Pic is me. Get over your autism if you want to actually make any real progress for Whites as a general group.
>i have not jerked it to this girl
Better late than never!