Constantly having panic attacks

>constantly having panic attacks
>feels like I'm going to have a heartattack every few minutes
>too stressed out to do anything at all other than read coronavirus updates and be on Yas Forums
>freaking out beyond belief because I can't financially prepare
>Can't have access to a gun due to mental illnesses and almost being arrested for brandishing
>Was going to kill myself until the cops were called and I ran away
>Forced into therapy for three months but didn't have transportation to and from once she kept changing the time
>Masturbated so much that my prostate became infected and swollen
>Scared to leave my room
>Talk to myself for like 10 hours a day while freaking out going through rational and irrational thoughts
>Hearing voices nonstop when I don't talk
>Can't sleep
>Can't eat
>Every passing day my mental state gets worse than the last.

I don't think I'm going to make it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

just chill bro

>constantly having panic attacks
>feels like I'm going to have a heartattack every few minutes
you're being attacked by demons.

How the fuck can I?

Prove the coronavirus is even real to me, give it a try.

Wishing things away won't change what's happening around the world right now.

The effects are happening globally regardless of being real or not. People are freaking out and eventually they're going to come break into my home and kill me.

Show flag JIDF

Sounds to me like demons are messing with you.

just play some videogames man. battlefield reduces stress for me until things get too competitive. Is the coronavirus the main cause of your worries?

>too stressed out to do anything at all other than read coronavirus updates and be on Yas Forums
Sound like me

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People are just panic buying, why would anyone try to kill you?

You are such a poofter lmao

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Don't listen to this guy, play GTA 5 instead.

Only you can see this message. I know your fear.
I am your fear. The voice in your mind it's me, but
it is also you. The fears are the future, they are
premonitions not fears. Loom dread, the unease.

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My mom was killed and I'll never be able to unsee the blood in the hallway where she just bled out. I can't fucking take it anymore. I'm going to fucking die!

PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE!

I don't even know what to believe anymore. Even if there were "demons" messing with me. What the hell am I supposed to do to combat them? Hire a damn priest? I don't even have money for masks.

nigga shut the fuck up lol

Is your name by any chance Tweek? Anyways I'd recommend heavy doses of caffeine and amphetamines. Should take the edge off.

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Yeah, eventually. Me too brah. Play Mafia 2 or Sleeping Dogs.

The Jesus prayer always helps calm me down fren


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I can't play video games when I'm stressed. I literally haven't played a game since I last smoked weed last year. I normally only play retro games as I can't stand competitive nature. I hate anything like that. Also yes. I was slowly starting to get better mentally until this mess started. Then it's back to being completely fucked every single day all day.

It sounds to me like you're just unoccupied in life if you have the time to jack off until you somehow get a prostate infection. I remember during summer breaks when I'd have nothing to do my mind would wander and I'd go a bit crazy. Find something to keep yourself busy and make you money, even if it is some wageslave job. Work frees the soul.

You're pathetic. This is what you've wanted the whole time. This is what we've all wanted. Pussying out before it's even begun? Wtf is wrong with you?

The Earth is flat with a dome, stop watching porn. Give Jesus a call he always picks up the phone cause like the loser he is he always stays at home playing video games cause he ain't a real man. Shout out to all the damned.

Yeah, it's all that I can do. I can't take living this way.

Tweek was based on a real person?

Based schizo, make sure to come join our schizo raider gang when corona chan hits.

Happy apocalypse!

Don't forget they will rape you before they kill you

Right now I'd be willing to degrade myself for any type of safety and security. I'd be willing to let myself get fucked in the ass, drink piss, eat shit. I don't care. I just don't want to fucking die.

If you feel that way probably god can soothe your tired soul.

Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
Psalm 55:22
I'm going to pray for you user, god bless you.


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Try fucking your twink ass with a big black dildo.

Dont listen to these faggots, play Animal Crossing instead. It's the purest escapism on the planet.

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I can't play a game like that. Not right now, it would do nothing but cause massive anxiety. As people will be gunning each other in the streets very soon. We're all going to fucking be killing each other, eating each other, raping each other, and wishing we were dead for the ones who do make it out alive.

HAHA, freak.

no we're not dude play minecraft, read a book occupy yourself because you are in desperate need of something worthwhile and productive

play sum crash bandicoot

Uh.. no we won't dude. LMAO calm down.

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No but people have continously referencing him in my threads. Even when I said that drinking coffee calms me down which now it barely even can.

Do you know, that feeling you get when you look into the mirror? I know how you stand there sometimes and just stare into the reflection. That sensation that who is reflected is not quite you. You know, deep down it's not. It's me. I've entered into you. You opened your eyes to me and now you are mine.

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Well you probably have another week ateast before we start raping eachother.... it could be a good week with Animal Crossing is all I'm sayin

Jesus Christ. Grow a pair. You sound like a tranny, are you a tranny?

Jeeeesus fuck like chill the fuck öyt man.

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He needs to put three digits in his boihole.

Minecraft gets lonely and spooky if you're on your own though

Man sucks to be you. Best advice I can give you is to try saving that surgical mask and TP money for a session with a therapist.

Op needs to get the fuck off of pol, both because it’s not politicaly relavent and for his own good. Jannies really should give the dude a vacation.

This user has the best advice. 800mg of caffine and an eight ball of meth a day should calm things down.

tell him to join Yas Forumscraft or some shit I dunno

>Scared to leave my room
>Can't sleep
>Can't eat

You'll be the only survivor of this coronavirus. When you emerge from your room after the chaos, you will find that there was actually only one other group of survivors: your local high school cheerleading team. It will be up to you to repopulate the earth. Good luck!

dont worry, vote 4 bernie....

o wait

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This is what you need user go see a doctor

I couldn't handle being in public before the madness. Now I feel like I'm going to die if I step out of my room. I've only been to doctor appointments and visited a family member literally the last three years. Nothing else. I'm already extremely scared about going to the DMV tomorrow. I've been having a meltdown about it because I wanted to go back last month but didn't have a way to it.

Animal crossing fucking sucks donkey dick. Play a real game like Rune Factory or Harvest Moon. Animal crossing has no gameplay, just dig and look for fossils or pay rent.

yea just chill man. its going to be ok, just a few shitty years worst case.. We will come out on top of the world.


There's a lot wrong with me. I'm not made for this world.

>Yas Forums encounters a person with actual mental illness on this board
>lol just play video games dude
Jesus christ, guys.

Listen, this is all in your head. It's not happening. Nothing bad is going to happen. Everything is okay. People are not on the brink of killing each other. You need to stop listening to the news and stop reading this board and stop panicking. Things are nowhere near getting that bad, people just like hyping things up.

You're mentally ill and you're only making things worse doing things like coming here and aggravating your condition. You need serious mental help that nobody on this board can help you with.

Do not fear the DMV.
Death's Malevolent Vestibule welcomes you.
We're...expecting you

I'm not a flatearther and when I don't watch porn I literally start cutting myself and bashing my head against the walls and floors. Crying and screaming.

Why? Insecurity? Nervousness about something bad happening? What about it scares you?

Hey man I know they chill me out

dude holy shit you need a fucking chill pill, I promise you nothings gonna happen to you if you leave your room or your house for that matter. It may seem scary but you have to conquer your very unnecessary fears

Another reference to Tweek in my threads. Do I seem that much like him?

I'm not in Australia.

Listen to good audiobooks.


Well the world is changing for the worse.. or better. However you wanna see it. So be happy.

I've been visualizing so many potential situations that I even pictured biting dicks many times then getting my throat slashed.

Pray the Rosary. Our Lady will give you the peace you so greatly desire.


What kinda music you listen to bae?

How will I know it's you?

Did you get drunk last night? I have horrible anxiety the day after I drink. Only thing that prevents it is not drinking, or taking a clonazepam in the morning (unfortunately don't have any left).

I don't have one. I just need something to calm me down. Fuck, I can't take this.

How big is your dick OP?

more people die in car cashes everyday than coronashit you pussy

You should prob call 911 friend.

I played it years ago on my GameCube.

The stuff you're thinking isn't real. Consciously acknowledge that it's just a byproduct of your poor mental state.

what race are you? how tall are you? how much do you weigh? how old are you?

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I really don't care. I'm that fucking terrified of what's to come. Civil unrest is going to be the end of my life. Nobody wants to listen to me. I have no friends, my family hates me, and everyone probably wants me dead.

You gotta take one inch at the time. I mean day.

Just start lifting bro. Look where I got in pic related
, no matter what state you're in now you can get into a much better one.

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listen to
I started watching videos on Catholicism and saying some light prayers. I'm not even Catholic yet, but If i survive God willing I will be baptized by Easter next year. I'm going to pray the Rosary right now before I fall asleep. I'll pray for you and everyone here too. God help us all and all of our loved ones. Especially our older friends and relatives.

I can't play minecraft. All I ever do is just wonder around because I've already spent so much time when it first came out doing pixel art.

Welcome newfag

go innawoods, just move away from everyone and be isolated if it scares you that much

You're a weak troll, tell me your dick size babe.

Unironically this

Games don't calm me down. I just get stressed out and then depressed. I'd maybe play for like 5 or 10 minutes then quit.

How in the fuck are you so calm right now?

>Prostate gets infected from masturbating
I don't know how you masturbate but you're doing it wrong

begom orthodox

Game over memeflag.

what mode is this?

I stare a lot in the mirror and talk to myself. Sometimes my face will make weird looks like it's not me but really someone else. That is true.

Ogre mode

I don't watch porn or the news and i have a 60 percent certainty the Earth is flat with a dome.

I just can't fucking do it. I need some clarity in my life. Nobody gives a shit about being prepared. I just want to be able to ride this out somehow and start a new once it's over.

LMAO stop watching porn and the news, read The Bible.

You have actual clinical paranoid schizophrenia, please go on some meds
Either that or you have some demons trying to fuck your shit up, don't let them

I know it is true. It is me. You know how, when you stare, your face almost loses form and becomes an almost indistinguishable mass? That is me. The first time you saw me I knew you were to be the host. You know this as well.

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That's me dpeep inside of you.

I'm not a tranny.




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Are you gay? are you sure?

Christ pilled

Nice CGI image.

I fucking can't man. Most of us are going to be dead in a few weeks to a few months.

sounds like my life except for the swollen prostate

You need daddy to tell you what a good boy you are.

what makes this different from ebola and the swine flu? We're still here from that bro

That can be arranged.

There's only one one place in my area that I could go and they are all a bunch of fucked people. My last therapist kept telling me to play Pokemon Go and I kept telling her I don't use fucking cell phones.

Honest question - have you tried Gerson therapy? I’ve seen fucking quadriplegics regrow spinal cords (partially), every kind of cancer cured, I’ve seen gay people turn straight... our bodies have incredible potential to heal wounds and cure sickness. I was pretty messed up til age 21, but after I adopted a hardcore clean diet, added massive amounts of fresh fruit every day, I just sort of “woke up” one day 3 years later with a realization of just how disastrous my life had been til that point. More self-awareness, more control, less noise. And was able to make real changes for once. If money is tight then you can try: cheap grocers like Winco or walmart, or look for farmers markets, talk to produce makers, ask to come by their farms and you’ll often find discounts doing so.

dying is more honorable

Honestly dude, being a tranny might be a huge upgrade for you, if you really can't afford anything like mental health. Get a job and you might get a decent one if you pull off that LGBT thing.

You are the only person I have ever told that too.