Jobs in the apocalypse?

How do i find a job in the post apocalypse world post coronachan and financial collapse? I was thinking maybe scrapping tvs and moniters for silver and gold inside them? Or platinum from catalytic converters from abandoned cars? What kind of jobs are gonna exist on the truly free market post societal collapse?

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Can you get your hands on sugar and run a still? If you can I’ve got news for you pal.

Been thinking of this too.

i have no still but i can buy a few hundred kgs of sugar tomorrow ? and i can make a still surely ?

Bounty hunting.

Well my job will exist, Nurse here.

I can deliver children, its been awhile since I've done it though.

One delivery = bag of chicken tendies.

>find a job
that's the jewish brain washing talking, make shit people want to trade for

Being a Catamite for chads.


make pemecan, they used to make that and trade it for stuff.

Got enough buckshots to hunt some wild game in the northeast, and got myself a two man saw to cut some trees down. Figure, you just do what you need to stay alive untill the government turns back on

>post-apoc australia
>the whites have split into two factions: one being "the patriarchy," a totalitarian ethnostate that want to purge land of chinks as payback for the virus
>meanwhile, the other faction, "the matriarchy" consists of what few libtards and cucks remain, and they are led by a trans woman blimp of a woman (male) known only as "der hon"
>chinaman gangs and organ harvesters invest the most urban areas
>meanwhile, abbos wander around everywhere as random merchant npcs that will sell you anything for a carton of gasoline
yeah! bounty hunters would hunt down chinks, see above

postal service

All societies begin strong with clean agriculture, growing food and exchanging/trading it for resources is the best way to start

Lol. A male nurse? What’s the matter faggot not man enough to be a doctor?

Honestly pretty believable until the last line

this, it would suck compared to my current cushy tech job, but I can learn to be a farm hand fairly quickly, have no problem doing outdoors stuff (I fucking love camping) and I would probably work for my buddy's family horse farm as both general labor and a guard.


imagine thing you will get paid to do something humans have done since they evolved by themselves by squatting. nurse are more likely to be paid to be discount surgeons like barbers were

well like, i needed some sort of group to be the merchants/gypsy trope, yanno?

you actually live there, you can feel free to change things up and make it better

I'm hoping my landlord will maybe let me be a peasant and farm the land i used to rent.

Become self sufficient and grow/hunt to eat. You want to wagecuck even in the collapse?

How hard is it to make alcohol?

huh running messages is a good one desu

for someone like you? probably very hard.

for non americans? piece of cake if you have a brain in your head

imagine being such a brainlet you dont see the potential to accumulate wealth and power in a collapse

Hell yeah. Look up the lyrics to "Rocky Top"

Service industry, retail, jerking off and playing vidya really helped you gain a skill set didn’t it you fucking retard....laborer/slave/prostitution it is


“You people?!?” What the fuck do you mean by “you people?!?”

I know how to make fires, hunt small game, identify edibles, assemble and troubleshoot computers, set up solar arrays, basic carpentry, tig weld (not well). I'm not very skilled at anything, I spend most of my days being a hikikomori. In a past life I'd ride mountain bikes/bmx everyday. Don't think I'll survive long in the apocalypse because I live in the south east and people are crazy around these parts, but I'd like to think I'll last at least a few months. Only own a shotgun but I have plenty of ammo. Hope I can find someway to eat and provide shelter for myself.

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>How do i find a job in the post apocalypse

i didnt type that, retard. and i stated exactly what i mean, even down to the word "american" you brain dead mutt


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You will be fine, bro. That’s a healthy skill set. Just get the fuck away from the niggers and you’ll do great

Is this really a post apocalyptic job? I feel like I would be good at this. I used to run a skip tracing business and I know how to corral a nigger.

If you’re still mad about your gf getting railed while she was visiting the states you need to get over it.

being a fuckboy slave for raiderfags

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I'm thinking that I should play Death Stranding.

Based gimme a job or ill rope poster

Well, there is going to be a lot of clogged toilets from all the luxury toilet paper people are stocking up on. Going to need plumbers.

The neets are going to need mechanics that can work on their sex robots.

The city slickers are going to need guides to get out of their nigger filled hellscapes. So bodyguards will be popular.

Can't go wrong with car mechanic in post apoc straya.

You can make one for sure. The first one I made was out of a tea kettle and some copper line I bought at a hardware store. Keep an eye on your temps and don’t apply too much heat. There are numerous free guides online that will describe the process better than I can.

Not very. Yeast and consistent temp is the key.

Lets hope, I think if society regresses life will be much harder then we expect, even if we are expecting the worst.

How does one get into skip tracing?

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Can you hang one?

>Wealth and power scrapping tvs for worthless materials that nobody will want.

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mutts law everyone

dont bother asking such stupid questions if you dont want your intellectual superiors to call you out, kid

Stockpile kneepads faggot

Un-ironically become a cop.

I have no idea bro.

Im a brewer. I’ll always have work.
For those who want to survive: just buy a fuck load of bread yeast. Throw in some yeast nutrients (things like raisins or a teabag will do) and dump that cunt into anything in a sanitized container with decent sugar content.
Apple juice will give you apple cider, grape juice will give you wine. Malt molasses mixed with water will give you beer.
Leave it for a month in a sealed container that has an airlock (literally putting a balloon overtop the spout of a bottle will work), then pour, filter through cloth, and enjoy. If you want carbonation, throw it in a sealed contained with a teaspoon of sugar for another week or two.
It’ll probably taste like shit, but make your own recipes and find what works.
If it tastes like vinegar or eggs, toss it, it’s infected.
If it just tastes kinda shitty, congrats, you can get drunk in the apocalypse. Enjoy the hooch fuckers

Without the internet they'll be a major shortage for furry porn and I'll be there to bridge the gap.

The best part is if you kill me no new content. So it's not just a matter of stealing it they have to keep me alive and comfortable if they want more

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Braindead simple. Applejack is the easiest during winter. Throw apples in barrel, let ferment. When it freezes remove ice, what's left is alcohol. Can do with whatever you have lying around, no need for fucking alchemy lab.

I already have a private EMT license*, so basically I plan to run a corpse wagon/plague doctor service when all the public health workers die.

you arent a brewer if you give people advice like that

that is litterally ghetto tier. you making prison wine?

dont listen to a word this retard says, it will make you some sub par prison tier shit

>I'm hoping my landlord will maybe let me be a peasant and farm the land i used to rent
if shit really REALLY hits the fan nobody is going to charge you rent... unless local gangs do

yeast sugar water/fruit

Ew, I'd rather just huff jenkem.

Easy. All you need is a solder gun, lead-free solder, copper tubing/plates, and a heat source such as a propane patio stove/turkey fryer/BBQ cooker. Oh and water, bread yeast, and sugar for the mash. A good 10 gallon copper still ($300 or less) filled with 8 gallons of mash will produce around 1 gallon of 140 proof moonshine worth at least $150 in 8 hours.

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Yeah... that's the point he's making user. If you need something to trade then making shit hooch will get you something. Especially with all these fuckers trying to avoid the DT's.

Also might add to this. Drugs... if you can get in with the mafia/cartel you will be perfectly fine.

unfortunately someone as useful as you wouldn't live because a angry nigger will kill you in a lawless world

i have a certificate in meat processing and a degree in biotech

I had to dumb it down nigger. What, do you want a gravity reading guide and specific temps? Get fucked and google it. Jesus fucking christ. I’m saying if you want a quick job you can make hooch out of anything. Freeze still it to get a higher alcho percent.
Do it then, chugg.

Based. Thanks for the info guys. I think distilling would be the best job in a post apocalyptic scenario for sure

I bet that shit would be worth it’s weight in gold during a supply crisis

8 year medic in army, post 9-11 gi bill pays for 36 months of school, med school is longer than that.

BSN = no student debt
med degree = student debt

fucking hate working with women though, frequently contemplate and regret leaving army as medic.

Also what’s the overhead cost on that gallon you think? Not including the still

what fuel brainlet ?

Dude, if you can process shit then you will be fine. Killing game is fucking easy, but processing them correctly is fucking awful when you don't do it often or at all.

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yep, confirmed retard

dont listen to this cunt

hes just started getting into homebrewing and thinks he knows anything

notice how he called himself a BREWER instead of a homebrewer?its because he wants to seem like he knows what hes typing about

reality is, this faggot just started homebrewing and doesnt know what hes talking about

dont listen to this faggot

No prob user. Remember if you live in the north like me you dont even need electricity or heat. Keep your hooch bucket or barrel as room temperature as you can, and then freeze it to get a higher alcohol content. Freeze it, take out the ice, and drink whats left.

Hey soldier medic. I was one also. Do you at least bang all the hot nurses?

How autistic are you?

>reddit spacing
Fuck off retard. U mad i’m giving out your super secret induhstry standuhds? Fuckin schlomo. LET THEM HAVE HOOCH. AUSSIE GAS DRINKERS NEED NOT APPLY.
Half breed fuckin scum.

Just takes a bit of practice like anything else.

user, he bangs everyone.

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Why are you so mad my dude?

imagine thinking that metals universally valuable for 15000 years will be not valuable just cuz society did a doo doo and needs to restructure

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His Aspergers is flaring up. He’s having another episode. Just let him cool down a little

0% autism, kid

that isnt reddit spacing, kid

this posting format has been used on this site since before reddit existed

look up screenshots, kid

ill be waiting for your apology

if you dont, then its confirmed your iq is double digit

>calls it hooch

double digit iq confirmed

>le mad

kill yourself

Jesus.. why are Aussies acting like women tonight? That time of the month?

>tfw you realize there are whites who don't live in temperate climates and have no idea what a hooch barrel is

Probably $10 of yeast and sugar per 8 gallon mash. Around half a portable propane tank per run so also about $10.

Why bread yeast? There’s plenty of good high proof yeast out there for next to nothing.
If you wanna tell me that shit won’t be available then post about wild yeast fermentation or something.

how mad do you have to be to post what you just did there? stop projecting your own madness onto me because i called you you, kid

You have to go back

>kill yourself