What the fuck is going on?

He's promising free college, free healthcare and he's still losing to a man with actual dementia.

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>free college, free healthcare
nothing is ever free, retard.

Attached: retard_alert.png (491x342, 170.73K)

>muhh dementia
>implying Joe isn't BASED


Older people are wise to commie bullshit

you're lying you dog faced pony raper

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its democrats comiting party suicide
biden cant beat trump
nothing to see here

Well, your people are to blame.

College and healthcare are already free if you'r not white

>free college, free healthcare
not free, socialised. In other words you pay for it FOR LIFE whether you use it or not. EVERY... DAMN... YEAR...

Like us in Canada

after slavery, many former slaves went back to the plantation just to work

with jews you lose

I think it really boils to the fact that Hillary/Harris/Warren supporters and centrists in general REALLY don't like Bernie, so they're going for the next available option.

keep sucking billionaire cock lmao

The establishment prefers Biden. That's all you need to know.

That's not true.

People realize that people with dementia are more grounded in reality then socialists?

The only IRL person I know who unironically likes Bernie is my fatass SJW 20-something-majoring-in-social-work niece. Everyone else, even the stupid niggers, can see he’s an absolute fruitcake and his ideas are pie-in-the-sky retarded.

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>implying communism isn't for the demented as well

>people with dementia are more grounded in reality then socialists?
No, no...socialists are very grounded...because their parents punished them and sent them to their rooms!

Maybe that old kike Bernie should have understood that the free shit he's pitching won't be free for the 99% who don't care about it.

Pandering to fringe groups always ends in defeat, and democrats have to keep learning this over and over again.


Kek the primary is rigged by the democratic establishment machine and the media will cover it up.
You really think Hillary beat Sanders in Cali in 2016? heh
Probably a dozen or more various types of voter fraud, people spend hundreds of millions rigging presidential elections

Bernie just comes off as a mean crotchety old man, Biden reminds me of a lovable grandpa.
Neither makes good president material though so I'm voting Trump


>major party presidential candidates both have signs of dementia
Who cares about your communist who can't do math. We're fucked either way, but at least the debates will be hilarious.

>his ideas are pie-in-the-sky retarded.

>rest of the world considers him moderate


And you wonder why your support base doesn’t grow

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hairy legs

He never explains how he plans do what he wants.

Why is this so hard for you morons to understand? People on the government teet don't want more people on the teet. The only reason ACA passed is because it was done surreptitiously.
Axlerod: Smart Jew. You people: Absolute morons.

>Biden can't beat Trump!

Well, Bernie can't beat Biden, so how does he have a chance of beating Trump?

>literally forcing it through blind because agenda
Pick one.

But it's true enough that the Bernie platform isn't as appealing to niggers as it is to white kids who got fucked up the ass by boomers

the brains of niggers...cmon corona do your magic


you had criminal running in the previous elections and rigged primaries and you still dont get it?

'democratic party' my ass

day trades get a very small tax added on. this adds up to alot of fucking money. other countries do this without issue.

thas rite!

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Boomers don't want that and niggers don't care.

Joe is a CIA agent taking care of Bernie the easy way.

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looking at the AP counts right now I'm kinda thinking it's ogre

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>tax traders
>huge percentage sell stocks and move to foreign markets
>us market collapse
great plan

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>rob workers, give to deadbeat zoomers
That's a tough sell.

the only retards who think bernie's promises are feasible are zoomers- the smallest voter base in america

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People know he is a full of shit jew so they chose a boomer retard with dementia instead.

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very small tax. less than a percent. those faggots wont even notice or care.

i mean fuck trump put a 20% tariff on imports and no one gave a fuck, just absorbed it and moved on business as usual.

That's not how stocks work bud lol

He's coppin' a feel off that little girl! See. he's cupping her breast.
And I've seen a lot of these, with Joe perving on some poor kid, adults too.
Why hasn't he been arrested yet?

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>Why hasn't he been arrested yet?

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What’d yah mean ‘you people’

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