And now my extended family is not talking to me anymore.
I made an off color joke
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You're weak - and your bloodline is weak.
And you will not survive next winter
You sound like a mountainnigger.
Oh wait, you are.
Show them how much you regret it by sucking black dick in front of them.
Keep your shit together and man up. Start right now!
Nice digits btw.
So? We're your family now user. You're here forever.
What is joke?
Says the faggot whos country have rushmore montain
Your aren't so flat yourself.
I said Bernie was going to have to resort to rapper endorsements to win.
That is gay joke
I told my shitlib uncle all about the economic theories of Gottfried Feder and he didn't give a shit. I didn't preface it with a denunciation or anything, but actually defended its legitimacy. It's probably because you are a moron and let your animus show through. I made a spirited defense of Feder to a Marxist Tinder date once too. People aren't offended when I do these things because I have an inquiring, intellectual personality. People have also told me that I am very hard to read. The joke is not what they are offended by.
And you're sad about that?
If they not tryna talk to you for THAT anymore then
>they never really knew you
>they're bitch ass niggas like you
> i see where u get it from
>The joke is not what they are offended by.
My aunt once got mad at me because I said somebody was "blacker than coal" and I meant it as a description not a slur/joke
I can't even mention black folk without them attacking me.
>family is not talking to me anymore.
i dont see the problem
>my extended family
i see you're from Alabama
I flipped out at my parents about circumcision and told them I was gonna be the next Hitler and kill all the kike doctors who perform them two years ago, and they just gave me $200 for my birthday last month and told me I need to visit more. Get better family I guess.
Well if they don't start talking to me I'm going to stop paying my cousins' bills and one of my Aunt's tennis lessons I bought for Christmas.
I'm not a bitch two can play at this game.
No one gives a shit lmaooo. You can agree with lefties on Keynes as well. You a bitch too for not bringing up actual "right wing extremists"
I quote Hitler, goebbels, that one Romanian dude, my family just smacks their lips and may say "oh there you go again"
But deep down they know I'm right. Its probably because I'm a spic and your white and you feel compelled to play within their rules. You're not brave or reactionary at all lmao
Grow some balls user. Take pride in being an "extremist " . We just want the best for our respective races dont we?
Well, did she burn the coal?
No but my cousin is engaged to a half black half Thai guy.
Libs can accept people that cut off their penis and walk around telling people to call them xir. They can accept low IQ spics and drug addicted bums taking over their towns. They can accept women who kill their unborn kids.
They can accept all that, but they can accept you? You must be a huge pile of shit lol.
"TALK TO ME NOW I DEMAND IT" nah see now you acting like a woman. If you're gonna provide do it out of your heart, but you probably shouldn't provide to people that dont even know you deep down as a person. Waving money in people's faces isn't gonna make them respect you.
You still a bitch lmaoo you tried and failed so hard user. They're your family you should've spent a lot of time redpilling them and being a loving nephew as well, that way they cant just judge you on your politics
Fuck the state of/pol/ in 2020 lmao fuck why are white people so weak man yall literally the last bastion of strength against the jew and yall complain about your family members being pissy
'Blacker than coal' is a pretty racially charged statement. I would think twice about making it around family members under 50 years old. It sounds like your aunt still was not exactly offended by the statement itself, but the intention or implication behind the words. Put yourself in the shoes of a normal retard. Anybody who uses the phrase 'blacker than coal' is obviously desensitized to racial issues. You sound autistic not to get this. Like I said, the problem is that you are too transparent.
Obvious bait
This. If you cant prove your worth to them past your little political jokes then you're a bum. If you cant give them hard concrete evidence that jews manipulate and subvert nations in a way that is digestible and applies to them personally then you're a brain dead sub 70 IQ nigger. You probably scream fuck niggers dont you? Like some kinda untermensch
If they're not talking to you over such a tame joke they're probably not very fun to be around.
How is Feder not a 'right wing extremist' you retarded spic? He was in the Nazi party before Hitler.
>half black half thai
What in the goddamn
I'm stopping the payments because they disowned me. As soon as they un-disown me we can fix things.
Blacker than coal is no more racially charged than saying "whiter than snow" or "browner than dirt"
Yes this. The fuck kind of sensitive family freaks out at "blacker then coal" unless they burn the coal on the regular.
That is not true. You have to be actively deprogrammed to think 'blacker than coal' is not going to illicit a negative response in the normal retard.
I never say the n word you stupid retard. I'm not even racist I'm a centrist. My fiance is Half Japanese half-Samoan
you, probably
His dad (black) was in the peace corps and married a Thai woman
You realize lefties actually like natsoc economic policy you dumb animal
And that the economy is not the problem but the satanic subversion through media ? The economy is simply a tool. Start talking about burning Freud books and all that instead of being an autistic sperg and going on about economic theory. No one gives a shit about that.
should a made an on color joke and called your step dad a nigger
"I'm not even racist"
So then why are you so worried
Like I said
I called out a niece for being a coal burner and bad things will happen to her. She lives in a car now and I'm still invited to family gatherings.
I made a joke last christmas about jødekaker (literal English translation: jew cakes) where I asked why it's still okay to have sugar bread called jew cakes in stores but they removed nigger toes and nigger kiss chocolate because racism. When my family asked why jew cakes are racist I mentioned that both Jews and jew cakes are burned in ovens. They did not like it but they still talk to me luckily. Picture related.
This is the way to do it, you gotta say it proudly and with confidence. Let your words radiate through the cosmos as eternal truth. OP a bitch nigga tho.
Why do you want to be around these people? The worst shit is having to walk on eggshells around people, and anyone who gets offended by racial jokes get REALLY offended about it. You say just the wrong thing and they get pissed.
Don’t be a fucking simp
You have to own it
Lol know that feel bro, I'm currently staying in an airbnb, hotel last week, not allowed back in the house, etc
This is from trash talking my sister's gay bf. Lol, what a timeline
Kek, what’s your ethnic makeup user?
Lmao gg, OP
I'm 1/2 Germanic, 1/2 Russian
Lol right ?
Is this a white people thing? Is this a liberal mindset thing? Because around my family and all of my normie friends we say nigger jokingly a lot
Yeah there's one of us that be like "nah wey that mayate was right behind us wtf" but we crack up about it.
There was one time we were riding around w this black friend of ours and my friend was half drunk and just yelled "run the nigger over jimmy" in a fake country accent. The black friend was driving. We all stifled laughter. It was funny. Dude was cool about it too lmao
There are times and places for those discussions. The autistic sperg is the one that does not realize that. I talk about whatever I want to the older generations, but there is zero purpose in needless provocation and foreseeably alienating behaviors. Have you ever read Feder? He challenges almost the entire modern economy. The notion of abolishing interest is not readily accepted.
Because I can't betray my family or my ancestors
Blood must be thicker than this
>gay bf
>my sisters
Elaborate please user. This isn't computing
You smell like bitch too lmao
It is your family that is betraying you, not the other way around. Don't be a doormat, if you have a problem call them out on it.
Since the other thread 404'd right when I was about to post in that "how pol ruined me" I might as well post it here:
>back at my old job
>see a few pajeets
>want to say "hey ranjeet looking for the shitting street? only toilets here you lost?
>another day see a bunch of judens
>want to blurt out "oy vey! six gorillians! muh auntie-seamitism"
>one time see a rat in a hat at the pool with a white chick?
>wanted to say to him "hey rabbi whatcha' doin'?"
plus I always thought it was funny how only 5 black ppl max worked there. and then someone posted about Bitcoin pre December 2017 and well I don't work there anymore cause I thought I could make it...welp
25 Many people were traveling with Jesus. He said to them, 26 “If you come to me but will not leave your family, you cannot be my follower. You must love me more than your father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters—even more than your own life! 27 Whoever will not carry the cross that is given to them when they follow me cannot be my follower.
Kill yourself. If you cared about your family you would wake them up to the ZOG. Cut them off or redpill them heavy.
I baited some commies by repeatedly referring to trump as a marxist.
They finally took the bait after a while, and asked why i thought trump was a Marxist. I replied, "come on, dont tell me 'grab em by the pussy' isnt code for seize the means of production". They actually laughed.
>tfw im a known nazi sympathizer amongst my normie friends and at worst the liberal friends accept it and ignore it or especially the zoomer one's are very receptive to it
Have you ever tried not being a flaming faggot, OP?
>Quotes Christ
>Tells me to kill myself when I'm not a fag or a reprobate
How does that make sense?
The amount of Yas Forums buzzwords holy shit lmao
Are you an adult child or something lol
>not knowing the board lingo
>thinking "kys" isn't just an exaggeration to try to make an user snap out of their severe mental retardation.
I'm telling OP all this cuz I actually dont want this nigga to be a bitch all his life lol
so it has come time to force-anal them into submission it seems...good luck user, no mercy, no lube, no refunds...and remember, no hurt no squirt.
Make more dead nigger/jew jokes then
Now that's funny, almost wholesome, and non autistic.
>ur a gays law
Are they off colored people?
Mega gay joke dude. You kinda pussied around and subtly let them know you hate black men and have some insecurity about it to the point where you have to slide it in a political joke, but to them it became painfully obvious that you're just another loser who bitches online about black men. Epic fail
You need a based family, my mother was making jew jokes when I was like 4 years old and didn't even know what a jew was.
Dude. You described it perfectly lmao
Nice. Also checked.
Based level-headed leaf.
Tell them this joke they will flock back to you.
Q. What is the difference between St. Patricks day and MLK day?
A. On St Pat's day everyone wants to be Irish.
Power level on the rise so my family despise me
They don’t understand my logic they are deaf dumb and blind and everything is ironic
Fuck em, keep memeing, I won’t joij em if I can lead em
So you come from a long line of coalburners?
Goddamnit. 1 digital away from perfection.
Create a new family
Just stop that shit you weak ass faggot.