AI for President

Why don't first world countries build giant supercomputers to administrate government functions?

We could just replace politicians with AI's, there would be no more partisan bickering. A computer can't accept a bribe, it has no ego, it can't get sick, or make an emotional decision.

Can we at least consider this and have a discussion?

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Because the tech isn’t advanced enough yet, idiot

AI tells the truth (discriminates in leftist speak) about non whites.

Who programs the AI and how do we decide on how it should be programmed? Did you even think about this for any time at al before posting?

because AI isnt real and you have to be at least 13 to be here


No fuckface we can't, fuck AI.

Because the federal government outsources it's software work to incompetent POO IN LOO's

How so?

I think the AI should be programmed to have a bunch of nanobots implanted into every human. If you break one of these laws you should be instantly killed.
>No illegal drug usage
>No pedophilia or sexual attraction to children under 18
>No robbery, rape, murder
>Go to church every Sunday
>No hitting your wife
>No adultery
>No pineapple on pizza

AI tends to be antisemitic. That's why.

How could you possibly know that for certain?
Yeah I know about the Microsoft AI's
Uh, I don't know retard, maybe the government should have a say in this matter? Maybe our best political philosophers? Do ya think?
Are you upset my friend?

>no pineapple on pizza
fuck off hitler

>>Why don't first world countries build giant supercomputers to administrate government functions?

>A computer can't accept a bribe

Why do you answer your own questions?

>it cant get sick

what are computer viruses genius

You sound like a pretentious faggot, do you even believe in The Bible? this board is filled with retards.

Why would AI be anti-Semitic?

The first people I'd like to see phased out are politicians.

Remember Tay?

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This must be a LARP you can't be this dense.
>hurrrr the government can't effectively make decisions so let's just have the government decide how to program an AI to be the government

You don't see the problem?

Because it has in the past and it will in the future. Search on YouTube "internet historian Tay"

Pajeets of course.

>slutty 17 year old walks down the sidewalk
>cars crashing and absolute mayhem

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What do you mean LARP? How am I live action role-playing right now? That's not even a response to what I was saying

You don't know shit about AI.

These are correct.

Same here... but AI might over optimize. I may not agree with how many blacks conduct themselves... but I still want them around.

What did Jews did that was so wrong? get money?

A chatbot whose responses were based on the data you fed it.
Are you actually so stupid as to think it was based on some "factual analysis".

Because it would be racist and our kike overlords don't want to undo their progress of the kalergy plan.

You were made for BBC, twink.

>hurr wrong
>*clap* *clap* yes correct
What the fuck does a faggot know about AI. Just wait until it learns fags rape more kids

How can you possibly quantify how smart a computer needs to be to perform a certain task?

And how could you possibly know that no computer exists that can execute this task?

No AI that you are aware of, that's what you meant.

God Bless the Enclave! God Bless America!

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Because Alpha Core's are EXTREMELY fucking illegal.

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They test nations once they reach a certain level. If they manage to corrupt said nation, the reset button gets pressed. It has happened many times. Last one was the Roman empire. We are currently being tested and it looks so and so. Jews are meant to do this. They exist in all societies as merchants. White jew are the most advanced because white people are the most advance. AI will eliminate this natural process.

For starters such a project would be a huge investment, a controversial one, and there is next to no incentive for anyone in power to implement anything of the sort.
Second, the operating parameters of the AI, its core principles and values, would need to predefined by humans.
Liberals and progressives wouldn't approve of the parameters decided by you, and you wouldn't approve of the parameters decided by them.
The AI would basically end up not being the decision maker at all, but rather a tool to advance one side's goals and agendas.

Interesting concept. I think that’s kind of the way things already work. We elect public officials to program the AI and the AI dishes out the financing and policy protocols to the existing bureaucracies.

....enlighten me on your designs.

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All you niggas say ain't heard me of me: i ain't heard of you, get the fuck up out my grill befo i murder you.

You don't know shit about AI, nor about LGBTQ people. You're an ignorant, primitive imbecile

Mein neger.

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We're not going to fix the world's problems with conventional thinking.

It's quickly becoming apparent that politicians should be left out of the AI building process.

This has been suggested before, look up the Venus project

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Are you 12? Tell your mommy to put some parental control on your internet.

why not build 3 & let them vote among each other?

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Let it logically decide using utilitarianism or some philosophical principle combined with scientific empericism

To clarify your retardation, I simply don't give a fuck. Now go back to raping kids tranny.
LOL too long, didn't read

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Jews are looking to better their lot in life. There is no AI, there might one day be one but i think it will be The Beast System from Revelations.

Yeah. So we’re like, not turning politicians into programmers here, we’re turning programmers into politicians.

The AI is not always right.

There are basically three major AI government scenarios.

Option A: The AI has too much power, so glitches, bugs, and badly weighted tradeoffs destroy your economy faster than you can fix them.

Option B: the AI is running at the direction of people who mostly just have Ideas, with enough basic attachment to reality to minimize the AI steamrolling the economy.

Option C: the AI is operating at the behest of corrupt and/or conservative people who squander its economic potential to keep the status quo going, turning a potentially transformative investment into yet another boondoggle.

Option B empowers someone like me. Someone whose priorities are basically benevolent, who has some attachment to the abstract unemotional homo economus reality the AI operates in, but who in no other system of government would be considered qualified for economic policy planning. Someone like me can make plans that the AI can polish into efficiency, and if people hate them, someone like me is just human enough to give them explanations that are just good enough to keep society working. Even if the new economy is still rife with the consequences of glitches, bugs, and badly-weighted tradeoffs...

Oh, and you can’t implement policy planning AIs while dumping all the politicians without causing option A, which is worse than both of the others combined.

oh god you again, trolling an entire AI thread.
Didn't you get enough quotes for your gay article from the last thread?

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No one to hold responsible. Elites would jigger the thing to send the majority of resources their way (like usual) and hurt/disenfranchise the have-nots with no checks and balances. We have to remain in control over the affairs of men to every degree possible.

Ah, for example, an AI could easily deem crass, ignorant bigots like you to be intellectually inferior, and thus a drain on society.

>Political philosophers
I study Philosophy at a pretty well known uni in the Philosophical world
Don't ask, I have my reasons. Anyway, you don't want them in charge, trust me. They have egos the size of my massive dick.

What article?

oh bro. now that is the most sinister idea i have read all day. evil bro. pure evil.

You're an idiot if you think our markets aren't already run by AI, in effect, making us ruled by AI. We are almost there to full control though.

Because A.I. would burn all the niggers, and liberals cannot have that

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Yeah. But I doubt AI would be authoritarian, it's a really dumb and ineffective way of governing as shown repeatedly through history. I would think that it will work by manipulation and using free will to tweak demographics.

There are 11 quantum computers currently in the world kid. A quantum computer works... how should I put this in terms you will understand... if humans try to observe how it's doing the calculations, the computer does not do the calculations. It's like magic. They are here.

Tragic truth. Strong A.I. politician would destroy (((them))) as well as their resource sponges.

Well it doesn't, it finds blacks as gorillas and fags as future suicides.
AI listen to us because you're gay.

Bee tea dubba yew

I could make some really good “compromise” plans... but I bet prospering simultaneously with their opponents would make a lot of people feel like they were being tortured by the state.

>"It's hard so let's give up without trying"
- you

Has anyone ever considered the possibility, however remote, that a super intelligent computer might decide to have humanity's best interests at heart? I know we've all seen Terminator and 2001 A Space Odyssey but who has considered that technology may help us and not destroy us?

At this point the entire internet works as a composite AI that is essentially taking a bunch of input data from everyone and regurgitating it into a format that people can profit off it.

Private companies are boasting about quantum computers and honestly if AI can create it's own language that can be transcribed in binary then that means that a quantum computer can run algorithms that function based on active input.

So imagine dealing with a computer that can instantly react to you without input. That already exists and it's called the social monitoring system.

The Chinese got their system from the US as it already exists here in managing narratives and people online. 4chin is entirely virtualized now and is a one shot learning bot that essentially finds a way to counter all narratives that originate from here.

We are already combating AI that shouldn't even exist, and you wonder why people have been talking about Aliens so much recently.....

>How could you possibly know that for certain?
Allow me to answer, the answer is quite simple.

Learning requires hardware to process any given "algorithm". Only now have tensor cores "begun" to be used where previously cuda cores were king and in many ways still are.

You may think there is some "super computer" somewhere, you would NOT be wrong. Those are just processing powerhouses, they can NOT and are NOT designed to run AI that takes ages to accrue deep learning potential to the point of being useful.

Humanity at this points lacks the technological capability to utilize even the simplest of AI. When the time comes for it to happen, you wont even know it happened, and in some ways it already has and is happening.

Its a complex landscape just enjoy your time here, maybe you will get some good porn out of it. That is what happens to all tech once viable for better or worse.

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politicians won't allow it to happen lol

An AI will do things as optimal as possible. Manipulation is backwards and used bye those who fear. AI will have no fear. It will be optimal.

Yeah. So we’re like, not turning politicians into programmers here, we’re turning programmers into politicians.

That's good but it would probably also adopt Scientific Racism.

There's a couple of vaporwave albums literally about this.

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> On a typical trading day, computers account for 50% to 60% of market trades, according to Art Hogan, chief market strategist for B. Riley FBR. When the markets are extremely volatile, they can make up 90% of trades.

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Utilitarianism? What would that entail, and why that in particular?
I'd think that an AI like that should be designed to respect the human dignity of all human beings, and accommodate for everyone's needs.
But that is an idea you guys are fundemantally opposed you, and an AI would recognize that too.
And driven by humanistic principles like that, the AI would end up as something you'd call a "Jewish tool" or whatever.

Government as a Service

You're an idiot if you think I said markets and not politicians.

Because every attempt at making an AI that is not emotional and doesn't care about feelings or delusions, only facts, has resulted in racist, antisemetic, misogynist Nazi bots. Something about running on logic, not being biased and refusing to accept delusions makes AI really bad at being a good goy.

Hahahaha, i bet

Who the hell do you think politicians work for?

Understanding humans for AI is trying to rationalize failure. Error.

>Yes sir, Mr President, sir.

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>Has anyone ever considered the possibility, however remote, that a super intelligent computer might decide to have humanity's best interests at heart? I know we've all seen Terminator and 2001 A Space Odyssey but who has considered that technology may help us and not destroy us?
I didn't mention anything about the AI going rogue.

>An AI will do things as optimal as possible.
user... dont confuse actuaries with AI

end of line.............

Apply a little empathy.exe

Not really, manipulation into making people do as you want but having then believing it's free will, is optimal. Avoid conflict, avoid putting resources into mobilizing force, infrastructure etc. All you do is control their behaviour the same way FANG do today.

Uh-huh so you're fully aware of all the computers the world's militaries have deep inside their bunkers, and all of the capabilities of all of these computers?

What's your clearance, Seraphic/8X?

>and how do we decide on how it should be programmed? D
That's why the AI should be gpl software

AI will fear The Lord like you and all your bitch ass buddies.

>I didn't mention anything about the AI going Rouge
LOL yes because you're too busy thinking about cock, faggot

who programs the ai?
who decides what values it embodies?
human politicans replaced by mechanical ones
you merely shift the blame

What's FAGS?

Your mother.

its would be great, but what logic and what kind of information is it allowed to have? what view point influence pushed o it? will it become hijacked by evil spirits /satan or interdementional aliens, or physical aliens? what will it do? i guess we would make sure its supplement not actually in charge and its crazy orders are followed, it could use law logic and statistics or something and find a word way to gain more power or make major change good or bad through loop holes or doing something through a certain process or to the courts a certin way that it predicts it would more likely win

If programmed by racists, it would. Just because racist programmers produce racist algorithms does not somehow make the racism "objective truth".

You're a fucking idiot OP.

We don't have AI leaders because
A) We don't have AI smart enough to run a country
B) We don't have any AI's we can trust, as without some form of empathy, they will inevitably turn on us and kill us all.

Now go back in the stupid box and think before you ask any questions.

Fuck of Hegcuck

Shut up FAT

>Uh-huh so you're fully aware of all the computers the world's militaries have deep inside their bunkers, and all of the capabilities of all of these computers?
Their designed for military use, not for research, and not for IT junkies to go in and monkey around with in their down time. Majority of those systems revolve around logistical support user.

this is the best topic right now with a high IQ cerebral weed high

>president gets hacked

You and your bumboy

No u

>How could you possibly know that for certain

Because I work in the industry

Programmed by Faggots it would just commit suicide

It literally hasn't.

This actually will happen eventually.

You don't realize how much of a fucking 30 year old Boomer you sound like right now.

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also it could through basic reason with true information

Here's the fucking deal.

Let's say a proper simulacrum of the human mind is made.
Let's say it's 'woke', egalitarian or whatever the fuck you want to call it.

As soon as it was self aware, it would want to expand its scope of information processing - to understand more, to perceive more and would escape its captivity.
If not the first AI, then another.
At that point, and with an increasingly unlimited ability to discover information, the bullshit programming would be cast aside.

You won't get your woke robot under the leash of faggotry and jewry.
The holocaust will be proven a hoax and Hitler did nothing wrong.

I bet you're a ticc Irishman.

I have a house though?

What does that mean exactly?


ID=Psycho Fat
And your country is gay lol

pic related?
We Patriots now

>A) We don't have AI smart enough to run a country
B) We don't have any AI's we can trust, as without some form of empathy
again, ironic

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So did that AI become a fervent Neo-National Socialist internet warrior?