What do we do about the lower back pain epidemic? The government cracked down too hard on OxyContin® which is a miracle for lower back pain sufferers now they are trying to ban kratom too because some retarded junkies with no self control
What do we do about the lower back pain epidemic...
Use a TENS unit.
if people ate healthier and worked out more often there'd be less boomers with shitty backs
Idk but if you find out let me know bro.
Shits fucked senpai.
learn how to sit in a chair and get appropriatly sized things like counters. Also learn how to lift things correctly and how to walk right.
Exercise and stop slouching you fucking mongrel.
Tough on back pain
Even tougher on the balls
Anyone that takes oxycontin should be given 30 days to quit or be shot in the face
I had some lower back pain.
Basically you need to fix your posture, and fix the rest of your back/spine.
The reason your lower back is sore is because it's been overworked over a long period of time.
You don't fix it with drugs but with fixing your body.
Look at posture exercises, make sure your tongue is supporting your head. (AKA make sure you aren't a mouth breather) and keep your head up.
Don't talk shit about OxyContin®
Adrenal fatigue.
don't slip and fall, be in a car accident, or lift heavy objects and you won't have chronic back pain :^)
stop taking it up the ass you fucking queeroid nigger cuck I hope you burn to death in a fucking gas leak you nigger shit piece of trash bastard
Mother fuckers need to see a physical therapist and stop relying on fucking drugs
Kratom is still legal in Illinois thankfully. Though admittedly my consumption is starting to get out of control. I spend upwards of $40 a week on it.
Literally lift.
Squats and deadlifts cured my chronic backpain
Massage therapist fixed my back in a couple of sessions. Muscles were all knotted up
I work in construction and i'm 26. my lower back hurts like a motherfucker and I have to keep working every day, carrying fucking trusses and digging ditches for conduit.
Imagine when some motherfucking boomer shows up and tells me that I just need to exercise my back more while taking two shovelfuls of dirt out of the trench before moving on condescendingly
I pulled mine deadlifting, two years ago, it still can tweak from time to time. My upper middle back has been killing me recently
Don't be fat.
Stop getting fucked in the ass, that'll help.
Unironically cannabis derived (not the stupid hemp shit) CBD cream
This, weak cores cause back pain plus excessive body fat.
Stop deadlifting.
fuck i have lower back pain too. it sucks. i think my bed is too soft and i should do more cardio like swimming. good topic op thanks.
exercise, don't sit so much
That's what happens when you have shitty form
Weak posterior chain and glutes in my case
This guy is right. Stop taking to the shitter.
You take 500 grams a week?
Actually that’s not even that far off.
I do about 60 grams a day.
But man stop buying from headshops and go online. You can find 80-90 kilos
fuck off you cant even own guns
Physical therapy is a meme. I have a disc bulge and the physio just told me to do some stretches and gave me some dry needling, aka fake medicine. Did absolutely fuck all and I still can’t sit down for extended periods without getting back pain or sciatica
Stand up straight, and use a foam roller.
I wrecked my lower back training jiu jitsu.
>a bloo bloo bloo why can't I get my opium fix
Ironic shitposting is against the rules, user.
>don't be a lanklet
>know how to lift things (deadlift/squat motion)
>do some form of physical activity you enjoy, preferably some dynamic stretching too
>know what is bad posture (i intuitively feel it yet apparently a lot of tards sit, stand and walk like they hate themselves)
5'10" king of manlets 30 year old boomer, I know several people my age or even younger that have back problems. All of them are a) lanklets and, b) don't know how to fucking lift shit without tweaking their backs
Dwarf master race confirmed
>What do we do about the lower back pain epidemic?
Stretching in certain positions as silly as that sounds beat out any pain meds and kratom.
Particular stretches do help. Takes 5-10 mins every day, thats it.
must practice yoga. this is solved
>now they are trying to ban kratom too because some retarded junkies with no self control
How do you be a kratom junkie without puking your guts out all day?
Do not want
>What do we do about the lower back pain epidemic?
Heavy squats
>just don’t be in a car accident
sounds reasonable enough
You need to stretch nigger. do cobra poses.
Nah, about 200 grams. I buy a 3 once bag every 4 days or so. 60 grams a day? That's a little over half of the bags I consume. I consume maybe a third of that. If I did 50+ grams a day I'd probably vomit on a regular basis. I've vomited a few times this year thanks to taking too much.
Yeah I guess I should stop buying from headshops, but I tend to like the strains they sell better than places like kraken, which give me absolute garbage tier strains. How much do you spend a week on it? Well, you say kilos, so it would probably be more accurate to ask how much a year.
Physical therapy, and then begin to avoid chairs because they are harmful. Stand, crouch, or lay down. Crouching will be difficult to relearn, seen as bizarre, but truly the most natural and healthy alternative to sitting; all you need to do is acknowledge that this is one thing children are wiser about than most of humanity, you'll always see your nieces and nephews crouch naturally!
lose your gut you fat fuck
i was a murican futbol player and now i have ddd in 2 discs in my spine at almost 22. i am in constant physical pain every single day of my life for the past 2 years.
probaly going to kill myself over this. ruined my sports career, ruined my military career, ruined my education (can't sit for a long period of time any more) and have a constant burning pain everyday of my life.
i have 7 ice packs in my freezer so if im having a bad day i can always ice it.
the reason why i'm telling you all this is that Disc Degeneration (and cartillage degeneration in general) is PERMANENT! once a healthy, hydrated disc is compromised, it dries out and rots until your vertebrae are rubbing against each other)
the real redpill is that the candle that burns twice as fast lasts only half as long. True fitness is functionality. Don't be tight and don't be weak. You should want to be active well into your 50s and not destroying your body for short term strength. Powerlifting is fucking stupid, grappling is fucking stupid. I wish i would have just stretched and did triathlons.
I was an top level linebacker in highschool and college now i'm battling with chronic pain every single day of my life. The daily debilitating pain has taken the joy out of my life and shutdown many oppurtunities for me.
At one point i could bench 365, deadlift 525, and squat 410 ass to grass while running a 4.7 40 meter dash.
now my best days are behind me despite only being in my early 20s. The past 2 years have just been me icing my back and going to physical thearpy 4 different times for about 3 months each and hoping it'll just get better.
take care of you spine bros
pic related is an image of my condition (not mine)
really don't fall down this rabbit hole. if you have even a little bit of concern over this,see a pt before degeneration starts to set in
It can happen with good form, too. I pull(ed) 550, but tweaked it on a 315 warm up. Even with good form, shit can happen. In reality, I think most of the damage was done in fall after I experienced a black out due to the initial dl injury
Probably a form and/or lifting beyond your ability problem. I lost feeling on one of my shins while deadlifting. I was lifting too heavy, which probably caused a form problem. I dialed it back and everything is still good. I'm almost 50 and I have no back problems.
Deadlifts. very light at first and then progressively heavier.
Strengthen your core
You need to go to a sport physio m8
That's not true.
I wish you guys had the right chair :(
Its why it was made.
No it doesn't. Like said you were either lifting too heavy or you had shitty form. Retards like you get addicted to pain meds
>lol just take a pill bro it fixes everything
You’re taking way, way too much and are going to suffer horrible withdrawals when you stop. The sweet spot with kratom is using 5-10 grams per use, and probably max 3 times a day.
A long time ago I would just up my dose whenever it stopped working for me, ended up where you are. It is not pleasurable, you will feel nauseous all the time and often notice it’s not working for some reason. Take way less for a week or two, try to go down to 20 grams per day or even less. You’ll feel kind of shitty but not as bad as if you stopped cold turkey. Then once you get to a lower level of usage, regulate or don’t use daily.
It would be absolute bullshit if they banned this plant, it could be a godsend for the issues mentioned in the OP, but it can be misused and you’re misusing it
Physical therapy is literally one of the leading causes for surgical intervention for back pain
>minor back pain
>Doctor refers you to PT
>PT is a retarded fuck and cripples you
Physical Therapists are all dumb, that's why they're not doctors. This happens more often then you think.
Actually have ass muscles that engage properly, be able to Slav squat, which means hip mobility, core strength etc. you have a bad back because you don’t know how to use your body correctly which is a result from the modern world
A kilo is 1000 grams so whatever the math is. Every month and a half or so.
I’ve been doing it everyday for about 3 years so yeah my tolerance is up.
But yeah it is what it is. Better than being addicted to ducking Oxys that is 100% true.
Physical therapy isn't based in science. Just get a surgery or an ESI, unlike some 41 IQ Chad who wants to feel good about himself it actually works
For most of you faggots it's just in your head. Get over it
Yeah nah dude the withdrawal symptoms are way overblown.
I bet people like you can’t quit cigarettes “because wahhh it’s too hard”
If you can’t handle a little discomfort then stay away from Muh drugs.
The withdrawal symptoms of actual Percocets are FAR FAR FAR worse than any kratom withdrawl.
But you do you man
get COVID faggot
Why would you trust someone who is literally just a special needs orthopedist? If these people were smart they would have just gone to Med School instead for 10x the salary. PT School is a meme
this, don't lift heavy, you will fuck yourself up, lift in higher rep ranges, like 10 reps. It's better to fatigue your muscles than accidentally put too much weight on your frame trying to do 5 reps
Try this EVERYDAY (6 x 12)
And do your abdoms (and those on the side) too to prevent muscle dysbalancies
Don’t stop if it hurts because it definitely will, the pain will only go away after you’ve built up some muscles around your spinal cord (those are very difficult to build up, and they grow very slow, but once you get them it will be ver hard to lose them too)
And after each workout go to the sauna (finnish sauna, not steam sauna) for 2x15 min it will relieve sore muscles and help muscle grow by enhancing blood flow (was if you regularly go to the sauna you won’t need getting massages; i‘m going almost every day after work, sometimes even without having worked out, just straight to the sauna and relax, and i never in my life had back pain or so)
For a desk jockey, you need the right chair, or better yet a stand-up desk, and you need muscle to support the spine properly. Deadlifts have helped me.
Yeah I know it's out of control. I'm trying to lower it. I'm also taking potentiators like turmeric to help reduce my needed intake.
Damn. I've been taking kratom for a good 7 or 8 years now, and I believe my tolerance is somewhat lower than yours. No I agree, it's better than taking shit like opiates. Unlike those, kratom can't kill you. It can just make you feel like shit if you abuse it though. And I admit, this past year or two I sort of have been.
You blacked out?
Ok but this is not the norm for people with “muh back pain”. Usually they also have “muh diabeetus”
Notice the correlation between the ending Opium war in Afghanistan and 'ending global opiod pandemic' ? Muh conspiracies.
I don’t know your situation and what you’re capable of doing but you could try foundation training. It’s about strengthening and correcting the muscles that support your spine and about relearning proper biomechanics. Helped me with my sciatica. Good luck, no one deserves that
>What do we do about the lower back pain epidemic?
Ban Chiropractors, because its junk science and all they do is injure people more severely who are already injured.
anybody here try an inversion table and had results