Other urls found in this thread:
>Biden wins over moderate conservatives
>leftists still vote for him because Trump is the Devil
that's the Democratic Party's plan.
>forgets his own words
>denies saying he'd take guns away
>sticks his finger in dude's face
All within the space of half a minute. This guy's brain is DONE.
You got this Joe!
>>Biden wins over moderate conservatives
lol no
Yeah only nu/pol/ is clutching their pearls about Biden saying he would slap some guy
The Democrats never pass up an opportunity to demonstrate how much they hate the working class.
Those stupid obsolete rednecks have to understand that those jobs are never coming back, and their guns will be taken. Fuck the Unions, I'm Ridin' with Biden!
Post link. What did he say? Im a coping autoworker who cant stand investors wont invest into my employer anymore because "we have too many pensioners" when they dont even offer it anymore, and retirees are simply living longer.
It is real
"Why Joe Biden's confrontation with an auto worker in Detroit is probably a good thing for him"
>calls old veteran fat
>calls woman dog-faced
>openly molests children on video camera in the halls of congress
>tells union member he's full of shit when confronted about his anti-gun stance, only to turn around and say he WILL take the guns
Yeah this is totally going great for the old senile nutjob.
wtf i'm a 'pedo now
Biden is going to beat Trump's orange ass in 8 months.
Deal with it.
>moderate conservatives
>voting for the man who wants to ban the most popular gun in America
You dumb nigga
Amazing he’d tell working class in Detroit this.
And then be removed using the 25th amendment 6 minutes in
Cry more. No one here cares about this election cycle except to see Bernie lose
maximum cope
Bernie and Biden will both lose and you're fat. I'm about to slap your face.
Wait a fucking minute. Joe Biden walked through an automotive plant and didnt get assassinated? I conceal carry a gun and I work on an assemblyline. No one took the opportunity???
Part and parcel
seriously, it's like people can only understand "a good thing" and "problematic"
How anyone can blatantly ignore the fact that Joe Biden is basically a textbook case of rapidly worsening dementia is beyond me.
>forgets his words mid sentence
>inappropriate displays of aggression
>frustrated and/or agitated when he forgets
>very defensive if confronted about lapses in memory
Joe Biden will be lucky to even live long enough to make it to the election. Especially once the stress of full time campaigning really kicks off. If only he wasn’t a disgusting corporate whore and very likely a pedophile, I could almost pity him. I hope he at least lives long enough to be sodomized mercilessly by Trump on the debate stage.
Well maybe people dont think he has a chance to win but lunch tables at factories commonly discuss murdering politicians. Just going off what l know.
The FBI is stupid. No one here wants to kill Biden. What the fuck? Him running against Donald Trump is gonna be the funniest shit. We're gonna see Trump destroying this senile old fucker on the stage even worse than Hilary. He might even get the fucker to admit some of the crimes he's done, he's so fucking out of it.
They should be looking at the Berniebros on Twitter. Those guys are liable to assassinate him.
>Biden wins over moderate conservatives
Whats the tl;dnr?
Joe Biden's trade deals and push to bring China into the WTO basically destroyed the American manufacturing industry (and the working class more broadly). So yeah, bold fucking move.
>leftists still vote for him because Trump is the Devil
This is a joke right? The left isn't going to lift a finger to help Biden. This is their (the establishment's) race now.
Don't tell me the USA doesn't have the usual legion of moderate centrists that only want to vote the blandest safest candidate possible
What I want to see is Biden stepping up to the mic and going full I hear its amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!
holy fuck they lack self awareness at any level.
I’m still not voting for Zion Don but yeah the debates are gonna be straight fire
Biden is fucking based.
Literally the anti-Hillary, he takes no shit and does not care what people think.
Dems finally have their own Trump and it's gonna be epic.
A lot of moderates are very pro gun, we have them here in Canada too, they tend to be farmers
>The left isn't going to lift a finger to help Biden.
Seeing as how they were barely consequential in propping Bernies candidacy, I don't think establishement types particularly feel anything of value was lost
>Biden is fucking based.
>Literally the anti-Hillary, he takes no shit and does not care what people think.
>Dems finally have their own Trump and it's gonna be epic.
Go back to /reddit/ you faggot.
A moderate would never go against the 2nd amendment or respect insulting a union worker
> Elitist
> Condescending
> pedagogical
He threatened the dude in the hard hat.
Biden coming off as a dumb asshole.
Reddit is Bernout central.
This is a Joe board now.
You can accept this fact peacefully or we will drag you along kicking and screaming.
Joe is pro-white, pro-working class, and he has been waiting his entire life to fuck the orange nigger.
And winning big.
>Biden is fucking whack
>Literally the Hillary and shits his pants
>Dems make up 20% of Trump rally attendees
big LEL bros
Don't you think he looks tired?
Good for Trump.
Guess who doesn’t get into arguments with voters? Trump, dummy.
>that's the Democratic Party's plan.
its a shit plan that doesnt work
didnt work for hillary, wont work now.
buckle up for 4 more years of the Don.
>Joe is pro-white
>CNN says it's a good thing
>"so it must be a good thing!"
Ok retard
no one needs an ar-14
I know I'd vote for this
The democratic presidential candidate has dementia and here's why it's a good thing.
No. Being a candidate with a melting brain in a rigged system was a good thing.
Link nigger
And real American bonafide niggers will read and believe it.
kys britistan
Top kek
Honestly the last really good moment of Doctor Who.
''anyone who can throw coal into furnace,, can learn to code for gods sake''
thy guy is a walking pr disaster and trump will eat him alive in debates. only hope for dems to beat trump would be tulisi, but shes enjoying a heavy media blackout from mainstream media and dem' party
Enjoy your slavery faggot
Man, CNN really is garbage.
I won't disagree
lol, children say the darnest stupid things
>Openly backing a pedophile
Trumpettes are getting worked up because they know Biden will out-outrage their beloved Donald. You all loved it when Mr. Trump offended people. Well, Biden is going to verbally beat up voters across the country and they're going to LOVE it. It's over. A real tough guy is running for the Dems now and he doesn't care about your Twitter account.
Imagine Trump vs Biden debate.
SS you fucking lunatic.
he has dementia and its fuckin obvious. anybody who has dealt with a familly member can see it right away.
Why bother, the guy is clearly an Alzheimer patient at this point.
Thanks to Creepy Old Joe I know they actually exist now.
AR-14 - .308/.243/.358 sporting rifle
If Twitter were reflective of real life, Sanders would've dominated the primaries and yet...
>moderate conservatives
Now there's a surprise. CNN sprinkles this big, fat turd with sparkle, glitter and candy bugs.
"Telling a horny-handed working man, the back bone of the party of the Peepo (loosening collar) well, actually it was really a good thing. It's a real good thing he did!"
supposedly Michigan gave no fucks and voted biden cant wait for him to call trump orange man in the debates
Will never happen, many DNC excuses will be made to prevent Biden being fully exposed for dementia. I guarantee they never see a debate state together
>Joe is pro-white, pro-working class
your dementia kicking in too?