Tons of food

>Tons of food
>Cleaning supplies fully stocked
>Literally not a single roll of toilet paper in the whole store

Fuck, guess I'm wiping with paper towel.

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just accept a crusted over butthole

Have you checked the Luxury Toilet Paper section?

>doesn't have a bidet


I'll hop in the shower if I have to

I live in a small farming town far from civilization. We have no luxury toilet paper section.

I'm really tempted to buy one now

Just use water from sink or shower and soap if you have it. Its better hygiene than TP and cost less.

>he actually buys/needs toilet paper

I haven't owned toilet paper for 5+ years. Saved a ton of money. I just simply shower my anus after a dumper. 1-2 times a week do I shit max.

Life easy. Why make hard

i know where you are.

you need to see a doctor if youre only shitting twice per week

Don’t flush kitchen roll, it clogs the sewers up because it doesn’t break up like toilet paper.

Get a bidet or use tissues dummy

Not everyone needs to shart every 2 hours, burger

What the fuck do the normies see in toilet paper that we're not? WHY IS IT ALL THEY ARE BUYING

>1-2 times a week do I shit max

What the fuck?

Also hopping in the shower every time may save you a few cents but how much time and water do you waste?

im near st catherines ontario, how did are we from the coronavirus and the niggers that can't stop visting toronto everyday?

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You need 28 grams of fibre a day you fucking idiot

everyone needs to shit every 2 days, even mountain kikes

I don't know what started it but people buying it up definitely causes more people to buy it up.


You people posting this are retarded. They have more in the back.
My store looked like that and I asked the manager.



It’s called Amazon

You can literally order TP you normie

If you needed more proof than electing Trudeau twice that Canadians are fucking retards.

Hurr durr

no, but if you are. i hope you are ready.

t. nick

Sure, the store has more in the back but they only want to sell them to people who ask!

If they had more in the back they would be stocking it instead of stocking cookies and chips like when I was there.

NPC programming is funny.

Oh I'm ready, Nick

Do t act like you've never shared. Everyone has.

toilet paper is purchased at extremely consistent rates, takes up a lot of space, and is relatively low margin. stores will adjust their orders and toilet paper will be readily available again in a week or two, same for disinfectants and anything else retards are hoarding for no good reason.

stop posting pictures like you did in op. you need to protect your family identity


Just use a bidet you uncultured barbarian.

Oh no some randos on the internet will know what town I live in.

Truly devastating.

Use an old corn cob. That's how they used to do it

friendly reminder to not shake east indians hands.

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Is it just nonwhites hording TP to sell to other nonwhites overseas?

Nothin' healthier than a Mart shart, as they say

We have few non-whites living here.

its not the random people you need to worry about.
do you forget where you are posting?

You're a funny fuckin guy.

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I think this edit sounds pretty appropriate.

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Then how I will whore myself out for resources?

I have not seen a cod war tier absence of anything in Ontario so far thank Tengri

every nofrills looks the same you idiot.

Get wet wipes they're even better than toilet paper.

That's because it's Canada. EVERY store I've been in has full stocks of toilet paper.

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>Fuck, guess I'm wiping with paper towel.
Most of the paper towels in my area are wiped out as well.

Guess I'm wiping my ass with facial tissues.

I want to buy all this shit on Canada but I don't know if it'll actually get shipped to me or not. Does Amazon has a warehouse near Canada? Does it come from Canada? Will I actually receive any of this?

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why does every Canadian thread turn into a sodomy thread

We have a lot of Amazon warehouses. Are you asking if it might be contaminated? Just spray it with alcohol before touching


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Sodomy is insanely hot when you don't have a foreskin.

yes but i know this is the one because i was there earlier this week. there are also a number of specific things about this store that i see in op picture.

op also stated
>I live in a small farming town far from civilization
its not hard to connect the dots, i did.
and if op is who i think he is, he has my number and can call me to confirm.

the other day I got drunk and ordered a prostate massage from amazon
I forgot about it until it showed up at my house
I have mixed feelings about it

kek better buy it now if you need, they are selling out in my area

>not just squatting, pooping, and using your hand + water to clean
shiggy, indians win again :)

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This level of fake news should be illegal. Part of me thinks part of the hype is to legally dump stocks and create a recession in an attempt to sabotage orange man and make money while doing it

idk, i ordered stuff from the other day. what use my money gonna be if i die anyways, so i risked it.

I'm not worried about that. I can easily spray everything. I just want it to actually show up.

Also I just reading through the info on these lights and found they're lying about the watts actually used by the lights (false-advertising "equivalent watts" bullshit) so I'm not buying either of those two, going to keep searching...

I don't understand why people are buying so much toilet paper. I have one of those shower heads you can clip on and off and gave it a whirl the other day... fuck.. might not ever use toilet paper again after that!


WTF? Just get some 3' florescent shop lights w/ a mix of warm & cool bulbs. That's 80w of light for ~$10.

I went into my walmart today and its fully stocked. A few canned goods where low but nothing I haven't seen before. The only thing I couldn't find was hand sanitizer which was sold out but one of the employees found one in one of the grey plastic boxes they get sorted goods in. Either pol is full of shit or the panic is mostly city based.

You can get ones that bolt onto a standard toilet pretty cheap.

I completely agree. Not that I have any love for Trump but it's clear they're latching onto this to make things uncomfortable for him. Part of it is deserved tho - I don't think he's handling it well either (finally an excuse to close the fucking borders you faggot). It will be hilarious though if he's right and Corona slacks off by May or so and the DJIA is back close to 30k. If that happens then they'll still be desperationposting about "all the new cases" in some other country's backwater shithole and look even more impotent and stupid.

people are retarded

its more likely a stock shortage as the good are being shipped else where. much like the cloth masks did.

what has me concerned is the disappearing cold medicine that is suddenly (((out of stock)))

Use wet wipes you dirty baxter.

Which state? According to my brother people are starting to buy out all the toilet paper and cleaning supplies here in Ohio

What viruses share the same infection methods as nCov? We could save ourselves by using medications that prevent those particular viruses from infecting.

Some Costcos in the area actually had no toilet paper. I’m started to get concerned about my ass

>wipes ass with dry paper
>walks around with smelly ass
>will mock anyone who uses water - the natural and superior method
>"kek this fag is washing his ass with water wat a fag"

Yep. You're an atypical American alright.


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apparently the aids virus medicine worked very well for some.

he's a leaf

My boomer dad was so pissed about the Chinese government saying that 3M factory in China is going to be keeping all production in China because they need masks and shit. I was like "well, they give a shit about their people. If it was some chink factory here in the US making shit I'd hope our dumbass government would do the same thing and not cuck to the 'free market'. At least their government cares about their people."

Is literally gay

your boomer dad uses the word cuck like that?

Is your town whiter than this?

(Most of the 55 are dutch and german)

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>reading comprehension
That was my response, paraphrased, which the original did not contain the word "cuck", I think the phrase I actually used was "bitch out".

>why hoard TP is such an...

I asked the guy working at BJs he said it’s the chinks. The bugmen are hoarding the TP. When i spoke to my mom she said they don’t need food because they’re eating alley cats.

I only skimmed your post, my mistake


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>spreading fecal material all over your sink area is better

Damn, you up in Nunavut or something?

and all are elderly.

they aren't flushable, retard

Sodomotes BTFO

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This seems like way better lights at a better price, will just put two in each tier.

Are you trying to imply you would rather live with non-whites than older white people?