Get in here cenk is seething

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Other urls found in this thread:

>laughs in DamePesos

>The mainstream media hates progressives

Still wishing we could trade Cenk for Erdogan.

leave a dislike

The Virgin Cenk vs The Chad Erdogan


Basedstream media

>the media fucked bernie and lied about biden
>but in 2016 murrica was really sexist

The state of this roach.

The big brown buffalo is such a nigger.

Erdogan is still a niggerfaggot though.

he just said MSNBC isn't progressive enough

it's not

msnbc is right wing

Who owns The Young Turks?

MSNBC is unitoncially fat right to these niggers.

>giving tyt clicks
let me know when somebody else makes a compilation of it


Cenk is always shilling for shekels. I hear soros funds them though.

chink wigger may be stupid and gay and retarded but at least he's not jewish

Turkish MIT to psyop America and destabilize
The roaches are using Bezmenov style subversion to fuck with the amerilards

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Like this anti-union grifter actually gives a shit about socialism. I'm not clicking that sweaty roach's videos.

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Comrade you can say that about fellow comrades. You will need to be put into a re-education program where you will be tested to prove party loyalty via sucking a BBC

I've been watching ol bacon grease all week. It has to be a larp. Not even a coombrain could believe the nonsense he and "get off the stage you fat fuck" spew.

They're actually being pretty level headed and reasonable.

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Spam the chat with Armenian genocide

>cenk is seething
when isn't he?

imagine thinking that a few online pol cucks can stop the tyt machine

So much cope going on lel this fagget actually said Bernie was on a warpath

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I think he unironically doesn't believe what he says. He's just in it for the soros shekels.


Yas Forums has more power then you think leaf.

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>Starts out sperging and shitposting
>Knows Yas Forums is watching him
>Calms down
lol what a faggot reactionary fatty.

Cenk is seething over yang endorsing Biden. Sad!

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Isn't this the guy who likes to take horse cock?

I do not like the roach but I see no seething. He seems calm and collected. He is tearing up yang and beto, calling them out for abandoning their base to make friends with the powers that be.
These guys are hilarious though as they can point out the flaws in other dems but not their own.

No. The guy who likes to take horse cock is your mother.

He runs commercials with Bernie praising TYT; how long until Bernie sends a C&D to ol' horse fucker over that?

may I introduce you the to Insane American delusional syndrome

The other day Ana says that Bernie may not be the perfect candidate, but his policies are pretty much perfect. jfc

He has never fucked a horse you retard.

all turks fuck horses.


>Andrew Yang is a noob
yeah the man on the CNN panel is a noob, not you, man who is sitting next to a failed congressional candidate youtuber throwing a temper tantrum, who happens to be your meal ticket so you have to placate him completely

I think he likes buffalo dick actually.

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can Someone call in? would be great to troll them Id mention Greek genocide, also ask why cant turkey just keep all immigrants why are they bigots? is turkey special?

This has been true since ancient times.
"Anatolia" literally means "Land of the Gay, Shitskinned Horse-fuckers" in Koine Greek

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who bought this biden meme before it took off like a rocket? still undervalued imho

Based and pwned me hard

Yeah, she is not on this show as she'd probably be raving like a lunatic.

He might as well be.

Cenk's nephew has a stream where he seethes all night long its fucking great

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he spent a solid minute chewing on his fingernails, absolutely disgusting

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This guy is such a faggot

just got here what did that fat turk cunt seethe over

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wouldn't surprise me to be honest, he is a complete sociopath

How boring.

>he spent a solid minute chewing on his fingernails, absolutely disgusting
and your the sick fuck that watched it for a solid minute? kys

Its amazing Hasan the "Socialist" didn't even pay his editor until he was publicly called out for it. People like him are just awful figureheads for the far left if they ever want to get anything done. Making enemies of Moderates will never be a successful strategy

>mainstream media is so unfair and bias against bernie
>people just listen to CNN and vote based on what they say


>Why are you complaining about trump having unfair media coverage!
>Its not like it matters!

seeing sad Krystal Ball makes me sad too
>RIP Rising

Why doesn’t Cenk just cut to the chase and start advertising BBC?

Actually, I feel pretty bad for this guy. He's clearly got some self-esteem/self-worth deficit, and I think he's well intentioned and he has a good heart. But once you put yourself on the Internet and you start to get hate, I think it turns you into a completely polarized douche bag.

it's hard to watch him sometimes. It's like watching a kid grow up on film. It's a tough age where you struggle with identity, etc. and I kind of feel for him because I was struggling when I was his age, so I try not to be too hard on him.

Also he has a tiny head.

>This literally commie looking faggot is what zoomers are listening too

LOL your country is fucked.

Here's how he can still win...

When its Trump its
>Negative Media coverage helps him get attention! Bad Publicity is not real! Fuck the Media!

When its Bernie its
>Biased Media being negative to Bernie to fuck him over to serve their corporate interests! Bad publicity is awful for candidates! Fuck the Media!

Didn't Bernie get more votes and Delegates the last time. He has imploded. Cenk is coughing the whole night uh oh.


cope harder hasan

Krystal Ball already talking staying home election night kek, Bernie Bro’s going to deliver Trump another victory

And Junk just said he's voting blue no matter who.

spam the sperg chat you dumb niggers

2016 all over again. Total hypocrite.

and now he's eating with his mouth open, do people actually watch this shit?

hasan is the embodiment of grug brain

Where's the mirrored clips? I'm not giving this faggot any views lmao.

This guest caller bitch is saying not to vote for Biden in the general. Lol

>Hi, my name is C E N K

Krystal Ball from The Hill. She's based.

Fuck scabs, fuck liberals, fuck porky and fuck niggers.

where will you be when Biden niggers rape your wife and daughters

Why do you retards give them some much attention?

i'm not gay but he's kinda hot

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All Turks are garbage. No exceptions.

I'll wait for his compilation.