What should the punishment for preppers be?

After this whole thing blows over how should we handle the preppers?

These people are utterly histarical and cannot be allowed to reintergrate into society. How can we ever expect humans to handle a major crisis that at the first sign of bad news they go load up 4000 dollars worth of toilet paper and beans?

Preppers are disgustingly weak and shall not be tolerated.

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Kek. I'll sell you a can of beans for 100 bucks

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Them having a shedload of TP and/or having to re-sell it at -50% profit should be punishment enough.
Preppers are fucking embarrassing. I actually consider their actions insulting to the integrity of our country. It's like people who open carry an AR everywhere. What the fuck do you think is going to happen?

That is why you should have prepared to handle the preppers. It is kinda too late now to prepare a plan for them. What plan do you suggest to take care of what the preppers have been prepared for ?


you mad swamp ass nigger?

Hell no, this faggot's talking about hurting you. He doesn't get food without giving up a family member.


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There's nothing wrong with being prepared and making sure to have a decent stock of dry/canned food in your pantry for an emergency.

However, that's not what we're talking about here. I have no clue what the fuck is going on with these NPCs who are hoarding massive stockpiles of toilet paper (and mostly JUST toilet paper). Motherfucker if things actually go south, the convenience of wiping two-ply against your butthole is the least of your worries

What do you mean? Preppers already had stockpiles. We didnt need to buy anything. The panic shopping is by the folks that just suddenly realized bad things can happen to them not just folks on the tv.

Hell of a way to eliminate the Christians the jews figured out. Destroy their educated, by claiming they were harming everyone else. Steal their food, so everyone who didn't have land starved to death instead of having food to buy or trade for.

preppers would been stocked for years or months and wouldnt have waited for this, as in "prepared"
you're referring to "normies"

>the least of your worries
for you.
how can i concentrate on the big igloo with itchy shit ass and mud butter?

Preppers =/= panic buyers
A prepper would already have 50 years of toilet paper and beans before the pandemic and therefore not need to buy tp now

I want to stockpile TP simply for how ass mad people are getting over it

Kek, you'll be long dead because you even reach my house, doughboy

why so much toilet paper?

I'm I the minority for using the bidet to clean my ass? I just think water does a better job than paper at leaving you clean...

lmao boomers are fucking terrified. quick make faggy insults! that'll fix this snowflake virus!

I'll give you a week's worth of food and toilet paper for your loli daughter when shtf

You may give me your daughter for a days ration of food from my Pantry., that's what your revenge will be, pleb.


Don't worry about toilet paper and beans, you're already dead and prepper chads will inherit the Earth

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>at the first sign of bad news

you need to leave

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Nothing? it's their money.

>Reselling tp and not just using it over time
ask me how I know you're not paying bills

seconds apart, , great minds, etc..

Just try and take my stuff. It's too late wagie. We've won. We've gone turtle mood and are now invisible to you.
I'll be married and having marital sex with your wife or legally aged daughter in only a matter of time.

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Yea, I don't get the TP thing. What are you retarded? Get wet wipes. If shit hits the fan and society breaks down, you think I want to scrape the shit out of my chapped, unwashed ass with a bunch of rough tissue paper, or clean it out with wet towelettes?

Preppers aren't the problem as they are prepared regardless. Panic buyers are the problem.

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Oh, I forgot to mention that you'll be dead, OP. The disease will kill you and I will gain what you once had.

Paper is for savages.

The way to deal with mass buyers is unironically rationing
If you didn't prep /before/ the happening you get the same ration as everybody else buddy
>inb4 communism muh freedoms

it makes no sense. I use 1 roll every 2 weeks during a bad series of shits. So 2 rolls a month. If there's 4 people in your house that's 16 rolls for 2 months, which is a reasonable time for a quarantine to be in effect. And all the while companies will ramp up production to meet demand

these toilet paper hoarders are just so incredibly weird to me, you'd think they'd be getting canned food and whatnot, but no, toilet paper. Is it some kind of social experiment? Where a few people are paid to buy assloads of toilet paper, and then the study sees how many people follow suit?

Preppers are fine. It's the hoarders who seek to be crisiskikes in the event of a collapse or emergency that are the issue. Kikewood and other bad people socially engineered the people to be NPCs, then they pushed them towards behaving like kikes so that they would defend the kikes, seeing themselves in them.
Do you blame the pawn or do you blame the player?
When you blame the pawn, the player gets away and just makes more pawns.
But you also can't ignore what the pawns do too. But are you able to follow nuanced directives that involve context?
Or are you too, a pawn without even realizing it?

Prepping and hoarding is the most anti-social and selfish thing anyone can do. How can society make it through if a few mentally ill preppers hoard 95% of the necessary supplies? Three months prison isn't close to enough. Their punishment must be more severe.

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Prepping is already its own punishment. It's a waste of time and money. You spend a bunch of energy being worried something will happen degrading your quality of life right now. Then if it ever finally does happen, your stockpile attracts everyone else who didn't prepare and you either end up cucked or killed over it.

Why dont they just wipe their asses with water like humanity has done for most of history? Like these are the same guys who hoard ammo and brag about how they will “defend themselves by any means necessary” and train for the the day when they have to “rough it” but get all squimish when its comes to a little ass water.

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Fuck governments and fuck you.

Most people want to prep without wasting any money so they buy things like toilet paper that has no expiry date that they will eventually use anyways instead of cans of beans they would never eat unless they were desperate


You're offended people plan for the future?

preppers buy their shit long before the disaster hits, and over a long period of time. They don't cause any damage to the market. Hence the term PREPPER. You know, PREPARATION.

panic buyers are the problem

Communists get the rope.

If you have shit on your hand you wash it with soap and water. Using only paper or wetnaps is not enough.

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What happens to idiots who aren't ready for emergencies aren't my problem. Trying to steal my property just makes you a threat to me.

We prep, but the only people that know are the wife and I. Don't tell your friends, your co-workers, you family. They will all assume you are a worthless target and will struggle through the hard times. Best if they don't want to come to you. If you need it, you have it. If you don't, you can go about your daily life not having to spend for some time, while rotating and replenishing. Soviet steel-case ammunition doesn't have an expiry date.

The 'have-nots' will want that of those who 'have'

enjoy the next few months without hand sanitizer, vitamins, and P100 masks.

Its my 2nd ammendment right to open carry an ar15 bitch. Also if i want to buy 50 packs of toliet paper i can. Its called capitolism faggot

>being self-sufficient is bad
>just rely on the authorities to get us through y'all

OP voted for Obama. Twice.

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>After this whole thing blows over how should we handle the preppers?
>After this whole thing blows over
don't you mean once the apocalypse begins? Their hoarding will be beneficial for my raider plans

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Normalfags should be shot in the throat

Toilet paper doesn’t go bad you dumb fuck, you can just use it over time and never have to buy TP again.

>How can society make it through if a few mentally ill preppers hoard 95% of the necessary supplies
if "a few mentally ill preppers" can afford 95% of the worlds food... that's funny

Never fails. I drop a redpill and the next few posts after mine are glownigs and rats going hard on the divide and conquer narrative.

Meanwhile the preppers also planned how they would deal with the unprepared.

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That isn't exactly true on the ammo. As the years go by the ammo will become less reliable. I shoot 1970's surplus 7mm mauser and they don't always go bang.

>punishment for preppers

how about punishment for the lazy fucks who cough and sneeze in public without even trying to cover their mouth?

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>noooooo it's not fair we have to starve to death EQUALLY! think about the greater good!

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>Wahh people are buying things
Imagine being this much of a faggot

>How can we ever expect humans to handle a major crisis that at the first sign of bad news they go load up 4000 dollars worth of toilet paper and beans?
if shit was actually hitting the fan, that stuff would help them
>Preppers are disgustingly weak and shall not be tolerated.
>you are weak for being prepared
I'm not doing this myself because I really don't care what happens either way, but you're a fag.

>Reselling tp and not just using it over time
These people are literally buying 10,000 rolls. "Using it over time" is "using it for the rest of your life."

You are going to regret not prepping.

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Mostly by not telling anyone you do it.

>preparing for the future is bad
Found the nigger. Being able to plan and prepare is one of the key characteristics of being white. This developed in Europe due to a need to farm according to the season and plan for winter.

Kill yourself now and save us the trouble when shit hits the fan. The people "prepping" by buying only toilet paper aren't going to make it anyway, so who cares.

>first sign of bad news
i think you have an understanding problem.

>4000 dollars worth of toilet paper and beans?
Maybe last week. Now it's $20,000 of toilet paper and beans. In a month you'll be paying $1 million per roll of our toilet paper. We are smart you are dumb. Now you pay the stupid tax.

They come sealed air-tight in a giant spam can?

And I get to call you a fucking wannabe glownigger retard faggot fuck for doing these things.

i have a plan. its called minding your own fucking business. who care what other people spend THEIR money on faggot?

All you really need to clean after taking a shit is a finger and enough water to wash away the shame.

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People buying toilet paper at the last moment aren't preppers.

Preppers bought their stuff years ago.

> envious and dumb faggot who doesn't have the foresight to prepare is mad

i'm annoyed by how people react, as if people are buying astronomical amount of toilet paper and as if you should only buy food and medicine as if you don't really need toilet paper (ok some "people" prefer to use a bidet or their hand but most people rely on toilet paper)

I was new once too.

tell me how I know you work for the based department

The FBI was right. Prepping is a big red flag for violent right-wing extremism. I won't shed a tear when the military requisitions your hoarded stockpiles for distribution to the suffering masses. If you're as dumb as I think you are, you'll probably go out in a hail of gunfire. Nothing of value will be lost.

Save my money.
Build a nice savings stash.
Prepping for any problem that may come up even old age.
Get punished.

Yes, and?

lol, yeah, get all those right wing asians at costco.
do it. please.

The majority of TP preppers are non-whites though user...

can somebody explain me why toilet paper of all things?

Yeah two to a crate. But realize my shit is 50 years old. If you have new production tula or some shit I am sure it will be good for at least thirty years and even then most of it will still work fine. Just practice your clearing drills.

Preppers already had everything, these people are panic buyers.

Just capitalize on the situation.

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It's actually advisable to do this if you have the storage ability, given it'll save you severel thousands compared to purchasing over-time.

Regardless of prepping.

What's up with you fags and these shitty construction-tier masks? Imagine not having a real gas mask and filters.


"or their hand" wow and actual swede

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>It's only SARS 2.0 guys, chill the fuck out.
I guess you weren't alive when SARS spread, right? And you don't know how the people who actually survived it are still dealing with what it did to the 17 years later?

Those masks still form a seal and use p100 filters, you just need to provide your own eye protection.

All good soldiers carry their own kit.

FBI was right, ANTIFA is full of pedophiles petrified of the rope.

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What the fuck are you on about?


So hot

>watching out for yourself bad
>don't stock up on necessities if crisis is on the horizon
>let the government handle everything
>the government will give you food if you REALLY need it
>the government will keep you always safe
>the government would always put you before everything else
>the government values your life
yeah how about you go fuck yourself you poor ass commie nigger

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THIS THREAD IS FILTHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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newsflash, you for the rest of your life will shit on a semi regular basis.

>muh toiletpaper hoarders

Nigger you can help yourself when I'm done with it. All yours. 100% free.

Govt cant even manage to get test kits made. Why should I be scared of the incompetent?

So close to sevens

Survival and access to naturally immune women.

close :(

>violent right-wing extremism
There was nothing violent, extreme, or even inherently right wing about what I said, wtf is your problem? You're the one proposing hypothetical scenarios of using violence against anyone who thinks differently than you.

>having to re-sell it
Why? Idiot

How the fuck can one man possibly be so based?

Dont worry fren the government knows exactly who has what and will be confiscating preppers supplies and using it for themselves.



>you just need to provide your own eye protection
how many do you think have appropriate eye protection? real gas masks are cheap.
>doesn't protect against gases or vapors, i.e. tear gas
So one dimensional

preppers did nothing wrong

Do you honestly think you can impose any punishment faggot? At worst preppers will be venerated and honored as heroes who did what was necessary to ensure the safety and survival of their family. Likewise in the advent of a catastrophe neither faggots like yourself nor the Fed's will have the strength or commitment to flush out those who were prepared. How would you even begin to decipher what was bought and when? What do they plan to do? Most preppers would gladly watch you bleed to death in a ditch if you come at them with that socialist collectivist horseshit. Most preppers won't be breathing a word of what they did to anyone outside their immediate family either. Good luck shit heel.

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the PQ will be solved when the JQ is solved

Why would you punish people for being prepared? This is like punishing people for paying off their student loans or waiting until marriage to have children. What a weird shill thread.

>be Japan
>the most vulnerable country to Chinese tourists and therefore the Wuhan flu
>Chinese people fly in and buy all our masks at the very start of the epidemic
>no one buys food or water
>China goes full apocalypse, grocery stores empty
>still no one in Japan buys food and water
>it spreads across Asia and Australia
>still no preppers
>today supermarkets are still normal

>Be America
>Some people coof
>Punch an old lady in the face and buy a pallet of toilet paper
>take a selfie in the parking lot

Wow, it's almost like in a diverse country it's every man for himself but in a homogeneous country people understand they're going to pull together.

>be me
>worked at a grocery store stocking shelves when I was 15
>Know just how much inventory there really is in the back
>Only a few pallets in the back and that's it.
>Require daily arrival of shipments
I can easy identify who didnt work at a young age part-time. The lack of real world knowledge is going to be their downfall.

>turtle mood

what sickness is this?

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I'll also have access to TP that isn't taking up 1000 square feet of space.

Preppers have never been the problem idiot, its the panic buyers whom hoard supplies as soon as lame stream media tells them to 'prepare'

Prepper hate is the ultimate form of communist resentment. Preppers aren't wealthy or elites but they now hold a position outside of "equality" which is like turning their back on the Revolution.
I notice commies hate the rich and the prepared.

You can swap out the cartridges
As for eye protection, I don't know. I happen to have some from doing other stuff, but I didn't shell out the $150 for a dedicated full mask or threaded filters. I considered it, but finding a supplier these days is a bitch.

low social trust will kill us
if not in coronavirus then in the next happening
November 2020 could be litty

at this moment, i am euphoric.

When the military lawfully requisitions your stockpiles for public use during a national emergency, any resistance on your part is an expression of violent right-wing extremism. It's right-wing because the left supports redistributing goods for the common good. Only the right believes in social Darwinism and Ayn Rand-tier selfishness.

If shit actually goes down preppers that wait until stuff starts getting bad will be the first to get killed for being greedy faggots. B-but I have a right to prepare! Yeah and if society breaks down anyone that wants to has the right to take your shit.

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Can't just go around punishing people for being autistic. Having to store massive load of toilet paper is pretty much punishment enough. What should happen though is focus on culling the behavior before it happens, be it store limits or just better education or what ever.

Who will be around to punish the preppers?
I'm using that.

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"Okay Gary," *cough cough* "Time to raid this prepper geek's home. COUGH"
"Gary? Wake up, Gary. *cough cough*"

bidet retards - your asses will still be wet (and still shitty), if you use a sink then you will contaminate it with your fecal matter. Since you are hikikomoris anyway you will give yourself some bacterial disease and suffer that + eventual coronavirus. Ill be sure to wrap you in TP mummy style for your burial, faggots