Biden is going to be Trump's toughest opponent. I've felt this for a while. Hillary was largely disliked and had no charisma. Biden is a different story.
I'll still bet on Trump given he is incumbent but 2020 will be tougher than 2016.
Hudson Lee
>check catalog >over 30 threads shitting on Bernie's embarrassing nationwide defeat by an even older senile pedophile who didn't even campaign
Who the fuck is voting for Biden in Mighian? Haven't they learned that Democrats are bad for their industry? Anyways, only good things is looks like Trump is going to receive more votes on thism priamry than he did in 2016, despite being unopposed really.
Wyatt Williams
kikes, niggers, spics, fags, atheists, other unsavory elements but those are the big ones
Tyler Mitchell
Fucking badly.
Austin Murphy
What will be Trump's go to attack line against Biden?
too bad it's over for bernie. I was looking forward to the berniefags raiding Yas Forums and shit posting here. Honestly, a Biden candidacy is probably going to be a little boring.
How bad is it for Barnie lads? I'm just getting here
Nolan Nguyen
Biden used to have charisma. Now he's a confused old fool that gets angry very easily. Trump will ravage him in the debates and make him look like an unhinged lunatic.
The fuck happened to Bernie anyway? Just 10 days ago it looked like he was going to at least win a plurality of votes and delegates. Now his campaign is over.
Ian Lee
Jesus wow.
Adrian Myers
whiteness cures corona chan. >cocaine >white >bleach >makes your whites whiter >white people >the best people digits confirm
he'll probably just go with the obvious. ignoring the fact that trump is also a tired old man with dementia
William Howard
Considering Trump is more popular and Biden has dementia, Trump takes Michigan by 5 points.
Eli Gutierrez
Niggers. And they vote for Biden to keep the gravy train rolling. Everything Barney is promising his retarded white base the nogs already get for free.
Justin Johnson
I've got a fever, and it can only be cured by MORE WALL!
Yeah that is why they're going to hide him as much as possible and maybe even keep him from debating Trump. I expect Trump to run circles around him in debate.
Angel Cruz
This is a blessing, if Bernie had won we'd be dealing with months of them enthusiastically raiding these threads. Now they have to carry water for an old man with dementia.
I never though there could be a pop star more disgusting than Miley Cyrus, but it looks like I will be proven wrong.
Josiah Rodriguez
he dunn
Aaron Perez
The Young Turks live coverage is the best go-to election coverage for meltdown and cope. If you ever want to see progressives attack establishment Dems, this is a goldmine. Chunk Yogurt has coronavirus.
Not really, the odd are useless until about a month out.
Joseph Taylor
Holy shit! Forced meme faggotry off scale high!
William Ramirez
Top 1% of best natural tits in Hollywood!
Christian Hernandez
As if the media couldn’t lose any more credibility
Juan Roberts
Julian Davis
A voter goes home and masturbates to their typical fantasy. A socialist on his knees, a socialist tied up, a socialist abused. A voter enjoys voting against a socialist — as they fantasize being primarying 3 socialist candidates simultaneously.
i knew a dude that did this trying to off hisself and it fucked him totally up from his throat to his intestines they cut it all out and put it back together. he had to eat constantly b/c he had pretty much no digestion tract. fucking worse than death.
He was never going to win. Biden was always the establishment's pick. It's like everybody forgot how it was rigged the last time and are now shocked when Sanders loses again. Democrat elites care very little about the democratic process.
This. It's gonna be 2016 all over again. We were once again denied the funniest meme battle. But Joe Biden will suffice. There is plenty to work with. And believe me, the worst is yet to come for Creepy Joe!
imagine if he takes this to the convention, the amount of butthurt
David Cruz
I think some of it is the large amount of nig-nogs that voted for Biden because of his Obongo connection. These are voters that didn't turn out for Hillary at all and don't like Bernie. Maybe I am wrong on that though. Also, young voters talk mad shit online, but are too lazy to actually go out and vote.
Jeremiah Smith
post link, nigga. I love turksalt
Sebastian Gomez
Bernie got absolutely fucked in the ass.
Aaron Hill
most bernouts will become biden fans within a couple of weeks.
Dominic Wright
I am surprised the Dems are running someone who can't win.
People memed on Dole for being old and senile, but the guy is somehow still alive almost 25 years later. That isn't going to be the case for Biden, dude would be lucky to make it through his first term