In 2016, Sanders had 73% of the Washington state primary vote. Today...

In 2016, Sanders had 73% of the Washington state primary vote. Today, hes basically tied with Joe Biden Biden Washington state. What happened to the "revolution"?

Attached: bernie-sanders-dodgers-1.jpg (1024x682, 60.94K)

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the revolution is camera shy.

>counting on youth voter turnout
mistakes were made

he pandered to kids who don't vote about student debt. that literally is the reason he lost. if he just stuck to healthcare he'd have won but he's a moron.

voting is rigged

Washington switched from primary to caucus. During caucus Bernie best out Hillary but bearly.

Hillary was shit.

>betray your rural support by going open borders
>run on trumpian rhetoric in a primary where blacks have the largest say
>scare boomers in droves to vote in the primaries
>your supporters piss off everyone else

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It was an anti-clinton vote more than a pro sanders vote.

A lot of people here voted early for Elizabeth Warren when she was still in the race

It was too much like actual work.

Because you need to declare a party before voting, and it’s on the outside of the ballot. Young folks don’t agree with this and are throwing out their votes.

>implying most of his youth supporters are old enough to vote

This. Similarly, much of his support now is based around orange man bad. There's a reason this Commie Jew was a nobody for decades until a perfect storm arose where he could enter the spotlight.

That doesnt explain Bloomberg though, who also took out a lot of bidens votes too

Biden is being propelled by the Obama nostalgia

Glad I never vote early. I always vote precisely when I mean to.

It would appear as though the DNC fixed the loose ends(ie total vote count) that allowed him to almost win the nomination before

Bernie probably won it all and more, there's literally zero real Biden supporters, but none of it matters when the DNC is counting the votes and already decided anyone but bernie long before. The bigger question is what do you suppose these lower end retards tell themselves as they fuck the democratic process to fuck Bernie (yet again) and if they lined up the fix in all the primaries or just these early ones.

Likability rankings of recent possible candidates

1) Joe Biden
2) Donald Trump
3) Bernie Sanders
Endless power gap

9001) Hillary Clinton

Joe Biden is super popular because he was Obama's VP. That's literally all there is to it.

This progressivism is a dumpster fire now. They are the willing lackeys of the establishment Dems for votes.

they rigged it again

>Joe Biden is super popular
lol nah

Among boomers? Definitely. All the boomers hate Bernie because he's a socialist and they don't care about healthcare or education for the youth since they're old


There is no revolution


Why are young people so fucking stupid?

This. Bernie supporters are annoying and hateful. If you don't think their way they turn on you. I voted Biden in the primary then will switch back for Trump 2020.

Fuck you bernie supporters. This is your fault you lost.

Never trust leftist polls, they're all bullshit.

I think he's losing intentionally. Expect house number 4 soon

People underestimate how hated Hillary is.

They got on the Trump Train

Sure you did


They're poor and busy working or going to school.
Luckily, this will be the last straw for most of them before they enter the real world.

Brainwashed by the globalists

Lol yeah right. They're probably out drinking and partying. DNC nominations are lame

Elections are rigged, it’s that simple.

All acceptable answers

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They pulled the envelopes in the mail, on the outside of the returned ballots you check Republican or Democrat. This fucking state

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>Joe Biden Biden Washington
Consider a quick proof reading before clicking 'post' next time.

A ballot just flew over my house!

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Bernie lacks a killer instinct. You need one if your taking on the establishment.

>spell checks OP on VP Biden
>VP in ID
What was meant by this?

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>Sup bruh, pass me some of that good shit, yo.
>>No prob dude, hey isn't the primary today?
>Nah, man, it's like in November or something
>>Man I can't wait till Bernie's president
>For real, yo, we're gonna get our student loans paid off and buy mad good dope to celebrate
>>Hells yeah, bro

When you bet on the twenty-year-old stoner vote you lose everytime.

He fucked up big with the Cuba thing among every voter over 35.

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Based Niggers stopped it.

Basically this.

Listen guyz, i think we should take a minute to step away from the divisive politics. Please allow me to regale you with an old English fable. Surely you've all heard of Robin Hood but this version of the story is far older and more realistic than the one the Disney Jews sold you.

There once was a scoundrel by the name of Robin Hood. He lived in Nottingham. Well, technically he lived in the outskirts of Nottingham with the underprivileged and rejected subjects forced to live in the forest. Many of these undesirable societal elements and monsters were faeries. The townsfolk wanted nothing to do with these people. They were the downtrodden rejects of the community. The disfigured. The antisocial. But Robin loved them. And they loved Robin.

He accepted and inspired them with tales of revolution and equality for all. He became their leader. All the forest faeries looked to Robin Hood for guidance. They united behind this man. They believed that with him, they could force the rest of Nottingham, especially the cruel and uncivilized Sheriff of Nottingham, to accept them and create a town with no rejects. A loving town.

When the leadership of Nottingham was to be determined by an archery competition, the forest faeries knew that this was their chance. Robin Hood was a legendary archer. The best in all the land. They scrimped and saved and scrounged any tidbits of gold they could find to purchase entry for Robin Hood into this competition. They went hungry for the cause. And they succeeded. Amongst all of the nobleman and the Sheriff himself stood their champion. The unlikeliest of unlikely competitors.

But alas, Robin Hood lost. He didn't even make it to the final round. In fact, he was eliminated in the primary round of archery by a dullard who couldn't even string his bow without aid from a team of subordinates. Sad.

Even the Sheriff was surprised. He had heard the tales of the people's champion. He almost believed them. He looked forward to the challenge. It turns out the bows and arrows themselves understood the importance of laissez faire bartering principles to the greater good and systemic health of the entire feudal economy.

Woeful were the forest faeries.

>Robin!! Surely you did not spend all our gold entering only the Primary Archery competition?
>Gentleman!!! What if the dullard catches the mongol plague!? Wouldn't they have to let Robin enter the General Archery Competition!?
>The moors helped the dullard win!!!

And the cleverer amongst them tried to explain the complexity of the Nottingham National Committee's private practice of gold distribution to downballot Archery Competitions. That the other candidates, specifically the dullard would now benefit from their gold.

Woeful indeed.

And no matter how they quarreled amongst themselves, no matter how they planned and schemed and threatened, it was over.

And a mongol plague swept the land. But the Sheriff of Nottingham cut payroll taxes to 0% and was beloved and won the General Archery Competition in a landslide.

And for the forest faeries, there was nary a refund.

~the end~

It's pretty obvious Biden didn't win nothing. The fix was in and now the last threat to ourm corporate enslavement has been defeated. Bring back the TPP and make it officiall

Biden is just too cool to lose

Shut the fuck up, schizo.

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I'm thinking yacht on lake champlain

Of also, Marion got locked up for robbing Nottingham University

Rigged, they're aren't going to let Bernie stop their war in Iran or allow him to put pressure on Israel so they treat Palestinians as humans.

We were warned about this.

Fucking kek

The revolution was never real.

People just hated Hillary and voted for Bernie as an alternative.

Joe is well liked and he's getting their votes in droves.

Attached: Bernie Closeup.png (498x610, 139.66K)

He helped the DNC get the funds they needed a lot sooner than they expected. Now he can fuck off to his fourth house.

Sanders sold out. He was always a pussy, and a Jew, and was never going to follow through on his promises. But he used to have a solidly Marxist SocDem economic platform that tried to avoid the virulently anti-White and anti-actual working class politics of the Democratic party. He didn't talk much about fags and trannies and how he wanted to destroy White nationalism etc. This time around, he went all in on the standard neoliberal anti-White politics and downplayed his economic message which was the only thing anyone ever liked about him.
His base was overwhelmingly made up of the remaining White Democrat vote, people who hate debt slavery capitalism and he lost them by becoming just another liberal heeb. Which is what he always was, but now he has lost the veneer of genuinely appealing to White leftists who want a way out of the current system. Some of them still support him, obviously, but the energy went away.