How is this okay?
How the fuck is this okay?
How is this okay?
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bc jews run the world and are threatened by whites and are working a plan to replace them with dark skinned dummys
fear not
It is a pretty accurate depiction of life with blacks
lol whitey btfo extinct soon bye lol
The problem is shitty mutt whites also think they are white
>The point is that the two sides are theoretically interchangeable; that black can just as easily be white, and vice versa. There is no fixed ideological value attached to either.
This really needs to be put to the test. I've never seen white be anything but the victim in any of these.
These need to be spread far and wide with inverted colors.
Price whitey has to pay for bringing us in chains. Now if you excuse me I have a fine white stacy I'm fucking while her soldier-boy husband plays armyfag.
These need to be reversed and then posted with faux outrage all over twitter and reddit. "dammit wypipo!"
This. FPBP.
Literally just call the piece a racist personification of refugees or something and rally twitter / reddit liberals to expose the ""racist"" artist responsible. Make them compare it to art from A Wyatt Mann and the likes for good a gaslight inoculation.
Stay ready
The rape, murder and theft that whites do is mostly abstract, theoretical kind of way. Like in a excavated_africa_piles_on_europe.jpg kind of thing.
Also asking for proof or examples is racist.
Fuck IOTBW, start posting pics of lynched niggers around town. Should level the field.
Yeah, that was the jews, you fucking nigger.
>The rape, murder and theft that whites do is mostly abstract, theoretical kind of way
What kind of abstract crimes do Jews commit?
>The rape, murder and theft that whites do is mostly storytelling.
Rape, murder and theft by blacks is real and very well documented. LiveLeak is how I got redpilled.
No, not staged outrage, but actual outrage.
If there is no significance attached to the colors as the artist states, then simply swapping the colors means nothing but I guarantee you that if you swap the colors the SJW's will have a meltdown, and that meltdown is proof that the artist is full of shit.
we should meme this stuff as "stereotyping blacks as violent," i know its dr3, but the point is to make this stuff be discussed more so more white people realize what elites are promoting in the art world.
Oh Dear Jesus, please let a nigger try. Amen.
why the niggers wearing nothing but their underwear?
Was it the jews that had Nigga's picking cotton? Lol don't matter we fucking the white women and making lots of cream colored babies. I would love to see Ole jeff davis's face knowing how many southern belles prefer bbc over stupid fat white trash. Lol southern fags lost the war and their women.
I love this does anyone know the name of the artist?
>t. D&C kike slimeball
Clearly the Jews never do anything wrong and have only been victimized wherever they go. Remember the holocaust? Jews were just minding their business, not doing anything at all, then out of the blue, a big bad Hitler came along and hated them for absolutely no reason. He exterminated each and every Jew in Europe, personally, with gas and evil medical experiments. You know, you should take all that hate you have for jews and put it towards yourself and your own kind. Maybe if you weren't so masculine....
Want another blackpill? Pic related is the mural painted underneath the Eiffel Tower
>Was it the jews that had Nigga's picking cotton?
Well, actually yes, you dumb fucking nigger. Are you a jr high drop out or just the run of the mill druggy drunk mother kinda nigger? Fucking dumbshit nigs always going on about muh dick, lol, shove that dick in your ass and get back to work bitch boy.
Hey ass fuck, here ya go. I'm assuming you can read. And btw, white mothers kill mutt babies at a much higher ratio than white babies. And NOBODY wants to fuck black women, LOL.Of course, niggers don;t care about anything but "muh dick". Fucking degenerate imbeciles, no wonder nigs were so easy to put in slavery.
nice pilpul kike
Another shoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
There is a very small minority of people who control the world. A large portion of those are 'Jews'. Remember Esau, who GOD HAS HATED.
Murdering and raping Gods children, using FORESKINS in CREAMS for anti aging.
Of course they are demons. They wish to shut out God from the heavens, because they know they are DAMNED. – Compilation of tweets from “shape-shifting” Jews, Jews that pretend to be White to demonize and demoralize Whites, but that aren’t White, but racial Jews (and racial Jews are not White, read:
Why do whites have such a victim complex? This almost never happens while the reverse has historically been the case multiple times. Whites are the hypocritical, egotistical. narcissistic, and psychotic people on earth.
Modern loincloth.
Lol too busy fucking stacy but thx
Because niggers are meant for servitude.
welcome to clown world.
>blacks was meant to be slaves
>but I fear they will murder me and rape my women at any given moment
That’s how african clothing looks like u bigot.
Cleon Peterson
That's a hand choppin'
Is stacy your l'il brother or sister? Don't matter, nigs are dime a dozen and nobody cares when they die. Hey fuckboy... who's gonna run the show when you niggers want to do shit? You?! LOL!!!!! Niggers are in a different type of slavery they don't even realize it, why? Because NIGGER, that's why. Keep dreamin about Muh Dick you fucking nigger. I laugh at you and your entire mutt species. :):):):):)
What has to be wrong with you to make this sort of "art"?
If a white made it, it's racist. If a nigger made it, it's powerful.
Why oh why are white people stockpiling guns?
Based, fpbp
Reminder: never relax
It's been going on for decades user
It's like the savage barbarians sacking the peaceful law abiding citizens
A Jew made it
Invert them and post them everywhere until it becomes embroiled in some sort hysteria of being nazi art part of a white supremacist plot.
why are all the niggers in their undies?
>What has to be wrong with you to make this sort of "art"?
The jewish artist says the imagery came to him while he was in prison.
>Whites are the hypocritical, egotistical. narcissistic, and psychotic people on earth.
Yet white people ended slavery, while the entire brown world continues it - in nearly every brown country. Meanwhile only white european countries would even dare consider 'open borders' or trying to conflate the existing, historical people's nationalism with some sort of hate ideology.
Every brown country is overtly nationalistic - they mock white people for our open headed empathy. Without white people, the world descends immediately into open slave auctions and a demonic ((((economic feudalism))) that makes the entire world into the poorest, worst parts of brazil.
What would happen if a bunch of mexicans tried to move to china, and then demand control of local and national government systems? What if africans went to mexico and declared the local power structure, which is entirely mexican, to be 'hispanic nationalists' using patriarchal hispanic supremacist ideology to dominate the poor innocent african immigrants who just want political control of their new home?
What happens if russians move to albania and declare albanians racists because they run their own governments? Your rhetoric is just racist. That is all there is to it. It isnt statistically supported either: white people ARE the victims generally, of every shade of brown invader. It is just part and parcel of having your western country opened up to rapid mass immigration for (((globalist parasites))).
This is the correct answer. The left is a church without salvation, whose members are all cannibals. Brainlets here will autisticly screech about how this won't work, but they won't have a single fucking answer as to why.
Even if you fuck up the logic, even if you fuck up the argument, simply saying "this triggers me because this is racist, it makes people of color look like monsters and not people' is more than enough. it will trigger, it will cause REEEEEEEEEEE, it will sow chaos.
If you are not sowing chaos, then you do not belong here.
Whites in tighty whities actually looks right and hammers the narrative home. Only on aroundblacksneverrelaxian Yas Forums is this an equananimous artistic statement. Bravo, Cleon.
>d&c kvetching intensifies
But the killing ones are always bald, while the victims have "normal" (non-nigger) hair.
It's not okay. But subhumans cannot comprehend, regardless of ethnicity. We should have started a global spay & neuter program a century ago.
Cool story bro- Look at greece- The fire is rising.
> a century ago
We did, people turned against it. they were still doing it in Canada till a while ago.