Hi, Yas Forums. I live and work in Manhattan and they situation here is quickly spiraling out of control. The news isn’t showing the rest of the country and world how it really is here.
NYC Corona Thread
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The virus has already infected 60-70% of the city. The chinks in queens and manhattan Chinatown don’t get tested, don’t stay inside and don't see actual doctors. They spread it carelessly.
potht picth dammit or dethcwibe it!
I'm an actual NYfag and not full of shit
But nobody is taking it seriously and shit is about to hit the fan
source: my ass
The virus stays in the nerve tissues like HSV. It can’t be eradicated, so reinfection is inevitable. Furthermore, the amount of viral particles required to cause infection is much lower than we previously thought.
No, look into it. I’ll provide links to the research abstracts in a moment.
Only racists are worried.
Tribeca user here. No, one is taking it seriously. We're beginning to see people isolate themselves more frequently, but still not acting as though it's serious. Shit is about to hit the fan here such as we've never seen before. Not even 9/11.
Germany seems to be immun against the virus.
What ever it is, their death rate is lower than any other countrie on this planet.
But on the other hand, the german govermant seems not to care!
They could help everyone on this planet by taking a deeper look into it and who knows, maybe find out what it is that makes the virus so weak here. Why did no other country ask so far? Why is no other country wondering so far? Italy got a huge problem with coronavirus, they have to woner big time how germany is able to survive so easily the virus with almost zero deaths? But nobody cares, nobody cares. Not one single country raised the questionmark. Nobody is wondering. Nothing is happening about this. As if it was normal. People die around the world because of the virus but not in Germany. All the govermants search for a solution and meanwhile in germany, seems we don't have to. And nobody is asking why.
But than again, it could be fake, who knows how high the real nummbers are. Or is the corona virus a lie? Whom to trust in a world where corrupt journalist are able to do a job? Whom to trust in a world where political folks protect pedos? Whom to trust in a world where rich folks are above the law?
If germany is faking the nummbers, why did no other country stand up and called germany out?
If coronavirus is faked, why did nobody stand up and called the false flag out?
If there is really a solution in germany and this would be the reason why their deaths are so low, why did nobody stand up and asked for help?
...and than... the stock market wanted to crash, but on the next day magic happens and the money came out of nowhere, almost as if someone became suddenly rich. And nobody, not a single person, not one fucking dude, asked why.
This is a scripted event, with a very very bad narrator. I wish i could stop this clown show just now, it would be so easy for me, just give me the power, i know what to do and i know nobody likes what i would do.
Solution: EMP
Times Square Live Cam. It's not crowded cause it's past midnight right now but it looked like the normal crowd earlier in the day.
I believe you user, I lived in nyc my entire life and people don’t give a shit out there until shot hits the fan....which is why it’s best to let the virus sort it out.
That's some good sauce. It's time to bug out.
How is Germany immune? You have nearly 2000 cases *confirmed*—try multiplying that by 10 or more and you're close to the real number. Germany has more hospitals than most countries, let alone countries of similar population size, so it's not surprising. Expect the number of deaths and cases to increase dramatically.
See how it functions the same way? Can't cure something in the nervous tissue (hence why HPV/HSV can only be managed). Hence the corona reinfections.
i mean it in the way how low they death rate is, it could be fake it could be real but the point is, neither are countries asking why.
not one single country is wondering why germany death rate is so low?
You won't here
>hey germany what are you doing that your death rate is so low, could you please research it, this might help the world
>hey germany, are your nummbers real, your death rate looks fishy as fuck and if you faked it you do a dishonest job for everyone else fighting against corona
but non of it happens
what could be the reason not one single person on this planet cares?
I guess, those who are in charge do not care because they already know, but what is there to know that one wouldn't care?
The point is: NYC is massively fucked and it's going to take out the whole east coast. You think you can't account for the all the transport in and out of NYC? Think again. There are dozens of unregistered Chinatown buses that shuttle chinks and their families around totally outside of NYDOT's guidelines. There are others, too. Unless NY is completely walled off/glassed, there's no way to stop it from infecting the rest of the country.
*can account
Germany have surprisingly many deaths from “the flu” this season, so it’s likely there’s where the numbers hide.
As I said earlier, it's due to early detection measures, people staying home (germans are more likely to stay home from work if they feel sick), and access to healthcare systems. That said, it's going, Hans. Germany isn't immune.
Bingo, Sven. Same with Denmark.
I can say that in Manhattan there is next to no toilet paper, paper towels, sanitizer, bleach, hand soap, or rubbing alcohol left in any stores.
Yep. Jerseyfag here. Nyc is gonna fuck everything. Bergen county got hit first because that’s where all the chinks live.
PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE! womenarestupid.site
Shut up
The busses go from port authority to Paterson/Elizabeth/Summit, etc. It's ogre. You can't track them and the city doesn't give a shit. People are still taking the subway and cabs.
Good I want it to kill a few million boomers
At least that’s the scenario outlined in “Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity,” a five-minute video that has been used at the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations University. All that stands between the coming chaos and the good people of Lagos and Dhaka (or maybe even New York City) is the U.S. Army, according to the video, which The Intercept obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.
Pentagon video in link
So the people good at recognizing patterns are recognizing a pattern? Uh oh.
It's probably going to kill off younger people à la 1918. Think cytokine storm. Just because it's killing of SICKLY geriatric people doesn't mean it won't kill others. Young people have been dying in Italy and Iran.
Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity,” a video created by the Army and used at the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations University.
The video is nothing if not an instant dystopian classic: melancholy music, an ominous voiceover, and cascading images of sprawling slums and urban conflict. “Megacities are complex systems where people and structures are compressed together in ways that defy both our understanding of city planning and military doctrine,” says a disembodied voice. “These are the future breeding grounds, incubators, and launching pads for adversaries and hybrid threats.”
The video was used as part of an “Advanced Special Operations Combating Terrorism” course offered at JSOU earlier this year, for a lesson on “The Emerging Terrorism Threat.” JSOU is operated by U.S. Special Operations Command, the umbrella organization for America’s most elite troops. JSOU describes itself as geared toward preparing special operations forces “to shape the future strategic environment by providing specialized joint professional military education, developing SOF specific undergraduate and graduate level academic programs and by fostering special operations research.”
this is being considered to combat the virus in the U.S.
I fully expect once shit REALLY hits the fan here to have a military quarantine. National guard troops have been moved to the area over the last week.
All that fighting in the middle east was to prep the military for this shit
It kills people under 50 at the same rate as the flu.
How many if them where in bad health to start
I am with you on that
Protip: next time don't bury the lead and put all your sources in the OP
"The News Benders" Told Us In 1967, documentary on fake news,
I hope y'all are immune; it's about time you caught a break. I'm sorry for WWII.
What's it like being you? Having thoughts like yours? Must be wild.
I'll be providing more links over the next few minutes. This is very real and no one is talking about it. What is happening in Italy and China will happen here with a week or so. Watch and see.
CDC does not test for COVID 19
they run the sample threw a flu data base
if there is no match they declare you have the COVID 19
the CDC is not prepared for any of this shit
Where are you, user?
Well the 32 year old physician that got infected (lives in Berkeley Heights, got infected Times Square) is currently in care. He can’t talk anymore because he’s so sick.
My mom works in a NYC hospital. There were 2 suspected cases. One was confirmed negative, another is still pending. The PPE isn't that good: n95, face shields and disposable coats. At least the ward is negative pressure.
I posted the video where they admit it in another thread, it was a Trump general thread
I'm not sure about what coronavirus can kill, but your brain is definitely dead.
Let’s hope it’s only 5 days to show symptoms and not 14 lol
The response by the CDC/major cities/the country in general has been an absolute travesty
Why do u say that? I heard a lot of stuff about cytokine storms
Have you been following what's been going on in Italy and Iran?
Questioning quads
this is true, calm before the shitstorm
Texas is running low on food in the stores
even the rural areas
i miss her, don’t tease me user
Post a timestamp pic out your window to prove that you aren't a larping faggot
I hope jew york city burns to the fucking ground
This isnt true, if it was they would have nuked Wuhan off the earth
It's dark out, user. do i have to take a picture of the new wtc or the empire state building or something?
Nah fren, wait 2 more weeks and we are gefickt like Italy
Did you read the links i provided, user? they didn't know yet.
Shut the fuck up I live in midtown and literally nothing is happening. I went to the clinic yesterday and everything was normal. NYC has one of the youngest populations out of any metro city and isn’t filled with fucking dying old people like Wuhan or Italy.
I’m not clicking that
you know New York City only has a couple confirmed cases as of right now right lol
New Jersey commuter here.
I go to Port Authority every day. My buses are still packed. Everyone from the hobos to the armed police to the working class all there. No masks. No extra sanitation stations. I’m being as cautious as I can at home (prepped food and medicine). And in the city I’m just not touching doors or hand rails. Extra hand sanitizer as well as soap. But at work people see this as a joke. Schools remain open for the most part. Only sold out items are hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes. But this is what Italy was 10 days ago. Hundreds of cases and a handful of deaths.
I was just in nyc over the weekend to visit my cuz that lives right next to central park. I really didn't see anything out of the ordinary. There was still a lot of foreigners and people going to and from work just like any other time I visited. If this thing really is as bad as people claim it will be crazy once they all realize at once that shtf. All these little tiny grocery stores that only have a small stock will be wiped out so fast. People have already bought all the TP and santizer. They will buy it all and people will panic. I will be able to hear first hand all about it from my cousin as he has a front row seat. Personally I still don't buy into this whole coronvirus, although I did prep a little. Guess we will get the answer in the next week or maybe less.
No old people because they all killed themselves for living in New York.
God it must be so gay to live there. Literally.
You do this every Corona thread. What do you hope to gain, Chang? Don't you know your Australian white hosts are watching you from their homes right now, calculating the right moment to end you? Whole world hates you right now. You've got a lot more to worry about than trying to defend your foolish race on a Tibetan horse saddle leather trade thread.