Why did we as men stop being fashionable Yas Forums?

why did we as men stop being fashionable Yas Forums?

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Because it's easy to be fat and lazy. "Men" rarely exist.

Men still wear formal clothing for their jobs? Anyways, suits are meant for vile Jews.

Boom in cheaply made clothing.

Bombers and quarter-zips will make you better dressed than 95%, even if you wear sweatpants with them

fashion is materialist

Fashion is just another Jewish ploy to part you from your money. Don’t fall for it kid.

out source all your clothing production to china and whites wear clothes that are bodily proportioned to the chinaman.
it's one of the reasons why your pants are always ill fitting or too tight.


This, take the Flintstones-Pill and start wearing animal skins and leather shoes.

When men realised the manipulation behind it all

lowest common denominator plus stupid 95IQ average normies plus black street culture commodification plus brains nuked by materialism and consumer marketing plus having more affinity with brands than with national identity = cargo shorts, gay neon nike sneakers and graphic tees and hoodies.

Fashion my ass, they all wearin the same thing



you still don't get it, do you?

>HAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHA you wear THAT?!?!?! Are you a virgin??? HAHAHAHA it's sooooooo gay! HAHAHAHA
Women are why

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can you imagine actually wearing one of those thick wool suits for more than the length of a job interview?

Who said I’m not fashionable or attractive, for that matter? Although I do need a haircut, I usually look better than a solid 80% of guys.



“At least I’m still a size Medium!”

Fashionable is no the right word, I think. Wearing suits is kind of the opposite of "fashion". A super expensive suit and a cheap suit that fits you properly are harder to differentiate than between Nike or Adidas. Men began being fashionable when they fell for the sneakers, hats and all that stuff.

I wear them on a regular basis. They look good and they are comfy. If yours is not comfortable, you bought it wrong.

Ok 7 of the 8 models have hats, John Kennedy was the person responsible for the demise of formal head ware for men. He was the first internationally famous man that never wore a hat.
The hippy movement did the rest t-shirts and levi jeans were the uniform of the day.
Niggers kind of countered the dress of whites but there fashion was so niggerish that the majority of whites could never be viewed as normal while wearing such style.

Sure, I could spend an evening in one

What's the point? It's just another pointless competition to establish who gets to fuck the f*male hole. The only thing you should worry about is executing counter-ZOG activity.

2 Black T-shirt w/ non-cringe design, jeans, running shoes.
2 Colored t-shirt w/ non-cringe design, black jeans, running shoes.
2 hoodies.
Winter coat.
Hat for cold weather.
Cap for sunny weather.
1 fitted suit if necessary for work or special occasions.
Throw all underwear away, underwear is a Jewish racket.
Shorts for exercising.
Leather gloves.

Spend the money$$$ you have from not wasting it on SUPREME or whatever on the following:

Ski mask for counter-ZOG operations.
Assault rifle for counter-ZOG operations.
Reliable vehicle for counter-ZOG operations.
Well protected PC for counter-ZOG operations.
Martial arts training and weights for counter-ZOG operations.
Custom-made sex bot for... counter-ZOG operations.

That was never fashion. That was a white collar uniform


This seems like goyfashion, to be honest.
>Why are you not wearing your suit? Are you not the companys go-getter?
Here's an idea: all clothing should be about a trifecta of functionality, comfort and style. Those are arranged in logical order. Style IS important because
>we live in a society
But functionality and comfort trump all. That being said, most modern western men undervalue their appearance and could be getting so much more puss (like they let their lives revolve around) if they simply put more effort into how they appear.

>they are comfy
Sure, if you don't move much.

So many disappointing replies ITT. listen here you lazy niggers, dressing in a suit doesn't make you a jew. Just remember to dress for your time so you dont look like a sperg. Pic related is timeless style.

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Well, that's true. Definitely not good for physical activity.

Jews made all the clothing in the 50's

the real shame is being totally unable to wear hats
nigger cap or atheist crown choose wisely, or you can deep spec into cowboy but all those wasted points

Shut up Boomer! Dying my hair purple, wearing my butt plug, and chastity cage is fashionable!

cargo shorts are useful, retard strayan
holy shit great aussie shitposters are as bad as Canadians now

shorts are gay

fat shart in the mart detected
begone farti

look at those pics again. those things are much thicker than any suit available today

>muh cargo shorts
retard woman meme

People are a reflection of their government

I am peak /FA/

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Real talk: it is a two-factor issue.

First, after WWII there was a "democratization" of fashion (and many other things). No longer did we look to the upper class as a guide in things like morals or how to dress, we instead looked to the lower classes.

The second factor which cemented this is the proliferation of homosexualism and popular knowledge of it. We began to associate gay men with dressing nicely, which dissuaded straight men from doing the same.

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I like 18th and 19th century cravats. They could be worn with anything from tail coats, frock coats, generally overcoats and raincoats, and sack coats (modern style suit jacket). They could even be worn with just a shirt and a waistcoat, if not having on a jacket or a coat.

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As a "Canadian", I must inform you that you sir are retarded.

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>At least I’m still a size Medium!
Just a cute tidbit for all you clueless anons out there:
A women's size 12 in a cheap/generic brand magically becomes only a size 6 in a mid-priced/expensive brand.
Same amount of fabric, covering the same amount of fatass. It's called "vanity sizing".

Funny thing, though.
The really expensive/designer chick clothing is as true to size as the cheap shit.
The kikes do understand their customers.

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If there’s a literal answer it’s this

When everyone got fat.

why that date?

You HAVE to be physically fit, to wear these clothes or else it is hilarious to both genders.

Don't make me gas you with my shart braps

>A super expensive suit and a cheap suit that fits you properly are harder to differentiate than
unless you're wearing it.
a cheap suit will always look AND feel like a cheap suit, no matter how much tailoring you have done to it.
a decent suit will look and feel like shit if it isn't properly fitted.
an expensive ($2000+) suit will look like an expensive, ill-fitting suit if it isn't properly tailored.

moral of my blog:
if you want to wear any suit, find a good tailor.
only take decent or above quality suits to him, and expect that it will take about a week for him to alter that suit.
you'll probably only need one, so pick it carefully.
dark brown or navy (don't get black; no matter how cool you think you'll seem, you'll always look like you're dressed for a funeral), classic two button, mid-weight. Save the flash for your tie and square.

And don't think of wearing that fucker to a frat party or a job interview (unless you're interviewing to be Gordon Gecko, in which case you don't need 4chins advice on a fucking suit).

You're welcome.

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fashion peaked in the 70s.

Because you'll get weird looks from people in public

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I used to like dressing up nice, but since I've been weight lifting I've been wearing less clothes. When it's cold I wear warm and comfortable. I still see other men who take consideration into their attire. Good for them. The only thing I can't stand are saggy pants. These assholes wear jeans and a belt but I can see their asses. What the fuck is that shit?

i dunno, they look like faggots to me

Fad started by prison fags.

>why did we as men stop being fashionable Yas Forums?
Speak for yourself. I have six pairs of cargo shorts.

in the 1700s. Suits are shit, look how fancy we used to be

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If you're going to live the Aryan life style you have to own a few suits.

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This but unironically. I am going to dress like this for Easter Sunday traditional Latin Mass. Every day I wear a suit.