The rest of the world is terrified of Trump. TERRIFIED. He's a strong, aggressive, masculine leader and they're not used to that from the USA. They've seen that his business instincts lead him to react perfectly to every crisis, so they decide to hit him with something new. Xi (who stands to benefit the most, since China's great comeback has been utterly defeated thanks to Trump) and the resentful Europeans who don't want to have to pay their bills anymore (thank you Mr. President) have concocted this hoax alongside the Democrat party. When it comes out that there IS no Coronavirus and Trump's economy emerges EVEN STRONGER THAN EVER, he'll be elected to a second term in his sleep. Since his first time was completely compromised by Democrat Mueller fakery, he'll run for a third and the American people will give it to him.
>reducing the debt is more important than going after why college costs so much They're so focused on their own lives. The government never solves a single personal problem well, they should know this. They manage systems not personal problems.
Bentley Bell
America will be Mexico 2.0 by the time your grandchildren are in college.
It really is like the flu. Although the Coronavirus is a different form of virus, it’s identical in who it’s targeting. Only old and sick people die. Hmmmm...sure sounds familiar.
Samuel Allen
No. Biden is the male Hillary. Exact same policies, only he has decades more experience in Washington than she does. Meaning decades more experience advocating the same shitty policies which devastated the rust belt. No way does he win those states.
Colton Jones
>joe wins nomination >admits he has dementia >trump cant call him out, because of ableism
Corn pop was a bad dude, my hairy legs which shined in the sun! Anyway about roaches, and corn pop was a bad dude
Am I dog faced pony soldier or is Biden fucking senile?
Jason Wilson
thank God for women in government.
Jayden Thompson
>America will be ireland 2.0 by the time 1920 gets here!
Alexander Parker
This pede gets it
Jaxon Phillips
>Just found out my mom’s cheating on my dad with another woman hot >Whats the most painful and messy way to kill myself? what do you have to do with it? are you filming or something?
If somebody got elected president on the platform of taking all the money away from billionaires, the billionaires would take their money and leave well before they took office and could pass anything. The money would be gone before you could ever get your dirty commie hands on it.
Anthony Rivera
>Although the Coronavirus is a different form of virus Shareblue ignored
the only important thing about joe's entire campaign is who he chooses as VP he's a strawman, he'll fold out even if he wins he's already admitted as much publicly
Anthony Evans
Bump. Can anyone give me the deets on trumps payroll tax exemption?
yea, during obama there was trillions of dollars sitting off shore just doing nothing. trump was able to get a bunch of that money to come back to america.
People forget that Hillary had high favorable ratings before she ran for president. Then the general election came and those ratings sank like a stone. The same thing will happen to Biden.
Hunter Cook
>QRD on trump’s payroll tax thing
President Trump on Tuesday floated the idea of temporarily doing away with the payroll tax in order to give the U.S. economy a boost as it struggles amid fears over the coronavirus outbreak.
Trump proposed reducing the payroll tax for both employers and employees from 14.4 percent to zero during a lunch with Republican senators where the economic response to the coronavirus was the main subject of conversation.
Ireland population was 15% the population of USA and the government was on the citizens' side. Mexico & South America population outnumbers the US and half the government is on their side.
if trump is fucking capable to develop an effective and safe vaccine in months, he's going to be recognized as god emperor by everyone, including the left. I hope he's investing trillions into it
Austin Reyes
Dude, fuck off and stop asking to be spoon fed
Brayden Cox
ffs fox
Wyatt Morgan
>MSM propaganda that can be edited to include lies from literally anyone That ain't it. Eight more years. Cope
The US will be an amalgamation of Mexico, South Africa and the Middle East. ~70 million niggers projected by 2060. And East Asians, who hate whites as much as the rest and whose loyalties lie with their ancestral homelands, will reach increasingly prominent and powerful roles in society.
I'd run on dismantling the shadow derivative speculation market I'd probably get got within 2 weeks because people aren't even supposed to realize that's what actually underwrites muh "global economy"
Josiah Cox
Trump vs Biden should be a good wrestling promo class.
Yeah, I read that too but am waiting for confirmation. Agreed, dude, I deserve one more than some burger flipping beaner, I pay way more taxes what the fuck.
It's a tax cut that reduces entitlements in the long term, unless Congress just decides to spend the country out of existence anyway.
Jaxon Allen
You're welcome, Mr. President!
Thomas Price
>Trump casually drives the economy to all-time high as seething Democrat hoaxers realize that Coronavirus is literally just the flu - not LIKE the flu; it IS the flu Cope
I used to be a BernieBro in 2016, but it was truly an anti-Hillary vote more than anything, because I hadn't fully redpilled. Ended up voting Trump after he got cucked, she got away with the server thing, and the DNC leaks.
well when you have really solid block of propaganda the tendency is to push it as far as you can
Julian Davis
Who is this semen demon user
Nolan Hughes
who the fuck is Paul Ryan, dude?
Carter Hughes
There will not be 70,000,000 negroes the non Hispanic black population will be declining numerically within 5 years. East Asian and Hispanic growth is tanking right now. In 2003 they were projecting 135,000,000 Hispanics by 2050. Now that has been revised down to 81,000,000. You’re unironically unreasonably black pilled and the picture you posted is of Bridgeport
Jose Moore
Bernie bros spent the last 6 months shitting up Yas Forums and virtue signaling on Twitter instead of trying to reach real people.
taxation is literal theft. and trump is still advocating these people steal from me
Caleb James
Blimpf wants to completely eliminate the payroll tax for wagies in cagies until election day so he gets re-elected
But there's a problem...that's how Blimpf's Boomer Base gets their social security gibs, which >wait a minute, user...I thought both parties raided the fund for those gibs decades ago and now they're stuffed w/ worthless IOUs
Technically, yes, that is the case...but the point still stands that all those shekels need to come from somewhere, which means Blimpf's (((stimulus))) proposal will end up numbering the trillions of shekels
Tell us if you know of other Berniebros that originally voted Trump out of spite but now plan to stick with him. I have no way to read the room with those people.
Brandon Bell
The best thing about Bernie getting trashed by Uncle Touchy is that it proves what a disaster Hillary was, that they'd rather vote for a Jewish communist than her.