We are better than you, Discuss.
Jew love thread
got any shapeshifting stories?
You jews look hilarious
Yes we are seen as white men and are twice as successful.
They are better child abusers and serial killers
Why do all your people want open borders?
I honestly wouldn’t mind you kikes if you guys just stopped larping for “muh multiculturalism”
I remember a Rabbi saying they were aliens from another dimension, are they interdimensional clowns? - they have the nose and hair just need bigger shoes and smaller cars.
>first coronavirus containment zone in America is centered around a jew synagogue where a jew lawyer infected his entire neighborhood
The comedy writes itself.
Jewish attorney here, I strongly oppose multiculturalism and would vote for Trump if I was American
Do you guys actually find other jews of opposite sex attractive? I have seen the pics of the 1 in a million movie star hot jew. But I mean the average everyday New York curly sideburns jew. How does a dude like that even find a wife? Do jews do arranged marriages?
Of course you’d support a kike loving shabbos goy nigger. Killself Schlmo. Nobody likes you or trusts you.
Get in.
Together Victory
Imagine getting kicked out of 109 countries and surviving merely due to the charity of America only to form secretive societies of subversive, ratlike beings and STILL think you're better than everyone else
Imagine where we'd be now if jews just played ball and actually wanted to better white society.
jews look like happy goblin demons from hell hiding behind different skin colors
If you think someone you know is a Jew and want to fuck with them, start implying during conversation (subtly, unless you don't care about being caught) that their habits or beliefs, etc.are "White"
Easy mode: "Merry Christmas!" to them in December.
Get it? Watch 'em get all mad for being mistaken for being White
Based Jew.
Now can we stop destroying one another and create peace among the Aryan and Semitic man?
Because white is the most powerful colour and we don't intermix. Eventually all you goyim will be mixed and everyone will envy us because we will be the only white people left.
>God's chosen people
What's this?
would jews ever mix with a non jew white person or is that a no no
They are never degenerate btw, they only spread degeneracy on masses. Has anyone noticed?
are you ugly, muslim, or poor? or all 3? I can't think of any other reason for a reply like that
There was a research paper that showed Jews are paternally middle eastern population that came into Europe. They married the native population once and after that they segregated themselves.
I am Jewish and married to a white Christian Russian
You're too dirty for us.
alright im going on a jewess hunt. see ya at the synagogue ill be funking jew pussy in no time.
wignats want to destroy this
I'm ashkenazi, not some sandnigger.
i hate all jews except one
that's the best I can do
Boy, I sure do love making soap.
You sexually mutilate babies. Look at that poor boy's face. His poor dick has been ravaged by the infected mouth of an old pervert rabbi.
Even niggers don't ritualize the sexual assault of their their own kids.
I thought this never happened goy-toy.
You're american and do this because we tell you to. At least we have a reason.
Just imagine whats going to happen now that the pandemic is kicking off in Europe.
It should have jew roach.
in the movie universe, yes. not in the real world.
What about this?
I unfortunately, am a leaf, like you jew. Unlike you, I am a valuable enough contributor to society that I was able to flee canuckistan for a free life.
I listen to Wagner daily and am thankful that my dick is uncut and I wasn't raised by disgusting pedophiles.
You are a disgusting child rapist from a culture of pedophiles. The world would be better if you killed yourself.
so i learned about Ofra Haza from beavis and butthead the other day and fell in love she fucking rocked and then i learned how she died and boy them jews really do be something else.
This is a white family.
Not dental wise... just saying
Based thread, i love jews.
If my stepmom is jewish does that make me step-jewish?
You Souf Korean
I'm marrying a Jewess. It's not that rare.
A Russian friend is in love with his life love you
Looks like a beautiful family of future pornographers, financiers, and "journalists"
It means your dad is a faggot.
>wignats want to destroy this
If Israel gets its evil diaspora fucks under control, then I wish them good luck and their own state under their own control, out of their own cabal control.
Until that happens, they are all demons who reject God, who would shut out the earth from the heavens and live forever in the devil of eternal technology - blood rites and quantum computers.
Orthodox ones do.
Its a struggle here honestly, jewish women are like white women, but with worse looks and worse mental health.
I hate you but I don't even know why anymore. Everyone I meet is an absolute piece of shit. If you died today the people I meet would still be pieces of shit.
I'm actually unsure whether or not I'm infuriated or happy about what Jews have done to America. And I know what you've done. I know the destiny you stole from us.
It's difficult to keep caring when everyone should fucking die.
But I still care. Because why my people are disgusting self absorbed blobs who would bend over for your scams and bad deals in an instant, at least there's no overarching negative goal they all have in mind, like you do when it comes to destroying your hosts from within. They're just slaves to their desires. You capitalize on this, and I think, in the end, you should all burn in hell.
At least you should be the first to go, anyway. God can cleanse this planet of the 99%+ trash and throw them in there with you when he's done.
fpbp /thread
Thank you half jews and full ethnic Jews for trying to protect the white race. We’re sorry for bombing your trail supplies ultimately starving you in concentration camps
>Because WHILE my people are disgusting self absorbed blobs
Fixed. Whatever.
Why do Jew kids look half retarded? I know they aren't as high IQ as they claim to be, but are they really this half mongoloid?