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Bernie Salt Mine
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imagine thinking you can be cheated of wages in america.
>unable to transition
The berniebro reveals his endgame
“Healthcare” lmao die mad faggots
You weren't even half as hospitable to us and our future back when you and your wretched boomer parents stole ours. Not one tear shed. Toniiight.. I celebrate the salttttt.... from youuu....
>t. genx
He needs to quit being so self centered, lots of people are crying tonight, not just bernie bros, they don't monopolize crying, I am crying because I will never get a boyfriend and I hate gays and being gay but at the same time love it.
>I don't compromise my principals
LOL this shit writes itself
Victim mentality. Glad to know these are the people I’ll be competing with for the rest of my life.
>25m votes is enough guise
now i get why they think healthcare and school should be free, they're just shit at math.
>unable to transition
hahaha eat shit
yes, all families will go to war behind the leadership of their black sheep tranny antifa child
Imagine people choosing a world where people are responsible for their own decisions?
I just got fucking cucked at a bar because I'm Bernie or die and these two fucking college students didn't like my hesitation for Biden.
Biden cock blocked me that slimy motherfucker here have all my fucking salt FUCK BIDEN IDGAF IF HE'S THE "OBAMA GUY" HE NEEDS TO FUCK OFF IN MINECRAFT
Trump's given Bernie plenty of ammo to use against Biden, and yet he refuses to do so. Must be all that money keeping his lips tight like the bitch he is.
haha, unable to transition on other people's dime.
>bernie sanders is gonna make white men pay for me to cut my dick off
I'm laughing so hard I'm crying
Oh shit. Teddy Cruz is gonna kill and replace rbg??
LOL. Bernie supporters are mostly all zoomers and millenials. Barely any of them vote as it is. Anyone who thinks an independent candidate (ESPECIALLY one who relies on young votes) has even a fraction of a chance in this country is mathematically illiterate.
I feel disgusted at the thought of tax dollars going to trannies but I guess it's better than jews in israel
It goes to israel either way.
>unable to transition
Fucking trannies just want free surgeries and then they'll kill themselves after a few years because of regret.
Nonsense. Trump would never put a serial killer on the SC.
a very aesthetically pleasing id user, may this thread be blessed further
He's a quitter.
Even though Trump is Really Lord Trumpstein.......the butthurt by these Brainless libs when he wins again is going to be absolutely FAP tastic I must admit.
Biden was good enough for kang nigger. Why weren't they complaining then?
this is fucking perfect, hopefully this redpills our socialist friends
I'm actually disgusted by this
>unable to transition
Does this mean what i think it means? AHAHAHAHAHA
>independent Bernie authorised person
Those people are really toddlers at heart, aren't they. That's not how debates work.
If Berniefags want """free""" healthcare so bad why don't they just pool all their money together and fund it themselves instead of blowing all their money on a lost cause? That's how socialism works?
>unable to transition
She'll thank us when she grows up
One can only hope.
dear the niggers stole your future, just like they stole your bike
Get your '8' memes ready.
imagine giving cash to a jew when you could be buying the market lows when corona chan really gets to work
Because they don't want to spend their money. Only others.
They don't have any money, if they thought they were going to be the ones paying for all the free stuff they want, they might be a bit more realistic about it rather than going full pie-in-the-sky. Then again, these are the same kind of people who chant ACAB and in the next sentence praise Pol Pot.
>unable to transition
Why are so many bernie supporter trannys? It really makes me glad he got btfo.
>Cheated of our wages
Sucks that boomer trump voters are trashing bernie with that hashtag. It should be pure liberals vs socialists.
>says yall and then you'll 2 seconds later
These people are so fucking fake and desperate to fit in.
>unable to transition
Oh wow. Bernie bros were actually a bunch of trannies. No, really. I'm so. Surprised. By. This.
Perfect song to go with all this delicious salt.
Why the h8, m8? I postul8 that if we just don8, we can show the elector8 that they should appreci8 my m8 Bernie.
Go the r/neoliberal if you want to watch liberal vs socialist. It's a comedy fest of socialists crying while the libs make fun of them.
>unable to transition
Serious question, what's a good company that makes rope that I can invest in? Someone has to profit from all these faggots killing themselves.
The point is to drive a wedge between them. Thats the entire reason that trump was saying nice things about him. Low IQ people are ruining that
like these aren't shill out to prove democrats are the real racist
>Bernie said he would give us free shit so I planned my entire life around it before he got elected so now if he loses I'M GOING TO DIE SO YOU HAVE TO VOTE FOR HIM OR I WILL DIE DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE????
These people are way too spineless to hang themselves. Invest in companies that sell sleeping pills instead.
These people literally cry over elections, it's amazing.
>its like no one will run my life for me
maybe this will be a good thing for some of these idiots in the long run?
>i can't afford a $200 bill without months of planning
>i have a $60 video game (on a console or expensive gaming pc) and booze though.
i've been skint and had shit jobs and you need to go without everything to get yourself out of the hole you are in. fuck these people, they are the type of poor people i hate, victims of themselves only.
it’s not socialism unless they can spend your money too
Nice pic, mind if I save it?
why don't these dweebs bring in their bernout policies at the state level?
Just turn California into Bernie Land and live there.
They claim that red states are leeches, so it should actually be easier to do socialism in blue states than at the federal level.
Until blue states that Bernie won start implementing these bernout policies they just look like posers.
its even more funny knowing that this was Bernie's last possible run because he'll be far too old at 83 in 2024 to try again.
Aren't these the same people who REEEEE'd at Warren for not leaving the moment she lost the lead? Bernouts really are the lowest scum.
Boy I sure do see a lot of working class people with beachfront summer homes.
>dumb fuck moderates
who is he referring to?
He feels the need to vent but is afraid of committing the woke church's mortal sin of wrongthink. Hence he has his excuse ready should he mention the unmentionable, and makes sure to repeat is several times so everyone notices. Notice how he starts complaining about niggers first. And notice the immediate reaction calling him a racist.
Mentioning the elephant in the room is a severe crime amongst these people.
They all planned their transitions on Bernie getting elected and making it free. Now they're stuck halfway between being a man and a woman with no money to go all the way and no way to go back. Truly pathetic creatures.
>It's boomers fault young people are too lazy and apathetic to vote!!!
Anyone not for Bernie.
You all
You will
Berniefags don't have any money. All of them are broke and living off mommy/daddy and student loans
The system can't be changed from within and shockingly it can't be bribed. It's a little scary to be honest because it means the system has been corrupt for a long, long time.
Hey I cry over elections too. I cry tears from laughter.
$11000 a year for crazy meds must be a pain in the dick, to start from a negative position every day. but maybe he shouldn't exist. i guess being mental doesn't help.
>3 minimum wage full time jobs
sounds like bullshit without numbers. wouldn't that be 24 hours a day?
Imagine being 20 earning minimum wage. Imagine being so bad at everything that you can work 3 full time jobs and never earn more than the minimum
>trannies, jews and women
Bye bye Bernie
I really hoped you got the nomination
>unable to transition