I don't know if you niggers noticed but this guy is going to cut ALL payroll taxes due to coronavirus. That's a 14+% increase on your paychecks and a sigh or relief to self employed people. Once it's in place too normies will never want to pay it again. We are on the way to ending the income tax lads.
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Presidents can't do this.
2. payroll taxes are not income tax.
kill yourself dipshit.
This is just another "trickle down" policy that will make the rich richer.
You are retarded
chile is the model for the future
You could have done that for yourself whenever you wanted, buy you're an idiot and don't know how, even though how is explained to you every time you fill out a w-4 for your employer, which you don't read and instead just fill out like some brain dead retard goyim. Also, this will increase the state taxes withheld because you more taxable income. With jews, you lose, every time, always.
>1. Presidents can't do this.
I just did
please tell me how to opt out of payroll taxes
this retard thinks payroll tax is your withholding
let's all laugh at him
claim 12 dependents
Leftists are literally seething over this
"He iS GiViNg MoRE TaX BrEaKs To ThE RiCh"
Literally everybody pays payroll taxes, which they would know if any of them actually had jobs.
Is he the fucking incarnation of solidus snake ?
Oh fraud. That’s sure to workout
That’s gonna fuck you when taxes come around
And you pay it back later what's your fucking point?
>payroll taxes are not income tax
Payroll taxes are regressive.
You’re retarded. You may want a primitive society, but others don’t.
I wonder what happens when millions of people can't work anymore but have no income
Fake news
>That's a 14+% increase on your paychecks
I don't work Trump ain't do shit for me. We need Yang
Protip: he won't do it. This is just a distraction to keep his "record approval numbers" in the face of corona-chan bad news.
My company's (major defense conglomerate) is already telling us not to expect more than our normal raises and that the planned reductions in force are still in effect. Also I now have 2 poos following me at work since they're my replacements.
it's been floated around since before the virus outbreak by economists in the white house. now is just the perfect time to implement
why are you treating a vague and unlikely proposal as a done deal? especially a proposal Donald "build the wall" trump aka Donald "drain the swamp" trump aka donald "lock her up" trump?
At least wait for a shred of concrete action before sucking his dick.
I’m amazed so many people don’t realize this.
I thought all taxes went into a pot and disbursed to everything based on some weird algorithm.
Post the in store prices and you’ll have an idea of what it’s like. Basically you can’t afford anything
but their is an account for how much is owed to social security.
we'll still have our ss
SS is a “stripper slide”
Not gonna help me with my $6,000 Hospital bill (After insurance) when Corona takes my ass for a ride cause I had the misfortune of being born Type 1 Diabetic (Type 2 is the fat people kind)
Don't forget luxury soup. You still have that.
he said some shit about relief for hourly workers. give me a signed paper saying you'll compensate my wages and i'll stop going to work sick.
the actual rich don't pay payroll taxes, they live on investment income. payroll taxes are regressive as fuck, they only screw over people who work for a living. and even between rich fuks, the rich fucks who employ people are a 1000 times beter than rich fucks who just hoard gold and don't employ anyone or create jobs.
payroll taxes should absolutely be abolished. they're just a stealth 26% income tax. literally. actually. unironically. americans really pay 46% income taxes when accounting for shadow income tax (what you pay without realizing you do.) yet for all that, unlike europe, we don't have free healthcare, free university, or decent transit and infrastructure. it all goes to the pockets of the jews.
the united states is a tax cattle farming plantation and americans are getting rammed up the asshole daily with jewish cock. and they're brainwashed into thinking we have it good. if only you knew how bad things really are.
lmao there wont be any place open for you to spend that money on
not even the company you work for so you wont get paid anything
Best welfare is a job nigga
Better get to work! Don't want to starve and be homeless, do you? Off to work at the anti-virus face mask factory
>payroll tax
Wait, like the FICA and medicare shit I see on my salary statement? Boomers are going to go apeshit.
people don't have any savings now. what happens when they're forced to retire?
No, I know that's not true. For example ACA penalties were supposed to go directly to funding healthcare shit. Some taxes are earmarked in the actual language of when their bills.
Their kids will take care of them like most adults do with their elderly parents these days.
Stop being so poor
this would be amazing. i was already banking on not getting SS when i get old.
i certainly wouldnt mind being taxed 7.65% less on my income for services ill never use or benefit from.
anyone who already paid in will get it back in ss like it is supposed to work
but all this isn't necessary. it's like tax cuts for the rich. there are other motives. it seem to be to make the us more like the 3rd world
but they are trying to destroy it.
He knows we'll all be dead before next April.
It looks like payroll taxes are also paid by your company:
>First, it is funded by payroll taxes at a rate of 6.2% for the employer and 6.2% for the employee, so effectively, 12.4% of your pay goes into this fund annually, said Jerry Lynch, a certified financial planner with JFL Total Wealth Management in Boonton.
So, probably just another cleverly disguised corporate tax cut.
That’s not what trickle down means retard.
Fuckingvretard. Yeah, like theyre gonna fucking pay us more. The rich will pocket it as always.
I know it's hard to comprehend as a leaf that didn't leave the crown until the 50s but in america we don't need a big mommy government to take care of us
more like a benefit cut for the worthless. you know how many scammers make use of neetbux?
>>So, probably just another cleverly disguised corporate tax cut.
its a tax cut for literally everyone who works or has a business in the country. the only people who dont benefit are niggers and spics since they collect public assistance.
tax cut with a bonus of damaging social security.
win win for the 1%
>thinks he's getting medical care during corona
Bruh you better gk lick doorknobs so you can get it early, once hospitals start getting hammered they will flat out deny you medical access beyond a bed and antivirals.
you think big money oligarchs will?
that 6.2 is coming out of your pay whether it's an "employee" cut or not. that's cleverly disguiesed taxes on you made to look like it's somehow magically paid by your employer without taking it out of your take home pay. If you're self employed you pay both the employer and the employee rate.
YOU still pay your INCOME tax, it's the EMPLOYERS who will be saving on their PAYROLL tax
Companies have to pay a hidden tax to pay their employees. The employees don't even know this. So imagine you're making $15 an hour, the employer actually has to set aside closer to $25 an hour to pay for all the extra shit, including payroll tax, just to pay you that amount. It gets even worse if you're a bigger company that has to offer more worker protections by law
>He thinks getting it makes you immune.
Pretty much rolling the dice on not getting it or only getting it mildly desu.
Phase 1 of NESARA begins :)
ss and medicare are paid by both employee and employer. dont try to school me on what my paycheck stub says, faggot.
>implying that’ll pass Congress
>implying it’ll benefit anyone in a job that can’t be done remotely during lockdown
I mean, I’ll personally appreciate the extra shekels if it passes, but if you think it’s a remotely adequate response for the average American, you’re delusional.
Wow really great for beaners and niggers and trash that I prop up with all of the tax money I have to pay for being successful in a career. Fuck hourly wageniggers.
>Canada doesn't understand taxing or money in general
Post in store prices!
this. i don't know what part of this is hard for brainlets to understand. it's only divided like that because people would choke seeing 13% on top of the federal ~20% and then the state ~5%. We pay so much in taxes you wouldn't befucking lieve it.
the "employers" income tax on "employee" incomes is nothing but a illusion. you pay BOTH out of your paycheck
Dont need social security contributions if not going to get past 60
They just need to lurk more. That’s what I did and now I know
Payroll tax only affects employees. It doesn't trickle down unless you get a bonus or something. Op is a faggot
Yeah no shit fuckstick, the point is that your share of the pay isn't getting a tax cut, because you don't pay payroll tax. Your employer pays payroll tax.
I mean thats good and all, but property tax needs to go for at least all first home non commercial properties for citizens.
at least 50% of your white collar staff are now hourly you dumb boomer.
Will this require congressional approval or will it be a unilateral executive action?
It's the way of america. Eventually the rich will be so rich in the states, that you will be back to feudalism, with the rich fighting each other using you as soldiers while you plow the fields for diseased potatoes in your rags.
>That's a 14+% increase on your paychecks
No it's not you financial illiterate.
>YOU pay 6.2% OASDI on wages up to 128,400 and 1.45% Medicare on all wages (your employer withholds it for you)
>Your EMPLOYER pays a matching 6.2% OASDI and 1.45% Medicare
>YOU also pay an additional 0.9% "Additional Medicare Tax" on any wages above 200,000
You are your employer are both saving 7.65%.
t. accounting major
>only people who dont benefit are niggers and spics
>not tied to welfare at all
Anyway, I don't really care one way or the other. I already live in a high-tax state and just deal with it for convenience/job opportunities.
I don't think this is going to help those that can't work, because they're sick with the coronavirus or vulnerable boomers that have retired, however. But, fuck it; drain the SS dry.
Yeah and you aren't getting money from them removing it, your employer will keep the changr
payroll taxes are paid out of employees checks in the us this isn't an opinion is that now how it works in canada?
>accounting major
i'm an accounting grad working in industry, go read my posts. you pay both effectively. that employer side half of it? it's the same as any other benefit or alternative compensation they pay for you, IE it factors into your compensation package because it factors into their budget for you. dumbass retarded college child fuckface. go start working and see some real slaughter, nothing is like your precious little textbooks. it's all jewing and lies. i've seen some god damned shit. and don't forget, the creature from jekyll island. dumb zoomer retard.
what if I'm self employed?
the real problem is the rich have shifted the tax burden onto the working class.
adam smith is rolling in his grave
are you fucking retarded or dense?
theres literally line items on paystubs that show fica/ss/medicare PAYROLL TAXES on my paystub where money is removed before it makes it to my credit union account.
INCOME TAX is a seperate thing that % is based on how much money you make for federal income tax, and usually the same for state but some states have a flat income tax or none.
you need to seperate in your mind payroll from income taxes. even though payroll taxes are taxed on my income, its not an income tax. its a payroll tax. see? 2 different federal tax categories on my income. i know this is confusing for a leaf.
>B-but I heard America is good for small businesses!
Imagine that literally nobody knows this
I'm sure some will and who's fault is it for creating a tax they get to keep the change on now?
In Canada we have Canadian Pension Plan deductions on our paycheck and the employer pays some as well, it's basically the exact same thing, the guy you're arguing with is just a mongoloid