>Elves are more beautiful. more smart, more powerful than humans
>However, they do have nigger-tier lack of restraint
Whta did he mean by this?
>Elves are more beautiful. more smart, more powerful than humans
>However, they do have nigger-tier lack of restraint
Whta did he mean by this?
whites have no sexual restraint. they are the most sexually deviant race of people on the planet
Hubris fells all.
Feanor was based af. He could have went about assailing morgoth differently though
why does everything on Yas Forums have to relate back to niggers
Actually come to think of it feanor was nigger-tier. He basically fucked his whole line because of his brash actions His sons were niggers too. Didnt they burn the ships and fuck over their kinsman? Its been 6 years since ive read about war of silmarils..they should make a movie it would be based
Am white, can confirm.
Feanor was nigger tier and all his sons were nigger tier except Fingon
don't worry, now Chris Tolkien is gone. Fëanor will be transgender and Beren will be Sub Saharan
What can men do against such reckless faggotry
They learn restraint though, after getting butt-fucked by all their mistakes and watching their brethren die by the thousands all because they chose to follow some faggot who wanted his gems back and disobeyed the gods.
yeah they go back to the land of gibsmedats
Tbh I think that Feanor was Tolkiens response to the idea of the Übermensch.
>Excellent in everything he does
>Is beautiful
>Propogates his line
>Isn't swayed by promises of power from evil beings, literally says Fuck you to the Devil
>Is charismatic
>Pursues all his goals with passion
>Doesn't matter though, because he knows this about himself and takes too much pride in himself and his extensions of himself (His father, his sons, the silmarils)
>His unchecked ego, fueled by his perfection makes him believe he's smarter than the gods and by extension the One God
>Intends to destroy evil with nothing but his own will and those he can get to follow
>Betrays half his followers anyway because any potential deviation from his plans cannot be tolerated
>In his last moments realizes his quest is vain, still chooses to pursue it beyond the grave through his sons
Feanor is perfect by elf standards, and yet his perfection leaves him blind to the possibility that reality is bigger than him, and there are things he can't or shouldn't accomplish, thus making him imperfect.
morgoth is ubermensch, they literally hate him because he's dionysian
Morgoth killed Finwe, destroyed the Two Trees, and stole the Silmarils. The Valar failed to bring him to justice, and they wouldn't for another thousand years because they don't care.
Finwe decided to take actions into his own hands, and he needed the Teleri's ships. The Teleri refused to hand over the ships, so Feanor decided to take them by force. The Teleri started throwing rocks, so Feanor slaughtered them.
Fingolfin refused to take the Teleri's ships, so he crossed the Helcraxe glacier and got half his people killed.
Feanor had Morgoth shitting himself when he briefly besieged Angband. He would have resolved the conflict immediately if literally anyone significant helped him.
incorrect, don't take msm at their word
That's just the Greeks.
what about furries? or scat-fetishists? or pedophiles?
Morgoth is literally a fucking bitch who can't stand the idea that anyone or anything could be superior to him. He despises strength, bravery or creativity in others because he himself is devoid of them.
He can't create, can only mock creation. He's not brave, because he's literally the only god-like being in middle earth capable of fear. And he's not strong because he can only be satisfied by conquering everyone else and all of creation due to his fear of not having control and potential competition from other beings.
He's a globalist lol.
on the Danforth
>1 vs all
>despises bravery
>If anyone significant helped him.
If only feanor had a potential god-slaying elf on his side at the time....too bad he betrayed him like the treacherous fuck he is.
>most powerful entity in Middle Earth
>hides in his fort in case he gets hurt because he cant simply disincarnate like other Valar
>only comes out because a single elf calls his dick small, and his minions will believe it if he doesnt step up
>never leaves his hidey hole again after fingolfin shanks him
>one vs all automatically means the one is right
>as opposed to the much more likely idea that the one is wrong somehow and is fucking up everyone elses good time.
>especially since he instigated the conflict for no other reason than "muh feels"
Brave people don't become tyrants. Because brave people don't need to control everything in order to be happy.
You're right I forgot why he burned the ships.
gunna samefag myself and say this is comfy. Never heard the audiobook before
Did you miss out on the BBC radio play of LOTR as well? I hope not.
Elves are Romans or Greeks, Humans are Anglos. Dwarves are Jews. Orcs are Poos and Fighting Uruk Hai are Maoris.
What are the hobbits?
>1 vs all
>no the hordes of orcs, trolls, balrogs, spiders, easterlings, etc. that he hides behind don't count because my fee fees
unless you have stats that prove otherwise, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't also follow that trend.
I read the books in the late 80's There was an audiobook read by Christopher Lee, can't remember which though. Children of Hurin maybe
Christopher Lee is a god but, I didn't like it. I forget what it was lol
>my house is on fire
>someone help, my house is burning down
>hello? No, I can't go out for a drink, my house is on fire.
>what? No, I'm not in the mood to watch a movie, I have to stop my house from burning down
>yeah, maybe I'm hungry right now, but I can't eat until I stop the fire that's burning my house down
"why does everything have to relate back to fire"
Feanor burned the ships because he was distrustful of Fingolfin. The distrust between them was mainly caused by Melkor when he was a prisoner in Valinor. Feanor thought Fingolfin was trying to steal his birthright and become the favored son of Finwe. Fingolfin never had that intention, but neither did he like being disrespected by Feanor's outbursts. In fact, a large reason why Fingolfin even followed Feanor to Beleriand was because he was trying to prove to Feanor that he viewed him with love as a brother.
Feanor and his people were the ones that started the fight with the Teleri for the ships, Fingolfin's people showed up shortly later and wrongly assumed that the Teleri were attempting to stop the Noldor from leaving Valinor, so they went to the aid of Feanor and killed the Teleri as well. I think Finarfin's people stayed out of it largely, though I know that Galadriel took the side of the Teleri.
They didn't have enough ships for all the Noldorin trying to leave Middle Earth, so some marched on land and Feanor's people went by boat close off the shore, keeping pace with the Fingolfin's people. Can't remember what happened exactly, but Feanor eventually decides to just ditch Fingolfin's people ( i think maybe Feanor thought that Fingolfin wasn't enthusiastic enough about wanting to go fight Melkor and retrieve the Silmarils). When Feanor took the ships and left, he assumed that Fingolfin would just return to Valinor and beg for forgiveness (and be forgiven). Instead Fingolfin decides to finish the march across the icebridge Helcaraxe into Beleriand. I think Fingolfin decided to follow just because he was pissed at Feanor, a pride thing to show Feanor that he was wrong the whole time about Fingolfin (as if Feanor would EVER admit he was wrong, even when everyone else could see it).
Do you.. do you think amazon offed him...?
These days I wouldn’t doubt anything.,. :/
Lays of beleraind?
and thats why africa has a 25% hiv rate. fuck of back to africa nigger
listened, seen them live. Good shit
you never know with Bezos
Fingon was Fingolfin's son.
I looked it up is is Hurin, Jesus it's dark
The ubermench has such vigor for life, why should he restrain him self?
Noldor were like Germans. Very passionate, but when they chimp out, its weltskrieg time.
fucking lel, true.
Jews aren't white. Now take your proxies and fuck off.
Bullshit. Get back to me with that comment after getting 10 billion dollars and perfect abs though
No man, I mean the 13 hour radio adaptation of the entire series. Ian Holm and Bill Nighy voice Frodo and Sam. It's great. Kino score.
This is his only good book. Well, and his elven language is cool too I guess
they are literal subhumans that we are forced to co-exist with.
If they were humans with souls I'd understand.
But they aren't.
Actually cool. I gave up on the BBC doing good things a while back
lotr is kinda cringe
Only meds
>they should make a movie it would be based
kek i fucking doubt that.
The silmarillion is good tho. The rest is for stupid babies
that wasn't what he said you absolute retard
>a largely unironic Tolkien thread on Yas Forums at 1am
I knew you guys were the good guys after all.
Day of the RAKE spared
It's essentially Germanic and Icelandic Scandi sagas repackaged.
Children of Hurin is based Iceland Salmon river saga.
fucking cursed swords