You look like retards

You look like retards

you can keep saying shit like "Based" and "Hello based deparment" as a cope but you look like fucking idiots

Attached: cringepol.jpg (2536x957, 610.68K)

based leaf

Attached: 26C2A8F3-B6DF-438C-9274-3966BA4A8A6C.png (433x258, 25.69K)

Attached: osz___size__(1).jpg (687x920, 70.63K)

Oh, Jew...

Attached: 1581907158990.jpg (1024x1022, 77.18K)

Attached: cringe.png (800x702, 758.71K)


Attached: 53e2513f-4fdd-4c66-899b-06716addb47a.jpg (880x500, 94.69K)

Hello based department.

We have an order of toll coming in, it will need to be based.

Attached: 1582370831999.jpg (410x598, 39.54K)

Ok bleeder

Attached: 1570061422612.png (351x395, 31.2K)

Attached: 1566763066150.png (512x512, 4.77K)

Attached: 1566598702186.gif (512x481, 645.6K)

most of these guys look like chads, especially compared to the average leftist

Attached: 7543BE6C-981B-4719-A200-6AFA676F631F.jpg (667x645, 61.11K)

Dudes look based.

Um, yes, hello cringe department?

Attached: BasedCarrotMan.jpg (1056x553, 67.01K)

Attached: 1565482085485.jpg (891x597, 30.53K)

fuck canada

Now post a pic of you and your friends

This is now a laugh at alt right retards thread

Attached: DERAMERKAN.png (1280x853, 2.13M)

They actually look pretty badass and intimidating you filthy kike

Attached: 1385859609552.png (309x433, 40.37K)

>you look like retards

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 5.55.52 PM.png (148x201, 61.67K)

Attached: 1568012299452.gif (79x156, 65.89K)

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Attached: 1571863098514.jpg (785x471, 93.84K)

Upon closer inspection, yes. What is OP up to? Why not post the standard leftist white trash propaganda pictures?

Based and redpilled.
I'm digging the aesthetics and banners.
OP is a fag.

Attached: 1510478703884.jpg (569x803, 497.69K)

>Nigger guy leaves face uncovered
I've never seen such a hard glowing picture before.

Attached: 1464525452836.jpg (676x404, 41.03K)

Now THIS is fedposting! (TM)

Attached: 1513805374953.jpg (1016x1117, 224.8K)

degenerate faggot enablers

This is your average pol retard in a comment section of a video he does not like

Attached: SEETHINGATTHOGDANOF.png (1318x812, 122.43K)

Dude in the middle with a helmet is definitely the clown of the group. Looks like a fun guy to hang out with.

Attached: 1468583895378.jpg (244x207, 9.04K)

Throwback to the first pol retard sighting on HWNDU

Attached: Ruinseffay.jpg (1280x720, 150.31K)

Attached: 1579825785555.jpg (1800x1200, 827.97K)

They look 10x more fit than any /k/ meetup. Guy trying to cosplay Himmler is kinda funny though.
So yeah, let me get the based department on the line.

those guys look pretty fucking normal though

compare to your average antifa gathering

Attached: 1553081138818.jpg (1280x606, 207.54K)

Attached: 1581878684730.jpg (1280x825, 110.55K)

Who do you think took the picture?

Attached: 1566068222915.png (224x224, 3.78K)

man with sunglasses, full red beard, and cig is absolutely based.

Attached: 1404557716232.png (575x597, 170.91K)

These guys look based
Glory to the Gods!

Attached: 5F2D1766-5332-4FA4-989A-447486E70880.jpg (576x1024, 88.23K)

How do I join in the racist meetings? and where do we usually hold them at

Attached: change to hebrew text later.jpg (570x856, 42.28K)

Not enough dildos?

Attached: AntifaRetreat.jpg (1024x773, 156.34K)

>join one
>walk away 360 degrees the moment the glownigger even mentions something illegal
Imagine how much money we could drain the feds if we all did this and wasted their time.

>Radical Agenda

Holy fuck thats a blast from the past

As if this represents everybody here ahahah ...

>how could I forget being introduced to ventis milkers shortly after this

Attached: 1583887653348.jpg (2536x957, 812.29K)

bald faggot in the front is the only one who looks retarded the rest look based

Attached: 1487396659_.jpg (400x400, 30.71K)

they look better than I do, desu
good for them

Attached: 1573555061382.jpg (1024x1024, 80.29K)

>but you look like fucking idiots
oh nooooo lefties and twitter faggots don't LIKE us better change so that lefties like us more, wouldn't want to be embarrassed by leftists

wait, wtf is this picture real? I thought we were all just goofing online about being natsoc, racist, and far right. Are some of you jokers being serious when you say that stuff?

oh forgot to ask are you a chink OP?

Attached: based doggo.webm (568x320, 1.08M)

you a ching chong?

Attached: doggo.webm (720x402, 1.33M)