What advice would you give to your younger self?

I'm still not sure what I want out of life

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One meal a day + NoFap + stay away from the weed + lift weights hard

Buy a shit ton of bitcoins

Don't say the N word.
Got it ?

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theres a whole hell of a lot i wish i could tell myself, i finally know exactly what i want out of life but i spent my youth being liberal and self destructing and now its going to be a miracle if i can even just get by let alone live up to my own fairly reasonable expectations

Listen to or read Rich Dad Poor Dad.

why can't you say the nword, nigger?

I would tell my younger self to fucking kill all the jews and HEIL HITLER.

Go ahead and start hating jews and buy bitcoin

Don't say it ...

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Don't be a fool, stay outta school. Also, don't marry your only friend.


Don't rely on Yas Forums for any potentially philosophical and or idealogical material, this place is one big kike honeypot. Politics are inherently illegitimate regardless of the intent, regardless of the system in place there will always be people to exercise inequity against other people. The struggle between left and right is not a struggle between wrong and right, it's just a debate over which poison is best. If you have any faith in politics you'll always lose.

Train harder
Educate yourself as much and as fast as possible
Don't go to college
Setup a business
Take the greatest risks for the highest ROI
Don't pursue pussy
Clean your diet
Clean your mind
Let God in

thank you for your slavery

Holy shit the thumbnail activated a miniature lsd flashback

"Experience is a comb life gives you when your bald."

Lift + read more + stop watching porn + stop masturbating + be bolder

Basically all of this, including working harder on music and quitting porn but the latter falls into clean your mind

"You're going to do both better than you expect, and worse"

Apologize white boy...

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Buy bitcoin

Telling an adult doesn't make the bullying stop, it makes it worse. They say violence isn't the answer but they're lying. Just suck it up, kick their ass, and then the torment ends. Sure, you'll be suspended for a week but then nobody will fuck with you anymore. Also, mom is a feminist and a bitch. She hates you because you're a boy. Don't let her or your sister push you around. They act like they're smarter than you but they're not.
You'll figure all this out by youself when you're 15 or 16, but learning it earlier is going to make life a hundred times easier.
Don't go to college, learn welding.

Wouldn't listen to it anyways so none I guess?

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Dont listen to anybody.

I'd add those two as well. Procrastinating fucked all my goals, now I'm a boomer that haven't accomplished shit and I'm mediocre at what I was passionate about.
Dedication, discipline and intensity.

Don’t smoke weed , move to the island.

I was about 15 to 20 pounds over weight throughout high school. I was eating german chocolate cake and drinking root beer almost daily. Im 32 now, I could have just eaten like a normal person and looked great.
Also I was terrified of speaking to girls back then. I wish I could transfer how disappointing and annoying the ones I invested my time money and effort in, were. I put them on a huge pedestal

You're probably unbelievably wise

Join the Air Force and go to college on their dime. Study STEM. Prosper. Also, realize that my family are shit and cut them out of my life much sooner than I did.

Invest in bitcoin, stay away from weed, stick to uni and dont drop a "year" to find work, dont be indirect when you ask Katie out, bet more than $100 on Trump in 2016, etc...

>let God in
expand on this.

Best post

>Buy all the bitcoin you can when it is only pennies
>Hold until it is over 10K and then start dumping as much as possible


I grew up atheist on a very lay and atheist country. God isn't even a topic other than mocking religious people.
I always felt there was a higher being, but repressed that feeling. There were very few times I decided to talk to Him, and I never felt like that, warm, whole.
Now I'm old and I realize that a life without faith is an empty life, and there is no substitute for God, the void of His absence can't be filled and it's ever growing.
I still haven't even read the Bible nor gone to church, it might be too late for me.
But believe me, the emptiness grows day after day, and it doesn't feel good.

I wish I were redpilled ten years earlier than I was. It would've made things much easier and clearer than they were when I was a kid.

John 17 (KJV)
>8 For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.
>9 I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.
Ancient history aligns with the bible
What was the Sumerian Kings list?
God will speak to you if you listen.

Took me 20 years of drugs, booze, psychadelics and whores to listen again.
Nothing wrong with reading and searching.

thanks user, hope all goes well for you.

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to not be a pussy and jump, it doesnt get better

Holy shit that's what im doing.


Hope you're doing well now user
Thanks, same to you

>it might be too late for me
You'll do much better than you think you will

>FUCK that girl in high school, you'll never get the chance of that quality young pussy again

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don't watch wmbf porn. it starts out as a joke thinking that no one could be attracted by it but then you (((they))) give you a fetish that you can't get rid of. i have so much self hate over this now and although i would never have sex with one, the thought of watching that and jerking off to white people colonizing niggers has affected how i see myself

What do you mean?

I am in a similar situation.
For now I am trying to remember the dreams I had as a child and am trying to finally put some effort into realizing them.

Put in effort in school you can actually get good grades cus you are intelligent.
Start lifting and eating right. Listen to your friend.
Get a part time job or summer jobs, save some money so you can take the drivers license and travel with your friends on weekends and vacations.
Get over your rastafarian weedsmoking hiphop baggy clothes wearing shit its not cool.
Some people only understand getting their face fucked up.

I still dont know what i want to do with my life or what i want to be, but i know that if i just had some more money, lifted and dressed better and took care of my self trough lifting and diet that i would be a lot better of. I would have slayed a lot more pussy, i would have a lot more respect. I would have done a lot more in life then what i did, travel, experiences, basically normie stuff.

Invest in bit coin cash out at 10k don't be greedy

Don’t go to law school. Do what you love instead.

> I would have slayed a lot more pussy, i would have a lot more respect.
You still care too much about external factors that doesn't mean shit. If you are honest with yourself, you know what you want to do. You know that you're not doing it because of cowardice and lack of commitment. And you know that you can do it if you set your mind to it.
External opinions are noise unless they come from wise people (very, very few people).

>write things down more, critique
>go to uni but don't try to prove anything to anyone but yourself. it's only good for self-discipline OR networking.
>cultivate friends worth giving to
>nothing above family
>don't aim for women to complete your life
>if you happen to complete a woman's life think nothing of this transitory being
>no tolerance zero arguments in your intimate relationships, move on if there is even a hint of it.
>don't consider anyone who wants to be an obstacle to your best self in any moment
>stop listening to music and consuming media ENTIRELY. nothing there but a relaxation into nostalgia.
>Never masturbate or let the slavish impulses fester (stretch every day).
>eat clean, zero impulse-engineered fast food ever
>stay in warm climates
>punch your master, the screen.

"You were fucking right."

Save up and purchase a campervan, then go far from where you grew up, living in the van and try to make it with just that in a new location.

Go where there are job opportunities that pay good money for what you can do. Do this for a year, and you will learn a fuck load about independence, life, money, and by default you are less likely to waste your time playing vidya etc.

You'll carry these lessons for the rest of your adult life. Also, chicks love this shit. Take lots of photos.

>You still care too much about external factors that doesn't mean shit.
I don't think you understand. How old are you? How was your life at 14-25 ?

Look at my flag. How do you think my life was ffs?
What I mean is that you would advise your younger self to strive for pussy and respect, but that's counterproductive because those are better to have as consequences rather than as goals.
If you do things right, those will come as a perk, but you'd have achieved your personal goal.

>respect your father
>quit watching porn
>apply yourself!

Don't hide when the Lord calls you, quit the team before you wreck your body, realize that where you are and what you have matters less than the people who surround you, keep in contact with old friends.

Stop jackin'
Don't listen to your mother
Your dad is weak

And get a trade instead of working for a worthless degree

Hitler was right about pretty much everything.

Learn how to date

Why do you think I would do those things though? I know the path to self improvement but I still don't do them.
