Are you ready? Do I have enough, Anons?
Corona Prep Thread
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man you are gonna hate your life 5 days in
Thicc sleeping bags, and a butane stove w/ a shitload of butane to cook.
seasonings? This shit bland as fuck without some garlic and papreek
do you even know how to cook rice?
Lots of water, do I need more? 2 Adults.
wheres the fat? wheres a seasoning? do you have salt? youre an idiot and youre going to want to die 3 days into eating the same overcooked, mushy rice. first youll be uneased by it, then youll gag, then youll be repulsed by it. and thats beforew you get 5lbs of rice eaten
good luck cooklet
That's good to have but get a Sawyer Products MINI Water Filtration System from Amazon (in stock in ten days, or try other place), buy a shit ton of chocolate, alcohol, and other things to make it bearable. And get seasoning, peanut butter, cooking oil, canned meats
100+ gallon Waterbob, dry goods to mix in to spice up the Rice & Beans, All kinds of Pasta, 200 Granola Bars, Lots of cooking oil.
Not pictures: 50 BIC lighters, 600 matches, 200 tea lights (plan to set these up under an upside-down terracotta pot to radiate heat).
What else do I need?
toilet paper, entertainment
better than starving. with proper spices rice and beans can taste good
can't wait to raid and kill you faggots and take your shit.
look around your local area. look up all local food pantries and churches that give out few times a month. hit every food drive day. bullshit them about being jobless. do it regularly and youll have a real good stock pile before long for free. bonus points for getting food that would have gone to niggers.
NON FAT. Nigga pls
but hey - at least stock up on some spicy nacho doritos. those are my favorite. when i come and murder you and your entire family and all your pets, please have a bunch of that waiting for me.
i say this with complete sincerrity.
I'm choosing max difficulty and not prepping.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm flooride
We have a bidet and around 40 rolls of TP, should last months honestly.
More pictures of the cabinets w/ seasonings & my luxury soup bookcase coming up..
Liquid gold
Wheres the canned meat OP? You're gonna try going vegan during the apocalypse? Not wise.
come join me and be on the killing team. they dont have enough balls/weapons/ammo to deal with feaudalist level shit on the street. they're pussies. join me and we will overtake them.
The trick is mixing it with some meat spices stock and greens.
My Luxury Soups, Spam, canned roast beef, canned chicken.
WHAT ELSE DO I NEED? This is all I have.
RIP your anus
The terracotta pot thing is a myth. You get the same amount of heat in the room either way.
If we collapse too far, I'm prepared to barter with you. Pic related.
>t. faster
A welcome mat for a man to come take your shit
This is the true currency of the new world.
>Enriched rice
Fucking retard. Why not buy whole grain? Oh wait, Americans know fuck all about nutrition. God die
Are you in FL by chance?
Hope you’re stocked on TP, mate
you need 1 gallon per day per person, user. What you have there will get you MAYBE 1 week if you never have need to wash anything in that time. Good luck.
If that was 5.56 it would prove useful to some of us
You are right.
Hit the pantries.
I’m on disability and can’t work.
A couple of years ago this was my refrigerator
I lost 50 pounds because I couldn’t get enough to eat for almost six months,
I never went to a food bank.
When niggers and Mexican illegal aliens get handouts I can’t in good consciousness recommend that anybody else not make full use of all social services available.
If you don’t, niggers or Mexicans will take it.
uh, you guys realize once you open a can of beans, a bottle of water, peas, etcetc, you have to eat it in the following days right? You can't just keep it open and keep it back in the shelve for future use.
OP has the right idea because the food is dry but you need water, gas and/or electricity to cook that shit. If you can have those for granted I think food scarcity won't be a problem at all.
What the fuck the power isn't going to shut off retard.
.22lr master race
All other ammo is ego tripping
Surely, you jest?
Winds of 40mph kill the power grid in my city. How long will it take to repair those when all the linemen have pneumonia?
what about extra soap?
maybe ingredients for hand sanitizer
masks filters?
I was going to suggest toilet paper, but with all that rice you might not be able to shit even once during a 14 day quarantine.
I've spent over $5700 prepping so far. Anybody else going "all in" like me? What have you guise spent so far--just since the virus became a threat?
You're gonna DIE in there
You are all grossly overestimating the amount of calories you need per day as well as underestimating your need for variety.
As a disabled neet I can tell you that you're not going to want to eat much more than 1000-1500 calories a day.. and you're probably going to lose the motivation to cook / want to eat entirely after a few weeks of cabin fever. I'm used to it, but I can't imagine what a shock it's going to be for normie faggots that are used to going out and doing shit every day.
You need things that will boost your morale, like sodas, chocolate, teas, coffee, snacks, etc and a wide variety of palatable foods in case you decide you'd rather die of starvation than eat the same meal again. Beans and rice isn't a fun meal the first time you have to do it, and it only gets worse from there.
You don't need any utilities on, just stored water and stored fuel for a camping stove. You should also have a spare stove or parts to repair the stove.
Only the best for my rifle
In all seriousness .223 is prob the better round to store because of compatibility
We lose power regularly in the remote north east, I don't know what you city slickers contend with. Probably faggots throwing dildos at your house because you only display a half size Antifa flag in your window.
its called salt
At this point you are just wasting money and resources.
I know, it’s your money, but just think what level of disaster you are preparing for.
Do make sure that the gas tank of every car you own is tanked up.
That's 36 gallons, goy. I would have at least 60 for one person though.
I abide all trades, user.
Overuse of that stuff kills the good bacteria on your hands and actually makes you more susceptible to catching diseases. Better to just wash your hands with soap.
planning on hitting walmat up on Thursday after work...gonna stock the fuck up on everything
Jealous whytboi?
There was talk in our news coverage of a possible fucking quarantine in Sydney, so i bought a few kilos of rice on the way home with everything else i have in the freezer/pantry, i'll have enough to keep me going at least a month, that'll do, im not going nuts and i'll eat the rice eventually.
my nigga... where chili mac and cheese though?
Muh wepon ist whyte, looka me im over hereu
It's not going to work without cooking oil.
And get some onions, canned tomatoes, and spices. You'll thank yourself later.
You do have salt, right?
This. I'm starting Half Life style with just a crowbar
bottle of vodka is cheaper and does the same
I lived on rice for months.
it's bland as fuck but it's not at all offensive and with minimal species can be made pretty good.
Have you ever actually seen a prepper in real life? They're all grossly overweight and reek of feces and urine.
it is a really easy and free way to get loaded up on stuff. can hit 6 to 8 of em one day a week. alot of em also give out hygiene packages too, usually a week of stuff.
game on, man
Why is everyone stocking on toilet paper moreso than food? what the fuck
I got a dozen foothold traps and a bottle of coyote piss. You stupid faggots with your beans lol
You should always have two months stock at all times. You need to stock what you eat. Buy extra of any prep stock when it’s on sale. Buy a little of extra of things you use (TP, soap, etc) each trip. Before you know it, you’re a 1yr prep fag. But you must rotate and only prep what you use.
For a family:
>40 kg rice
>30 kg beans
>20 kg pasta
>20 kg flour
>20kg sugar
>20lg canned meat
>40hg canned veg
>multi vitamins, supplements, etc
>20k gallons, 80k L water (pool, and I’m a chemist and can make it potable.
>TP, PT, pons and pads, deodorant, soap, basically 3 months of this tho if supply
You can do it and collapse would be poetic!!!!
>ibuprofen, acetaminophen, expectorants, suppressants, anti-diarrhea,
I have weapons for all seasons, user. It is currently winter, with much snow on the ground.
Bodybuilding meal. Do you lift?
Been doing it for months and I love life more now than I ever did.
You forgot the rice, beans, and peanut butter, faggot
U good user, better than the other fags from last night.
Just get a water filter for your tap you fucking retards.
Most are coomers and need endless TP to fap into.
What do you do when you run out tho?
rather be a minstrel and earn it
>Just get a water filter for your tap you fucking retards.
>YFW the taps stop working
Grab some lentils too. Maybe an esbit stove and some fuel. Matches/lighters. Butane. Water purification tablets or something too maybe
Respect, I’ll be stopping by bearing the huwhite flag
Why would they stop working?
>They're all grossly overweight and reek of feces and urine.
They'll still be slimming to half-way to their ideal weight while you're starved to death.
>reek of feces of urine
The better to repel normie grasshoppers who didn't prepare
I bought toilet paper and two weeks worth of ichiban. i'm ready bros
Prepping for a case of the flu...homo
Get oatmeal, coffee, popcorn, hot sauce, nuts, get foods that make you happy
>Why would they stop working?
Ask Wuhan and Italy.
300 Blackout faggets
Damn, did you drop a rock on those .22 boxes? They're normally fairly sturdy
Have fun losing your hearing after the first burglary.
The better question is how it works at all considering how absolutely fucked our infrastructure is.
>not vinegar bleach & alcohol
hope you live alone and have TP, cause you are in for a intestinal sensation.
I actually had to buy toilet paper the other day. Can you prepperfags back down a bit. For fucks sake.
about 1000 cal of rice will fill up a non-fat guy, after about 4 days of eating it you'll get over the hunger pangs. a couple more weeks and you stop being mad about not having pizza.
>glutinous rice
>"low fat" .meme milk power (sugarised to compensate for taste)
>cane sugar
Do you want some FOOD with your sugar, imbecile mutt?
>tfw doesn't die of Princess Corona, nor starvation
>tfw dies of diabetes
The oils in whole grain go rancid you retard.
>what is electronic hearing protection
>YFW the taps stop working
have i done what after the bird's surgery?
>Sawyer Products MINI Water Filtration System
I just ordered the "Squeeze". Seems solid.
I've got 100 lb of rice, 100 lb of mixed beans, lentils, etc. I also have 8 (10 gallon? 20 gallon? whatever the standard size is for buckets) with gamma sealing lids. Going to pack it all tomorrow in mylar bags and some bay leaves (to keep bugs out). Mylar bags + O2 absorbers stops ANY bug eggs from hatching right? This is a concern with grains and rice yea?
>Single spec of sand enters bolt during the chaos of battle
>mfw these prepfags and their beans and rice
>canfag here
>stockpiling cheap, plentiful foodstuffs
>not stockpiling vitamin C supplements and Tylenol
Not gonna make it, OP.
Shipping 5000 rds of it claimed about 4 boxes, they'll be the first I trade in the apocalypse.
>i need to go find my hearing protection before I kill u
>stop raping my girl
>no u aren't allowed to slice my balls off
Seems good.
Someone said you can stick your rice in the freezer and that will destroy any mite eggs after a few days.
>skelie build
Put it in that garbage where it belongs
Does the state law demand you to install a cuckstock like that?
all my neighbors are boomers im just going to wait until they drop dead and go kick their door in whenever i need something to munch on.
Well, I know when I run out of shit paper in the apocalypse I know who I will come see.
Canned meat is gonna be a fucking luxury in the happening. These rice fags are fucked and they don't even realize.
wow how could this ever happen its so fucking hard to imagine it
>water treatment plant and pump workers become sick
>stop showing up to work
In an emergency scenario fluoride will be the least of your worries buddy