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It kills PRIMARILY old people.
it can kill babies too, especially if they are white


And he's not even dead. OP is a fag

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how come they never tell us the race?

Source pastabro!

Because they are all chinese

it'l kill you if you have aids too

the truth is starting to leak out. Facebook is going to be silly in 3 weeks. I can't wait to read it on my GF's phone.

>RSA conf

Sure bud

haha "just" a "flu" bro

Ethnicity, faggot?

We are one race, the human race.

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We don’t know that yet though. Italy, Iran, and the East Asian countries are the only ones it’s killed a significant amount of people in. We won’t know the true white death rate until it hits a white country hard. I predict white countries will be slow to react, but once they do, it’ll be wiped out.

don't want to freak fragile whites out even more

And he's a fellow burger so he's probably fat. Coronachan is making a lifetime of bad decisions come home to roost.

yes all people that died of this shit in washington are chinese. I know you are stupid, but cmon maaaan!

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What is going on in that webm?

>medically induced coma
Sounds like the doctors killed him, not covid.

>45 years old
Probably a hambeast with a weak immune system.

Attached: fat-computer-geek.jpg (500x333, 28.62K)

>Implying a 45-year old man from San Francisco isn't immunocompromised from AIDS

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The white race tries to clean the planet and the black race stops them.

>san francisco

so he's a fag with aids who also happened to get the coronavirus. in other news, water flows down hill. gay nigger semen sticks to the ground

if they made a thread for every usa flu death last year, it would have been over 61k threads.

Yup slow to react. For muh free school lunches. This is what I was told when I asked about schools being shut down. WE CANT SHUT DOWN THE SCHOOLS BECAUSE NIGGERS HAVE TO EAT AND DEPEND ON WHITE PEOPLE CASH.

This is figuratively and literally what environmentalism looks like in real life

I'm from this dude's town I'm staying the fuck inside.

>muh flu

you dumb ass nigga bitch COVID-19 will most likely be 10x worse than the flu, stop this meme. The flu also doesn't give you permanent lung damage even if you survive. This shit is serious.

you niggers have reading comprehension coronavirus

PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE!

Because it's not actually relevant here

Still not a single nigger. Seems like Corona-Chan knows better than to try nogs. It's going for the weakest people: whites. Darwin was correct, nothing to get worked up over.

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>theyre arnt any chinese in Seattle
Also You talk like a plebbitor

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>Chinks who return from china arent chinks.
Ok bro.

>it can kill babies too
Nope. Anyone under ten becomes a carrier infecting everyone they come into contact with.

what were his pre existing conditions?
what was his health like before infection?
was he a smoker? drinker?
was he a faggot?

It's worse than the flu but it's not that bad.

The bad is the way it's being hyped and what it's doing to the market

it's man made by Gates and the globalists and released and hyped by China so the can reverse them losing the trade war.

and so the globalists can get Trump out of office cuz Dementia Biden ain't gonna win.

>80 year olds
>long-term care facility
they'd die from the common cold

yeah sure, just like the peak oil, the market crash and WW3. Doomers never get tired of being wrong do you?

>Seems like Corona-Chan knows better than to try nogs

Coronavirus has HIV elements that prevent it from binding to cells already infected by HIV.

I'm holding out for a healthy white infected dying of this.

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>it's man made by Gates and the globalists and released and hyped by China so the can reverse them losing the trade

Why do you make up baseless shit and then just post it like there is any truth at all to it

He was probably a faggot with pulmonary issues — the elderly and people with lung/pulmonary issues is who it kills.

Too bad it doesn’t kill KIKES and niggers.

Whatever it is, it's working.

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>San Francisco
probably immuno-compromised

>Kills over 40
It keeps getting better! I tested positive; but skipped out on quarantine. I've been visiting senior homes touching as many door knobs as I can.
Good to know I can also infect 40+ fucks too.


R.I.P fatsos

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Doing god's work user. Hail to you.

45 IS old you boomer


Literally only Gen X and Boomshits dying from this. It will become a problem when millennials and zoomers start dropping.

the zoomers will inherit the Earth

Not dead yet, but sucks for him.

occams razor, tranny. now take your hormones and spread your legs for Dr. Goldstein's Industrial Dilater

Millennials and zoomers are already dead so they are safe. One cannot die twice.

They might be. There are a fuckload of chinamen in Seattle maaaaan.

hes probably a fat basedboy with low T

45 is old you fucking gen x’er

you are an unrepentant dumbass, that's Occam's razor. Not that a guy living in Connecticut who travels to SF for a conference actually lives in SF as a diseased faggot and then decides to randomly go to Connecticut and live in someone's house. Goddamn, you are shitting up this board with your idiocy. Go play in Chinatown.

The only way we can be one is if we kill off all the other races oppressing our advancement of knowledge. I'm talking all the sub humans. Mexicans, Jews, Niggers, Arabs, and mostly all Gooks.