Now that it's pretty much settled that it's going to be Biden Vs Trump, who do you have winning in November?

Now that it's pretty much settled that it's going to be Biden Vs Trump, who do you have winning in November?

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Dems love Trump.
They can do all the shenanigans they want and the libtards will simply screech orange man bad for another 4 years.

the dog faced pony soldier.

Biden is going to physically attack Trump on stage after he makes fun of his son

Trump is obviously going to win.


not because i a miga retard but dems deserve a lose after they cucked FDR2.0 two times

I'm bored with trump let's go biden

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I genuinely feel bad for the usa

Trump, but it will be an uncomfortably close election.

well as a democrat i'm voting for the man who represents my interests the best. So I'm voting for Trump! KAGA!

An endless stream of immigration

Biden fucks his grandaughter
Quality choice

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They'll both be dead by then

cant fucking wait

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Trump in a landslide.


We all knew democrats were stupid. This is just further confirmation.

Just reading the tea leaves and the zeitgeist... Biden.
Here's why:
-4 more years of propaganda
-higher Dem turnout
-loss of suburban women
-Big Tech interfering by banning everyone with a voice
-no healthcare bill passed
-Demographic change

>who do you think will be winning?

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trump will crush him effortlessly unless he dies of corona.

You are delusional if you think it will be even remotely close. Every fucking time Biden talks publicly, even in a favorable environment like his rallies, he makes gaffes out the ass. Throw him on a stage with fucking TRUMP? Bloody Sunday is gonna look like foreplay


Dems wont turn out for a 83 year old white male with dementia.

Literally he-man vs skeletor

It is a mystery

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All valid points. Which is scary.

Hillary. She’s back and ready. She’s a cunt but a powerful one.

Creepy, corrupt and demented Joe is going to have a bad time for the next 9 months.

Chekt. Kek smiles.


The same as 2016, there is no way the democrat can lose. The young voters don't really give a shit about Biden, they stay home, or vote Green Party.

Surprise, narrow victory for orange man.

>who do you have winning in November

the American people when we get to see the Biden vs. Trump debates

It’ll be Trump on voter enthusiasm alone.


>Trump throws a right cross and knocks his old ass out.

I was a bernie or bust guy last time around. I got a lot of shit from my buddies for voting Trump. Same deal this year. Voted for bernie in the primary, will vote Trump in the general, but this time all my buddies are on board. Let's go Trump, baby. Keep America Great hahaha wooooo yea

This. He's their Romney. Good on paper, but terrible matchup in reality vs the sitting, reigning, undefeated and undisputed heavyweight administrator of America. Hell get smoked and they'll cry again. Though, based off trends, they'll have to cry Kazakhstan this time.

There will be no Biden-Trump debates. It doesn't favor either of them. Trump can't handle getting grilled on actual policy and record, and Biden can't make a fucking coherent sentence.

Whales eat 100million tons fish in a year, while world's all fishermen catch 20million tons fish in a year. Whale is enemy of mankind.
Whaling should be legal, it's delicious and it's a good source of fuel.
For the people that hunt whales, this is a very profitable activity. It is clearly not easy to hunt down a huge animal such as a whale, and as such they turn into heroe whenever they do manage to do so, and they get a lot of profit out of it.
Fuck whale, the minke is not even endangered. Not our business what Asia does anyway.
Whale is the cow of ocean with more meat, fat is useful too
Humpback whales such as we see in Hawaii every year in the summertime will eat up to 2–1/2 tons per day. They also eat schooling fish such as capelin, herring, sardines, and whatever else they can get. Do the math.
They're sea jews always crying about muh extinction but there's millions of them and they destroy the planet. Fuck whale. They dumb as fuck. They come on land, evolve, then go back in water like a retard. Live in ocean but need air... Fucking stupid.
There are zero anti whaling facts, no whale has ever been extinct by humans or Africans
The late Dr. E.J. Slijper, who was a world authority on cetaceans, said " seems improbable that an animal which propels itself mainly with its tail should need a more highly developed brain than, for instance, a monkey which uses all its limbs so skillfully."

Whale cure cancer that why jews don't want you to eat.

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Hillary Clinton.

Biden will make hay out of the coronavirus. Make it seem like it's all Trump's fault

Out of context
He said if the democratic party is fighting they can only reelect trump


Trump, but no landslide. If there are no debates, closer than you think. If there are debates, it will be impossible to conceal Biden's senility. There won't be debates. Media already covers for and excuses Biden's failing mind, and are doing everything in their power to lay the coronatroubles at Trump's feet. No Reagan/Mondale stomping.

There's no way Biden can win unless people vote for him out of pity.

biden is a republican. the us has 2 rightwing parties to choose from

>Biden and Trump debate on the national stage
>Trump upsets Biden
>Biden's dementia kicks in overdrive
>goes to attack Trump
>hits the current president
>secret service shoots Biden
>Hillary walks in on stage left
>Round 2 - Fight!

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A return to normalcy, respect for the constitution.


The democrats are doing everything in their power to get trump elected. Maybe corona gives dems a tiny chance? I kind of doubt it.

Biden is going to slip quickly into dementia soon.

lol nothing will change. probably not even trump's policies

third parties! no joke

Why not, I would. wouldn't you? Are ya some kind of faggot, jack?

Nigger, I watched the context, he was fumbling words left and right, he didn't even know what he was saying. Yes it is out of context, but Biden's inability to form coherent sentences basically gave Trump soundbite gold to roast Biden with.

>"We cannot get reelect…

>"We cannot win this reelection…

>"Excuse me — we can only re-elect Donald Trump if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here."

The takeaway isn't that "lol Biden endorses Trump" but that the guy can't even form a simple sentence like "Trump will only win if we keep on attacking each other" or "We can't win this election if we keep on eating our own". He is SENILE.

hopefully not soon enough for "heartattack" bernie to make a comeback.
I am kind of counting on making fun of his supporters for another election cycle

>Whales eat 100million tons fish in a year
The fuck else are they supposed to eat, retard?
Farm fresh seaweed?
They are aquatic mammals living in the ocean and you're taking food from their territory, landnigger.

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There was an user on Monday who claimed to be a Dem insider. The "debate" between Bernie and Biden on Sunday won't happen. You won't see Biden until the convention since he has won Michigan. There will be very little footage of Biden campaigning and he won't do unscripted interviews or small group meetings with voters. His VP and other major Dem endorsers will do interviews for him. The Biden camp will give some reason to back out of the debates. Biden will be a ghost candidate who exists in people's memories as Obama's right hand man only.

Trump will rip Biden a new one
Why do you think so many dems are running 2024? They know drump is winning again lmao

Coronavirus won’t be a thing after July.

whoever wins, we lose

anyone has the biden+amy+pete cronenbergian mesh image?

biden won’t even be fit to put his own clothes on in a year, much less lead country

All of us, my bong friend. Biden and Trump are the most memeable politicians ever.

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More immigrants died under Obama than Trump

Obviously Trump if Biden can even last that long

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Biden wont make it to November
Screenshot this boys because it's fucking true

Sure he can. He has more than enough policy achievements to your and defend, and all the ones he's failed to pass can be blamed on obstructionist retards.
Biden won't be able to get the words out with Trump on his ass. Clinton was comparably more polished than this retard and even she was having problem not breaking the robotic rehearsed shit she was following on stage. She was drugged out the ass for debates. Biden can't even speak to a favorable audience without looking like a retard.

lol thanks memeflag

By November there will be hundreds of thousands of dead Americans from shitty beer, if not millions, and people will have gone through mandatory quarantines, drug shortages, food riots, looting, and city-wide arson. They're going to look back at all this "it's just a flu, bro" and be furious. Expect approval ratings below 5%.

ok senpai

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Trump shitted on 15 republicand and 1 shillary fuckface Clinton. If you think he can't absolutely embarass Biden in a debate you're either 12 or really delusional.

I'm going to get wasted celebrating the day that old bitch finally dies.

Biden and Trump will both die of pneumonia before November

Trump. Biden has dimentia.

>Doesn't know what office he's running for
>Insults workers in their faces
>Can't tell the difference between his sister and wife god knows how many times he accidentally fucked his sister thinking it's his wife
>Likes touching and smelling dem kids
>Has a brain aneurysm on stage with one bloody eye
>Wants to take your guns
>Wants to kill them jobs
If he wins USA beaner/nigger population has so much increased your country is utterly fucked.

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Had a thought the other day. Tell me if I'm crazy.
>biden gets nomination
>picks Obama as his running mate
>wins election
>halfway through his first year he decides to resign (for health reasons)
>Obama is once again president

True. Trump is slipping too

Trump beat Clinton in debates because he had literally no record or anything to be accountable for besides old non-political shit like Trump University and pussy-grabbing. It's different when he's the incumbent and has 4 years of policies and decisions and gaffes to answer for.

Lefty bernout here
Trump will eviscerate Biden in the debates, wash him in the final, then the DNC will blame lefties when they lose with their same idiot strategy from 2020
>it’s all so tiresome

Would never vote Trump but I’m expecting based Tulsi to stay in and I’ll gladly vote for her. I’m thinking her strategy is to run third party and draw a contrast with Biden and Trump when they reveal themselves to be senile retards at the debates.

Just think of it:
>Hilary will hate it
> she can troll idpol retards who say they just want a woman.
>she’ll never win but could peel off votes from both sides. She could run a non-ideological economic populist troll campaign and win 5-10% of the vote just by virtue of how old, retarded and absurd Trump and Biden are.
She’ll singlehandedly derail the election, trigger both parties and could build a movement for 2024.

>based tulsi

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Trumpists are about to get the same wake up call that the Berniebros just did.
Voters quietly moved back to the center, and Biden is their god send.
We are going to get good memes out of it tough.

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I wonder if Kyle Kikeinski will be honest about the Jewish interventions Bernie supported?

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Trump. Even if the cognitive decline of biden didn't exist, what the hell is he offering?

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>who do you have winning in November?
Trump by a landslide if Biden doesn't run with either Michelle of Barack Obama as VP pick.

It's gonna be hilarious but pretty easy win for Trump. Trumps supporters have remained incredibly loyal with the highest Republican approval rating in the history of the Republican party and overwhelmingly more supporters than in 2016 and Biden simply can't hang in the debates with Trump. It's gonna be like watching the strong retarded kid beat the shit out of the tiny retarded kid
And Biden is a legit racist who supported segregation and tough laws on blacks so even if he does somehow win that wouldn't be too bad

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Obama can't be VP, bruh