Grand Princess boomers sue for 1 million USD

A couple who was aboard a cruise ship carrying coronavirus patients filed a $1 million lawsuit, alleging that the company exposed them to the disease.

Ronald Weissberger, 74, and his wife, Eva Weissberger, 69, of Broward County, Florida, boarded the Grand Princess in San Francisco on Feb. 21 for what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation to Hawaii.

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why is Yas Forums always right

Attached: pain.jpg (482x426, 225.74K)

Grand Princess is /ourcruise/?

Don't need the names, where they live is pretty indicative.

Attached: Broward_County_Florida_Deaths.jpg (1368x1515, 428.8K)

The news of the virus were already mainstream by February 21. hope they don't die because of their own negligence.

Never pass up a chance for a million shekels

>Broward County
strangest County in America

Florida Sue Jew is director of Intelcan Technosystems (fucking lol)
>Intelcan Technosystems Inc. is the leading Canadian Communications, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) systems
Why the fuck is a Broward County Jew selling the Canadians their ATC kit?

>Broward county
Who'd a' thunk it?

even worse the diamond princess had already happened. and they still decided to go on a cruise. everybody who went on grand princess deserves to die

I noticed that right off, as well.

I’ve been trying to convince my stupid boomer grandpa not to go on a cruise next week. My family has been getting woke to corona too and trying to tell him he’s gonna die but oh, well. Stubborn old boomers get the pillows.

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its guaranteed corona

"Oh it's an American, I bet it's tacky Floridians"
>of Broward County, Florida

fucking kek

that Corona-chan is really cute desu

Was Weiss berger the one that brought the coronA on board?

kikels gonna kike

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Checked. But for real though. Broward county is a very strange place.

PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE!

People who go on cruises deserve to die

They will likely lose because the ship followed the orders from the government.

We need to ban cruise ships and coronavirus isnt even the main reason

>Grand Princess boomers sue for 1 million USD
Grand Princess kikes sue for 1 million USD

because a memeflag that posted a picture of a boat said so

>for what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation to Hawaii.
The weather started getting rough
The cruise ship it was coughed

Notice how 90% of them have eye defects (requiring corrective lenses) to go with their brain defects (well-established).
Very high correlation between the two.

>Broward County
Every. Fucking. Time.


It just writes itself.

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Can anyone tell me what the different hats mean?

No one NEEDS a high-capacity ship. Think of the sick children. Sensible boat regulations when?

>generic picture
>no link
Either fake and gay or you're a no-effort faggot; which is it?

All the company has to do is stall

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honestly? that not all jews are getting the jew vaccine

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No idea, but I assume they are some kind of "rank" within their cult. The older dudes are the ones wearing the big fur donuts and beards. Younger ones without beards have the beta hats and cheek pigtails. Maybe once they get married they go up a hat tier? Who nose?

Attached: jewHollywood.jpg (640x845, 87.95K)

google it yourself i cant be bothered


LOL die you fucking champagne drinking cruise ship vacating KIKE

theres also a high correlation with high intelligence and the need to wear corrective lenses . The stereotype of the 4 eyed nerd exists for a reason.
So yes, it may be a genetic defect, but its also associated with high intelligence.

>over-playing your hand every time
>ran out of dozens of countries
>destroy civilizations
Very intelligent people indeed.

It's always the ones that live in Florida


well they got their own ethnostate smack in the hostile middle east in the area that all 3 main abrahamic religions are fighting over, and they are using the most powerful nation on earth as a proxy to do their bidding, as well being enormously wealthy, while enjoying political impunity by upholding a sacred victim status, all this from a tiny minority of people. They also revived an ancient dead language (Hebrew) which hasnt been done before to that extent.

So yea, id say they are pretty intelligent. That doesnt mean i LIKE them. but its stupid to underestimate or call your enemy "stupid" cause you dont like them. We're not in primary school m8

>The stereotype of the 4 eyed nerd exists for a reason
Yeah because the people who own the media, who all need glasses, created the stereotype.

It's almost like they create stereotypes to make themselves look good and their enemies look bad.

no, the dweebs in movies that were ugly, pimply pencil necked and rejected by women who instead went for the rugby playing chads, were nerds with glasses. Not because Jews saw themselves in the nerd stereotype. But cause the stereotype already exists due to intelligent yet physically lacking people tending to be a genetic type.


How did I know they were Jewish before I even read the names?

Watch your self with all that edge

of course

My Jewish sense was tingling also

Can I be a useful Jew and point out this in turn makes them liable for infecting and disrupting the life of literally anybody they encounter until this pandemic is over? Not the smartest lawsuit and didn't file it John Doe, either. Tisk.

I should intelius their address, move in next door, get exposed and sue them. For whatever the judgment is, of course, plus 30%.

I got off my lazy ass and looked on joogle.


>A shtreimel (Yiddish: שטרײַמל, pl. שטרײַמלעך shtreimlech) is a fur hat worn by many married ultra-Orthodox Jewish men, particularly (although not exclusively) members of Hasidic groups, on Sabbath and Jewish holidays and other festive occasions. In Jerusalem, the shtreimel is also worn by 'Yerushalmi' Jews (non-Hasidim who belong to the original Ashkenazi community, also known as Perushim). The shtreimel comprises a large circular piece of velvet surrounded by fur. It is generally worn only after marriage, except in many Yerushalmi communities, where boys wear it from their bar mitzvah.

No mention of the other style hat though from here

Attached: Judeu_ortodoxo_reza_com_um_shtreimel,_Kotel,_Jerusalém.jpg (650x664, 107.41K)

Provide an example of this stereotype existing before Hollywood.
Everything the jews do --- everything they say or write or create or portray --- is calculated (whether subtly or not so) to aggrandize themselves and denigrate the goyim.

> Weissberger
This shit writes itself

>blames boomers

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it is the duty of OP to provide archived links to reliable sources newfag. the reason people fled this board to 8 a few years ago is because of no effort faggots such as yourself shitting up the board with nothing more than a random picture and some blah blah blah text. sorta kinda just like your lazy no-effort OP. then other newfags that are even newer than you visit here and just assume that that's how things are done and perpetuate shit, no-effort threads just like this one.


Boomer detected. Look you dumb fuck, not EVERYTHING is a JOO conspiracy. I acknowledge they run the highest echelons of power and control hollywood etc etc. but saying the nerd stereotype exists so the Jews could represent themselves as the innocent picked on kids is fucking ridiculous and shows you might have some mild psychosis to think jews created every fucking stereotype. If anything, it would be that nerd stereotype is created by Jews to make whites look weak, pimply, dorky and unable to get a girl. Bill gates is a classic nerd with the glasses. He has the same nerd phenotype. The stereotype exists because there are people who fit that description, just like the chad stereotype.

Go lie down boomer, you sound fucking stupid.

Further more, you're just being an almighty faggot by shifting the debate goal post. I said that there is a high correlation between intelligence and wearing glasses. Scientific studies have proven that. Just like something as superficial as a big forehead can also mean high intelligence. but you now are demanding that i prove that the nerd stereotype wasnt invented by Jews to make themselves look like victims in movies.

Get a load of this fucking boomer. Dont know why i even wasted a moment debating someone like you. Every man and his dog can post online now, so every retard crawls out of the cracks and demands you debunk some stupid retarded shit which has nothing to do with what I initially claimed.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck them

They probably got it there and brought it on the ship

Settle down, Greta. We don't need a lot of things but we have to keep doing crazy shit.

>of Broward County, Florida
of course they are. fucking leftist entitled pieces of shit. they boarded on Feb 21? 3 months into a worldwide epidemic after we had confirmed community spread in america? fuck these entitled faggots, throw their case out and force them to pay the cruise line $500,000 each for wasting time and voter fraud during 2016

>boarded the Grand Princess in San Francisco on Feb. 21

Dipshits had a month warning with the dimond princess, only thing they should get is a fine for being retarded

My jew alarm was ringing as soon as i read "filed a $1 million lawsuit"

>>reads name Ronald WEISSBERGER.

Kike confirmed.