@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump presents Presidential MoF to Gen Jack Keane 3/10/20
>Pres Trump comments to reporters @US Capitol 3/10/20
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Health Insurance CEOs 3/10/20
>WH Press Brief (VP Pence/Corona-chan Task Force) 3/10/20
>FLotUS Melania @PTA Legislative Conf on BE BEST 3/10/20
>HHSSec Azar @Hatch Center on Biosimilars 3/10/20 (full)
>HHSSec Azar on (((FakeNews))) 3/10/20
>Eric Trump on FoxNews 3/10/20
>Eric Trump on America 1st w/Gorka 3/10/20
>Bannon on JohnFredericksShow 3/10/20
>Corey Lewandowski on JohnFredericksShow 3/10/20
>Trump2020PressSec McEnany on HughHewittShow 3/10/20
>Trump2020Adviser Meister on FoxNews 3/10/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on FoxNews 3/10/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on FBN 3/10/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: yangendorse.jpg (800x142, 17.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


checked MAGA

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-11 07-48-43.png (895x595, 116.72K)

I'm sorry, but did Bernie already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only March. Does not having the lead in March count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this thread when the election is still on? Bernie is still running right now and he has been the best candidate in the race for how many years now? He's running against one of the worst politicians in the DNC who just happens to have a lead because he's feeding off the energy of SC boomer voters. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Sanders is one of the best fucking senators in congress, he went 13-3 last year and would of won the 2016 nomination if the voting wasn't rigged. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded posts like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Sanders wins. Oh look at that, Biden just forgot his name again when he needed to remember it, just like Hillary did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a post on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Sanders posts because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like him because he's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a post like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing


how many of these threads are you guys going to make?
give it a rest.

he’s gonna drop out tomorrow morning

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He’s going to kill himself tomorrow

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Have you checked the bernout salt thread done by the greek guy


Attached: Capture.png (583x463, 19.58K)

There will be no refunds. The number of refunds is zero.

Checked and AWOOed.

Attached: awoo durga 3.png (652x656, 1022.66K)

That guy is a fed, he ready to take down dangerous bernie supporters

>it ended before it got juicy
God damn it, nothing will top 2016

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Tranny meltdown in progress

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>mfw triple doubles

Attached: my guy.jpg (386x358, 42.3K)

Anyone have the Joepedo thread screencap where the OP asks how to delet the thread?

literally who

I can't believe it's come down to this. This is going to be so much fun.

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>Can Bernie still win?
Yes, but only if you #MatchMe
Who will join me and sell a kidney and donate it all to Bernie

Attached: bernie sucker 1500.png (1201x597, 149.84K)

>biden picks his good friend and the most qualified candidate in the history of these united states as his VP
>he then dies of coronavirus
it's happening boys

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>That's wonderful to hear. I as well.

I'm happy for you and hope she's the one.

Attached: wink.webm (600x500, 141.7K)

>republicans might actually take back all of Iowa

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What was it previously?

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A few friends and I are already planning to call in to our jobs to report that we have flu like symptoms and are self-quarantineing ourselves. We will all get a free week off and nobody will question our motives.

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Based on turnout tonight I think Trump is in serious trouble.

>Steve King's district has the highest margin for Republicans despite cuckservatives trying to sabotage him in 2018

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Flying to Vermont

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Hilldawg is gonna come out on the stage in Millwauke and Joe will hand her the skelegates

Attached: 1498883634950.gif (400x224, 1.55M)

should have built the new computer instead.

Attached: 1580790598763.jpg (2000x1600, 222.29K)

>Biden’s going to force Bernie to endorse him

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>Here's to more deportations

Attached: A Muscle Wizard is awakened.gif (500x280, 494.33K)

>no refunds
Dems are seriously fucked though, Biden is legit brain dead at this point and they can't hide him from public, Trump is going to hammer him

Attached: biden surge.jpg (1181x1600, 301.83K)

>There will be no refunds. The number of refunds is zero.
but I need to get my Bernie tat removed

Attached: bernie donation refund tat.jpg (540x960, 56.28K)

Why is Madden trending?

That was such a good thread.

It's possible Biden vs Trump gets heated.

>I'm sorry, but did Bernie already lose?

Attached: 1471663569540.png (473x500, 8.5K)

2020 is gonna be a hell of a ride.
Same to you, fren.

Attached: the ride.jpg (519x447, 39.94K)

Entire family in Michigan voted Biden because he would be easier than Bernie. I did too. We will be voting Trump this year like 2016.He is likely going to get more votes than he did in 2016 primary depsite running opposed. The bad thing is, Republicans got more votes than Dems in 2016, but Dems are smashing record Turnout this year. Granted, there were likely many Trump voters like me voting in the Dem side, but still.

His constituents are loyal and love him.

Cenk Turkroach Uigger is so fucking salty right now he's shouting over his own reporter

Ria Hill has great nipples, debate me

Attached: Screenshot_20200310-222033__01.jpg (1080x1449, 226.16K)

He’s just a placeholder for Hillary.

The whole primary season is basically over after tomorrow, Biden will barely disappear from public view now that he's won and they may not even hold a convention in person. Even if they do Bernie voters will have lost interest by then and there won't be any happenings

Yes yes, let the hate flow through you.

Segregation is coming.

we were robbed of a contested convention

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>..and is complete garbage on immigration
Trump has endorsed Charlie Kirk's book and TPUSA is Trump's outreach/mouth piece for the youth vote.

100/100 master troll, whoever started that thread.

it is 2 2, it was 3 reps and 1 dems before 2018

which house will he cry himself to sleep in I wonder?

Attached: bueno2.jpg (630x636, 206.91K)

>IA 04
A King keeps his crown.

Mogami River.

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At this rate, Biden's gonna sweep North Dakota and Washington too lmao
RIP Bernie, can't wait to see the tranny suicide rates spike tonight

Pony tails are based; I miss shia

did they count those 29.4K votes yet??

trump will make biden have an anuerysm, he can't even deal with good-faith voters asking him questions
should be great TV

Why do the jannies keep deleting the Alex Jones arrest threads

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>mfw Berniebros would rather eat glass than vote for Biden

Attached: feeling myself.jpg (783x800, 220.58K)

ty. i thought i saved it earlier but i guess not.

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Finally. The future is female.

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Is he in serious trouble? Oh god, no. Guess I better vote for Joe Biden.

White voters piss me off a little. Iowa was a lean blue swing state from 1988 - 2012. Then they flipped hard red in 2014 & 2016 to flip back to blue in 2018. Republicans didn’t even field a candidate for Attorney general. This swing voting is retarded. Brown and yellow people vote 65% - 70% on perceived explicit pro immigration sentiment. Black people vote 85% - 90% based on pro welfare sentiment and simply because white southerners voted for Nixon

Damn she is good.

Attached: 7022382D-E31D-4070-8E52-56AB5CE74C96.jpg (885x596, 223.98K)

*will disappear


Attached: j.png (1061x418, 57.42K)

my sides.

womp womp

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>should have built the new computer instead.
you dont understand, I needed Bernie to win

Attached: bernie butthurt student loan.jpg (800x1026, 225.42K)


link me

I wanted it too, user. It just wasn't meant to be. At least now we can prepare for the main event.

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It fails every time because we didn't listen to our very first President and founder of this country, who said political parties would lead to this
300 years ago people knew that this is what happens when 2 parties dominate, everything gets fucked

where are you watching the young roaches?

I'm watching his nephew REEEEEEEEE right now, like 1/4 of his chat is LARPing Yas Forumslocks. Also, someone should get that young lady some first aid, those are some serious mosquito bites.

Attached: dokter.jpg (1024x1024, 115.39K)

Normally, Trump’s handling of the corona would cost him the reelection... but if his opponent is a literal alzheimers patient, he’ll still win.

Refunds disbursed: 0

>that nose

Attached: 1583532243477.gif (220x220, 68.7K)

Lol yeah he is not speaking because he cant be all gungho tonight then drop tomorrow like an ass

amateur e-thot move here, you have to maintain the illusion of attainability

I wonder how many student loans went to pay for the Sanders campaign in the hopes he would wipe the debt.

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most of them are foreigners, they can't vote
people still don't realize 60%+ of social media having to do with american elections/politics is non-americans commenting, pretending to be american without actually declaring nationality
then once you pin them down "well ackshully, I'm swedish/canadian/etc. but I really hope you get your act together"

AOC's take

Attached: Capture.png (305x140, 8.78K)

>here's to more racial injustices being ignored
>My disdain for whites grows everyday

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>we were robbed of a contested convention

Attached: I'm going to get my gun.jpg (676x676, 30.16K)

How old is this girl user

Attached: MonkaSSS[1].jpg (1200x675, 70.1K)

But we're handling Corona pretty well though.

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If we were going to have political parties they wanted a coalition government. Right wingers would never lose in this country with such a set up

Biden literally is running on medicare for all
medicare isn't "you get every single thing completely free" though
Bernouts didn't actually want "medicare for all"

I think she knows she'll be bartending again soon.

>my disdain for whites grows every day
>niggers literally handed Biden the nom on a silver platter

The eternal Cornnigger redeems himself in 2020?

In 2016 Trump only won Michigan by 10,000 votes. It is exceedingly likely that it easily goes blue this year unless enough Bernie voters stay home again. Wisconsin so far looks there is a better chance at staying red compared to 20,000 votes in 2016.

How does Clyburn holds so much influences over the black votes?

Like with dems and dude weed lol

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-11 07-57-01.png (1007x584, 112.82K)

This is what happens when people fall for the spic tits instead of the alcoholic 2d loli

Like the holohoax, the number grows by 6 gorillion every day

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I demand a refund. I demand to speak to your manager. I demand BERNIE be PRESIDENT.

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Guys our shill campaign to convert Bernie voters to Trump isn't working. Also spending the past couple years worshipping niggers was a waste of time and money since Biden already has the black vote. Now with the economy collapsing there's not much we have left. Democrats already surging ahead in the betting markets.

It's actually 3-1 Dem now, was 3-1 Rep before 2018

There was an election tonight? QRD?

so i decided to become a man today and went in the forest to hunt. Best thing i could find was a porcupine and and killed it with a club. My GF didnt know how to cook it and just put it whole with the spikes still on in the oven and this thing is fucking uneatable. Now the bitch is making me a scene. I did the job its her fault she cant take care of the kitchen...I swear

The left one really looks like Tucc.

Attached: 1557712548327.png (512x502, 20.67K)

>Plow Kid

Unfortunately short of banning political parties outright the equilibrium state is two parties based on how election math works.

they just went off air


ITS MA'AM! also.

>Instagram livechat
Can she not get on TV? :^)

That doomsaying bong needs to hurry up and die.

Attached: Untitled.png (786x435, 782.39K)

>I wonder how many student loans went to pay for the Sanders campaign in the hopes he would wipe the debt.
all of them
dumping my Bernie salt from 2016
Cancer patient realizes blacks are bad

Attached: bernie sanders supporter with cancer.png (790x483, 46.04K)

I just got back

Attached: Bernie dead campaign.jpg (577x249, 43.3K)

>wah wah racism
>fuck wypepo

can't even write a single paragraph without being a flaming faggot hypocrite

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More primaries, Biden won three of them while the other three have yet to be reported.

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