Fuck you prot
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality
Big yikes if you're not memeing
Based. Protestantism is Christianity. Everything else is pagan faggotry.
Poortestant seething at superior Catholic churches with their sculptures and art work.
I'm starting to develop a dislike for Jesus and a stronger attachment to Mary. Maybe it's just an edgy phase. I don't like fags btw.
Why the change, user?
pagans worshipping idols, always the same story for turbo low IQ people
>low IQ
>Catholic schools always most sought after anywhere in angloland
Jesus is either a pussy or a strict punisher. He's hard to like except when he's delivering justice against evil. Mary is just a loving mother, someone that intuitively fulfills the stereotypical role of her gender.
As Mexican Roman Catholic, one of the cousins in every family come out "guey". He just didn't get chancla all the time.
Orthodox 50%+ strongly favor same-sex marriage? I call bullshit. As far as I'm concerned this data is meaningless until I see details of where it was gathered, sample sizes, etc.
and fags
don't forget the fags
At least i dont believe in creationism, Jethro.
She's the role model for woman, but they don't follow through. The story of woman who got knocked up, and decide to stop being a whore, because she wronged Joseph.
Sadly, I believe it.
>implying half the "catholics" out there aren't just spics who say they're catholic for the census and go to mass once a year
And no, I'm not subscribing to the ravings of some anglo televangelist nutjob. If Sacred Tradition doesn't exist, then what was Christianity before the New Testament was written?
>don't go to places that inspire you with God's wonder with art and music and architecture
Also funny talking about music when that American gospel stuff is shit-tier compared to Catholic choirs
How do u know my middle name
Leviticus 18:22
belief and behavior wise catholics are indistinguishable from jews
These are not true Catholics. They follow the false pope and God will smite this pope and his followers.
Kissing Muslims and and letting in gays.
Popes are supposed to serve the Lord for life. That one that stepped down started this and this pope is just asking us to get pozzed because what?
My god is an angry God, and my Jesus was a man that went to fuck up some moneychangers, he was the man that whipped them in anger. Fucking kikes.
any "Christian church" with degenerate cringe signs like pic related will 100% always be Protestant scum.
Show me all those Catholic porn studios
This is just counting for American Christians though, and America taints everything
Again, almost entirely spics that barely even know what their religion is about and worship Santa Muerte. Listen to what any Catholic priest has to say about same-sex marriage. Then compare that to all the liberal prod "preachers" and "pastors" out there.
Imagine believing in a religion that treated you like shit and used you because you didn't know the language of the holy book for about 1200 years
Again, cope
Yes they're called "mainline"
American Catholics do not represent all Catholics. Obviously Americans will support gay things
Can't relate. Was reading the bible at Catholic school. Bible readings at every mass.
It will eventually become a reality, if it happens now it can be shamed into submission. The morons of tomorro will gobble it up. Same with socialism, bernie getting the nom and being slaughtered by 45 is best timeline, checkem
Evangelical Americans don't.
I come from a strong majority "Catholic" country. I'm not a Catholic so I'm not biased. I can tell you that most of these people are fake Catholics who put no real effort into their faith. They are Catholics only in name. They will say they believe in God and go to church a few times a year (if that), but that's about it. Other than that the "believers" are behaviorally and functionally equal to non-believers in every way. This is what happens when you try to spread spirituality onto the masses who are basically materialistic Hylics at core.
It hasn't succumbed yet.
This. American society pushes you away from God, and most give in.
what a jew.
I'm Catholic - book of Romans specifically mentioned it. Get better.
prod cucks BTFO
I go to a baptist church where the pastor literally rants about jews
The law of Moses said gays are to be killed
Fuck gays and their ass sex, I hope they all get AIDS
A honest question, I have been raised on a Baptist church, after I've read the bible I now think their "once saved, saved forever" is just cherry picking, will I find something better on a Catholic church?
'If the Devil doesn't like it, he can sit on a tack.
Sit on a tack
Sit on a tack
That's not in your papist choir repertoire?
Sounds like a fun place
Catholics have more of the belief that you can’t know your salvation status and therefore have to be vigilant in keeping it up so to speak. But so do Arminians like the Methodists.
fucking based and redpilled thread
Sage. There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. The Holy Catholic Church is the true church. The modern popes (from John XXIII until Francis) are heretics.
yea sure. so funny that cannon about no usury but then you allow the jews to get away with it like sure your not colluding with them and taking the cut
>sample size: 186
It is basically bullshit.
Novus ordo church is heretical church that has led millions away from god
Reminder Catholic church is only shield we have against Globohomo. Yes things are that bad.
Being catholic is like being jewish, you just say you are, it means nothing
>Corona strikes Italy hardest
makes ya think
thou shalt not lay with a man as with a woman you idiot
Catholic and Orthodox dont have homosexual priests (in theory we know bout the catholic kiddy diddlers) but proddy's have openly gay pastors, priests and bishops. You can bend a less than 200 person poll to look like whatever
Who gives a fuck what any book or preacher says about it? Faggotry is instinctively repulsive and goes against the very basis of life itself that is reproduction for the purpose of not going extinct. Those are the only reasons you need to be against it.
reminder there are no protestants without catholics, and no catholics without jews
That's old testament, what did Jesus day about homosexualaity?