Who the fuck is voting for Joe Biden!!
Who walks into a voting booth and votes for a old man in the early stages of dementia!?
Who the fuck is voting for Joe Biden!!
Who walks into a voting booth and votes for a old man in the early stages of dementia!?
>early stages
>early stages of dementia
People who believe in capitalism and want to defeat communism in America.
ffffuck that's what i get for browsing from the index
Boomers who also have early stages of dementia. Duh.
>early stages
Nobody, election machines are programmed to give whatever results the democratic establishment want them to. Voting is literally meaningless.
>early stages
Dumb ass Democrats
Criminals, crooks, money changers, people who are using the system to be rich and don't want it to change. What better than a guy that doesn't even know what year it is to continue your thievery?
The same people that vote for Trump
Your mom, after she cleans my load off her chin
I’m devastated that my state didn’t vote for Bernie. Picrelated, it’s me.
Berniebros are a force to be reckoned with
trips of tru- hey wait a minute, it’s Satan!
Boomers who relate to him.
Most people are not populists, get over it
Bernie or Bust
They bus in Canadians en masse to vote for the establishment. Scott Foval admitted to this.
nobody is voting joe biden
they will say niggers but the nigger vote is just dnc rigging
It's fun watching young people try to cope with the fact that they are living in a jewish fascist state. Mind blown, eh kids? Maybe calling me racist, sexist, anti-semitic, homophobic, etc again will make you feel better.
that's the Obama guy, right? yeah, he's got my vote.
I seriously haven't met a single person in real life who has said they voted for biden.
24/7 hail 88 based user
sounds legit
All deceased boomers
Conservatives who register as Democrats for some reason. Republicans who registered as Democrat to sabotage the libs again.
Boomer’s population gets smaller and smaller over time
Other old fucks in the early stages of dementia
>Who the fuck is voting for Joe Biden!!
house niggers
Joe is for the people. Praise kek
All of you are fucking morons
the FACT ALONE that ""people"" are ""voting"" for anything but human rights is PROOF enough that the rich cunt evil doers are protecting their necks with a election comedy show
start opening those eyes and ears sheep, before you get fucked off a cliff
>entertaining the Idea Trump won't be re-elected
Newsflash - dead people
I don't know if you notice this, but democrats would literally vote for a fucking hamburger if it meant that the hamburger could beat Trump in the election.
Like the only thing that Dems care about are someone who could feasibly beat Trump. if a senile pedo fuck seems to have the best odds, he's getting the vote even over the commie who promises free shit.
OK schizo
>a demented pedophile
proof trumptards live in flyover states and have no idea what the real world is like
I’m starting to think my vote never matter and a bunch of oligarchs decides who is president.
I dont expect zoomers to understand this, but I own property and actually would need to foot the bill for Bernie's snake oil pitches, so that the fed can cover your transsexual surgeries and birth control.
I voted for Biden because I'm not interested in doing that. Screencap this.
niggers are gullible as hell. Look how easily they learned to CONSUME PRODUCT
>Who walks into a voting booth and votes for a old man in the early stages of dementia!
every BLumpf voter
>Who walks into a voting booth and votes for a old man in the early stages of dementia!?
that too, but we're talking about the Dem primaries here. Do not deflect.
>forgetting Ron Paul General
Niggers. And old people.
Because you fags and redditors think that opinions on the internet reflect real life. Notice how much tranny shit is constantly in your face online and try to think about the last time you saw a tranny that wasn’t just an ugly ass bitch. This is hyper reality and is a lie. Most people don’t give a fuck about any of this shit going on they vote for what their family votes for or what their mammy votes for generational democrat etc you can’t sway most people. Probably 5% of the population pays attention to politics like you homos do fuck niggers
How anyone can blatantly ignore the fact that Joe Biden is basically a textbook case of rapidly worsening dementia is beyond me.
>forgets his words mid sentence
>inappropriate displays of aggression
>frustrated and/or agitated when he forgets
>very defensive if confronted about lapses in memory
Joe Biden will be lucky to even live long enough to make it to the election. Especially once the stress of full time campaigning really kicks off. If only he wasn’t a disgusting corporate whore and very likely a pedophile, I could almost pity him. I hope he at least lives long enough to be sodomized mercilessly by Trump on the debate stage.
I've haven't seen the Democrats this confident and enthusiastic since Obama came on the scene. It's definitely not the same feeling, but I'm getting a sense of hope that was completely lost when drumpf won. They are fucking dabbing on Berniebros on twitter. virtually every democrat creature on the internet is taking victory laps. These people are fucking desperate to win like I have rarely seen.
I don't think Biden will win for a number of very serious reasons, but if drumpf gets weakened enough by November, it's going to be a close call. Depending on how strong Biden comes in, those swing states that drumpf won against Hilldawg are majority blue dog democrat. Biden's riding on Obama's coattails, but it could be enough. Especially if Onigger starts campaigning for him.
I really think he's going to fall apart before that, he looks terrible.
based and nogpilled
oh wow its almost as if all elections are rigged oh wow look at me I'm soo shocked wow
no no, you dont get off that easy
its OLD WHITE BOOMERS, the counterpart to the OLD WHITE BOOMERS voting for trump
dems had such a quality group.. lol its like watching the special olympics.
Old people who are going to feed Corona-chan, niggers who haven't figured out yet he voted for crime bill, and old niggers who don't give a fuck and just want to see the world burn.
boomers who want to watch zoomies and millennia'sl seethe when they dont get their money back
You know the rules here
They're literally just voting for his Vice President.
Less than 20% of mellinials, Bernies core demographic, bothered to show up to vote on Super Tuesday.
They're armchair activists and recliner revolutionaries. They'll bitch and moan all day on social media to blow up their presense and donate fat gobs of cash at the drop of a hat, but when it comes time to actually make shit happen, they're too lazy to even bother.
It's hilarious. Years of "the popular vote should count the most" and they can't even manage to show up or mail in a ballot.
That's because all they wanted to see was Bernie go down in flames because they're too retarded to figure out Hillary was a piece of shit who destroyed her own campaign. Expect buyers' remorse to set in once they figured out how hard they just fucked themselves in the ass.
why does this post not have more attention?
Step 1: Shut up, play nice, act like you're unifying the party. Lose the walkaway, demexit, onlybernie bullshit.
Step 2: Act like you're contributing, stumping, representing for ya boy Biden like a good house nigger. Spend your time actually blackpilling and redpilling the fuck out of everyone and getting old the vote for God-Emperor Trump.
Step 3: VOTE FOR TRUMP. Fuck kids in cages and all the other bullshit the shitlibs sell you to scare you into voting for Biden. Just do it. Vote for fucking Trump.
Step 4: LIE ABOUT VOTING FOR TRUMP. Voting is by secret ballot, the shitlibs can't find out you fucking did it even if they tried.
Step 5: Act like a pissed off faggot that Trump won and blame shitlibs for their retarded plan to run a 900-year-old mongoloid on a platform further right than Trump's.
You're going to see an orchestrated and concerted effort on the part of the leftist media, corporate media, and the twittersphere like you can't even imagine
all to cover up Joe Biden's dementia
Good point. No one will be voting for TRump.
The DNC chose the apocalypse. They could have chosen the path of peace. Now there is only the path of fire. And I personally think Sanders was in on it the entire time. I think the one party system of this failed rogue nuclear state used Bernie to bring in non-voters, Joe Biden to lose to Trump because of how unpopular he is. If anyone competent actually went up against trump, he'd lose his promised second term that every president gets now in our rigged ass system.
joe won't last more than 2 months