What's the most obscure conspiracy theory you believe in?

What's the most obscure conspiracy theory you believe in?

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Most Americans dont have souls, maybe 5% or less have soul shards, and maybe 0.5% have actual full souls like I do.

I read on here that some female golfer died trying to talk about how their were trafficked children at a US open who were with rich golf fans or people who funded the open, who were also conducting rituals, that weren't too obvious, stuff with patterns that they made the children walk in, on the golf courses. Also that golf has occult symbolism in it, played by rich upper class people. I have things on my computer at home about it but i'm at my campus right now.

Just Trudeau was kidnapped and replaced by an even dumber doppelganger

There were never anymore nukes after the original few tests.

Some people are so shit their mere presence disturbs reality and they are very proactive in the last years.

What did he pull on?

I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Cli

expanding earth.

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Earth's Moon originates from somewhere outside the solar system and is inextricably linked to the fact that life exists on Earth.

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his fucking pinky finger grabbed his pocket, only complete retards believe this video is some hurr conspiracy omg space is fake xddd

HIV does not cause AIDS

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julius caesar was black

That Montana doesn't exist and was created after WWII to make America look bigger against the Soviet Union.and it's Glowies who say they are from there.

The Moon was put there by Aliens.

(((dinosaurs))) never existed. only the dumbest, lowest-IQ brainlets believe in (((dinosaurs)))

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Lmao implying you have a soul, kazak fuck.

it is a low level classified gravity simulating spinal compression thing.
technology for future space colonization and long space journeys.

Yas Forums forgets that 99% of space related shit is secret for various reasons.
it doesn't mean space is fake.

This. OP webm is a brainlet filter.


hitler believed it was a giant ball of ice that solidified after the big bang (which was just a giant star fusing hydrogen into zillions of gallons of water).

hollow earth

Did that guy grab the belt loop with his pinky finger?


((they)) created flat earth and anti vax as a psyop to paint all conspiracy theorists as complete nutjobs because we were starting to get a little too close to the truth

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>hitler believed it was a giant ball of ice that solidified after the big bang

dragons are legit though

hitler was a jew puppet that was willingly manipulated by jews into killing tens of millions of white people and creating the state of israel. his reward was to spend his remaining days in argentina with a fresh loli everyday.

good job leaf thread deleted in 3... 2....


You can buy puts in just about anything, it wont matter. We are heading into a depression.

The virus isn't just killing fat old boomers. No one is recovering. It hides in your nervous system and reemerges again when your immune system lets up. It does this again and again, wearing you down and scarring your lungs each time. That's why people are being released only to die later after being "reinfected".

WE ARE ALL FUCKED, do you understand? If you catch this virus you are absolutely fucked.

WHO does not include "recovered" in their reports, poorly defined

New: "Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

28-Feb: Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

28-Feb: South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

27-Feb: Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

27-Feb: "Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

26-Feb: 14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

21-Feb: Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"

19-Feb: "There is a likelihood of relapse", expert says

14-Feb: Reinfection possible and even deadlier

31-Jan: Patients can get reinfected, no immunity after "recovery"

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

Virus invades nervous systems

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Black Cube/Saturn Worship

hitler never went to argentina.

he lived in a compound near the tip of long island NY until 2003.

>vaxing is good
youre retarded but badmouthing (((conspiracy theories))) is definetely a thing

>Governments are for the people by the people

Flat earth is lyfe

Explain how Montana doesn't exist? I've been fishing there for a couple weeks.


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i still believe Yas Forums is visited by humans from my timeline.

4000 deaths lmao 1000000 chinks could die and i wouldnt even start to take it seriously

Not really that obscure, but Admiral Byrd/Operation Highjump and it's proximity to the origin of "The Bloop" recording have to have some correlation I think. Also really close to where Lovecraft said R'lyeh was located.

Secession of southern states did not violate the US Constitution.

this one is intriguing since early dinosaur skeletons that were displayed were actually bones from other animals that they were able to make convincing skeletons from. The conspiracy diverges from accepted reality only in whether they stopped doing this or not

Evidence/Why you believe this?

the coronavirus

Everything you need is here:


Does covid survive in space? Asking for a friend

Make rockets that can get into space, instead use them to bomb England.

yeah man you know we can't talk about gold rumors

that all communications on the internet and media are controlled and slightly altered by a supercomputer before they get to your device. I just made that one up myself, but I think about it sometimes.

Abe Lincoln was a homo.

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Türk satanic


anyone have any spicy infographics about it before the thread gets 404'd and I get v&

The theory is built around a bunch of religious wack jobs mad that science debunks their faith so they delude themselves into believing satan is mind controlling every archaeologist in the world to lie about dinos and ever scientist to lie about carbon 14 dating

Pearl Harbor happened with US consent.

9/11 was done by Israel.

Every war since Arab Spring wasn’t for “oil” (normie take), but to field test new weaponry from Mitre and Northrop Grumman and others of that ilk - with the added benefit of destroying these places to facilitate immigration

Michelle Obama used to be a man

Obama was selected in his childhood to be the US president, he never really went to Columbia.

Pete Buttigieg was supposed to run for Senator after Clinton got her 8 years, then president after that - but trump ruined the plan so they had to whip him out too early.

Trump was forced to do something extortion-worthy so they could control him

The real Miley Cyrus died years ago, the current one was deployed to make it ok for young white girls to smoke pot and fuck black guys.

Pretty much any organization with more than $10 in assets is involved in some sort of child sex trafficking ring.

The holocaust has been greatly exaggerated to cement certain sympathies

Fluoridated drinking water is directly causing infertility in western men.

The reason s o y turns into onions is because the s.o.y. industry paid hiroshimoot a shit ton of money to do so in order to prevent memes from hurting profits.

Your cell phone can and will give you brain cancer from overuse.

Pizza gate is real. All of it.

Prescriptive programming like Hunters on amazon prime exist to literally normalize murder of white people, transparently

This is neither obscure nor a conspiracy theory. Everybody knows this. Secession was taught at West Point.

college is retard and for retard like you. retard man haha funny retard!

Rashku rashku

The people who thought the california forest fires were because of US Army Energy weapons from space.

Like they honestly thought that not only the US have literal Star Wars laser beams, but the US army was for some reason also testing it on it's own civilians.


(((they))) literally just find a "fossilized rib bone of a T-Rex" and recreate an entire (((dinosaur))) from it. Many of these "dino bones" have been proven fake or from another animal. "Bones" on display in museums are replicas purchased from one of a few companies in China

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8ft tall mantis aliens.

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i can tell from this post youve never seen a fossil and believe that they just dig up complete skeletons from 300 million years ago
>hint: the fossils section is within the minerals section, not the dinosaur section

What happens if you're both a devout and pious monk but also a paleontologist?

Coronavirus is fake

Elites are pushing One World Government to prevent WW3 between superpowers.

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belt loop it looks like

No one is secretly ruling the world and not one person has any idea of what is going on. Everyone, every leader, every person, just makes it up as they go.

Still baser than most people. 8/10.

show me the frame where his pinkie finger hooks into the pocket. I clearly see his pinkie finger tucked right there beside the other ones and the cable that he grabs on to stop the idiot.
your mom is a nigger

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Then why does HIV lead to the development of AIDS?

Coronavirus is just a flu

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The only reason why Alaska and Hawaii became states is because having 100 senators sounds better/cooler than 96

Why would her hair always stick straight up the whole time? Wouldn't it be flowing all over the place? This is the fakest shit i've ever seen, i can't believe people watch that and think they are in space. Probably in a studio somewhere.

I don't need to re-study German to know that IQ test is most likely a load of shit

Re-study German, boy. Do it. And you can read the German in that pic.

The greatest lie of post-WW2 history is that hitler hated all jews.

have you really tho? you could've easily confused it with wyoming or a similar land mass, montana was a sister society to the United states before globalization, so its not that Montana doesn't exist, it is just not permitted for U.S. citzens to enter. It is the hidden ethno state (the one ((they)) don't want you to know about)

We're in WW3. It's not like the wars before it.

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> We'll ignore all digital copies because

She even points at it like "isn't this crazy?"

>mention golf rumors 2 posts into the thread
I hope you have a bugout bag prepped.

i fell for the flag, i didn't see the O, I missed all the signs.

Today i have truly become a mutt

See the documentary 'Dinosaur 13'. Also, volunteer to work on a dig. University of the Rockies has a program.

This one. 1/2

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Dinosaurs aren't real but they will be.

The holocaust is real and six million Jews died in it plus millions others.

The Bible events have already happened. Revelation, Jesus coming back..all of it. The prophecies hasn’t been about anyone’s future except those living at the time when Jesus walked the earth.

This was supposed to be a fun joke thread, user.

The 2011 GOP Iowa Straw Poll was rigged for Bachmann

Oh look it's this retard, somehow too stupid to understand why they don't screw supports into 60-100 million old fossils and display them to the public. Also too stupid to understand that you can make a complete recreation of a skeletal structure from 50 partial fossils that contain 99% of required bones alongside closely related species with close to identical bone structure. The only people I've ever met who denied dinosuars were either schizos or creationists (and I'm sure there's a strong overlap)

Face it. T-rex never lived on the moon, or even vistied it!

Yep, I've thought about making a documentary about how they did it in a sarcastic way like "once upon a time, in 1820s england, a couple found a few small bones underneath their house in London..."