My job is sending me to Singapore in four days

My job is sending me to Singapore in four days.
How fucked am I?
>pic related
how should I prep?
Quitting is not an option.

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the gooks can pass the virus through farting so dont let them fart on you

Get a new job, cuck.
If you do it be sure to walk around the office coughing your lungs out for a few days, especially when the people who forced you to go there are around.

Unironically you're safer in Singapore right now than in the US.

I don't work in an office, dick
I have a real job

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yeah, I guess
thanks user

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>have a real job
>forced to go to backwoods gook countries during a pandemic
you were just told your life was disposable and you continue to lick their heel.

You'll be fine desu.

Singapore is the tits and they're handling outbreak better than the states and most other nations

Nice gook lucky trips there my corona friend

>pic related
youre newt?

Which is more important: your job or your life? What a fucking retard you are.
>inb4 family
I'm sure they'd be real happy with a dead father instead of an unemployed one.

They have a higher standard of living in Singapore than you do, you'll be fine.

How much you get paid a year for sending your ass to Singapore?

He has to go the airport you fucking nigger. Is your country still burning? That smoke must've gotten to your brain.

lol checked
since you have internet, you should use it

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he's right

You think you have it bad? Tomorrow I'm going to Seattle!

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In terms of public health I'd rather be in Singapore than the US.

If you have time make sure you go to the Marina bay area. It's nice, there are two cool botanical gardens, a huge shopping center with good restaurants, a casino, etc.

167K US$ last year

Wu flu is only killing old people, you're a fag and your shits all retarded.

Are you white? If not go to Singapore and just fucking stay there.

Fuck that noise, go to 4 floors of whores and suck off a tranny.

All the Chinese students at my college are freaking out because they know my shithole city will be Wuhan x100 since the American bureaucracy is incapable of building a park bench, let alone containing airborne HIV

Basically on a normal day, in Singapore, you'll see people regularly clean the floor of the metro.
I can only imagine what it is when there is an epidemic.
It's probably the cleanest country on earth (you'll get huge fines for spitting on the ground).

yeah fuck that

Singapore is in much better shape than the U.S. so you're likely to be the spreader.

>singapore backwoods country
Muttposting at its peak

>Quitting is not an option.
but dying is?

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>forced to go to backwoods gook countries
American education

Visiting Singapore is like traveling in time, or ending up in a cyberpunk movie


Pretend you are sick and tell your boss TSA wouldn't let you board the flight despite all your efforts.

singapor is literally when a gook port decides to have the same standars as mexico.
they pulled the same shit china did with the tech industry and shenzen.
its all going to come crashing down sooner rather than later. You dont just get to throw all the rules out of the window and larp as the worlds wild west international trucker depot but for boats.

implying a few mega corp buildings with a shit slums around them is not backwoods

lol the only people who live good life in singapore are those closely related to one of the billionaires. the rest of them are literally mindless worker drones living on a shit wage.

you, seriously think singapore is an upgrade in your job? why aren't sent to some nice country like switzerland or austria? someone else was sent there, right?? not you

you're sent to singapore where everything is fucked up, with chinks running around, everywhere you go is chinks chinks chinks, dumb fucking chinks

you are seriously in deep shit buddy. unless they are paying you around 30k per months i wouldn't even bother if i were you

plus it's hot and humid as shit with all the problems that come with such climate

>Airborne hiv
How fucking stupid are you. It's literally the flu except like 10% more severe you dumb zoomer.

>the four floors
that is the absolutely last place I'm going these days lol
but it was great two years ago

dude, your country? "u r gay"
you have nothing to say that can affect me

It's just a flu bro! Italy is just turning down everyone under 65 because it's a prank! Look! The cameras are over there! China is fertizilizing its own people by the millions because it's GOOD CONTENT
dumbshit i hope you get the coofs

based Rebecca "Newt" Jordan poster.

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>quitting is not an option
yes it is faggot

not for me, I love my work
it just sucks it, this time, takes place in Singapore

you're already dead. everyone here is a coofing zombie waiting to fart on the first uninfected they see. we're also full so fuck off.

Singapore might be the best place in the world to ride this out.

Yes, things are in control in China, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, and others in the Asia region (Korea getting under control, as well). Japan is fucked. USA is fucked. Enjoy your trip! You'll be safer than in the states, and Singapore is beautiful!

lol see you in a week, asshole

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hope so

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What a waste of trips. Singapore is one of the most advanced societies, if not the most advanced society, on the entire planet. Draconian police controls, but still some semblance of "freedom." Top 5 countries for business and making money. One of the lowest tax havens, and one in which you can actually live (not some offshore fuckall place).

alright just take the usual precautions to prevent catching or spreading anything. what industry are you in?

I've been there you retard. It's the cleanest and most orderly city in the world, because of draconian laws and a one party government that has absolutely zero tolerance for any fuckery, but accomodate business and public order the best they can. Police in civ clothing will fine you for throwing gum on the street.

Old as fuck. Death rate is going down in China. Shit there is slated to be reopening in a month or two, but with airport and port intake controls set to full screening mode to prevent reintroduction from third world nations like the US.

You're an absolute cuck if you don't tell your boss to get fucked.

Why are you replying to a memeflag?

I actually love my work.
so tell us your job, it may explain why you hate your boss so much

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Your bosses & you...

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>I've been there you retard
did you pay the $30,000 usd required to own a car there?

Yup! Freedom's nice and all, but no niggers chimping out or spicks freeloading off high taxes... I'll take singapore.

hey dickweed, whats so important that youre being sent out to singapore?

the tax on a new car is the full amount of the car you purchase, there are limits on the age of a car you can buy/import
plus you have to prove you have paid for a parking place (which alone can cost as much as renting an apartment in New York City)
they don't fuck around there
unrelated: but you can get a bowl of turtle soup in the Geylong district and it is fucking delicious

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I don't have a boss
but I feel bad for you guys that have them
you seem really angry about it

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What kind of gook shit is this? Singapore is a dirty asian shithole. Fuckin weebs. Go back to r9k

What kind of work, what do you do?
How is quitting not an option? You say it's a 'real' job so you should have enough money to be able to lose the job. Find something else.