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How will my waifus cope?
Oh now were ya buddy?
This should be considered salt
This guy may actually kill himself if Truml wins.
Make sure to bring the rope and head lamp on your mining excursion.
Broken clock is right twice a day, fuck boomers.
>stuttering problem
LMAO! Do the NPCs really think that, if they all insist that Joe's obvious dementia is not that but something else that he doesn't even do? He doesn't stutter, he babbles like an idiot; he doesn't have problems with his words but his thoughts. AND ITS COMPLETELY OBVIOUS. Are these gaslighting faggots for real? Do they even believe this or just repeating the line like good NPCs?
Sharing OP pic with my Boomer frens
>t. Gen X
Change the wills
Cut Millennials out; invest it in the nation
Day of the Bookbag
>we screwed your candidate out of the nomination for the second time
>now unify
No thanks we’re voting green.
Whoooa edgy bro.
Sanders would destroy you cunts.
Here you go
I tried to do the "right" thing in 2016. I ended up voting for Hillary to stop what I thought was the most dangerous man alive. I can't do it anymore. My family and friends have suffered too much because of the corporate democrats inability and unwillingness to fight corporate greed and take their hands out of the cookie tjar. My family lot so much over the past two decades because of shitty policy. I want this country to burn. I want these people to pay. I'm voting Trump out of spite. MAGA 2020 guys! You sure deserve it! Can't wait to renounce my citizenship and kiss this sinking ship goodbye.
>tried to do the "right" thing in 2016. I ended up voting for Hillary
Stopped reading. Should have stopped when I saw your meme flag, but here we are.
These fucking retards don't ever consider that the reason their shitty candidate isn't winning is because he is incapable of getting out the vote. In other words, his supporters actually feel less strongly about him being elected than Biden's do. If they actually cared they would go vote but all this supposed enthusiasm in young people is "yeah, I guess in a hypothetical scenario where I voted, it would be for Bernie." That's dogshit. What's even more hilarious is that Biden is only winning because people DON'T want Bernie, not because they DO want Biden. If Joe was dead and the establishment had consolidated around literally any other Democrat, they'd all be voting for him. That's how little enthusiasm Bernie actually has. His base is useless.
You are a retarded faggot, but thanks for the vote
They sit at home and watch simps and neckbeards post "I DID MY PART" pictures on plebbit and updoot. That is them doing 'their' part.
I'm sad.
^You can add that to your picture collage or whatever
We lost another one T_T
to be fair, boomers do need to fuck off and die already
nobody under 49 votes.
Twitter is so surreal at moments like this. It's like an echochamber within an echochamber. 99% of the time it's nothing but progressives and bernie spam, but then a bunch of establishment shills appear out of nowhere and dominate it after every sanders loss. It's funny to see the left eat itself as usual, but also very creepy
>actually believing historians will say anything about Bernie Sanders
Remember that time you read about the person who didn't even win his party's nomination, thus wasn't relevant, then died a couple years later
Literally has no clue how modern finance works yet their confidence that they can "build the country" is unshakable.
Doesn't "build" imply having to actually do some work?
Vocal minorities are loud because the never shut up, but the majority is quiet because it doesn't need to speak all the time.
>this old fart promised me free shit so I know better than people with tripple my life experience!
I hate zoomers so fucking much.
Is FoxyPajamas a tranny?
Obama's term was terrible for me and my family for many reasons. Although your hatred for corporations over government is misplaced, you're making the right call here. Welcome aboard.
Lol. I thought Bernie Bros were sexists.
>7% of voters
oh God the fucking idiots lol
>life-changing surgery
Brutal, twice in a row he got fucked by the DNC/SOROS machine, burn them Bernie.
Give Boinie the sad face.
It really upsets R*ddit if you make voting seem a popularity contest, especially if you say voted for Biden because he was already winning.
Well you know what they say. The truth hurts.
> I need to work 3 jobs so I can pay for my hormones and post-surgery care. Dilators don't buy themselves, bigot.
Imagine being this fucking useless. Jesus Christ. Get a fucking valuable skill and COMPETE you fucking pussies.
Lol...torturing my generation by not giving them gibs. "Oh no, I have to work for what I want?"
It's pretty concerning how these people don't realize Bernie is pretty much Santa Claus to them.
Biden is just a moron, plain and simple.
But Buh Bernie was endorsed by Roe Bogan.
Why are your waifus men?
Boomers: Let's all vote for the sleepy guy so we can continue bleeding America dry. I'm planning on buying a vacation home soon. Can't do that when Bernie wants me to pay for the orphans. Shew! Get away orphans! My money! My America!
Sanders is a washed up retard..."millionaires and billionaires, I mean...just billionaires are the problem now. Never mind I'm a millionaire now"
25 and life is over, what a retard. What the fuck is he doing? 25 you should be poor
That faggot probably lives in a city just to live there. Even worse it likely has a degree in some bullshit and is working minimum wage jobs.
Fl, az, nc, oh, mi, pa are all guaranteed trump states
Does he have MS? Why the fuck does his hand look so deformed?
I'm surprised at how low-key it is right now. I'm over here cackling at these bernouts but I wonder if the gravity of the situation has really hit them yet.
Hmmmm... what else is about that same percent of the population????
Years of malnutrition
Cuck hand
Twitter niggers have to be the worst of the worst
Kek. (((Twitter)))
I mean it's no doubt funny as hell but at this point is it even sporting?
>Biden or Trump
I don't think so
You have to feel sad for this guy. He has probably been doped up since adolescence. His brain chemistry is fucked and now he's dependent on mind-altering drugs just to survive.
Dude needs help and a detox.