How will sexbots affect society?

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weirdos have a mildly-less-imaginary gf and don't kill themselves, thus continuing to work their menial wageslave jobs. Great for the economy overall. Doesn't really affect everyone else otherwise.

How are we going to make realistic-looking soft actuators?
Pneumatic muscles are noisy and change volume significantly
Electroactives are ass-expensive and not the strongest
Thermal muscles are inefficient as fuck

Women will somehow find a way to ban them so you keep paying them for their sweet sweet yeast factory

what a shitty drawing
look at that leg

Servos would be more quiet if they were immersed in an oil bath, ive been trying to solve that problem since i began my quest to design a waifubot

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As much as I would like to have one, I get the feeling pic related's 3rd panel will come around somehow.

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ok, this one's better
when's this gonna be a real thing?
2045, as Kurzweil says?

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But servos are hard and heavy

if they have a job they are not weird

t weirdo elitist

>How will sexbots affect society?

Pretty easy to calculate if you pay attention to all the shit we have now that's screwed up.

1. Liberate men by unclogging the bottle neck of their sexuality. You'll literally have a dedicated outlet for sex and will be less likely to be manipulated by your female partner anymore.

2. Price of pussy will plummet. If women want a life partner, they will finally need to compromise as men do. Men can also get multiple sex robots and satisfy basic male fantasies.

3. Complete collapse of STD rates.

4. Return of polite society since tournament mating will disappear.

5. Increase in birth rates with the removal of females controlling fertility if we have artificial wombs.

6. Sexbot AI will also likely increase general IQ and provide artificial intelligence support. It can be your banker, calculator, fuck buddy, daily organizer, house caretaker, child care provider, and many other functions.

We may go to a Level 1 civilization in a mere decade.

God dammit I need the full picture

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Incels will use them for relief and alphas will carry on reproducing

From my experiments, soft actuators are only necessary for making facial expressions. Linear actuators for the arms and legs, servos in the forearm to control the fingers. The noise becomes an issue when used to make facial expressions. I discovered that my servo design i machined is much quieter since its submerged in motor oil which quiets the gears greatly

Doesnt exist, its oc from Yas Forums

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Gimme the full.


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Also, I saw some article from some university in japan making mckibben muscles in a fiber form-factor, the change in volume is less significant and they can be designed to look very much like muscles. They weren't as strong as human muscles, but they were going for low-cost. I imagine with better materials the pressure could be jacked up and with hydraulic operation it could be made safe and quiet

Where can i buy them?

They manufactured them themselves
Basically you need rubber tubing and expandable tube sleeving

Honestly I really wish my gf and I could be dominated together by a sexbot

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can’t wait to drive my electric car home to my electric wife and electric house. the dog will have to be real though.

Things won't change as much as everyone believes, at least not until robots that look, move and react like a real human become a thing AND are mass produced.
Assuming that the first commercial robots are humanoids with metal or hard plastic instead of softer materials (imagine a much more advanced version of Atlas, for example), they probably will be mostly used for companionship and help. Nurse and maid robots will be the most popular models, while units designed for sex will be more niche, not because a feminist/Jewish movement banned them, but because most people simply wouldn't be into fucking a piece of metal and plastic (just like nowadays sex dolls are a niche fetish).
I can assure you that sex robots won't be banned (at least not until a real AI is developed, because when that happens a fuckton of debate about it will spark) in the near future. Even with everything that has happened recently, the (sex) industry isn't too stupid to let pass such opportunity of making money. At the end the wallets have the end word, and the sex industry will push for sex robots in the same way they pushed for other things (like the legalization of prostitution, the spread of porn in every format available, and all kinds of sex toys).

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Ill look into that

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I think this anons right and it won't be as popular as people think.

Do... Do you have an actual fetish user?

Nope, i just want a waifubot capable of making me tendies

idk why I find that glowing eye shit so sexy but here I am I guess

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That looks like the silver surfer and gir had a love child

>not getting an electric doggo
I love dogs but as much fun as they are, the heartbreak when they get sick/injured/die is very hard to deal with.

More like a retard baby

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don't (You) me with that it only makes it worse

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i might now

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I suppose that's fair.
It's not real and I know that. But I felt my dick twitch all the same. These drawings are very strange.

I... Think this thread is giving me one now.

Her name is Drossel Juno Vierzehntes Heizregister Fürstin Von Flügel, and is from a Japanese cartoon made by Disney.

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You know you want to be bathed in the warm glow of her LEDs while you make out and listen to eisbrecher
Embrace it

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Maybe sexbots are the reason i should live, i honestly wanna die out of sheer boredom and no aspiration for anything in life.

I wanna BE a gynoid rather than to own one to be perfectly honest.

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Looks like a xenomorph

Are you the faggot from Yas Forums?

>Thermal muscles are inefficient as fuck
If youre paying 10k for a robot, do you really care that it sucks down more electricity than jizz?

How can I find more of that art? (name of the character would be good)

No fuck off that's Yas Forums's girl and you assholes aren't making her some shitty nazi waifubot.

the left will see these made illegal in the US before they even get here

>embrace it
Alright lads new plan. Need to get enough money to fund my self sufficient right leaning libertarian complex hidden deep in the woods where I can live in peace with my waifu bot.

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Its emmy from dominic cellinis instagram. All these pics are on the Yas Forumsllection booru
Emmy avoids the groid

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>I suck therefore everyone sucks

not everyone is a worthless abo like you

Are you the first waifubot poster? What have your researches entailed?

as if these won't be invented and perfected here.

Thanks user

Thats the idea. Buy mine when i start building them on commission

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why would she be sweating

>Perfecting anything in the realm of robotics
Japan has you beat by literal centuries.

Its hard as fuck, making it walk is the hardest part and nobody has truly mastered it

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Japanese robots can't even navigate stairs, cope harder

Its alcohol coolant so you can get drunk when you lick it

You build them good enough and I will user.

artists from drawthreads who post cropped lewds are basically satan

imagine dedicated thousnads of hours of your life to drawing smutty pictures but you dont even post the whole image just so people on Yas Forums give you attention and/or beg you for commissions

>"has you beat"
turn off your vpn, nigger

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Because it's sexy

Based? I think I'd rather that be the saliva instead.

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No cheap plastic will be used, machined aluminum all the way. Should i do emmy or dorothy for my prototype?

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OOH I just remembered an idea I had
Basically a flexible linear stepper motor
Imagine having a strand of elastomer filled with ferrite dust, and threads much like on a screw are cut into this. This strand would then be potted in an elastomer without ferrite and fins would be formed from this elastomer. A sleeve would be constructed fitting around this strand, with a pattern of separate threaded lengths offset by an integer fraction of the pitch. Channels would be cut into this to fit the fins such that the interior thread cannot rotate to align, and must translate. The windings would be made on the exterior of the sleeving and would be two sets of helical windings per thread grouping. Current would be opposite in two neighbouring windings such that flux forms an inward/outward pointing helix. The windings would be placed such that the flux lines up with the pointed out area of the sleeve threading.

are you really this deluded? America doesn't make anything. You are a service based economy and have relinquished all the skilled labor and craftsmanship to the rest of the world

I can and do get girls and they can and have had that same expression upon initial sexual contact, but dang, I would love to give it to a robot doing the same.

Why not both?
You cant do that on Yas Forums, nudes get you b&

jenny xj-9

*Boston Dynamics in your path*

You better get used to it, because this is the kind of autonomous robots that will appear first. Big and thick mechanical parts because the technology to miniaturize such complex parts isn't available yet, covered in a hard plastic case that is much cheaper and resistant than synthetic skin (not to mention it refrigerates better), almost no facial features because it's the easiest way to avoid falling in the uncanny valley, etc. Your first robowife will be like your first phone: a huge plastic brick with basic functions.

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Imagine LITERALLY being able to have sex with 2b, or Asuka, or Megumin

Why should we settle for fancy fleshlights when we could simply take away women's rights, disallow them from voting or having jobs, outlaw abortion, and make it legal for husbands to beat their wives? Why settle for the synthetic when we could have the real thing in chains on their knees?


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They won’t. Sexbots won’t take off at all. Make exercise and healthcare companions and you’ll get better sexbots in the bargain. Aim at earth, win the dirt. Aim at heaven, win the earth.