You dickheads have a lot to answer for

What the FUCk is wrong with you people?

Don't you know Sanders was our ONLY HOEP to save this world (not just the country you jackasses, we have an OBLIGATION to use our wealth to save the world)

In between cutting yourselves on all those hard edges, why don't you think for a minute about the children, then women, and yes even some MEN who are going to DIE because he wasn't elected.

Go on, think about them. There's literally 10s of millions, both in and outside this fucking country. How could you do this. How could you be an active participant in this RAPE of the ideals of our country???

I can understand if you were some rich little Eichmann who didn't want his taxes to go up, greed and racism can explain that. But for working class NEET slobs like those on here to vote AGAINST THEIR OWN SELF INTEREST, FOR NO REASON!!!!!! makes me fucking despise all of you that much more.

We deserve an explanation. WE DEMAND an explanation. You OWE US an explanation. It is our RIGHT to healthcare, education, and a secure, decent lifestyle that you fucking fascist thugs are standing in the way of.

And don't you fucking worry. We'll be back. We'll keep coming back. We're in this for the long haul. This is a MOVEMENT that will NOT be denied. We're going to win. We're going to prevail because we're in the right, and demographics are only going to keep working in our favor. Eventually we will have legalistation for all undocumented comrades, and when we do we'll have 12 MILLION MORE VOTES. Try standing against us then, especially with more boomer fucks dying every day. We'll own your ass. It'll take a little longer, but we'll be that much more vindictive when we're in the unstoppable majority. You fucked with the wrong wo(men).

Enjoy this shithole while you can. We're coming for you

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are you retarded?
sanders is a fucking idiot.

sanders is a freaking flakey and a con man.

Didn't your mom tell you that there's no such thing as the tooth fairy?

Anyone who isn't me is a nigger. Good riddance.

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Enjoy being financially ruined for life when you or someone you know gets cancer.

The time has come for you to kill yourself OP. Please hurry, I do not want to support faggots like you with my taxes. Take some of your tranny friends with you.

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>votes against their own self-interest
>votes against the vast bulk of their fellow countrywomen

>implies he pays taxes and isn't struggling to get by on a net-zero tax bill, which would turn into a refund under bernie

You're all gonna get exactly what you deserve, mark my FUCKING WORDS

Suck my dick faggot

My self interest is no fags, no illegals, no taking of my property, and no paying for lazy, worthless spics and niggers who are here for a free handout. Stay retarded, mentally ill faggot.

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We don’t owe you shit nigger. I’m voting for Trump in 2020 and went to vote for Biden in MN primary to see the bern victims cry. Get bent faggot

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Whose gonna tell op that the popular vote doesnt matter?

>racist white bumpkin thinks his corporate masters won't sell him out for a discount on payroll outlays to all of the groups he just named in his post.

Wow it's like you have no idea how capitalism actually works you fucking goebels saluting mother fucker. You'll be the first in line.

I'd rather work harder in life to get the things i want then surrender my country to a Marxist

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Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in Michigan???? This is so fucked.

Nice strawman, but you shouting into the wind doesn't change my interest or the love for my country and the knowledge that I will happily and joyously protect it from retards like you. Again, stay retarded. I eagerly await the next free (You)!

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>blaming pol and fascists because Biden won states
Gotta be bait

>sanders is a fucking idiot.
Sanders is a fucking genius compared to retards like you who fall for easy bait. How long have you been here?

You’re a fucking retard with 0 idea how capitalism works. I’m sure you’re a pseudocommie but Marx was WRONG. He diagnosed the right problems but they are a result of the state not a result of free trade. What kind of backwards retard thinks an outside influence needs to regulate consensual decisions between two adults

You'll be on the other side of that door soon enough with that attitude, nazi PRICK mother fucker

And THAT is what is wrong with this FUCKING COUNTRY

How could you honestly say, with a straight face (without banker dicks in your mouth), that the popular vote shouldn't be the deciding factor in this and EVERY election??????? Are you as senile as BIDEN??>>???

is it though? it's way over the top to actually work newfag

its a funny larp though. so i'll tip my fedora to that

you fags cant even be bothered to go out and vote for your candidate ,you wont be doing shit to us sunshine,you are a tiny vocal minority that lost its steam

no refunds you fucking queer

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only people to blame are the rich people in the dnc rigging it and their "malfunctioning" electronic ballot boxes

Just do a brokered convention. Its there for a reason

I'm still on the fence if this is bait or not, but just in case..


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>that particular memeflag

Fuck you. You are weak stock. When national socialism rises again in five years we will crucify people like you.

The elites won’t allow the world to end you troglodyte. If they did, they’d have nothing to rule over.. their wealth would be meaningless. Things will get pretty bad though.

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It starts with ONE THING

Ok groomer


Case fuckign CLOSED little Eichmann

Marx was wrong, because Marx was not BERNIE, and for no other reason fascist shill mother fucker

I voted plenty for MY candidate. I donated to MY candidate. I volunteered and phonebanked for MY candidate.

Why didn't YOU, stooge? We're fighting for fuckign YOU TOO. Not like we'll ever see anyone in your country with their head screwed on straight. You all couldn't even get Corbyn elected, and he was only running against a man named fucking BORIS??!?! Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME??

They'll get their dues on the day of the rope. Just like everyone else who stood in the way of the continuing revolution.


Ok groomer

Bernie is an old Jew Israeli citizen. He was just a cash grab to divert peoples attention away from Sloppy Joe. They are both puppets of the jew.
And nothings wrong with me, you are gay. Theres your problem for starters.

Or republican, hate you, the DNC, and we're waiting to give you faggots the rope.

I paid off my student loan. My job has healthcare. I'm doing pretty good.

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My interests do not include an Israeli centric foriegn policy, increasing my taxes, driving up the cost of health care and education, flooding the country with illegal immigrants from all walks of life, and being a cuck for the federal reserve.


No (You) for you.

>we have an OBLIGATION to use our wealth to save the world)
Whites thought the same thing when colonizing. KYS

>You didnt vote for my candidate, so have a promise of violence instead.

Maybe people saw what you lot would be like if you had your candidate in?
And yes, we are fascist (mainly), what are you doing on a board called "Politically Incorrect" anyway?

>We're fighting for fuckign YOU TOO

I know you are fighting to fuck us, tats why you lost. Groomer.

i personally prefer a more classic bait where you shit out a (1 post by this ID) thread.

Nigger do you know where you are ?

Let me guess, Bernie's flying economy there?

No one cares what trannies think

Seethe harder you tranny faggot

>What the FUCk is wrong with you people?
A lot.

But none of that matters now. Whether Trump or Biden wins, nukes fly. We did it.

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shut the fuck up faggot

and / or Nigger

Yea a Marxist Jew was going to solve all of our problems

You people are disgusting. Truly disgusting.

All you've got is
> wahh tranny faggot nigger wowowlolololololololol

You're like a mad idiot mob of children, with loud music blaring behind you marching double time straight over a fucking cliff, laughing all the way down until you splatter on the rocks below

In time you'll come to regret being such fuckign worthless pieces of shit. In time you'll see that there was a better way, and that you could have had a vastly more satisfying and meaningful life, so much sooner, if you had only been smart enough to embrace a system of values that is DEMONSTRABLY SUPERIOR to the ones you cling to.

In time you'll figure all of this out. It'll probably be right before our boots crush your windpipes.

didn't read your shit, get fucked commie.

This is you and your worthless band of degenerate reprobates

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>We're coming for you
are all bernie fans some antifa/commie fanatics or otherwise mentally unstable?
these fucks have no idea what communism or ''socialism'' actually was and are too delusional to figure the truth out

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No politician cares for the people of thier country.
We still have homeless vets, children and others, we still have hunger, famine, greed, pestilence war and death here in America.
Nothing will change if incompetent corrupt politicians keep on getting in office by throwing tax payer money around.
You all should be getting this by now. Now politician cares for its people.
Demoralize the youth to gain control.
That's thier goal, I'm tired of people complaining about so and so has no votes... whaaat.
What I think we the people should do is have a random selection of young politicians that believe in the people to change the course of this country.
How can we do that? Run for a state rep for $100's and you're on the ballot. Listen to the people and go door to door. It don't matter what party they are...listen to them toss and talk different ideas for the people of America to have a better chance to believe in the right changed courses and guide them on the right path of liberty, equality and the pursuit of happiness.
The dream of America.

>4 more years
>4 more years

Bernie truly was a once in a lifetime candidate. The demented people of this country didn’t deserve him, people will be looking back a hundred years from now scratching their heads as to why people did not choose him as their leader

there are to many people on the planet. i think a culling would be good. thankfully, coronavirus comes. embrace the eternal sleep, little one.

Kill yourself please

Dude nice LARP. No seriously, you are fucking committed. Usually I have nothing but contempt for you guys, but you clearly put a shitton of effort into this.

Oooh scary, what are you gonna do? Sit at home and smoke weed?

speaking of boots, wheres that video of the dude getting stood on his face and then getting his throat cut. lets see if this person is a larp or serious.

Op is a faggot.

I don't think anyone on this board has any idea what communism or socialism is let alone the ideologies they support. They can't be asked to read anything that isn't succinctly explained to them in one or two sentences, or a meme.

We fucking tried and also it’s not over. Over 50% of the delegates will still be up for grabs after the Sunday debate. Also our age group is only 20% of the population

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Who here in this thread believes that America can change for the better if we help the youth to be better than the other old schmucks that have seriously and literally raped the system of democracy? Truly who believes in it?
I do, I believe in the youth.

Bernie's a jew fag, and jew fag's like the buttsex, so, Bernie's gonna get the rhinoceros, buttsex from the dnc so hard, that all of the world will laugh and laugh. Then the BernFag Bros will try and start shit, and we will laugh and laugh as we shoot them, then laugh and laugh some more.

Imagine voting for a kike like Boinie.
Don't worry faggot, 2024 is right around the corner!