This is a huge place with people from around the world, has anyone been in contact with this bug?
Is anyone on pol sick with this shit?
I already got cremated. So yeah.
I still think it's fake
I never get sick, haven't had a flu or cold in a decade. Last Friday my coworker (who I share a phone with) was sick after picking up his mother from the airport. Saturday and Sunday I was sick as hell and it's still lingering as of right now. I think I might but too lazy to find out.
I'm in NYC and getting sick today. I don't have a cough so I think it's just a cold I picked up after being out all weekend.
nope it's just a regular, albeit bad flu. this is all a massive psyop designed to see how compliant the masses are.
Also from nyc
Also think it's a hoax to swing elections
Not yet. I've been trying to catch it, but no such luck. I envy people in Seattle and New York.
Got the flue 2 days ago. Actually coofin a lot. Don't know if its the flue or corona. Currently no reported community spread where i am at so i dont know. Not gonna bother getting it tested either unless it gets worse.
I have a sore throat and cough from laughing at corona virus memes all day.
Expect a hazmat team soon.
>Real virus
Last ditch attempt by China/CIA/MSM to try to sabotage Trump. Thats all.
Sure thing Moshe
a friend posted a screencap of some shitalian in discord listing off his symptoms, but if it's really as bad as he was saying i doubt he'd be using any electronic devices. i've had a few terrible doses of flu in my time and when it hits you hard you basically just sleep all day.
PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE!
Italians are drama queens
A couple counties nearby have.
My biggest concern is all the "self quarantine" fags who decide to go out anyway like that one asshole who took his daughter to a dance.
Thanks faggot.
Do us a favor guys, if you get this shit and get on lock down, please keep your ass at home and have one of your healthy bros bring you supplies if you run out.
If I'm out somewhere and hear one of you fags talking with whoever your with about how you got conora'd and ought to be at home, I'll call 911 and be sure you're ready for the hospital by the time they get there.
I dont need this shit and neither does anybody else. If you get "self quarantined" keep your ass at home please.
My brother owns a guest house, and has about 20 rooms.
Chinese folk were staying there in december.
I went to said house to visit my brother in december.
Got the worst sickness I had in my life, very high temperature, constant coofing, felt very dizzy, I thought I might actually die for a few minutes here or there when it was at its worst.
Fastword 3 months to now in march, still have a slight cough.
this. they are putting on a show for the globohomo cringe
Written by an absolute schizo retard. I see.
nah, I do whatever you want and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
I've recently quit smoking and used to get sick super easy and for super long periods of time (pack a day, would smoke even if it hurt). What are my chances against corona-chan now that I've quit?
Take your meds schizo
>thinking we're in outbreak
>actually in close encounters
the air is safe greekbro
Hey I think I discovered something with one of these threads. Do you guys remember where someone was saying check google trends for shit? Well for whatever strange reason the highest concentration by far of people looking for "CDC phone number" was these two states
So based on Google trends can you glowniggers tell me if and when you relocated the presidential command bunker out to Kentucky? Since when did we move the COG facilities out to Kentucky? Is it really about to get that bad? And I thought you guys finally got around to moving the military COG sites out of Colorado. You Jewed us out of trillions and trillions of dollars and you mean to tell me you couldn't afford to bury a new military command center outside of Colorado?
Is Jared and Ivanka, Eric and Don Jr. in Kentucky right now? Or have you just relocated the Speaker of the House and various functionaries to Kentucky so far?
Did you really move everybody out there because of coronachan and all the unrest that you're expecting or is this because of some as yet unknown to the public designated threat from Chinese and or Russian nuclear facilities?
Are you going to ship us all off to FEMA death camps located on military bases while routing us through the hundreds of processing facilities you have like the one at pier 57?
It’s actually weird there’s been zero cases on pol so far
Have you been vaccinated, Haim?
Kys. Before corona does.
Not yet. But on Sunday I was coughing quite a bit and congested and I thought to myself “fuck me, this is happening”, but I felt better Monday night. It was a one day little thing
Turn off the news and social media. It's a huge race for clickbait and views just because there's fuck all else for them to talk about right now.
It never goes away, there is no cure, it'll kill us eventually
Feds fucked up royally. Decided to produce their own tests instead of purchasing a working WHO version. Fucking doomed us all. 90% of Yas Forums could have it and could even get tested.
I think it’s real but it’s being hyped up to such a ridiculous degree to winnow down the stock market bubble we’ve been in and provide insiders a chance to liquidate early and get back in right before they announce a ‘cure’ that they probably have had for a while.
Why waste a good opportunity to make money?
you posted the wrong reaction. Here you go.
I'm sick from migraines for 12 days now. I'm going to the hospital er in a few hours. This migraine isn't going away. My mother thinks I have corona. I'm a delivery driver and I was dealing with a bunch of sick New Yorker dock workers.
I have no money and no bros. My only concern is I don't want to get children sick. And well there's some decent folks around here it doesn't deserve the Gomohhra treatment.
I need to ask this critically important question though does anybody know how it interacts with Lyme disease? Because I got neuro lyme and recovered only a few years ago so I'm kind of scared about that becoming a complication. Well that and I smoke but I don't drink at least.
How fucked am I? Does any research at all exist about it in PTs with previously serious Lyme infections? Or any kind of other neurological pathogens at al?
my chances to die are less than 0.05%.
I don’t give a fuck whether boomers or subhumans get infected - welcome to darwinism
Puget Sound user here. I don't know anyone and nobody I know has said anything about knowing somebody with this shit
Migraines aren’t a symptom. You’re just a faggot that gets migraines.
Seattle user here. Coworkers father had it. Coworkers friend has it. We've all been wfh for the past two weeks so I'm my concerned, but it's rapidly spreading
I know but it's painful. What could be the cause? I have a upper back injury and a constantly swore neck.
>t. I come from a broken home and hate my parents
had the same symptoms in january, literally thought i was gonna die, used my wifes inhaler till i could breathe....a few weeks later felt kinda off an have a little sore throat and some mucus but no coof
So this is recent? Did Corona really cause that?
Probably AIDS or fagitis.
Don't misunderstand. I believe coronavirus is real and it's spreading, like any seasonal flu, but the response from media and local govt seems way out of proportion. As if they had an ulterior motive.
When did the governor send in the national guard for SARS? MERS? Ebola?
When those were more "deadly" than what we've seen out of Coronavirus.
Also if it's so wide spread. Where are those who survived? Where are those who are sick and documented on video of symptoms? There isn't any verifiable documentation out of the US or Europe.
Just non stop fear mongering
No because it’s not actually that widespread. They’re using an over abundance of caution so that hospitals don’t get flooded with panicked people which will actually cause a lot of people to unnecessarily die. The media is hyping things up for ratings and political reasons.
what the fuck. Do all of these people just feel normal until they're suddenly dying?
I believe this, those numbers they're pumping don't seem right, everybody is got one of the many strains of flu going on about right now, I was exposed to a fucking club Toth in Portland on Saturday I could have it but I have no idea where to test, my ears are ringing like a mother fucker
I'm South East Pierce county. Nobody from my town yet but it's within 15 miles at least, that's the closest confirmed case
Whoa what the fuck did that fried noodle just say it is at 30% death rate?
yea i died
It is though. Imagine trying to get every hospital, doctor, etc in the country to go along with some BS and no one speak up. It’s not the plague, but it’s real, and it’s here. But if you’re not 60+, you’ll probably be good.
lol this entire world is broken and now a bunch of boomers think that I'll be extra special careful just so they can keep having the good life for a few years longer. How about they worry about somebody else, nah. They never did in their entire lives. But suddenly when it's their life on the line, it's all about how we should care and love each other and be reasonable.
Don't go to the doctor's if you have migraines, the main sign they're looking for is fever, you have a sinus infection
I went to the hospital today and got diagnosed with the flu. They said they only test high risk patients for Corona so who knows if I have it or not. I work at the Pentagon so I wouldn’t be surprised if I got it from someone last week. I haven’t been to work all week. Symptoms started Sunday.
Stay safe bois
I've had a weird scratchy throat for about a week now but no new symptoms and it hasn't gotten worse. Its annoying as fuck and got me a bit nervous though.
Probably. I had a mild cold last week. Heaps of people in Sydney do. But the testing is for such a limited range, that you'll never know
I haven't been sick in over 5 years, just recently caught a cough.
yes pretty sure i had it in LA
its a nothing burger. you just coof a bit, some phlegm, minor fever for a night, thats it.
you see it's shit like this that make me think this is mostly bullshit. nowhere has seizures been reported as a symptom of corona. it looks scary af though
dont talk to them mate just keep digging, sharing and archiving
>As if they had an ulterior motive.
What if they wanted to prevent deaths? I know, crazy, right?
Look at the charts Gunter, see how many infected vs recovered vs dead there is, what they're not seeing and they're being very cautious as to not create panic, is that this shit has no cure most of those infected are still dealing with this shit 5 months in.
This shit will eventually kill anyone who has contact with it, is a debilitating disease
Thanks Doc.
dude could have just been an epileptic...thats a classic seizure for sure...and often people go unconscious after a particularly bad one.
No it isn't. I'd wadger the vast amount of people on here have anti-social tendencies, if not straight up neets. The few people who have a social lives/wife&kids and browze Yas Forums are probably too busy coofing right now.
Do you feel any slime at the back of the throat where your nose canals end/start?
No it's progressive cold>flu>pneumonia young healthy people recover talking like 20s or extremely healthy 30s 40s non smoker >ARDS= death without ventilator if your local hospital is swamped with pneumonia you're a 100% dead
That's a seizure.
You got the common flu
did he died?
I caught what feels like a cold a few days ago. Time will tell.
I also have a slight rash. My doctors nurse said go to the er.
Again, rash isn’t a symptom.
I very rarely get sick but:
Friends dad was rushed to emergency room and put in breathing treatment in a city that is currently having an outbreak.
I work at a research facility attached to a hospital and their lifeline helicopters have been operating 5 times a day lately when it used to be once a week.
I'm not talking corona. She said it could be symptomatic of a serious condition.
Oi bay m8, i was cremated 3 times at sydney concentr... Err quarantine zone
Actually it is with a small amount of carriers
Ok, well yeah. Then go to doctor. Don’t be an idiot. I’m talking about people freaking out over the slightest thing wrong with them and thinking they have it. But on the same hand, a lot of us could have it, have very mild symptoms, and be fine. Which is also a bit concerning, because that means it could be spread a lot more