Post memes from the 2016 election before 2020 fully gears up

Post memes from the 2016 election before 2020 fully gears up.

Attached: tedrun.png (496x539, 161.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm coofing for you, Dahnald

Attached: Skelegates.jpg (500x500, 71.6K)

You have the twirling twirling video?

Comfy thread

Attached: 24340B19-3FD4-4C56-8167-2628366305F3.jpg (655x608, 431.12K)

Literally who?

Attached: 1D6FE150-4E3F-45FA-BA84-19FB78AF23C4.jpg (960x640, 53.95K)

This is my favorite meme from 2016

vageen sizes match, eh?

Attached: 4wRVwzqXEXDHNbVB.png (749x920, 848.2K)

Pic related is my favorite image from the 2016 election.

Attached: 516D8179-8A75-4638-B76D-358BEF19A73F.jpg (800x606, 54.82K)

Attached: oQOxEAS.png (524x489, 272.05K)

Attached: Cukken 2016.png (500x791, 662.07K)

Attached: kE7vaZ0.jpg (1000x500, 52.06K)

secret code
guacamole penis

Attached: Adam the Alpha.jpg (273x458, 44.3K)

Attached: Rato Attack.gif (480x320, 1.48M)

Ive gotten this discord shut down by myself several times by reporting it. You fuckers think youre being sneaky by posting it in image form now so i cant google it? Fuck you, youre getting deleted again you tranny retards.

Who remembers this? News stories ran with this Yas Forums conspiracy theory using this pic I made.

Turned out to be a flashlight

Attached: flu shot.jpg (886x2601, 1.27M)
>Turned out to be a flashlight
according to who?

Attached: 1470287468948.jpg (600x453, 150.99K)

Attached: ebola.jpg (1177x2302, 1.01M)

see this pic here You must have seen those flashlights with the lime green button on the back

Attached: 51Q3NvhFylL[1].jpg (500x500, 37.88K)

i miss these bro

Attached: zodiac ted.png (640x517, 223.92K)

Moot you faggot

>Turned out to be a flashlight

So, just like every Yas Forumsspiracy peddled by literal retarded autists and schizos

didnt the clintons kill that nigger too?

Attached: Klob! 2020.jpg (1200x916, 325.76K)

bound to happen

Cruz delegate posting was easily my favorite outside of just Trump in general. Good times.

yes. at the time we thought we were really onto something. That "enhanced" pic is no bamboozle, that little squiggle was really there and it really did look like a part of that specialized syringe

the amount of keks in 2016

Attached: 1449545833457.jpg (574x429, 44.94K)

completely shopped you cheap leaf. how is a green button bright enough to cause lens flare but we cant see it in original pic? you stupid nigger. fuck you.

Damn, Hillary took the BCC that many times??

the fuck? lol

Attached: 1470626141435.jpg (2048x1363, 344.69K)

Attached: 1462330888175.jpg (1386x1386, 584.84K)

Attached: Trump cash.jpg (2560x1891, 1.95M)

Attached: ana.jpg (3698x4226, 423.15K)

> I am now a cruzmissle

not a meme but the most based thing trump ever said

Attached: I KNEW IT!.png (400x504, 219.03K)

Why? 2016 is over faggot

Attached: 1560647843975.jpg (540x281, 18.96K)

Who remembers the fabled $75 USD (2016, $85 adjusted for inflation) guac bowl?

Attached: 635744593765713210-Screen-Shot-2015-08-06-at-12.02.43-PM[1].jpg (1200x678, 63.39K)

Attached: bfb7de0dedaec049d035eea9ca5c38f99e08b7da9b07c33233bf2d7fe77b0969.png (1104x578, 590.72K)


........Please clap

Attached: please clap.gif (480x279, 2.23M)

November 2015 - November 2016 was easily the golden age of Yas Forums

Best part was when someone fessed up to buying the guacabowle and posted a photo showing how tiny it was

Attached: 8fa2ba28d793f99a8ec3a5a4fcc87a438a48ceaf4d960c90fcd85a86b971d4a5.jpg (1920x816, 100.49K)

How would Hillary and Chloe ever think taking this pic is a good idea?

Attached: 1458335532351.jpg (207x238, 17.82K)

Foolish guac bowl merchant

Attached: Caergrtghpture.jpg (1226x647, 85.13K)

Attached: 1459384778486.gif (768x432, 2.38M)

Attached: tumblr_inline_oksq0to1HH1tqn8tf_500.gif (500x325, 128.77K)

Attached: 1461996424313.png (1315x993, 320.29K)

Didn’t that guy shit in it and post it to Jeb’s twitter?

My god, what this woman must sound like in bed...



Attached: 1582593971852.gif (470x470, 162.85K)

Attached: 1460158908346.gif (450x450, 126.68K)

Not in my timeline

Attached: mars attacks.jpg (709x467, 69.05K)

Attached: EmShitsOnTrump.jpg (1247x657, 62.69K)

Attached: ana kasparian ghoul.jpg (1200x600, 99.01K)

Attached: 1490098F-08CC-4DA6-85CA-FF59806DEC0B.jpg (750x714, 389.13K)

Attached: $.png (1024x768, 536.51K)

Attached: wind me up.png (406x358, 264.57K)

Attached: 1458268800612.webm (1920x1080, 846.41K)

Who remembers these videos?

Attached: trump-f.jpg (620x320, 61.28K)