Multiple Michigan universities announced today they’re gonna start doing mandatory remote classes.
1000 cases of nothing. This is obviously a psy op to instill martial law.
University of toledo and akron are also closed, onu as well
Reminder that Italy (now 10k+ confirmed) had 600 confirmed cases 11 days ago.
kek, shits about to get real
200 years ago two brothers sit on top of horses and stare off into the sunset. It’s been a rough winter. Pa passed away in February. Ma came down with a real harsh cold as well but made it back to good spirits. Sure was a rough season this year. Back to work on the field.
200 years later pansy sissy faggot glowniggers try and convince us a bad common cold season should cause mass shut downs of economy.
I hope so I need an excuse to not do a project.
I'm not gonna be seeing the sun for a bit now it seems.
Crazy shit. We don't even have any confirmed cases in Southwest Ohio. Closest ones are 2 hours north of us.
IU and Purdue have closed as well. Vanderbilt has discontinued inperson classes until the end of the month
Things getting serious bro.
My work refuses to allow people to work from home. What the fuck do I do Yas Forums?
Why are you freaking out? Closing everything is the sensible, responsible way to deal with this shit. Additional benefit is that cases of flu and the common cold (which can be super unpleasant too) are going to plummet. Ultimately, when we all come out of our protective hidey-holes again, worldwide productivity is gonna SKYROCKET because people will be so unusually healthy for the time of year.
We're determined not to go down that road, and that's good. Hopefully it'll help. Better than emulating Italy, anyway. Anyone who's ever known a lot of Italians knows they are hard to control and not the most cautious people, LOL. If they'd shut it down HARD (to borrow a metaphor from the ((())) crowd) much sooner they would not be in deep shit now.
NEVER forget who flung this shit in our faces. Fuck China.
Problem is that people won't just stay put. Two hours is nothing.
We've got tons of cases two hours down the road from us. Only a couple of sick people--who are recovering--in my county but I feel like shutting the county borders and keeping the fucking commute yuppies the fuck out until this is over.
>Fuck China
This disease could have come from literally anywhere. India, Mexico, even fucking Florida.
Only the Chinese had the balls to quarantine 150 million people and crash their own economy to contain the virus.
I hate commies too but you're a fucking brainlet. If one thing is true about commies historically, its that they are great at sacrificing themselves for the common good. Look at the Soviets in WW2, look at their actions to contain Chernobyl.
Say you are sick and stay home. I quit my job Feb 2nd
Except it came from China you filthy kike. And it came from there because the Chinese are a disgusting people. Cause communism turns you into a disgusting people.
Take lots of Vitamin C and immune boosting supplements. Eat healthy. Get lots of sleep. Wear your mask, goggles and gloves and drive to work, avoid mass transit. Don't touch your face EVER once you leave the house and don't do it when you get home until you've thoroughly washed up. Either keep your gloves on at work or wash your hands regularly and don a new pair when you leave. If any fucker comes to work sick, shoot them.
start stealing
take the crimepill and just start barbarianmaxing
(((1 post by this ID)))
Boohoo nigga, your gay ass president can't even close our borders or ground flights because "muh economy"
You fuckers are somehow more spineless and weak than even commies
I unironically went looking for vitamin c supplements yesterday and didn't find anything...
So what happens to students that paid for dorms and meal plans if they can't make use of them? Money lost?
Fuck off, commie retard.
It's called being a brutally authoritarian government from hell, actually. That said, in the situation they themselves created, it was their only option so it's good they did that, yeah.
However, they could have warned the rest of the world months earlier. Personally I think it's pretty obvious that they didn't (and maybe even unleashed this shit on purpose, their own people be damned) because they want all their jobs and money back. You know, everything Trump took back from them, which they stole from us with the help of generations of corrupt politicians from Clinton through Obama--at least.
They have a vast slave labor force they can mobilize in a hot minute. They felt it worthwhile to crash their economy since it would take everyone else down with it. Suitable revenge AND a great way, as I said, to get back everything they want from us by getting Trump voted out. With their stooge Biden in office, they'll be riding high again.
Dumbass. It's as plain as the nose on your face what they're up to. This is their big move.
>You know, everything Trump took back from them
Retard detected. I work in manufacturing and literally no jobs were leaving China. The only jobs that left China were jobs too shit even for the Chinese, and got offshored to India/Vietnam.
That's right, you dumb fuck, even the Chinese consider themselves too good for our jobs now. Manufacturing is never coming back, retard.
Shit is spreading like crazy in Illinois holy shit. Don't touch your face. Wash your hands. Alcohol wipe down everything in your house/car/work.
Where are you? I'm literally in one of the hot zone areas and everything's stocked. Order online from Amazon or Walgreens/Rite Aid/Walmart if you like. Vitamin C's one of the most common supplement products out there.
ROFL. Liar. Not even gonna bother giving you more words.
Yep, arming yourself with a tote is good too. Have sanitizer, sanitary wipes/spray, extra gloves etc. in there.
They were on sale locally one day, I bought a couple 60pk Emergen-c’s and some vitC pills. Sold out everywhere two days later (except Costco). This is in Michigan
>this doesn't fit my narrative
lmao you can't even deal with reality
what a faggot
same thing here, 90% of the people in my office could work from home to begin with and nothing would change, and these faggots STILL won't let people work from home. They've "considered it" but won't do anything. I sit at a desk all day, literally all having us come in does is create more traffic, and more potential chances to get infected/infect others.
I'm starting to get scared now bros. I should never have tried to convince you all it is just a flu. I am sorry. Is it to late to start prepping!? How fucked am I?
Just start irrationally coughing and when someone says something about going home just say "I'll consider it but I need to keep working"
My housemate works supply chain and literally can't work from home, and FedEx will sooner let half their workforce die than cease operations indefinitely.
Spineless faggots like you are going to cause the fall of the United States.
I started working remote and did not give my employer the option.
Guess what? They stfu and I’m still getting paid.
Stand up for yourself. Your forefathers didn’t spend their entire lives forging this country for you to be a faggot
if you have a real job you can't work from home
Lol. Die burgers.
Texas A&M just canceled classes until next Wednesday (spring break is happening right now)
Fuck off leaf. Wake up to the happening. Natural happening.
Hope someone coughs on you.
You too, Maurice. Stop being a bitch and stand up for yourself and your community. Get all of your coworkers to riot if that’s what it takes.
It’s literally against every one of their interests to fire you for wanting to work remote. From a PR standpoint, from a personal safety standpoint (if they have to replace you, they gotta find someone else who could already be infected, and if they are gonna make em work remote, then they might as well keep you), from a time management standpoint
Your bosses are fucking bluffing and you goyim are ALL falling for it.
Stand up for yourself for once.
So edgy. Retard.
Hope someone coughs on you and you die on a gurney in an ED parking lot.
why can't it be both?
I went part time starting at the end of the month, only 2 days a week. Im working 7 days/week double shifts until then to make as much money as I can until then. Only 1 case so far in my city though, hopefully it doesn't grow any more until the end of the month.
If it gets to 5 cases, confirmed person to person contact, I'm quitting all together. I've been teaching myself programming the last year so hopefully I can find something online.
I don't know what the end game of carona is. What will our countries look like 5-6 months from now? No fucking idea.
.0000002% of the population has coronachan. by comparison, .008% get chlamydia in an average year
>UCLA cancelled classes except online
UCLA is like 75% chinese nationals conservatively
It's clear you retards have never been to Italy. Otherwise you would know that Italy is a shithole and the people are filthy. In the bars they don't even wash beer mugs, they just wipe them clean with a towel. Also Italy is like the size of the state of Washington. But Washington has 7 million resident and Italy has like 260 million
>Italy has like 260 million
are you retarded lmao. germany is the most populous european state and they have merely 80 million
My friend that is going to college in the area told me today his classes were cancelled. Didn't know it was all of them
Out of 327 million people that is literally nothing
Wish I had some kira vision & could just step back & observe it being transferred person to person in a matters of seconds.
We’re all going to burnnnn for what we’ve allowed to happen.
>0.0003% of the population
>your gay ass president
You should have said our gay ass president Chink.
haha just wash your hands, bro
LMAO Coofers.
Best part is I go to the only major university down the street from where all the ohio cases are and we aren't closed because of niggers
This is the email they sent out
I moved from Detroit to bumfuck East Tennessee so I could sit comfy and watch the city fags die. Prior to this, but something will kill all the city fags at some point. We have a case of it here. It's over. We're done. Finished. Fucked.
Make sure to let the doctors know that as they wheel you into the ICU.