Corona: seeking Yas Forums UK tsunami dream user:

You and I both had the same nightmare days before Covid-19 became public in Wuhan. The nightmare depicted NYC hit by a tsunami. You were a Briton. I'm LA, former New Yorker. Fall in. Tsunami dream anons report here. Why did we all have that fucking dream and why was the virus represented by a tsunami?

Posted in Yas Forums because it was here, not /x/, where we all reported the fucking dream in our thread.

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Your numbers confirm my visions. RV user here. I have seen the water coming. And it's going to be a bad one. The Cascadia, gorlock, and Juan de fuca faults are going to blow and there will be a massive tsunami on the west coast.

Damns will break--the disease will wipe out the rest.

At first I could not tell if it was east or west coast. East coast is not safe (due to Cumbria Vieja) or an asteroid strike in the water--but the earth rumblings are most definately out west.

Also-look for the Yangtze River damn in China to break. Millions are going to die when that happens.

Then expect the water to go to New Zealand-this makes me happy because many elite flee there thinking they are safe. When the damn breaks in China, go to the highground in NZ.

Also--do not accept a vaccine for corona virus. That shit, if allowed to happen--is going to literally kill you.

I repeat NOT dreams. "RV" and when I see something it happens. The timeline is warped a bit and the great sickness came first--but the water is still coming.

based schizo doomer, your posts scare me. You arent a larp...

Dreams aren't politics you dumb fucking retard.

>I had a spooky dream of a scary event hitting a major city :(
You're an attention whore. Your dream was meaningless unless you literally dreamed Chinese dying in mass.

But dreams are political. Did you know kings would go to seers and worship gods to predict the future of wars and famine?

I dream about apocalyptic events two times a week but I don't post them on Yas Forums because I'm not a schizo.

I’ve had a reoccurring dream for about 15 years.

On shoreline when I see a giant tsunami a mile high as far as I can see. Sometimes I dive in trying to swim to the other side of the wave and other times I find a sub in the sand I jump in. Always ends there. One of three reoccurring dreams I have.

Mine always ends with 5w20 raining down.

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Bumped & Checked.

I saw this too. I see the 3 Gorges Dam collapsing to end China as we know it. They won't recover. But waters will rise all over earth when it happens and we're going to lose a substantial portion of many Chinese cities. This said: sure beats nuclear war, which is where the Chinese are heading with us if not headed off at the pass almost immediately. They can no longer be trusted to conduct themselves rationally.

Many non-Chinese cities, sorry. New York and many California coast cities gonna take a HIT.

RV also. A lot of us have been reluctantly seeing this shit by force for years. So many years. I just want it to be over. Whatever it is they've got planned, do it. And leave us the fuck alone

No-I'm not a larp. Unfortunately. This one is super hard for me-as I have seen both my children die. There is nothing to be done about it. You cannot make people listen. Growing up with a parent that is for all intents and purposes--not normal--so this is painful--even as I write it matter of fact.

It is hard to sit back and watch--and find any shred of meaning. I can say this is the time of the great purification-that there will be a reboot-what kind of reboot? Depends on who wins the war raging now. I think I can say that ONE side is pretty much like Project Zephyr lays it out--but there is opposition to their plan. This battle has been raging for many many years.

Over and over we replay the same script arriving at the same place-only to be rebooted--the game restarted. If you manage to die in this--do not go to the light. Tell the light to fuck off, go the other way and do not get tricked into coming back here. The Toltecs called it "avoiding Eagle"/

If we get too attached to what is here then--we are drawn to it over and over. I will not be the only parent to lose their kids--many many parents are about to lose their kids and kids will lose their parents. And over and over we shrink and we rise up. It is what it is...what we do now is not different in any way--than the time before.

Pic related from Albert Calumus's The Plague.

How arrogant we are to think that just because we have greater technology, we are in fact greater people--we are not.

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The first time i saw the water coming on the west coast was oh-maybe 1982? I was riding way out in the high desert on the mainland side of the San Andreas. I stopped on this high peak (to make sure that coyote had stopped following) and was enjoying the view-so high up--then suddenly there was only water--as far as I could see in front of me and I thought--humm maybe I should get some land out here as it is going to be beachfront someday. I did not buy land out there and despise California for her people--that beautiful land gone to ruin because the people.

Fuck. Sorry, user. Interesting shit you've posted here.

I've seen that dream too. Entire west coast as we know it is going to go under substantially, a lot of water unexpectedly inland. They'll survive though is what I saw. There will always be quakes and tsunamis but this was a "special case" in the dreams and will wipe out a lot. I saw water far inland as Burbank. But again, worth it to avert a nuclear war with China, which is what a lot of people there and other places truly want.

I was pondering that damn breaking--last night. I got to looking at the map (for some reason google earth pro does NOT work on windows 7 pro which I must use as my OS due to software compatibility (corporate work products)--I'm remote but my work product has to slide into theirs so..anyway..

I was trying to get google earth to work via online and I kept fucking up--I just got the idea that--MAYBE the damn breaking is related to "washing it all away" as some last ditch effort to wash away all the filth and stink and disease. I don't know how I feel about that as doing it on purpose is an evil beyond what I even want to know about but--it is a possibility. I tried to sort how long it would take to get to Wuhan etc...I always try to solve my visions logically and scientifically.

The other thing is that the damn IS built on a fault and was built in a hurry--such a hurry that they just BULLDOZED archeological sites and the locals were picking up relics left and right. I acquired some shroud weights from the area--jade and pretty amazing carvings--like woo woo. One I call the "ancestor" which looks like a big head alien with large eyes on his knees appearing to pray.

Anyway--rumor had it that the architect that designed the damn and oversaw building committed suicide because he knew that one day the damn would break and kill millions.

Still if one hears "when the damn breaks in China head to the high ground (for NZealand) then logically that means the damn ultimately fails due to some kind of earthquake that sends a tsunami to NZ.

I always try to solve them--I knew Wuflu was the great sickness the second I heard about it. I was just so sad--I kept looking and looking to find a way for it not to be--but never-not with Ebola, not with bird flu not with anything-not 2012-not y2K-never have I KNOWN this is it. We have a chance. Trump's election changed the timeline--it was going to be WAY worse under Hillary.

All we can do is "make a stand' and do our best.

I call it RV and technically it is--but I am what you might call-a natural. I forced Trump to come out in open because I posted a diatribe on kun--they know me-I am always right and I always start my post with "Dear Intelligence Overlords" and over and over they have listened. I hate that place because of the not forget there are NPCs on both sides of this...the poor idiots over there believe that this virus is a hoax and that it is a cover for mass arrests of elites. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that-and i'm OK with loosing those IQ points-SJW NPCs or hopebot NPCs..they are the same.

I CAN see Q--but they are good at blocking. Edward Riordan was comissioned to RV Q--he had videos posted of his--sessions and took them down. He has some "synopsis" posted now--it really is too dangerous. I thought I would be arrested for blowing the lid off this stuff to the KUN crowd--but at the time no body believed me--I did it on a Saturday and he spoke on the following Thursday. I hope they follow my economic plan. Italy is doing part of it. That place is literally spook central. I thought it was wrong not to give those NPCs a chance--so I did-. But I try not to mess with Q--they are using looking glass but are very inexperienced with the unintended consequences of timeline shifts.

I had to work my poor brain overtime to get OUT of the habit of linear time. Time is a funny thing. OUTCOMES can be different if reactions are different to the same stimulus. IE Trump faced the same shit but his reactions were different so the outcomes we have had under him are WAY less severe than what they would have been under Hillary. I call them Time Walkers--and we are kind of in a 12 monkeys type of thing. Someone posted a clip of that movie I'd not ever seen and I was like OMG this-so much this. I'm glad I'm not alone. I don't go to x because it's like preschool--as much as most of them say they believe--if they saw what I did they'd loose their minds.

I've been like this my entire life. Imagine being a kid and not realizing that not everyone saw things--harsh. Especially if family uber religious. I told my mom I was born this way and she screamed "so you're blaming it on meeeee". I have not ever nor would I even consider making a living with this-although i suppose if I did I'd not be a poorfag--but then I'd not be an honestfag. People don't want the truth--they want sunshine and roses blown up their ass. I am not all doom at all and I have used it to help people but many many times it gets blown in my face and I get blamed--I did enough of that as a kid. I saw a relative being knifejacked? and ran to tell my mom that somehow they had to help--my mom was like 'yes yes' and then she got a call--and the look she gave me--that was the moment I knew that not everybody saw stuff.

I have zero interest in being "right" it is just how it is. There is no comfort there--I consider it a personal challenge to survive this-and I did start getting ready many years ago-that timeline shift really really changed things. I recall Cliff High doing his high strangeness experiment and talking so much about this Sun Virus they kept hearing about. SO my guess is that there is often a timelag between expected happenings and the actual happening. I also saw an election being cancelled--and I kept looking--is it this ? but now I know--it's this year. We will not be having elections and we will be under partial martial law--and we will have to be under martial law because of how people are. I keep preaching--prepare to stay home--just stay home--stay in--but no one listens. So things will happen as people make their choices.

I go between falling apart inside because I know--and regaining that neutral space as an observer. I have to--I have to stay emotionally detached or this will break me. But I do try to talk to people and help them to see-hey do something now-I do it from ethics even though I know--they will do nothing.

>I knew Wuflu was the great sickness the second I heard about it. I was just so sad
Same. I knew instantly too. Reading this from somebody else is fucking eerie.

head back to /x/ or missed connections 2010 edition

Were you given the dream about CERN and how God fixed it? Scariest fucking nightmare of my entire life! I wouldn't wish what I saw even on them.

WTF are tsunami dreamers this common? I don't but my wife does regularly.

>being a kid and not realizing that not everyone saw things
Yep. I have no interest in being "right" either. Word to God I wish I could be wrong. Totally wrong. But all this shit is matching up with what I saw and I feel so helpless. Not having seen it and not knowing would have made my life a lot happier. Knowing is misery.

My thread. Fuck off. We're not tolerating your kind any longer.

The Belly Of The Dragon will drip water.

Prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

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Oh California is finished. There will be few, very few survivors. And what does survive will be monstrous-think Randall Flagg. I remember seeing that movie for the first time thinking HOLY SHIT how did Steven King get into my vision.--meaning the optics. the Kun crowd NPCs think only evil people are going to die--they cannot see their own evil.

I do not see stuff in dreams. I am fully conscious and it's like watching a movie. I have learned over the years to block out stuff-to stop the jumping because no one needs to live life that way--but sometimes it happens anyway. Do not even ask me a question--lol the second I hear it I see the answer then spend 30 minutes trying to be diplomatic. Mostly I don't even try anymore. I won't help people at all with anything. Tru fax--I used to help with missing people and wrongfully convicted--I used to help with medical stuff--but I don't help anyone at all anymore. It's just useless.

I have never seen nuclear war. With anyone. We are not going to be able to --because we are all quite fucked. (I can be wrong tho).

Get her here

can one of you nuts jobs seriously explain why you constantly make these schizo threads. I'm a boomer all the way back from usenet days nearly 30 years ago and it's the same retarded dribble that never actually happens.

I've seen nuclear war but it's limited. I even saw what cities. For decades of these dreams the key city struck in America made no sense to me. It sure as shit makes sense now in light of recent events. (Not saying which online. All I can say is God help them.) My shit comes to me at night while I'm asleep. I wake up in terror every night at 3AM from the shit and have since 1993.
>Oh, user, you're just a kid, it was just a bad dream. Go back to sleep

Yup, definitely one of the outcomes. I hope it does, to be honest, because the alternate outcome if it does not is nuclear. Not limited. Those jackasses plan to actually strike us in numerous places then make landfall here.

Okay, west coast is fucked. What about Alaska's coast?

lol, you definitely live in your parents basement.

INVADED. Should I say by who?

>There will be few, very few survivors
That sounds extremely unlikely dude

I'm glad I'm not the only one. Reading the nothingburger posts had flames coming out of my ears at times--but people are how they are. I never respond. They'll find out the hard way. NOTHING I can say or do will change that. LOL see The Plague exerpt I posted.

CERN has never been a concern for me. Yes as usual they are fucking with shit they shouldn't. But they're going to-and they're going to fuck things.

I am not a "god" person--and I do not believe the alien shit--(IE they mean us well and want to help us). I've had my own run-ins and I find them to be the real father of lies. I feel sorry for people who don't really understand--no one is coming to save us and the lie that there IS someone /thing coming to save us has made it impossible for us to save ourselves (we keep waiting). I think Human Nature is unchangeable. We are what we are. (basically assholes LOL).

>f you manage to die in this--do not go to the light. Tell the light to fuck off, go the other way and do not get tricked into coming back here. The Toltecs called it "avoiding Eagle"
Please tell me anything more you know about this.

I'm going to just say it, because now with this virus and all else there is no point in covering up shit to protect one's on or offline reputation. Here it goes. A lot of this I don't personally believe, completely, having been raised otherwise, but according to the RV dreams here is what it is-

The Cold War never ended. Russia is still Communist. China is Communist. Cuba is Communist. A startling amount of nations you can think of are. They realized Communism does not generate GNP for food and bullets so they cherrypicked what works about Capitalism and used it against the west in order to raise their revenues. Once they were ready, in their eyes, they planned to create what they refer to as an America-free century. A Communism wins era. To do this America must be destroyed and Europe must be "mashed up, marinated, beaten, bloodied and softened" to make way for their new kindly leaders. Everything....... EVERYTHING.......... EVERYTHING you have seen change since 1999 or so has been to that purpose and in that direction. All spearheaded by Communists. The think tank behind it is EAST GERMAN. Angela Merkel used to be a high-ranking East German officer in the Stasi and still is. When the Wall fell that never went away, they just went underground.

Gay shit, trans shit, ultra feminism, racism against whites, hatred at us as white men, it's all connected, it all has a purpose and it was created BY CHINA, RUSSIA AND SHADOW EAST GERMANY, IN THAT ORDER, to weaken Europe, weaken white racial integrity, brainwash shitskins, brainwash women, and utilize western society's dregs as an orc army online against us until we are disunified and weak enough for them to conquer. Guess what WuFlu is?

You don't know what is common or not until you talk about it in a good way. My last vision of the west coast happening was joint with a child I am training. That conversation was-hard. He's only 3 and there came a storm (that energy is always a joy ride) and we just launched. Thankfully we were standing on top of a parking garage looking out and down..I can describe the two cars..a copper and black Kia soul and a red 2 door toy pickup truck like a Ford ranger. We stood there watching the water rise and rise..and I kept thinking..maybe the cars are up high enough--but the water kept coming and the kia soul rose up and started swirling and disappeared, then the truck. I think that was hard enough for a 3 year old--thankfully that time there were no people or anything. BUT I had laid down with the kid for a nap and I asked if he wanted to journey--so I asked a question--is the water still coming..BOOM--when it was over a light came on in the other room the energy was so crazy--Papi why did the light come on? NO worries hija--it will go out on its own--and it did. So I guess I got my answer- I was really hoping that it would be different since Trump changed the timeline.

If it's Seattle, then you and my wife have something in common for sure. I'm not saying you're not nuts. But there must be other people nuts in the same way, which is weird.

>water will drip from the belly of the dragon

Well those are the exact words I was using--to an elder the other day- I do not want this to be it--please--let this not be what I saw. I am not kidding I freaked OUT when I saw Captain Tripps part--I just was like no--maybe I am imagining all of this--maybe somehow I saw this movie and just don't remember...

So bio weapon--accidental release--but the slow burn---the slow burn is going to be so much worse than Captain Tripps. In the movie there was plenty left because everyone died fast. Not so this time--that's more the Road--and I did see that movie..but if came out long after my initial visions of back to back shit in 2007. The first was the financial disaster so naturally I figured stuff was going to start happening one after the other--but after the 2008 I thought--whew I was wrong.

What's not clear to me is whether Covid was intended to kill everyone but Chinese and backfired or this is a ruse to get our guard down as the west and allow them to poison us. I tend towards the latter as I've seen Chinese newcomers, rough, rough Chinese facial features like straight off the boat, literally walking dogs in American grocery stores trying to get Americans to pet them and be poisoned by the virus, which by the way dogs can carry. Chinese don't give a shit about dogs. They think this is funny. The dogs will be killed later. The Chinese leading them around have sworn on to die to do this to advance Communism.

What we are seeing, either way, is what all three countries and their allies view as a death strike against the heart of the west in order to make their game play. These fuckers are dead serious, they want Americans DEAD.

Covid is a part of that and they've pushed things to where we will be forced to make a response. If America makes the classic nuclear response, the Deagle prophecy comes true. An alternative I've seen in RV is the Three Gorges Dam/natural catastrophe response. And CCP are reading these things as we say them by the way. It won't matter. We have the capability to bring down every dam China has got and if pressured we will. This is why I believe it should happen.

These nations are out to murder all of us and seize Europe to convert to Marxism and enslave. We are all standing in their way. We didn't attack them, they did it to us. They forced this. We will see Communism fall forever this lifetime. But how awful this will be.

There, I said it.

Have just woke up from a nightmare of me and others rushing to get onto a boat. spooky.


Russians? How does that go?

Christ, I'm Hispanic too, what are we all seeing here??! Is this the Ancestors warning us?

Russia, North Korea, and Mongolians with some elite Chinese. Chinese and Russians largely paratroopers. NK and Mongolians arrive on destroyers and aircraft carriers. Yes. Mongolians. They're planned to invade the California, Oregon and Washington coasts too. They want California's coasts to make basic landfall on and begin building supply bases, so their goal is not initially to nuke LA, SD, SB or SF, all of which, especially SB, contain nuclear launch bases.

The star will gorge itself on clay--
Corona/star clay (man--god made man from spit and clay).

The belly of the dragon will drip water--

water is emotions..mucus..but also literally water. And Wuhan, based on a map is kind of the belly of China.

The three will become one

martial law

I actually think they are watching --I know Yas Forums is heavily surveilled and if I don't put "dear intelligence overlords" in my post I think they won't know to listen..but they do. I posted last week NO NO NO do not let the migrants get into Greece..Turkey has infested them with Wuflu and turned them loose. And within a few days all the countries that initially said we'll take them (Germany, Finland et al) came back and said we will help Greece defend her borders.

Man that was tight. Talk about fucking SCREWED. They are evil with evil people--the migrants are not good people...and the Turks--they just sent in infected into the camp to spread it then turned them loose on the world.

Crisis averted there. I try to keep up by looking. I can tell who is lying and who is telling the truth. I guess that's why some of the assholes posting nothingburger on here bothered me. I know it's happening and I feel bad that someone might believe them and not prepare. But ultimately I know that each person is responsible for what they believe and what they do.

What you do is what happens to you--what happens to you is what you do.

Hey, trying to get your attention. Please tell me more about this if you can, whatever you know:
>do not go to the light

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They eventually get driven back though. I swear I've read about this before. Not exactly word-for-word, but the same approximate scenario. I can't remember if it was a larp / prediction from Yas Forums or something else though.

Your eyes are wide open and you're a smart fucking user. Peace to you, bro. Stay frosty. We're in for an interesting time.

That was 100% planned for the other timeline. Had Hillary won we would have had immediate nuclear exchange with Russia. Over Ukraine fuckery. It would have been our fault but--you know-. Anyway--as soon as the choice happened--the timeline immediately diverged. November 8th, 2016. We as a people chose imperfect truth over willful ignorance. If people are unable to sit there and watch it literally happening again...they cannot let anyone NOT in the club win--that's why we got Creepy Uncle Joe--who really really does not want to win. That's why he keeps fucking it up. he knows if he wins he's dead Feb. 2021.

Again--choices--so timelines cannot solidify until choices are--so we chose Trump and the immediacy for war faded away. I have never ever once thought we were going to war. I knew he would not be impeached--and he is 10/10 absolutely our last chance to have even a remotely successful reboot. They know that. But the battle is at hand. Right now I am rather enjoying watching the elite infect each other. Silver lining--say's a fascinating thing.

What happens next and when? Time is a funny thing. I am just now starting to understand that. BUT if I had to say WHEN? I would say Ca is 100% fucked already from disease and they did it to themselves. PERIOD. But that earthquake is going to finish them off and the water there like in China will wash it all away.

Kali Ma--renewal through destruction. Almost every culture has that story..Madam cannot build a new house unless you tear the old one down first.

I am SO not looking forward to being uncomfortable and although I am armed and currently plan to defend myself--another part of me wants to know--why? just get the fuck off this prison planet and not come back--but the human part of me is enjoying the "can I do this" challenge. Will I protect myself? yes. I will. I'm fucking sick and tired of evil people and will be happy to do my share of evil removal.

>Turks--they just sent in infected into the camp to spread it then turned them loose on the world.
My bad. I may have pushed them over the edge with roach memes.

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massive Japanese fukashima/tsunami history fearful denial cope

>I am SO not looking forward to being uncomfortable
This. This is the thing that haunts me. I've been forced to be uncomfortable all my life and it was only just beginning to straighten out. Right on timing, THIS shit begins. I do not want to go through all that chaos again and undergo it "come on user, do it a third time now. With virus!!!"

Fuck that shit..................

But yet the same dreams warn me "by the way, if you try to commit suicide to escape this, though, you'll fail, and you'll go through all that stupid shit, PLUS virus, PLUS mental hospital stay during quarantine, PLUS homelessness." It's like people like us are enslaved.

You very well may have, user. Why couldn't you have restrained yourself when there was time to not post that final roach arm? Alas, you have doomed all mankind, kek :-D

>31 Capchas

I think you might want to look at some Cascadia fault models. Oddly one popped up in my recommendations just the other day and I made myself watch it. I have to get used to what it is and stay completely unemotional. It's better you go look for yourself. And ask yourself if you really want to live through that or not. Because--there will be NO one coming to help. There won't be--it's not even possible. Food is going to be short with grand solar minimum and reduced populations will be good. It's almost as if nature knows that--hey ya'll time to purify and reduce because the sun is going "down" for a bit and there won't be enough here we go again!

I try to tell people who live there and have not already left-that they have made their choice to exit the earth in this way. Because I had been sending the "bat signal" to someone I had been close to many years ago "MOVE, get off the coast, go to the high ground"..and finally they did so I know it cannot be far off.

We done fucked this earth up (again) but honestly given our nature we cannot do anything other than fuck it up. Could you convince a lion to prefer cabbage over the lamb? Human nature is what it is. We are what we are.

I need to stop trying to get with random girls and just be with my family. Dating women in general is a giant fault for me because its empty and little success. I need to cherish the family I do have even in my last hour. I almost died years back, fully died. I was spared then for good reason. I must be with those that love me for me.

I didn't make the thread and I honor your fear of what you've read. Fear is the producer of shizo. I've not been part of any doom shit ever. I don't believe in living life that way. Until the wuflu popped up and I knew--the visions were a distant past that I thought were never going to happen because of timeline shift.

people who live their lives in fear are--well I guess that's their thing. I'm not going to say I was not fucking scared the day I saw everything. Of course I was. I know my record and if I see shit it happens. But-I have had some years to get used to it and mature into the reasons why. I DO admit to checking the bird flu doomer forums but mostly because I wanted to see the science and see if it felt like the great sickness I saw. It wasn't and I wandered off. BUT I did learn some good prepping tips!

I know what cities were supposed to get it-but I do not think they will. There is still some chance of (somethingsomething) yellowstone but they are keeping an eye on that and Cubria vieja..I did see they had a plan for Seattle but believe it or not, Yas Forums kinda did really save Seattle because we made SUCH a huge noise that there was NO way they could do something without everyone immediately knowing..I mean Yas Forums blasted that everywhere--and then two days before the energy of it happening just faded away. Poof. There's been a few things Yas Forums has done. There is a reason I am here--as big of assholes as we are, Yas Forums is the collective conscious and the hive mind. We are the largest crowd sourced intelligence force on earth. There is a reason why ArgieGlowBro is "helping' making threads--they want /NAY NEED us on point--and contained. EVERYONE comes here--everyone. ALL intel forces all media--everyone is here--watching.

That's why I'm here. :) because they are here. Sometimes the people making the biggest changes do NOT (and it is impossible to do so) foresee all possible outcomes.

Thanks for all the info
>have not already left-that they have made their choice to exit the earth in this way
Yeah I'm not particularly attached to living. I'm not really afraid of death either, but I'm afraid of life after death. I don't want to reincarnate or go to anything along the lines of "hell" or purgatory. Just dying and not existing anymore sounds nice. Which is why I keep asking you about this:>do not go to the light. Tell the light to fuck off, go the other way and do not get tricked into coming back here. The Toltecs called it "avoiding Eagle"
Please, I'd like to hear whatever else you know about this.

Link me to one of your threads where you tell them the truth.

Then we need to make positive noise we know the new Axis Powers plan to strike the west. The real Axis Powers are Russia, China and Shadow East Germany. Normies need to be made to see it's Germany yet again a third time starting things. The Hopi saw this. They prophecied that the sign of the Moha paired with the color Red would launch the third world war. The Moha is a Hopi flower that resembles the Swastika. A red Swastika means East Germany. And if you look at how social media was developed to make Americans spy on and report each other, and Merkel's behavior undermining white Europe by bringing in dangerous criminals to destabilize it, and Germany acting towards Greece and the rest of Europe as "the all-knowing authority", it becomes clear. It's all obvious. I want off this ride, homes.

>there is often a timelag between expected happenings and the actual happening
That's due to choices that people have, user. You see the outcome, but people make choices, which affects the timeline. I see things similarly to you, but not the same way.

Yes there was a plan. Have you seen x/user's dream post? That is how I knew for sure there was a timeline shift. We most certainly would have had a nuclear exchange and that energy of WANT is there--but it won't happen because we're going to be a bit busy putting out other fires.

We are not going to war over anything. Our troops need to come home. Trump knows this--now he just has to get by what obstructs him. Also he is not going to get CoronaChan :)

Nah brah don't say that--water invades..and maybe Russia makes an outpost--who could blame them. It's going to be a bit of a free for all. I don't think people quite understand what the world is going to actually look like..the best I can say movie wise--The Road.
You believe what you will. Those who survive the quake and the water will face horrific conditions--starvation, and disease--the disease that California has brought on itself...the disease. I do hope that CA is quarantined from the rest of the country and people trying to escape get the Best Korea treatment. YOU DO NOT WANT that shit escaping CA. You just don't. Bad enough with the illegals sucking resources but those assholes are going to storm the border--then CA is going to reverse storm the border trying to get out.

This is going to be very very interesting. I am not sure what kind of media we will have by then. I expect that there will be more severe curtailments on freedom of speech / Internet than we even saw in China.
We have too many niggers--and brah what the niggers are going to do--you do not even fucking want to see.

When they tell you everything is ALRIGHT-leave. You will have 3 days to get out of a city before the niggers go--and I use that word for behavior--not skin color. That often feels unrelated to the sickness...more like a massive earth thing that causes power to go- I hope that does not happen because the niggers--bro--as long as they stay in their shitholes--we can pretend they're human.