Q-fags on suicide watch

Trump has officially disavowed Jeff Sessions by endorsing Sessions's OPPONENT in the Alabama senate race:


Looks like that that "TRUST SESSIONS" Q-shit was bullshit after all:

>Trump endorses ex-Auburn coach Tuberville over Jeff Sessions in Alabama Senate race

>President Donald Trump endorsed former Auburn Football coach Tommy Tuberville over his former attorney general, Jeff Sessions, in a tight Alabama Senate primary runoff this month.

>The president cited Tuberville’s football prowess in his backing Tuesday over Sessions, who served in the Senate for 20 years between 1997 and 2017 before Trump’s administration.

>The endorsement is expected to be a blow to Sessions as the two candidates have each raced to pitch themselves as most aligned with the president. Trump fired Sessions in November of 2018 after relentlessly criticizing him as attorney general for recusing himself in the Justice Department’s Russia investigation.

>Tuberville, on the other hand, has never served in public office but boasts a 159–99 record as a college head coach.


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ever hear of optics, faggot?


Lol!!! That's a pretty serious Fuck You to Sessions.

Yes, it's a branch of science associated with the physics of light and vision. What about it?

brutal.. I always liked Trumps sense of loyalty... Jeff had no choice but to recuse..it was required... shunning him now has a bad smell to it.

Trump must distance himself from Sessions
before the day of the rope
It's not that hard to figure out, brainlet

>Trust the Plan
>Not ONE person involved in an attempted COUP, locked up, handcuffed, in prison, arrested
>Corona Virus
>"Muh Stock Market"
>"Muh Wall"
>Literally Bean States of America right before our eyes
>"Muh Black Voters"
>Gets impeached
>Threats from Schiff and Schumer....shit that they would hang a fucker for back in the day
>Literal fucking Autistic Boomers still believing

I can't wake up from this nightmare Anons.

isnt qanon a larp

Lmao, it's nothing.
How's that Hillary arrest coming up?

Wow, that''s really dumb. Lay some more 'insights' on me. I find them amusing.

>Trump must distance himself from Sessions
I'm curious tho, why.
What exactly would be different if he had endorsed Sessions.
Would that be notable, would it make literally any difference.

Ur the nightmare

But doesn't Trump's endorsement mean a death sentence? That's happened multiple times. I'm not saying it's 4D chess or anything...

But it's 4D chess

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Also Tuberville said we were being invaded by mexicans so he's NOT an H1B-loving amnestynigger, he hates beaners and is super based

Oh wait he sounds based. Fuck I hope I'm wrong KEK. God I just want all the shitskins out. And especially the fucking jews

No, that's a fake news narrative. His endorsements only lost when he let establishment neocons convince him to support the wrong dude in the primary, or when the only R candidate was shit. Basically, endorsements don't do shit, people vote for who they want regardless.

Trump endorsements are good in places that aren't politically "moderate". He's also had to endorse some really outmatched people like that guy that likes women below age 50.

I tend to tune out when it comes to state elections so I probably ended up believing the bullshit when I saw a passing thread. Didn't Bannon convince him to go with Roy Moore?

If Sessions won he would turn into Romney 2.0 because Trump fired him.

>The Auburn coach has been vocal in his support of Israel and on other matters affecting people of the Jewish faith.

Tuberville, more like JEWberville, amirite?

>Jeff Sessions’s Opponent, Tommy Tuberville, Takes a Beating in Israel
>The Auburn, Alabama, football coach worries that America is being taken over by sharia law, but his rival in coaching, Nick Saban, is a hit in Jerusalem.

Why does an Alabaman need to be a hit on Jerusalem? Odd.

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>Looks like that that "TRUST SESSIONS" Q-shit was bullshit after all

Doesn't matter, they'll pretend it's meaningless. A mountain of lies, mistakes, and Nostradamic bullshit won't persuade them, so adding one more stone to the mountain won't matter either.

Once I realized that Q is a plan to keep people passive and "comfy", waiting for someone else to do the heavy lifting patriot shit, I had to jump off the Q-train, and things are even worse in Q-ville now.

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Exactly. Psyop to prevent a civil war. Keep maga placated so they don’t chimp out. Instead the left does and is further seen for the insane people they are assuring Trumps landslide victory. It is 4d chess without satisfactory results, but we will see if the long game is worth it.

shill rat

This is what sucking Trump's dick gets you

Saban is jewish

Near as I can tell, Q is just an attempt to mimic me, but far more cryptically than I ever would do, to keep the populace in a state of false hope and always waiting on pins and needles. I suspect that it's Kushner/Qushner at the helm doing it too.

This isn't quite as catchy as MAGA. How are you supposed to say it anyway? Is the A pronounced like the A in "car" or like in "cat"?

>Tommy will protect * your * Second amendment

OK. But can he protect it from Trump?
Who always seems to be blocked, unless it's something he really wants done.

Trump has and alway will be a petty narcissistic faggot with a jewish personal superiority complex

Loyalty? Wtf are you on user? He fucked every person that worked their ass off to elect hm and hired his enemies. Still does to this day. Oh and what Bout his base constantly getting their asses and skulls beat to shit for wearing his stupid fucking har. Nada that's what. Fuck off with your paid shilling kushnerbot.

>I can't wake up from this nightmare Anons
Everything will be alright user, coronachan is finally here.

kek, good answer

Sessions laid the ground work for barr and Durham
I say he did a fine job

Meanwhile we're being invaded from the south and all our jobs are being given to poos and other assorted future democratic voters and commies sympathizers. But trust the plan amiright lol fuck off we lost the long game.

Sessions is America First. Tuberville is another cuckservative faggot.

>i love alabama!
>*endorses a shitty auburn headcoach*
big oof

Wouldnt it be funny if he was just some basement neckbeard and the whole thing got out of control?

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This is all part of the plan. Q predicted this. Declass soon. Trust Sessions.

At the end of the day, somehow Trump is still closer to Heaven than any other man. What a pity.


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A larp w access to the White House, the military, Air Force one, the presidents tweets. Ya idiot, a neck beard. Why are you faggots so dumb.

Bro what he refused himself from stopping anyone evil that he was hired to stop

whats with all the sessions shills?

dude was a limp wristed bitch that couldnt pull the trigger

Remember that time Qnigger told us that Biden was related to George Soros? What a fucking retarded nigger. He was just reposting garbage without even fact checking because the Qtards were eating up every post.

The game has just started. Fk q and fk the kike.

Your a moron q never said that. Glow harder

"Your second amendment", not "our second amendment". Fucking yankee.

>sessions appoints both huber and durham in 2017 for stealth ops run out of non-HQ offices
>allows coup attempt to proceed with the consent of trump and Qteam to document the process and entrap the coup conspirators red handed in an ongoing crime of sedition as well as showcase the corruption to normie america in the most theatrical way possible (only to inevitably fail as planned)
>plays up fake WWE wrestling-style conflict with trump to project false weakness (art of war) and lull DS into relative complacency
>leaves cabinet post
>so he can sit on a military tribunal when Huber and Durham unseal indictments

Not that complicated

Should I vote in the runoff? I really don't give a fuck about either Sessions or Tub man

KAG means letting niggers out of prison because the criminal justice system is racist. KAG also means "common sense" gun control, like psychiatric background checks and red flag laws, as well as amnesty for the entire "11 million" and no cuts to legal immigration or work visas. Of course Sessions doesn't support KAG. It's the Kushner agenda.

based, call these kike motherfuckers out at every turn

Lol betcha can’t back that up

If you ever thought it was true, have yourself checked for mental health shit.

gullible retards are officially not white

Trey Gowdy already said on video, "accept she wont be arrested".

My bad, I meant Schiff. All the kikes are the same to me.

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>is strong in crime and border security
Tuberville wants to increase H1B visas and install Section 9 housing in Alabama. In other words, Trump threw one of his earliest supporters under the bus because he wants to further adopt TPUSA’s belief of pushing down. I honestly hope Sessions never forgives Trump for this.

Sessions is a spineless bitch, who cares

Checked. Kek wills it.

Sessions started the investigation that led to the arrest of his good friend Epstein.

>Sessions is a spineless bitch, who cares
Sessions is one of the main reasons Trump even got the presidency. He deserves more respect than he actually gets. This betrayal shouldn’t be taken lightly. If Sessions once again loses his seat. He should expose Trump for being the narcissistic Jew liar he actually is.