>Alabama’s Senate passed a bill that would make it a felony for doctors in the state to perform or prescribe gender-altering treatments on children under 19.
>“I just don’t think, and others don’t think, that kids should be given experimental drugs or surgeries that could have irreversible consequences for the rest of their life,” state Sen. Shay Shelnutt, who introduced the bill, said.
>The Republican-led state Senate passed the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act on last week in a 22-3 vote. The bill will now move to the state’s House of Representatives, which has already passed a similar bill.
>“Kids are not fully developed until later in life,” Shelnutt said. “I think we can all agree that kids aren’t capable of making certain decisions until certain ages. And so, we want to just stop these procedures from happening in Alabama.”
>The bill would make performing vasectomies, castrations, hysterectomies, or prescribing puberty blockers to minors a Class C felony, even with parental consent. The felony conviction could be punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
Alabama bans gender surgery and hormone blockers for children
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WTF I love Alabama now.
lefties seeting this year is everything
Based bama
Holy shit. Alabama the state of hillbillies is based as fuck. Hopefully they will not cave in to the pressure from the quack doctors and retards who promote this bullshit lobotomy tier surgery. And hopefully they haven’t caved into planned parenthood and allowed abortion bullshit too.
dear lord, thank you for allowing some semblance of good to emerge in this world. Protect those who are fighting the forces of satan, protect them against the evils brought forth by Judea and the synagogue of satan. forgive everyone on this website of their sins and keep your light and faith burning for all to see. in the name of our lord jesus amen.
I'm just saying if I'm not old enough to buy a beer I shouldn't be allowed to cut of my dick off.
looks like Idaho Bill moved?
trannies BTFO
how are they gonna groom now?
If a countermovement forms against these Good Laws this I think we can start up an Alabama Spring General...
You stole my post.
Wow a non faggot state
Hello?? Based department?!
Based, fuck groomers.
legitimately great news. protect children
leftist tranny cucks BTFO
Fluckin based.
A statement never before even thought of being uttered before 2010. it sounds nonsense but this is a valid statement in 2020
Of course you should have to be at least 18 before having your junk reconfigured. Cutfags need to learn.
Finally some pushback. Watch the leftists wilt at the overwhelming majority being against them. Watch them still pretend their ideology (if it can be called that) is numerically superior.
Should be 21 like with tattoos and piercings. Since transgender surgery is no different than body modifications. Putting gauges in ears, a ring in your nose, beads in your cock, or using anabolic steroids are all just retard nigger tier body modifications. Transgender surgeries are no different there just completely unnecessary and vain.
I'm not even mad bro. I'm legit happy for LSU nation.
Sweet Home, Alabama!
wouldnt it be much easier to just kill of these child psychologists instead?
How long until they ban incest?
>The bill would make performing vasectomies, castrations, hysterectomies, or prescribing puberty blockers to minors a Class C felony, even with parental consent. The felony conviction could be punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
Anyone who does that anyway should be put to death
God bless em'
Fucking finally. I hope the rest of conservative states adopt such measures.
They are based enough to share
thanx brah
Thank fuck someone is doing this.
Based, as always.
Roll Tide.
>Genital surgery on a child because they are transgender is wrong
>But genital surgery on a child because their parents don't like foreskin is okay
> two bad things is better than one bad thing
Don’t count on it. In 2020 even the deepest red states have bent over for the marxists who want to experiment on our children in the name of political correctness. We have reached Orwellian love of degeneracy and no one has enough of a backbone to stand against it in the 21st century. Not even the so called “tough conservative red states”. Never met a right winger in my life whose got the balls to stand up and call out this bullshit for what it is.
fucking great, I know where I'm moving to.
In other states, do parents need to consent to vandalizing their kids' bodies?
Alabama lawmakers stickin up for what's dumb.
It's just annoying to listen to retarded anti-abortion advocates say that babies have rights and it's wrong to hurt them, and retard neocons complain that "cutting up kids dicks to make them a girl" is wrong. Meanwhile they are SO CLOSE to putting two and two together. Yet they never do. And deep red states remain the states with the highest rates of circumcision.
Living in the south, I feel like Im in a perpetual Twilight Zone episode.
Their average IQ is still higher than California, which bans testing blacks, give them some credit.
Based incest state.
Yes. I bet some judges in liberal states like California might go along with emancipating a child who wants to transition, but their parents are not allowing it.
But for the most part, children are considered not capable of making legal decisions on their own. This includes anything involving medical procedures or drugs.
Come to huntsville, we have all the based and redpilled people without the meth.Also a cool baseball team and rockets
You do know that niggers are circumcised too, right? Probably more often than white people since most second generation european families aren't too big on the snip.
Do you make it a habit of not being able to differentiate between demographics, or are you just an idiot?
Circumcision is about keeping the peepee clean though. If you got a foreskin you got a dirty dick. If you been schrooned your dick is clean. That’s how they convince non Jewish people like my parents to circ me and how my parents who were not Jewish to convince me it’s good I got a circumcised and clean peener thus I didn’t question it because every other guy I saw in the shower at high school gym class had theirs snipped So I got my kid snipped too before I became based and red pulled on dick mutilation to please the Jews.
Fucking sucks. Just hope I can save my grand kids.
I refuse to let my kids be put through some kyke shit.
Been planning to move to huntsville for a year now, just waiting to get my uni bachelor degree and move to the land of the free again.
No fuck off we're full traffic is getting fucking stupid. Plus we glow in the fucking dark. We are about to be the #2 hub for the FBI when they get done moving 3000 personnel here...
Based inbreeds.
Did you wash your dick? Just asking.
It’s too late for so many of us though. We are scarred golems for life. All circed and into so much debt that we will never pay it back this must slave away for the debtors for life.
I wonder if the way the nervous system develops after the penile mutilation is how they create the perfect wage slaves. I never could figure out how EVERYONE even the completely non Jewish Christian people push for this shit so hard just cuz it’s “cleaner”.
lol kys 565 fag, traffic is fine.
cousins aren't inbreeding
Based bamaslamma
as usual, legislators have to step in where medical associations have failed to police themselves
Bama is so fucking based. I'm moving there
Finally sanity in America from... Ala fuckin bama?? Way to go Alabama wow
Bro it sucks, but getting this bent out of shape about it isn't healthy, nor will it bring your foreskin back. Most you can do is to not let it become a tradition in your family.
Yes. Do you have to make any sort of extra effort to clean your dick? Are foreskin issues actually a thing? Have you known people who have had issues?
Watch the video I profided, you can try to restore it. The puritans wanted less masturbation so they ruin the sensitivity of your dick.
You must live east of the arsenal or you are used to Atlanta traffic or some shit. Compared to 5 years ago traffic is shit and with all the growth it's going to be shit for years until the construction catches up.
Also good luck buying a house in a good school district right now. Inventory is low as shit. If you're young with no kids buy a house in the ghetto of north Huntsville. It's like ghetto-lite compared to a real city but the houses are dirt cheap because the nog schools are...nog schools...
Every time I took a bath.
But I think a lot of parents snip their sons because Jews first of all. Second of all they probably think poop will get inside the foreskin when their baby gets a dirty diaper.
Been brainwashed most of my life. It feels so bad man to be scarred and realize that it was just some completely barbaric practice that scarred me. Sure I don’t remember it. But I did it to my kid. Realized how barbaric it was then. He probably won’t remember. But it might be why I live with serious ADHD issues today and he might also. It fucks with your CNS for life. And probably why they do it because it makes you into a golem. Might be why we are slowly getting more and more ok with genital mutilation and taking it so far as to try to turn males into females and shit.
Abortion, circumcision, and transgender is the worlds greatest evils.
Jokes on them. I was still a coomer
What a joke, SRS isnt a treatment its fucking body mutilation
>>The bill would make performing vasectomies, castrations, hysterectomies, or prescribing puberty blockers to minors a Class C felony, even with parental consent. The felony conviction could be punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
But not circumcision??
This heroic law is a huge victory for trans rights. It came too late to save this young trans woman from the evil villains who mutilate children. History will view the child mutilators as more evil than doctors who performed lobotomies.
About fucking time. What the fuck are we doing?
I highly highly doubt there were any trans surgeons in Alabama and HRT is easily available online for cheaper than prescription usually.
2010: Avant garde joke
2020: Controversial political stance
2030: ???