I don’t know how to handle a firearm. Never been to a range. Shot a handgun one time when it was handed to me out in the woods years and years ago. Thinking about buying a gun now. Where do I start to learn how to protect myself with it (god forbid) or how to be handy with the steel?
t. 34 years old
Do you own a firearm?
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Also, can I just buy one legally from uncle? I am about to move to an apartment on the not so nice side of the tracks. During this corona bullshit. Is it my right to just purchase a handgun from him or is that illegal? How does this shit work?
I don't own one, but that's more a matter of not knowing where to go to get a quality weapon.
I can get a quality weapon right now. My uncle whom I live with has guns everywhere. In each one of his cars etc etc. I just never felt the need or desire to be strapped until now
Plus I bout to move out to these apartments by myself, and no doubt be the “new guy.” I know people will be curious. Normally I wouldn’t give a fuck but with this corona shit I’m second guessing not being prepared with a weapon.
Thats helpful I suppose but answer me this. Can I just by a gun from uncle and that’s that? Is that my right?
t. Arizonan
Is it still this easy to own a firearm in the US?
/k/ here.
Go to a gun range that lets you rent guns. Try out as many guns as you can to see which one feels the most comfortable when you shoot it. Try to stick to 9mm as recoil is easier to manage. Don't let anyone tell you to buy X because it's the best or whatever. It's always up to personal preference.
Go forth and prosper my friend.
That’s what I’m asking? My uncle has guns all over the house. They’re all legal. The last one he acquired a couple weeks ago his friend and him went to a gun show and his friend bought him another gun
yes, you live in one of the most based states for gun rights
Ok thanks for the tip. Do they run some kind of check at the range?
Check your state and city laws. Look into getting a licence.
What state do you live in? Some states allow private sales without going through an FFL (gun dealer basically).
I’m going to do it, I just always felt like o would get in trouble for being in possession of a firearm without registering it or something. Grew up in Washington and Cali
Reasonable. Burglars are likely to scope you out as the new guy.
That’s what I don’t get. If it is my unalienable right what’s the license for?
Typically not as long as you're an adult. Just follow some basic rules:
Don't be a jerk/sperg.
Wear shoes, no sandals.
Take your time and ask questions.
Determine your dominate eye to help with aiming.
Don't be embarrassed to have the target up close at first. Most defensive shootings are under 10 feet.
Just pick one off of not craigslist with cash.
Anyways. I’m going to look into it . I hate bureaucracy and bull shit. I just want one of my uncles extra handguns. And then learn how to operate it safely.
The gun makes it better.
Good shit. Thanks
Depends on the state, which is weird because the constitution clearly states "shall not be infringed".
Get him to take you to the range and show you how it works.
Licenses are for concealed carry, certain weapon types, and other things.
Most ranges have classes for new shooters. You can also rent guns.
Look up IDPA and join up
Arizona had constitutional carry, so no license required and I think private sales for need an FFL.
Unfortunately some states have determined that they can restrict the right to carry a firearm.
You can probably just buy one from your uncle then. As said, private sales are easy and legal where you are
Get your concealed carry. It’s cheap as easy as fucking dirt. Also it makes it so I can pop into a store and walk out with a handgun in 10 minutes. I just did that about 2 weeks ago.
most only require basic things like a back ground check and a DNA sample
I will. He goes everywhere strapped. I drove him on some errands the other day, bank etc and he has his one piece on the drivers side door at all times and then when he got out to go into the bank he pulled the one off his hip and threw it on the passenger seat where he was sitting. I’m sitting in the bank parking lot with a gun on either side of me like “ok, whatever” but it dawned on me I don’t even really know what to do with them if I needed to or got my own one day. Safety, maintenance, magazine reload etc
Happy to help. Oh and the absolute biggest rule for firearms:
Always ALWAYS treat a gun as if it were loaded. That means don't point it at people, don't play with it, don't fuck around in general. It's a tool, not a toy. Treat it with respect and you'll be fine.
>most only require basic things like a back ground check and a DNA sample
What state do you live in? I’ve never had to do either at a range. Just sign a waiver
It was a joke you black bastard
I don't get it?
very good
Bull shit, who would give a DNA sample at a gun range? I went to one and they didn’t even look at my drivers license.
Yeah its easy and legal. I used to work at a place where we were always talking about the guns they bought over the weekend or went to go shoot at shit down at the quarry.
Arizona has constitutional carry. The 2nd amendment is your conocealed carry license as it should be. You don't need a cuck permit to use a constitutional right. Imagine having a free speech permit.
First off you don't need to register a firearm in most states. Only things such as short barreled rifles/shotguns, suppressors, and machine guns. The store keeps a copy for the ATF though.
Second search for a Form 4473 on google. That is the form for the background check you need to fill out if you would be buying from a store. If you can check no on stuff like having a felony/domestic abuse/involuntary committed/unhonorable discharge you're gtg and have nothing to worry about.
That’s the thing though. I fucked up back in the day I’m Washington state I have felonies. All non violent. Dumb shit from when I was young. Store theft after being charged with no trespassing, trafficking stolen property, eluding the police..
I have my voting rights restored. I have y voter card.
And then in Cali a while back they put me on a 72 hour hold because I was freaking out. I am sane as fuck now, have full custody of my kid, had my job for 6 years, clean and sober. But I wonder if I can’t own a firearm legally. I don’t know. I’m just going to buy one and keep in my house “just in case” but I want to know how to handle it properly should I ever need to
You need to go through a background check if buying a new gun from a dealer. But private sales require no paperwork in most states. When my grandpa died he willed me 5 guns. My grandma just gave them all to me in a big box. No paperwork inivolved.
A lot of it is cringe but you may have to go watch some YouTube personality talk about grip and trigger jerking. Many people miss shot after shot because they're flinching when they pull the trigger in anticipation of the recoil and noise.
An appropriate grip is going to help you mitigate recoil and get your gun back on target. You'd think you can just go and shoot and over time you'll get experience and get better but just knowing some of these basics is going to help you identify your own faults and make progress quicker.
If you have a felony of any type then you cannot be in possession of a firearm, period. That is a ticket straight to prison. The only exception is if you have specifically been given your right to own a firearm back by the state. I think you can have your right to own a firearm returned to you. Probably want to talk to a lawyer.
But the simple answer is you cannot legally be in possession of a firearm if you are a felon.
Will do
That’s what I hear
Well in the state of North Carolina you need it to have a concealed weapon. Owning them and carrying them concealed are two different things.
So basically I can legally buy it from a private party sale in Arizona but the moment I possess it it is a crime
Snap caps are fake bullets used for training. It is good practice to have a friend load a magazine for you and sneak a snap cap in there somewhere. When you get to the snap cap it will show just how much you flinch and jerk the gun. You will pull the trigger expecting it to go bang and nothing will happen. A rookie shooter will have a huge flinch when they pull the trigger. Using the snap caps helps get rid of that bad habit.
You probably know this. I am just sharing info for noobs here in the thread.
Best to listen to what he said. You could technically acquire a gun through private sale, but if you're caught with it you could face serious punishment.
I'm talking jail time, lose your kids, better lube up that asshole kind of punishments.
In NC I know I could sell you a gun right now, no paper work or anything and it’s completely legal. If you told me you were a felon though then I couldn’t.
Swap conservative and liberal so liberal is the first one you read. It makes it a lot more unexpected.
You shouldn't own a firearm. Are you sleepy ? Me too , I think I'll take a nap.
>people fell for this shitty bait
Yes, and if the person selling it to you knows you are a felon they get charged with a felony as well and they cannot own a firearm for the rest of their life either. Knowingly buying a gun for a person who cannot buy a gun is called a "straw purchase" and is a serious crime.
Unless you are Obama or Eric Holder. Then you can knowingly give hundreds of rifles to the mexican cartel, have some of those guns be confirmed as the murder weapons that killed border patrol agents, lie about it to congress, and not get in itrouble for it. AKA operation Fast and Furious.
Walmart. A gun shop.
>Unless you are Obama or Eric Holder. Then you can knowingly give hundreds of rifles to the mexican cartel, have some of those guns be confirmed as the murder weapons that killed border patrol agents, lie about it to congress, and not get in itrouble for it
Walmart is pretty based, you go in, buy a weapon, and then you're prepared for the robber waiting for you back in the parking lot.
Walmart just sells .22 rifles and some fudd shotguns.
Smh. Sounds about right. Our framers would be sick
Fuck off faggot. Get laid