All my friends are fucking pussies and refuse to discuss Corona

Anyone else know this feel? You send them shit and they literally don't say anything or reply and don't like talking about it. Disappointing. inb4 fuck off doomer it's the flu etc etc

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Other urls found in this thread:

I think they're probably just tired of you sending cringe Yas Forums shit

No, it's more like they refuse to think about it and dissociate and pretend nothing's happening, just like every other normie in the world who would rather not think about scary things, out of sight out of mind

No they just cringe and wonder if the $100 a month the ARC pays them is worth putting up with your autism.

Same. Or "I literally dont care."

I've blocked several people. Decided this virus is divine retribution and I hate most of my friends anyways.

No they are literally hiding their head under the sand. At my job they've turned off the news because its giving them anxiety.

They cannot discuss anything anymore that isnt completely provided to them by television. Watching the last decade where people have begun being dramatically victimized (loss of job\income\family\freedom) over 'old tweets', 'slips of the tongue' and above all just stating common sense stuff out loud.

People are terrified. We are truly living in a dystopian fiction.

Send them nice memes.

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Or this, without the German part

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Your friends are normies , user. I’m making this realization too, that overwhelming amount of people are just consumed with their bullshit daily problems of making more money, fucking girls with ‘muh dick’, watching chimpball, and other useless bullshit.

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Normies at work are saying "it's just a normal flu bro" while simultaneously drenching their hands in hand sanitizer constantly, remember actions peak louder than words

This user has the best explanation. Just get rid of them, would be the best for you.

maybe you should stop using messenger pigeons to correspond

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>just a flu
>im not worried
>flu kills more
let the normie die user.
meanwhile im a member of the 200+ GIANT ROLL MASTER RACE

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Which is a good thing, to reduce the spread.

My convo w the gf today. I know that feel, bro

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For that, she need to ride the dick on her arse for two hours. except you just have a small dick

Ditch that Stacy she is going to get you killed.

I can’t bro. I have a 3 year old with her and we live together. I’ve already prepped and I run ultramarathons and was a combat medic so when shit hits the fan I’m gonna have to drag her stupid ass and my kid along

Imagine how many people she has blabbed about your prep to... good luck

Obviously that’s in a total collapse but hey ya never know

Oh for sure dude. She is max normie. All of her friends and family are extra fucked. Truth is, 95% of our country has zero fucking clue what is going down

Yeah, true.

Yas Forums is always right. We have a massive head start, which is a good thing. I hope you guys trust your instincts and stay tough through this ordeal. Some places are going to get fucking destroyed by this shit

This virus had been going on for over a month and I have yet to see any statistic showing my demographic is in danger. Why the fuck would I waste energy worrying about a nothingburger that has only substantially affected boomers and people already on death's door?

>Even bothering to talk to them about it.
>Not simply say you are busy to not hang out with them
Nigger, just wait until the Corona passes by before going to see anyone. Only allow it if you feel safe enough.

I've got a dumb fucking faggot friend who buys shit online and I'll have to tell him to fuck off when he'll want to hang out. God forsake if he tries to get me to a hospital when he'll get the coof.

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It's the final form of denial from these people before they become the ones who are going to be chimping out or just laying on the floor shaking. Pathetic

The supply chain disruptions, quarantines and potential economic collapse and everything that comes with it could fuck you up. Also, there is a lot of info coming from Italy saying plenty of 20 and 30 somethings are getting wrecked, but they are focusing their efforts on saving them. 60+ or anyone with comorbidities at any age aren’t even receiving treatment.

Remember that this has barely begun. The economies can’t handle sustained shutdown over a long period of time. If this thing requires quarantines for months then shit is going to become bananas. I am not worried about the virus killing me.

I have daily conversations with my brother. We have a concert planned next month. Hes older and more wiser so I won't panic until he does. But man, it's the panic, not the virus. When suddenly everyone flips the fuck out and their "anxiety" and "victim" status makes people THINK they have it and they clog resources and spread panic. It's the people, John M.

Can I get a source on that?
China is already recovering, despite being ground zero. We've had weeks to set up safeguards and localized quarantines.

When shit hits the fan, it'll be the perfect time to ditch her.

Here’s a source from a doctor in Italy:

They'll be the first to panic and to say "why you did du noffin?" or "STAY AT HOOOOOOME" trust me I've seen it

I agree. Most people have never experienced major hardship like this and live in their comfy bubble. The panic will be wild

They have never been required to think about shit that might possibly upset the flow of super bowls, trips to vegas, and superhero movies. Ignorance is bliss user, just let them live in peace a little while longer.

chink flu had been circulating for weeks before it was discovered in December

Hahaha. I couldn’t do that to my boy. They are going to have to get tough. I’ll ditch her after it’s all over if she doesn’t get the fattest redpill dose ever from it all

>I hate most of my friends anyways.
I decided to end all contact with the outside world months ago, this virus is just icing on the cake.

Are Italians getting redpilled on this shit yet or what?

>Hes older and more wiser so I won't panic until he does.

No offence but this is a very fucking stupid strategy because 95% of people have the same mindset, which means everyone panics at once. The point of prepping is to avoid the public panic. You have maybe a week to decide what to do. But at the BARE MINIMUM you should have atleast 2 months worth of extra food and other supplies.

No. I freely discussed the notion it was a bioweapon.

Based. This should be comfy for you then.


>you're stressing yourself out!

Literally every woman except my mom has acted in the exact same fucking way dude. It's why women are absolutely hopeless during a crisis and end up having to sell their body for a loaf of bread.

Unless talking video or 'fuck trump' it can be hard to engage some people in meaningful discussion.

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2 more weeks

>receive something that causes fear on a deep primal level
>it creeps into your mind and starts to threaten your vapid cycle
>you kill it instantly and stuff down any doubt
>”lol it’s just a flu dude r*ddit memes”

This shit is the ultimate red pill. It’s easy for us to talk about because we already know how horrific the world can be. Don’t forget you are dealing with some of the most absolutely unaware people to ever exist.

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Nah they just panic randomly or believe they won't catch it
Italians only learn when they are dead
Thanks God I'm a neet

Kek. My stepmom refuses to cut her trip to NYC short and wants to pretend that nothing is going on. She got really mad that I convinced him to prep. It would be funny if it weren't for the toll her stupidity is taking on my dad.

You are expecting to much from women.

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My family reacted the same, Im angry at their ignorance. Whatever, if they want to die that is on them. It hurts lads...It hurts. I don't want to hate them for their extreme stupidity. I hate that we gave women rights.

I dunno if it transmits by blodd, but let me tell you that I can hear the buzzing of mosquitos already and I don't like the implications

>It's why women are absolutely hopeless during a crisis and end up having to sell their body for a loaf of bread.
at least we might get some crisis poon before this is all said and done with.

Holy fuck bro she would be safer going to Somalia right now. That’s insane

>Hes older and more wiser so I won't panic until he does.
I used to feel the same way about my brother. He's smarter, better looking, better at everything than me. He's also max fucking NPC. Do not blindly trust older bro. I have fucked myself over doing that, like majorly so, over and over, out of reverence, adulation, and respect for him.

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My female friend genuinely thinks she's still going to be able to take a vacation to the UK in May and thinks everyone is overreacting. I don't even know how it's possible to be that ignorant. SHE'S literally one of the smartest girls I've ever met too, but even then, it blows my mind how stupid she still is.

Normies know they're fucked deep down.

This. It’s full blown cognitive dissonance. It’s like their survival mechanism because accepting the reality of the situation would shatter their existence. Pretty sad desu senpai

I think the psychological term is “normalcy bias.” I could be wrong. Basically they believe everything is a giant nothingburger until it’s right in front of then


>better at everything than me. He's also max fucking NPC
His existence resides in a society which makes sense, and cannot contemplate a society in which everything falls apart. This will be the downfall of thousands, maybe even millions.

My family is being huge normies about this too, user. I told my sis to stock up on food & she just gave me a deer in the headlight look. My husband doesn’t even want to talk about it. I told him to start taking this seriously. I have two kids I’m trying to keep alive. I also have a 85 yr old dad I take supplies to. I feel it’s going to be an uphill battle for a lot of us to survive this.

I don't even think that's going to be worth it desu with how many fucking STD's people have nowadays. If there was a disruption to the medical supply chain, theres going to be a lot of people getting completely fucked up from STD's. Not worth the pussy unless you're a madman. In a true SHTF scenario, which I don't think this will be, but in a case like that there will be lots of fathers selling off their daughters to people who can provide for them. That's probably the best scenario in terms of getting a girl.

mine are simply ecstatic over the plummeting of airline ticket prices, and are now actively buying them up to go travel in the next couple of weeks to places they normally would not go to - but for the drastic reduction in airline ticket prices they are salivating. folks, you can't make this stuff up anymore. welcome to the machine.

>comfy bubble

>let me take a selfie

It's the normalcy bias. Fight flight or freeze. We have a frame of reference, nobody ends up on this board by having an easy time in life, normies are literally that - they only exist in normalcy - anything else is too much to bear.

Are you a grill? Kek but seriously, best of luck. Keep those babies and your dad safe and healthy.