Convince me why I shouldn’t give myself to the man who saved my life. I’m falling. But I know my family would disown me considering ottoman history.
White orthodox Balkan falling for her imported Saudi resident
nigger those titties are not even politicized like in an ss uniform or anything. you are just coffeeposting. kys pls
We are talking full blown Muslim. Prays to the box. Trying to convert me
If you are considering it, you are not worth saving.
Get lost.
You've already decided to be a whore and betray your people.
Don't involve us in your crime against your parents.
Also, stop voting.
KYS faggot..
Youre about to get married and still come here for attention? This is the fakest post i have ever seen.
Is me :)
We eastern euros are stacked. Thanks. But why? He saved my life playing god in the operating room. Is there anything more attractive than a man next to
God? I
Suppose I just feel the retaliation of my orthodox brothers and sisters.... it’s next to treason.. but how relevant is that today? Advise me
Aww what a bummer this thread is now infected by the C-virus. Evacuate now.
If you lose Christ and leave Orthodoxy, you will lose your soul forever.
Fucking do it, leaf, and see what happens. You're not a kid anymore, if you don't realize what's wrong and what's not now, you won't learn from anything less than personal suffering. But I doubt it'll be enough.
What do you expect, bitch? Your personal internet white knight army? A roast for your humor? Get real, half the men gave up on our ancestral faith ever since a South American kissing nigger feet got in charge, let alone the schism in the Orthodoxy, and excluding spiritual cucks, everyone wants islam to take over, for liberal reasons or to teach dumbfucks like you a lesson. Leftypol is right in one regard: it's current year
A Pole, a Magyar nurse, and a literal Blakk Afrikan anesthesiologist operated on me. I appreciate those guys. Doesn't make me want to visit a Polish pub, forgive Magyar meddling in my country's internal politics, or colonize a Nubian Queen. Experiences will fucking vary. Fucking do it, you cheap bitch. And while you're at it, suck off the next guy that swerves away from ramming you for saving your dumb jaywalking tits
>Suppose I just feel the retaliation of my orthodox brothers and sisters
Fear the retaliation of the True God.
"You ask, will the heterodox be saved... Why do you worry about them? They have a Saviour Who desires the salvation of every human being. He will take care of them. You and I should not be burdened with such a concern. Study yourself and your own sins... I will tell you one thing, however: should you, being Orthodox and possessing the Truth in its fullness, betray Orthodoxy, and enter a different faith, you will lose your soul forever." St. Theophan the Recluse
Not about to get married. He has to go back to Saudi Arabia after residency and wants me to come back with him. Canada is fucked and aloes Saudi’s to flood their residency positions... Saudi government pays for everything on the catch that you MUST return after you are done. They pay for everything
Resetting one's personality after falling in love is a challenge, however there is a genuine way to do it, one that really works... and neither hurts, nor results in a diminution of our capacity to feel in our hearts.
What is this magical path?
Our sense of life comes with love. Love of god. Love of the universe. Love of our family. Whatever it takes, whatever tickles our fancies, if connected through love, then the connection is both real and healthy.
Genuine love, not desire. Genuine love is fresh, and self-validating. And it can be found, genuinely, really, in meditation/connection with our families, our own sense of universe/reality, our understanding of god (a very strong connection can be had with this focus), and even in our day-to-day awareness of the joie de vivre.
In any case, the flames of coupling-love flare out after a few months, and then you're left with... putting a relationship together that may simply not work. AND THAT IS NO FUN.
>convince me why I shouldn't make deformed, unlovable mutt children
just end it
Not pole. I am half Russian half Montenegrin
Because you’re throwing thousands of years of genetics away. And Islam. Yuck.
How desperate are you? Coming from a pretty damn desperate girl herself.
Nah. Just curious what the euros think. I moved to Canada when I was 2. I’ve been so far removed from my people in an attempt to shield me from the “village mind”. My parents wanted a future where I’d become a doctor or a lawyer and be the woman of my own future. With time I realized I wanted to be a woman of the household and have children. Responsibilities of taking care of my family... not padding the pockets of another man working a 9-5 job while leaving my kids with strangers
You will go to hell if you betray Jesus. Life's short, hell is eternal.
>With time I realized I wanted to be a woman of the household and have children. Responsibilities of taking care of my family
And now you need to realize that responsibility is taking care of white children.
bare tits and timestamp or gtfo
You’re not falling for him. You’re just a nigger tier eastern euro roastie after his money. Also, no timestamp. Fuck off Yulia.
This isn't the time for bullshit for the gullible. Trying to engender reason during a time of high emotion is difficult enough as is.
Be honest with yourself.
Having and raising children that you want is Heaven. Having and raising kids that you don't want is Hell.
Why become a doctor when you can do what you East euro whores do best; steal it? Fucking Gypsy
Do what you want and don't listen to your racist family or the retards in here.
>convince me not to be a whore
Nah, enjoy having 10 iq children
doubt you'll find anyone who cares about what a narcissist kikess does with her life, here
>wanting to be with a shitskin
>t.orthodox balkan dude
Ladies and gentlemen, I present "canadian women" Very loyal to us whites.
personally grew up in Qatar as a expat. Don't do it. it's not gonna go well and be4 you know it you will be in a black tent hobbling around due to the beatings ur gonna get. To mudslimes you are a hole to be conquered or killed and nothing more. considering your white skin and large tits you can bet your bottom oil drenched dollar that you will be a status symbol as a 2nd or 3rd wife. Though since you are considering it in the first place you are probs beyond help desu. On a different note btw, the trucial states & saudi are really fucking boring places to live, there is fuck all to do during the day other than buying expensive tat at large malls. you cant walk about, even more so in saudi as a woman. also I hope you like having thier indian/bangladeshi slave workers stare at ur white skin. You don't have to believe me, im an user online but do trust this. If you go you aint comin back.
And a white woman naturally wants a white husband and white children.
You're thinking about this life. There is only one god and its a Christian god, its Jesus Christ who died for your sins. Muslim god is a literal pedophile who had children sex slaves. Your soul is in hell or purgatory forever, why make that mistake for a short life here on earth? Also read persuasion and infulence books, youre being influenced in ways you probably dont fully understand which can be countered by reading those books. Cialdini influence is a good start.
You will regret it quickly, plain and simple. You will be some inbred shitskins property in the middle of the desert, in a foreign strange world, likely beaten and abused. Is this the kind of life you want?
Everything you take for granted now will be gone. Your family, your freedoms, everything.
Balkans guys are hot. OP is crazy.
Meh. Best guy I’ve met in metropolitan Canada to be honest. Most guys are fuck boys with no desire to settle down or have children. They want to travel, be dog dads... or god forbid they are Hipster liberals. All the orthodox men I’ve met through church are losers with no future prospects. I don’t want to be poor. I think I have a lot to offer a man and the idea of accepting $50K (in Canadian shillings) is unacceptable. Is that so wrong?
OP. First off, do what you feel is right.
Secondly, Yas Forums is never wrong
fakest post I've ever seen ffs
OP you're going to hell for LARPing this hard
Nothing hotter than desperation
tits with timestamp or gtfo
pick one lmao
So you admit, you’re really just after money here lol. If you want to stoop to goldigging, why don’t you just get online and find a rice white guy?
>Is that so wrong?
It's shallow.
What that means is that your desires won't serve you in five or ten years, and much less for the rest of your life.
You are on the road to learn wisdom... through regret.
to guys that actually have sex, this is what is known as sloppy tits
you are an ugly Jewish man and everyone disposes you
>I don’t want to be poor. I think I have a lot to offer a man and the idea of accepting $50K (in Canadian shillings) is unacceptable. Is that so wrong?
Of course you don't, you're a whore lmao. Don't worry, you weren't orthodox in the first place.
Also, what does he look like?
Like to add in addition to my previous comment.
Cons of desert life in general:
No stars at night.
No rain (this will affect you after a few years)
No snow
No seasons beside Hot, Hotter with 100% humidity and Murderously Hot
You will be stared at by literally every non-white person
Arabs are really racist to non arabs, muslim or otherwise, you wont be an equal
Enjoy never seeing your family for a long long time
Enjoy being his literal property
Enjoy never leaving the house.
You are genuinely retarded, go with the Arab, have fun. The world doesn't need you.
>implying implications
This is some effeminate posting, but we're going to need a time-stamp.
>reverse image search
>no results
pls show more pics of your tits i need to coom
You’ve clearly never been to Eastern Europe if the saying “why be a doctor when you can marry one” doest ring a bell.
Hate me all you Want. But we provide A+ Genetics for hard working me. Who want families. I am not the woman who robs you for all your worth. I am the women who has your Children Raises them to be scholars and worships the ground you walk on. This is my culture.
>. With time I realized I wanted to be a woman of the household and have children. Responsibilities of taking care of my family
Your husband will divorce you after 6 years of taking your liberated Canuck feminist bullshit and he'll take your children and there'll be nothing you'll be able to do about it. You'll come back to Canada crying into your parents' extremely-disappointed arms and then be a lonely whore who won't see her children till they're 18.
Don't believe me? Look up all the cases Canada has of Canadian women with mid-eastern husbands who are wanted for kidnapping their children from them. Canadian law can do fuck-all about it.
and this too. Timestamp now plz.
gold digger lmao. you should 100% fuck off to middle east, you have no respect for the volk. its better that you kill off your genetics
dont want to say...but since you guessed it...
Timestamp or gtfo. No shitty photoshop or whatever phone editing software overlays.
You aren't balkan, you're canadian. And you're a whore. Pretending your not just makes it worse.
without timestamp, but still, I'll bite. Nobody cares what you do with your life here, but for sake and honour of your family take a good thinking
What country you from slut?
I pitty the fool who falls In love with you, Americana