Can’t stand homeless people

As a Christian I’m suppose to be compassionate to these people. I don’t. Most are drug addict, criminals, niggers, mentally fucked assholes

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Hey Jack, you’re a Christian. I’m down on my luck. Give me a dolla or you’ll make Jesus cry. Bitch.

Just murder them they are technically nobodies

Some people you can't help. Don't let it blackpill you, shit happens.

Based and Batemanpilled

It's not the homeless you hate. It's the asocial junkie bums.

No, as a Christian you're supposed to be compassionate toward people who cannot help it. Like children and widowed women. There is nothing that says you need to have compassion for feral drug addicted niggers running wild.

Exactly. They dont pay any bills and dont want to. All of them are on drugs or booze. When the cities do help them with an apartment, they destroy it and harass all their neighbors.

When they panhandle, its not out of desperation, but to piss you off. They know it pisses people off.

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>As a Christian
Well there's your first problem

>As a Christian
you're no Christian, you're a piece of shit sorry excuse for a human being. You will burn in Hell for all eternity. Begging God for forgiveness will not save you, because you know you are a shitty human being yet you continue to be a shitty human being. You're aware that your a shitty person as you have stated yet you willingly continue to be a shitty person but still have the nerve to call yourself a Christian.

they are plenty social, theres a good 10 of them who hang around this fucking place. its just one of the many black pilling social strains on my brain that i have to put up with every fucking day

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>Matthew 26:11 You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.

Christ says we will never be able to eradicate poverty or lift everyone up out of homelessness. But many people will go through life not following or turning away from Christ's calling. He instructs us to have our priorities straight by focusing on being a better disciple and not trying to fix all the problems of the world.

No, as a Christian you are supposed to be compassionate towards everyone, including and especially your enemies.

sounds like every "christian" I've ever encountered

It's not up to you do decide who's worthy or not. Your generosity is a gift to yourself, bigot. See

They are not 'homeless.' They are drug addicts. They are not destitute by circumstance, they are disgusting people who do not want to change and will forever complain about their circumstance.

I know this because in my twenties I spent 3 months homeless in the Colorado Springs during winter (cold af, user). I clawed my way out and will never be there again. They can do the same but wont.

As a Christian you have no obligation to feel compassion for the homeless. They are lazy bums who refuse to work.

>For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. - 2 Thessalonians 3:10

This is to be expected from increasingly exclusive society, others are formed.


they are non-believers the popes of past have approved of killing non-believers in defense of christendom

No, I’m honest. Most Christians, pastors, priests would say the same if they were being honest.

Dont blame the people.
Blame the system that created these people.

Give them your cloak first, show the way brother. Don't be surprised when they bite the hand that gives

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There will always be defective dysfunctional people in the world.
Nothing you can do about it but get rid of them.
Throw them out to sea.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, senpai! Praise be!

The system? Are you kidding! If you have every homeless clown a house and cash, 99% of them would ruin the hous or sell it for drugs!

It’s not a housing problem. There are plenty of jobs out there. These people are just fucking degenerates

Wrong. We are called to be KIND to everyone.
Kindness and compassion are not the same words.
If a child burns themselves on a hot stove, it is compassionate to tend their wounds. Kindness would be to slap their hand away so they dont get burned in the first place.
There is a distinction in the Bible between the undeserving and deserving poor. These homeless fucks? They are the undeserving poor. They are where they are by their own choices and actions. It would not be kind to them to fix their problems for them, else they would learn nothing.

Well said

Funny you say that we dont have a homeless problem. There are some exceptions that choose to live a nomad lifestyle but that is by choice.

They should be evangelised to to, fed and given clothes/blankets in the winter. Giving them places to shoot up, clean needles etc. is outrageous and I don't understand how a christian can justify it.

Jew LARPING as a Christian trying to destroy TRUE Christian values OY VEY!
I can see your nose all the way from here Rabbi

To the tards saying you have to always be compassionate:

You do realize when Christ said to, "turn the other cheek" he was telling Jews who had their honor insulted to lower the offender who slapped them to their level by turning the cheek?

It doesn't mean, "be a doormat". You don't realize this because thanks to Christ we don't have ass backwards concepts such as face and honor in our society. Unlike chinks and sand niggers.

Doubly so, Christ teaches to, "love others as you love yourself and to love God". I love myself and hold myself to high standards like not defiling my body with drugs and drink.

If I meet someone who doesn't love himself, I am within my power to not cast pearls unto swine.

Want to solve the homeless problem? Treat them like the animals they are and beat the living shit out of them.

Problem solved.

You know what I hate more than homeless people, Christcucks! They all should die off! Fucking little retards.

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You think to small user. I am a very compassionate person and I want to help them and you should too. That's why we need to deport all nonwhites and remove kikes from this earth. Then we will have no poverty or struggle. You think too small

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They are drug addicts and theifs.
its a life style to them.
they overwhelmingly choose that life style the same way unbathed hippies did in the 60s and 70s.
the ones that didnt choose to live on the streets wound up there because they are literally the most insuferable people this planet has ever bred and not even homeless shelters were willing to put up with their bullshit.

no. do not give them compassion, do not help them, do not give them anything.

Blame the Democrats. I am serious on this and not just bias. Here is how this got out of control. In the past there was less homeless than today for a good reason. We (tax payers) were funding mental health facilities in the cities, but places like Chicago closed many of them stating the lack of funds. This basically doubled the homeless and overwhelmed the other support groups helping the homeless or helping those who could get back into society.

Then you are not christians
True christian would give all to them, your house, your wife, kids, money, and then bend over for them and take it in the ass

It may be very well outside of your power and your ability to help any of these people. But at least love them in your heart, you've already correctly assessed that they are broken people in some way or another. Love them even if there is nothing you can do for them. And if you can, do it.

Only people who have truly earned it or are truly helpless and defenseless (i.e. children) deserve unconditional love and compassion user.

Feel free to be an asshole to everyone else.

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most got fucked up my MKUltra or shitty circumstance

>yeah, I'm an atheist™, but let me tell you about your religion

Facts: 100% of homeless are drug addicts, 100% resort to crime to supplement their welfare income, the drain of 1 homeless person on the public budget requires many working class men to undo, 0% of homeless work

Every homeless person north of Mexico should be rounded up and shipped in shipping containers to the Arctic. The polar bears are hungry.

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Never give money to panhandlers, only donate to charities like the Salvation Army. If you feel the need to give something to homeless people, give food or clothing, harder for them to buy drugs/alcohol with. Be prepared for a rude awakening, many will throw your gift back in your face because they wanted money for drugs/alcohol.

>shitty circumstances
being an immature piece of shit that chose the needle over dealing with reality isnt getting fucked over, its being a weak little bitch.
t. West Virginian that has to deal with homeless junkies on a daily basis

>But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?

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Careful now, you may bleed out from all that edge.

There's a simple solution you do what most of Europe does. If you're a junky you're forced into gov heroin rationing and rooming recovery houses, absolutely nobody is allowed to squat or set up a tent anywhere. No hobo shenanigans are tolerated whatsoever like you would see in W Coast US/Canada

>As a Christian I’m suppose to be compassionate to these people.
I don't think you are supposed to.

>Most are drug addict, criminals, niggers, mentally fucked assholes
Since they didn't have these back in Christian days.

Good try.

Where there no drunkards during Christ's ministry? Come on now. Substance abuse has existed since forever. You are called to love, charity and compassion, this is all very orthodox, exceedingly uncontroversial teachings. You may feel there's nothing you can do for them, and you might be correct in thinking that, but don't deny yourself feeling sorry for them.

Watch out you might get cut on that edge!

Christianity is cuck religion. If you don't admit this, you're in denial.

Being drunk on some low quality wine isn't the same as nigging out on meth. And criminals would be tortured if not lucky enough to just be executed.

The majority of homeless people actually have homes. I’m going of the homeless here, but I’ll hazard a guess that it’s a common factor in most developed countries.

There are legitimate homeless. Those who usually have quite severe mental health issues, however these issues will usually stem from excessive uncontrolled drugs use.

It's possible to hate them for what they do while having compassion for what they are, flawed humans like us, perhaps worse, perhaps just more obvious. That's what I try to do.

I wholeheartedly agree. It's a way more vicious, controlling vice. This shouldn't compel you to love your brothers less but perhaps to love them even more. It's not about accepting their sin but at the very least praying for their recovery.

A homeless woman urinated in front of my shop the other night. It was long after I closed, but my urge to murder her was real. To be honest I'm lucky I'm not in jail right now. Never let your emotions overcome your judgement, anons.

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Well then you aren't a very good Christian then.

I almost always give a dollar to someone with so much less if I have one, even though I'm far from rich. Even though I have to work so hard for what little I have. I know that it isn't likely they'll spend it on anything to help themselves. But they might. At the least, I know it will make them happy. I can't do anything with a dollar that will make me happy.
None of us are so far from their position, and none of us can really say for sure that if we had to live their lives we would be anywhere else.
But if I was in their position I know I would be hoping beyond hope that someone would help me. And maybe if they would it would help me to realize that I can help myself.

they aren't homeless because they're good people, let's just say that

>I can't do anything with a dollar that will make me happy.
Neither can they, in fact quite the opposite. So you're enabling them to hurt themselves more.
You have a moral imperative to stop. They cant control themselves. You can.

Exactly. These "people" have burned many bridges to be the position they're in.

I was once minding my own business and a fat lady walked from her begging post on a street corner and was taking a shit in the bushes of a fitness center. So i took a picture and posted it to their face book. the next day the bushes were gone

Then you are not a Christian. If you don’t have compassion why should god have compassion on you? With the same measure you judge, you will be judged.

We should kill them.

That’s why you’re just like them

> hoping people would help

This exact attitude is why they end up homeless, they mostly have an inability to face responsibility for their own actions and do for themselves

I just can't stand dishonesty. I spend pretty much every time on the toilet calling Indian scammers. Fuck these filth.

>im a christian
>i refuse to obey jesus

why are christians like this? why have they made "christian" synonymous with "hypocrite"?

Spoken like a sheltered individual who’s never volunteered at a homeless shelter. These people cause their own problems. The system is fine.

I follow Christian values but you sound like the people I hear in the streets. Quoting scripture doesn't ever work.

I moved from home when i was 14 from a really fucked up family. My first job was shoveling horse shit from stalls shortly afterwards living in a tent in the middle of winter. I worked my ass off to afford a roof over my head and i can't count the number of other homeless I tried to help only to have every last one of them fuck me over.
I've learned there's a difference between being homeless and a bum and 99.9% f the people you see are bums, they're exactly where they want to be in life and have no issues screwing over anyone and everyone just to get another fix.
There's no point in caring about people who don't even care about themselves.

> blaming the government for the degenerate behaviours of individuals

yea, if I have any more of an edge you fags might try to use me to inject more drugs with.

Agreed. All they do is steal and shit up people trying to help.
Want to fucking stomp one to death

As a Christian, the first thing you should be thinking at all times when passing through then is "This could be me."

Kill them all and let the maggots sort them out