How did society get to this point?
How did society get to this point?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Fucked education
>the economy
>Probably your dog
>your favorite e-girl lets out a long brrrraaaapppppp in her sleep
why would a woman ever want to settle down and have kids when she can get rich sleeping.
not until she hits the wall
The wealth coming into America has demoralized the citizen body and autocracy both.
TLDR: People have too much time and money on their hands.
she is married though
her husband allows this to happen
part of me is thinking good for them for gaming the system and getting paid just so she can be a e-thot
I hate men. You fucking losers
the fragrance of the gods
I thought sleeping streams are against the ToS. Guess that doesn't apply to twitch thots.
Why blame men? It's men and women both participating in this shit. We are living in an affluent time which creates weak people.
They subtle finger themselves under the blankets. It is known. It's basically pedo shit. Hansen is on this too
Capitalism in the 21th century has alienated people to a point where loneliness is epidemic, specially in males, this has opened a huge market who prays on their needs.
We have literally commoditized relationships, its really fucking sad and will only get worse.
Lol what’s it like to be a half-retarded hole on legs? You literally exist to get fucked by d-bags like me. You reach for something more in your life but will always fall short because again, you are literally just a replaceable hole.
>Jews drain our life force.
More news at 11
Show us your didgeroo and billabongs?
This is genuinely a psychosis
True, it is both genders adding to the faggotry in western society
>How did society get to this point?
I fucking love ethots. They provide deep sexual satisfaction to men who might otherwise not have access to any. \
One of my wife’s friends got messaged on twitter asking for nudes (she’s a tiny flat chested filipino), she asked for $500 and he venmoed it to her immediately.
She just laughed and blocked him. Simps make me sick, as a small business owner I have to grind for $500, it’s fucking infuriating how easy women have it
Mmm oh god imagine my mistress sleeping like that I hope she moves her feet in front of the camera on accident Mmm she looks so peaceful
The world is fucked up these days.
Why should anyone be mad it this? This is just what capitalism does. If there's a market for it, a demand, then people are free to consume it.
You guys aren't commies, are you?
More or less
>she’s a tiny flat chested filipino
This. no respect for these subhuman, cucklord males who send their fucking paychecks to vapid, narcissistic e-cunts. first in line at the firing squad you worthless niggers
Jesus i thought i was the only one who watched her. Also Pika is hotter
>Also Pika is hotter
Got a clip? I love Jessu the most!
Checked and based completo eater
No clip but Pika is the chick she always dj with
> create a problem
> people have a demand to solve it
> sell the solution
> oh vey it's free market hurr durr
The system first transfer women into whoring e-thots, as a consequence men can't find partners who want to settle down, and then they have to watch e-thots sleeping.
The fucking Amerifat can't think
this is reddit tier and obviously foreign, you queers will not make it happen
Perfect ass, jesus
You can't just blame capitalism alone. Technology has something to do with the alienation of people too. Why work towards a relationship when you can get satisfaction another way? VR technology is going to be really big someday for people coping. Just imagine apartment people hooked on VR all day like we are on the internet now just that more subversive.
When i first experienced the internet what did i do(besides porn)? I looked for other people to meet up. It was AOL chat rooms, IRC, MMOPRGS, Image boards like this one. Then twitch came along and you can experience gaming with your friends like they are in the room with you. The next step is VR no doubt were you can be physically placed in a virtual space with other people that's going to be really addicting to the younger generations.
grow up
Thinking about betas wasting their hard earned shekels on e-thots, cams, sugar babies etc. makes me feel good desu. And it's not like most of the roasties benefiting from betabux actually get rich. Most of them just spend all the money they earn on consumption like good goys. That's good news for my stock portfolio.
imagine thinking your mom was selling her sexuality on the internet to millions of horny creeps.
So you invest in Amazon because they own Twitch?
their monetizing the incel hell scape
It was invented by a jew.
Is the little tranny faggot jealous?
Paypigs are a real thing and it's not my business how they choose to spend their money. Simps on the other hand, you know the ones that have wagecuck jobs and mod FOR FREE are truly repulsive.
Just get a hooker, you fucking land mollusk.
Hooker arent classy like Twitch thots
you are a cuukc to your hormones like a weak mental midget
Total alienation.
I have some Amazon stock but that wasn't what I meant. What I meant was that roasties and beta providers are great for the economy because they mindlessly consume.
Literally Yas Forumscels. Look at half the replies in this thread. It's those types of people who obsess over and idolize women, because they get no other interaction with them in-person or often even online
>Hooker arent classy like Twitch thots
What is the difference between a hooker and a twitch thot?
ok troomer
Everyone ITT acting like white men are to blame for the e-thot epidemic but really most of the simps are Pajeets and other thirsty shitskins that will do anything to get attention from a white woman
I can't blame a twitch thot for taking free money, I've done far more degrading jobs than this.
The betas who donate need to be bullied to death though. But I suspect that a surprising amount of donations to twitch thots and camwhores come from foreign intelligence agencies, especially Mossad.
capitalism is fake
Why does she have such a weirdly thin top-lip? Did her mother drink while she was pregnant?
You actually get pussy with a hooker?
thirsty betas are to blame. thots just gonna thot
Strangers telling me how I should spend my money. Lol I donate to twitch streamers because they provide me entertainment. No different than actresses. Stay jealous women on twitch are making bank thats where all the jealousy stems from
How the fuck do you sleep with so much fucking light in your room?
>livestreaming myself shaking, occasionally screaming, and sweating through the sheets while my eyes open every fifteen minutes or so
lol no thanks
excellent bait
you'll get a dozen replies
I don't understand why Belle gets so much hate. The only difference between her and all the other e-thots is that she's more overtly sexual
Women are whores and will find a way to spread their whoredomness. Technology is supposed to improve lives, not make women even more awful.
How hasn't anyone pointed out the racial bias of people viewing only white women and giving them so much money just for being the most attractive race? You'd think more nig jurnos would be ass blasted their part time streaming jobs weren't bringing in a percentage of what sleeping white women do.
This desu. Why care what betas blow their money on? Yes, it's pathetic, but so what?
but sleeping on twitch is a bannable offense.... an enforced one
escapism, he can easily fantasize and pretend with the e-thot, doing that with a hooker is very troublesome because reality hits his face.
Exactly a hooker breaks the entire alienation lifestyle you had with your egirls. Hookers are direct competition to what they are selling.
weak men.